#*archer heart (kagome higurashi)*
heartsacrosstime · 2 months
@lcstsons (Seto)
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"...It's Kagome. Ka-Go-Me. Is it so hard to just call me by first name, Seto?"
At this point, he is just doing it to piss her off, a typical behavior for a guy like him. It was to get back at her for 'daring' to call him by his first name. Sure, he may be her 'boss' technically when it came to babysitting his brothers, but she was his classmate first before he decided to drop out of school to focus on running Kaiba Corporation. Whether or not he saw their relationship that way, she still considered him a friend, a sentiment she still held true to this day despite what horrible things he did in the past.
However, that doesn't mean her patience or tolerance to his attitude is infinite. No, she was getting rather tired of it. Perhaps he was still salty she actually managed to beat him in that duel, a duel he challenged her too cause he didn't 'trust her strength' to babysit Mokuba and Motoki. Regardless, her intentions by coming to Seto Kaiba's office after both of his brothers were asleep weren't for herself, but for someone else altogether because from what she's seen, she couldn't sit quiet about it any longer.
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"As to why I'm here, I came here to talk about Motoki. From what I can piece together, there's a...rift between him and you and Mokuba. I want to know why that is." That much was evident by the kid's behavior, yet the most telling sign is he wasn't wearing the card-shaped lockets Seto and Mokuba did. She then takes a step forward then, putting her hands on his desk as she leans over to get closer to his face.
"And before you try to tell me to stay out of your 'family business', remember that you're the one who hired me to watch after your brothers. Doing so requires more than just playing with them and making sure they're doing their homework. It also means I look out for their emotional well-being, and...it's pretty apparent Motoki's upset because you seemingly keep ignoring him."
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kaigashi · 3 years
everyone’s story is important. / psa.
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FRIENDLY REMINDER. i love the inutachi / inugang with my whole heart and still firmly believe kagome to be a MAJOR protagonist because we’re legitimately following her narrative and at the end, with the jewel being destroyed by her, her arrow ending naraku / dispelling miasma that would have ruined everything?
 that i’m only just following her narrative. one that sadly gets ignored or devalued and she gets mistaken very...very poorly as ‘weak’. which is a mistake. and one MANY characters pay for. naraku the most consistent, until it’s his life.
 i do not think kagome is ‘superior’ to any character. i do not think any other character’s narrative is ‘less important’. but i will give kagome the respect she deserves as a manga / anime protagonist and someone who has solid, realistic trials a hero would go through. that does not mean i’m not saying inuyasha nor miroku nor sango nor shippo don’t have their arcs and are lesser heroes. but i think it’s a disservice to simply call her a ‘reincarnation’ of someone she is not and again, kikyou’s narrative is insanely important also because it’s...really morally grey? and so interesting! i just think it’s neat that we are listening to kagome’s words about this story. following her point of view! and that says a lot. 
also? kagome is fifteen most of the series. she’s only 18-19 later endgame. so she reacts like a 15 year old would but with insane levels of maturity. she is arguably one of THE most powerful characters in terms of spiritual power that surpasses...really everyone, and canonly her own past life, or why else do you think kikyou trusted so much? also i read that tidbit that kagome’s powers are greater but kikyou’s experience is greater when someone asked rumiko on their power levels. honestly guys i’m nothing if not honest and not making this up to prop kagome. this is just stuff i have read and researched. it isn’t to put her down! kikyou had an insane job as well and did more than anyone could expect of her. but yes she’s...in terms of power spiritually really...unlike anyone else’s save likely midoriko but their parallels are on purpose. we don’t know the extent of kagome’s spiritual power, but we know it has challenged and won not for contest, but simply because her soul is so massive and she is unable to be thwarted when it counts. so again, to say she’s ‘weak’ when she’s a walking nuke is...not the best take imo! or accurate whatsoever.
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infinite means ‘limitless’ or literally without end or limits. meaning kagome’s potential to grow into her absurdly immense power as a miko / priestess / archer is something to consider because she can never stop getting better basically. it’s also interesting to consider that kikyou is the first person to comment in the manga and acknowledge how lethal kagome is to naraku by saying, ‘it seems YOU, kagome, are the greatest obstacle. ‘ 
of course the anime / sunrise really dislikes kagome’s narrative and waters her down horribly for being such a great anime? i mean i think we all agree it does a lot...of things dirty. so naturally you never see this unless you read! which is okay if you didn’t, but sunrise did kagome’s hero narrative and her actual capability ...dirty for the sake of love triangle drama. which all three didn’t deserve! because i love all three’s narratives!
basically kagome is a hero, kagome took down the villain with an impossible shot in contrast to how it started in the beginning with missing and that’s...really a constant and naraku has shown consistent dread and precautious measures over kagome, that is just a fact.,she is insanely overpowered as a priestess but not better than anyone else nor is your character’s narrative LESS than hers nor is hers less than YOURS. but to ignore her narrative to me, because she’s fifteen and never fought before until falling into the well is just..not something i’m going to do. but respecting your muses value and how inuyasha the series would be nothing without  ANY OF them is the same as me saying we would be pretty in trouble without kagome herself. same modes! i just wanted to really emphasize how important it is to respect these characters outside ships and for the narratives they bring.
kagome higurashi alone? just happens to be a hero’s narrative. to me that’s  very plain and nothing i posted was meant to ‘snub’ or ‘disrespect’ any other character with equal value. sunrise may have watered her down, but from her interviews with her as the focal point and her capabilities and deeds that are clearly heroic ... i just won’t do that.  nothing about powers or abilities or anything i posted wasn’t something i made sure and saved for reference for myself to do as best i can as kagome! so please don’t think i’m looking down on any character. especially kikyou because that is a legitimate question someone asked rumiko takahashi and she answered it realistically. power vs experience and both are extremely important. 
anyway i hope you guys know my intentions to honor everyone even characters that are not the main heroes are absolutely intact and you are always welcome to talk to me about them. but please don’t underestimate kagome to raise another up. we can respect everyone without putting another down. anyway thank you for reading. it’s just important that you know i respect everyone, but i want kagome to have that same respect even if she isn’t your favorite. 
tl;dr: lily is straightforward about kagome’s abilities, narrative...but also wants you to know your character’s are NO LESS VALUABLE OR IMPORTANT as she is! and she will always try to honor that. thanks for your time eats a waffle...
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kagomiko · 4 years
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real name : higurashi kagome  /  日暮ひぐらし かごめ . single or taken : timeline dependent , single  /  married . abilities or powers : her most noteworthy ability is her immense spiritual power , which she inherited from kikyo . kagome can also perform spiritual energy projection , which has said spiritual energy concentrated in the palms of her hand & ultimately released for offensive purposes . kagome is also capable of spiritual reflection , wherein her opponents spiritual energy is thrown back at them . another key skill is kagome’s innate spiritual awareness , which allows her to perceive or sense unwordly things such as ghosts , spirits or demonic auras . illusion & demonic immunity is another natural ability ; she upholds it effortlessly due to her aforementioned immense spiritual power , in addition to her usually being free of negative emotions . purification is one of her more developed skills ; kagome is able to purify malevolent forces , such as demonic energy or miasma . she does this by releasing pure spiritual energy , which she constantly releases unconsciously , however its far more powerful when concentrated through tools like her arrows . infamously known for her miraculous ability to time travel , kagome is able to travel between modern day & feudal japan . additionally , she is immune to any time-stopping spells , as she has a flow of time unique to her . last but not least , archery . kagome’s extensive travels throughout a warrning country helped shaped her into a fair marksman & archer . eye colour : brown . hair colour : black . family members : mother anka higurashi , younger brother sota higurashi , grandfather , husband inuyasha , daughter moroha , brother-in-law sesshomaru , sister-in-law moe , nieces setsuna  /  towa  /  mei . pets : her family cats name is buyo . she’s a female calico . the name buyo seems to be from the japanese onomatopoeia of a squishing noise which can also mean flabby or squishy .
something they don’t like : injustice , discrimination , rainy days , artificial flowers , white feminism , math , hypocritical behaviour , breaking in shoes , bad hygiene . hobbies/activities : writing ❪ in her journal most actively , but also poetry , short stories & novels ❫ , calligraphy , ikebana , herbalism , cooking , skating , bicycling , archery , swimming , & embroidery  /  sewing  /  knitting  /  stitching  . ever hurt anyone before : by nature , kagome is a kindhearted , compassionate & benevolent individual . that said , she does have a strong sense of justice & never hesitates to rise against those oppose her beliefs . she chooses her battles , but fights hard , especially when she’s fighting someone whose hurt her friends or family . prior to falling in love with inuyasha , she had little to no genuine moments of selfishness or greed . it wasn’t until she wanted him so strongly that we begin to see more relatable behaviour from kagome , especially in regards to her complicated relationship with kikyo . additionally , one could argue that her repeated indifference has hurt hojo on more than one occasion . animal that represents them : butterly . the butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals , symbolizing powerful  /  personal transformation , metamorphosis in your life , renewal  /  rebirth , lightness of being , playfulness , elevation from earthly matters , tuning into emotional or spiritual energy , & the world of the soul . worst habits : overworking , not getting enough sleep , having a huge to-do list , daydreaming , extensive inner-monologues , & exclusively in regards to her respective relationships with inuyasha & sota , losing her temper .
role models : first & foremost , her mother . they’ve always had a very healthy , respectful & loving relationship . when kagome’s father died , her mother was still pregnant with sota . being thrust into a such harsh reality was horrific for all those involved , but nevertheless , her mother , anka , continuously put her best foot forward & solidified herself with breathtaking resolve . kagome saw firsthand how her mother held things together for their family , built a new life for them , & continued to be a beacon of unconditional love & support throughout the entirety of her life . another significant role model for kagome is aung san suu kyi , who campaigned for democracy in burma . she became the first state counsellor of myanmar & was awarded a nobel peace prize for her non-violent struggels for democracy & human rights . kagome also admires audrey hepburn , a beloved actress who is revered not only for her acting skills but also her philanthropic work as a unicef ambassador . she led a life devoted to kindness & compassion while being a phenomenal mother , wife & humanitarian . sexual orientation : undetermined , potentially pansexual . thoughts on marriage/kids : kagome has always been a lover of love . growing up she never particularly ached or yearned for a significant other , nor does she feel the need to define herself by her romantic affairs , but she still finds love in all of its forms to be a beautiful , magical thing . she has no opposition for marriage , but carries a multitude of ambitions for her future & never held marriage as a significant priority when picturing her life . on the subject of children , kagome adores them ! she has very strong , innate maternal instincts , & can definitely finds a sense of fulfillment in nurturing the spiritual growth of children . she does want to be a mother , but it is one of many wishes for her future , & again , not a main priority . to be happy , healthy & able to give  /  receive love is what she thinks is most important .
style preferences : kagome has long since held a considerably girly fashion sense , while regularly teetering between a modest & more playful style . her wardrobe primarily consists of dresses & skirts . kagome has a particular fascination for snug sweaters & bulky cardigans that envelop her whole . she loves all colours but typically wears pastels , pinks & blues in her day-to-day . she also often wears wedge heels , moccasins or loafers . approach to friendships : notwithstanding her personal experiences with bullying when she was younger , kagome maintained a levelheaded demeanour in life , with school being no exception . she treats all with fairness & respect . kagome will normally stay to her usual group of friends , but will never hesitate to branch out to someone , should the situation call for it .even if she doesn't say a word , her feelings are known to be easy to read due to her honest expressions , which generally cause those around her to soften in tough situations & consequently be honest in return .
thoughts on pie : loves pie , especially homemade . can bake it herself but prefers her mothers . favourite drink : ice water & green tea ❪ jasmine , sencha , matcha , genmaicha & hojicha are a few favourites ❫ . favourite place to spend time at : kagome is a firm believer of the  ❛  it’s not about the place , it’s about the company  ❜  way of seeing things . however , she does have a fondness for the sacred tree  /  the forest of inuyasha . also, while she doesn’t actually go back to visit , she does have a special place in her heart for her old family home from before they moved to the shrine , as she has many memories of time there with her father .
swim in the lake or in the ocean : the ocean . their type : kagome has never found herself drawn to a particular type , at least not in regards to appearances . what is essential to her in a significant other , is a good heart . it’s not required that she agrees with them on every matter , but she needs to be able to accept & respect their point of view . if she can’t , if their heart  /  beliefs  /  values oppose her defined sense of justice in any way , she won’t overlook it . while that is most important , she may also be interested in adventurers ; people with great ambition & drive , people who are wanting to better themselves &  /  or better the world . camping or indoors : so , whilst traversing between modern day & sengoku jidai , she did unearth a newfound love & appreciation for the beauty of nature . however , as she often spent extensive periods of time outdoors , it also made her appreciate the everyday indulgences one can access through means such as indoor plumbing , electricity , hot water , etc . of course as said before , so long as the company is good , she will make the most of whatever situation she’s in , but in this instance she sees the value in either choice . everything in moderation , really .
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𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 : @7theaven​ ! thank u sm sweetheart i loved this . 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 : @senpujin​ , @slaheir​ , @devilreno​ , @ofmsfortune​ , @warriorhe​ , @balynce​ , @ymagishi​ , @bkugs​ , @innosen​ , @drakenskies​ , @tofiorire​ , @crimsonacrosstime​ , @puppet-slayer​ , @daikusedai​ , @conflictedhanyou​ & whoever else is interested !
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shoalfoodblog · 5 years
Defined as the light of the sun that is reflected back into space by the Earth, and which can illuminate other objects such as the Moon.
So I am not a writer and I have no clue what entity possessed me last night, but I began to write my first ever fanfiction? Who knows?? I’m just going with it. I’ll maybe continue to write small chapters, but really I have no clue and I’m just riding this weird-ass wave as far as it’ll take me. 
Sesskag, for reasons. Not to be taken seriously at any point. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
She could do this. She was an independent, modern woman armed with the tenacity of a bone saw and a stubborn streak so long you could tie a cargo ship to harbor three times over. Just because she’d never done this before did not mean she could not do it. She would just have to rely on her many…charms to work in her favor.
…what were those again?
With an undignified harrumph, Kagome made a mental list. She was at least pretty. See, everyone was always saying how much she looked like Kikyo, and Kikyo was incredibly beautiful, so by that logic she should at least be in the passably attractive camp.
One point.
Secondly, she was adaptable. Being in uncomfortable situations was something she knew well, even thrived in. How many times had she been thrust into an unpredictable scenario only to come out on top in the end? Armed with only her wits, a few lucky shots, and hardy denial of her own embarrassment to aid her?
And luck! Definitely a third point. She was lucky. She may not be the most skilled archer, but she could hit the mark when it counted! Her powers, woefully untrained, would burst out of her when she needed them most. She’d meet just the right people at exactly the right time when their group was stuck on their quest, leading them to their next clue.
She also wasn’t dead yet, and by every metric she could come up with, the odds declared that she should be.
Fourthly. She was a powerful (though undisciplined) time traveling miko who helped save the world. That had to count for something.
She, Kagome Higurashi, was going to use everything she could draw upon to engage in a full out war. Not one of bloodshed and territories, but one of sensuality and power. A war of seduction.
Seduction. It sounded so…adult. And she was an adult, more-so in this era than in her own. Here, she could even be considered an old maid, though hopefully most people would think she looked mature instead of matronly.
After returning to the Sengoku Jidai, following the three year break when the well stopped working, Kagome had leapt to the past hoping to rekindle a romance with the dog-eared crush of her youth. But the rose colored goggles that her 15-year-old self viewed the world through were gone. The stakes of their quest and the drama surrounding their mission, had painted the young hanyou in a heroic, dreamy light. She remembered him as the dashing, triumphant man she believed to be everything she could ever want.
But then she grew up.
And when she saw him again, she really saw him. Without the girlish filter of infatuation she viewed him through in the past. Instead, Inuyasha was…flawed. How everyone was flawed, but also in ways Kagome found entirely unacceptable and really, really unsexy.
And he wasn’t really any different from how he was before, but now she noticed things.
Like how he would scratch himself in public. Or yell whatever came into that head of his, no matter how inappropriate it was. He was still a dreadful communicator, and didn’t seem to exhibit a lot of drive to better his interpersonal skills.
And he was pissy.
Kagome felt a lot of secondhand embarrassment when she was around Inuyasha these days, not because she was ashamed he was a half demon or anything like that, simply because he was totally and dreadfully immature.
This was not a partner she’d be able to grow with. Not someone who would challenge her in the ways she needed, because she knew she was pig-headed, and if she didn’t respect her partner there was no way he’d be able to sway her mind or get her to compromise. Plus, Inuyasha’s grooming habits and body language left her slightly repulsed by the idea of kissing him, let alone having sex with him.
He was still a wonderful friend. One who’d shared countless hardships with her. One who’d supported her to the best of his abilities. But he wasn’t her romantic fixation any longer.
Two years had gone by since she’d come to that realization. She now split her time between her two eras, setting up a small home near the well for easy transport. She was 20 years old, a shrine maiden in the modern era, and a miko in the past who taught children and cured the sick with her “magical remedies.” She didn’t travel around the country much anymore, promising her mother she’d settle down and live a safe life.
That apparently meant she would live a painfully single life as well.
With a sigh she continued to weed the small patch of herbs by her home. She kept half an eye on a few of the village children who were playing nearby, making sure they hadn’t killed each other with sticks yet. Rin was amongst the youths, giving as good as she got.
The problem was there weren’t exactly droves of new potential romantic interests swarming shrines for the chance of scooping up a future bride. Most men in her era were boring and would consider her time travel stories enough to diagnose clinical insanity. Also she really only new a handful of men in the feud era. Miroku was happily married to Sango, with three lovely children. Inuyasha was never going to happen. Koga was handsome but needed a major attitude adjustment PLUS he had Ayame. Shippo was her baby. And she couldn’t help but feel like she’d be settling if she wound up with one of the local village men. And Kagome was tired of settling.
Kagome wanted more.
And maybe that was selfish. But she thought she deserved to be a little selfish after all the shit the universe had pulled on her.
She wanted someone mature, exciting. Someone who could show her something new. Someone with a brain. Someone who was a challenge. Someone who would make sure she didn’t remain a virgin for her entire life.
As she swept the sweat from her brow, a truth settled in her heart. She wouldn’t dally with boys any longer. She would find herself a man and she would take him.
“Miko.” A baritone voice addressed her. “I trust my ward has been kept safe in your care.”
Well, maybe not a ‘man’ per se.
“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.” she replied with a half smile.
And with that she gazed up at the regal demon lord blocking her sun and set her course. Yes. Kagome wanted more.
So why not have the most.
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vraelgard · 4 years
Happy August everyone - it’s almost time for Halloween! This one is a teensy bit late, but we’re back at it with another activity check, and you know what that means. We’ve searched through the masterlist, and while we didn’t find any treasure, we did find some people to be inactive whether from not making enough posts to meet the requirement, or not posting recently enough. You can see our clarification post here (and please check the rules page) if you’re unsure what counts as “meeting activity”!
If you find your muse on this list wrongfully, please let us know and we’ll fix that right away! Otherwise, feel free to send us a message of intent to re-app within 24 hours and you’ll be able to pick them back up no problem - if you miss that grace period, your muse will be up for grabs. Please note that if this is the second consecutive activity check you’ve been caught up in, you’ll have to wait one week before you’re allowed to reapp. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask, and we’ll answer as quickly as we can, as always. 
For the 24 hours following this post, the masterlist and housing list will stay the same just to avoid shuffling like crazy, and with all the names on this list there’s sure to be some housing adjustments! (Which is a great time to remind everyone that once you reach Commoner rank, one month of activity, you get a Travel Vista which will allow you to move to Blackgrove, or anywhere else you’d like!) If you have any housing concerns once the list is updated, just let us know and we’ll see what we can do.
As always, thank you everyone for your continued support and activity, and look forward to our upcoming event! It’s gonna be a real hoot as the kids say.
✎ Xevin.
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Kaname Date (AI: The Somnum Files)
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Marshal (Animal Crossing)
Raymond (Animal Crossing)
Luka Redgrave (Bayonetta)
Edea Lee (Bravely Default)
Isaac (Castlevania) 
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role)
Kaede Akamatsu (Danganronpa)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa)
Komaeda Nagito (Danganronpa)
Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)
Rantaro Amami (Danganronpa)
Toko Fukawa (Danganronpa)
Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer) 
Dante Sparda (Devil May Cry)
Yui Komori (Diabolik Lovers)
Emiya [Archer] (Fate)
G'raha Tia (Final Fantasy)
Minfillia Warde (Final Fantasy)
SEPHIROTH ba ba ba baaaa SEPHIROTH (Final Fantasy)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy)
Ysayle Dinkleberg (Final Fantasy)
Byleth Eisner (Fire Emblem)
Claude von Riegan (Fire Emblem)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiydiddy (Fire Emblem)
Dorothea Arnault (Fire Emblem)
Leonie Pinelli (Fire Emblem)
Robin [F] (Fire Emblem)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Kite (Hunter x Hunter)
Doppo Kannonzaka (Hypnosis Mic)
Harai Kuko (Hypnosis Mic)
Ichiro Yamada (Hypnosis Mic)
Yumeno Gentaro (Hypnosis Mic)
Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
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Orianna Reveck (League Of Legends)
Link [BotW] (The Legend Of Zelda)
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Kotone Shiomi (Persona)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona)
Tohru Adachi (Persona)
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona)
Ahiru (Princess Tutu)
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Oscar Pine (RWBY)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Son Goku (Saiyuki)
Titus Ram (The Seven Princes of the Thousand Year Labyrinth)
Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper ...sly cooper)
Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
Joshua Kiryu (The World Ends With You)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Shiki Misaki (The World Ends With You)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn To [DEMONITIZED])
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Zen Kubota (Zanki Zero)
Zeno (Zatch Bell)
Junpei ...you know. (Zero Escape)
Phi (Zero Escape)
Snake (Zero Escape)
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heartsacrosstime · 2 months
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For: @lcstsons Only the tagged blog may reblog!
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heartsacrosstime · 11 months
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"Wow! You did such a good job on your test, Inu! Much better than your last one!" She speaks with pride as she sees the improved score. It wasn't a top mark, but she wasn't exactly the best in class either. Still, she was proud of him for all the hard work he put in and how that hard work paid off, especially since she helped him through this process with their study sessions.
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"Oh! We should celebrate! Why don't we go out for some food tonight? I hear a new place just opened up near campus that is supposed to have the best tonkatsu ramen!"
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heartsacrosstime · 11 months
@infintasmal Sent: A PROMPT FOR DEEP CONVERSATIONS (Accepting!)
do you remember the dream you had last night? (from Ja'far to Kagome)
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The question comes out of the blue as she watering her plants, but Kagome should have seen it coming. It was clear to anyone that had seen the queen today that she was...off. Her smile was still there, as radient and cheerful as ever, and yet the cracks in it could be noticed by those who knew her deeply. Ja'far, of course, was one of those people and never shied away showing his concern for her well being. It was rather sweet, so sweet in fact it makes her wonder how anyone would dare call him such mean things like 'snake' when he was one of the kindest people she's met.
She takes a deep breath as she sits down beside him. If she was going to tell him what was going on, something he had already well caught onto, then she had to prepare herself. Kagome usually wasn't the type of person who held back when it came to saying what bothered her. The problem more lie in getting her to actually talk about it, usually hiding her pain behind statements such as 'I'm fine' or 'Please don't worry about it' and a smile. Those same tactics were ones she's criticized Ja'far for funny enough. Not even Sindria's hopeful and pure-hearted queen was perfect, it seems.
"I wish I could forget it, to be honest." A small statement, but it speaks right away to what exactly her feelings on it were without any more context. Still, she decides to go into it, knowing Ja'far is going to press her until she does. He and her both shared that persistence when it came to helping others, another example of how they were more alike than one might expect.
"I saw...a battle, a huge conflict involving every major nation in the world, including us. I tried to stop it, but...nothing I did worked. And in the end...nothing was left..." She leaves it at that, her body shuddering from flashes of the intense imagery reappearing in her mind. Kagome had woken up from that dream so intensely that she nearly caused Sinbad to think she was dying of a heart attack.
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"It didn't feel like a normal dream, Ja'far. More like...a vision, a warning as to what is to come. Maybe it's my...magi powers trying to tell me something, but...it could also be my own paranoia. After all, Al Tharman's rather recent attacks on Balbadd and us have been weighing on me, and how...I wasn't of much help during either."
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heartsacrosstime · 11 months
@iinuasha Sent:
It had become a habit to see her at such late hours, ever since he caught the scent of salt mixing with her fragrance, he worried she would be overcome by solitude and allow it to extinguish her light. And just as he would step in quietly to see her like a restless dog, content to sit there and guard her till day break, she would tag at his Kimono, offering space for him to rest. Tonight wasn't any different, he held her close to him, listening intently as she talked the night the night away. There was something in the crease of her brow that wasn't the result of struggle against sleep, but an inward annoyance she found with the treatment she had been receiving, he learned the details from Sota, how her beauty was the only feature that seemed worthy of praise, it makes him feel bad for being a part of it for a while. ❝ Y'need to stop listening to what they say. You're more than that ... to me at least, Sakura. ❞ he said in a tone so tender, and leaned to kiss her.
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She's aware of what she's doing. Kagome knows of just how many rules she is breaking by doing this, by asking her bodyguard to hold her tight and listen to her woes. If anyone was to find out about this, especially her wolf prince fiancé, then surely that would spell disaster. However, just this once, she doesn't even think about the consequences. She was just that desperate.
Kagome was a strong girl, a strong princess who always put her duties and the needs of her subjects first before her own happiness. It was the fate she was born into, the price for the life she's lived. No one could change it, not even the gods. Such tolls had weighed her down more and more as time passed, until eventually, she was at the point of no return, a broken glass doll beyond repair.
And that's when she finally decided to act selfishly, to ask for the one person she truly wanted to be at her side to try an help put her back together. This one night, this one moment, would be enough. She didn't need anything more. All she needed was...to be heard, to be seen, and to be reassured in her own feelings.
Luckily for her, that's exactly what Inuyasha had delivered. Brown hues widen as he leans forward, but doesn't shy away when he makes the move to kiss at her cheek. Such affection she had been desperately needing, selfishly wanting, and it made her heart both relax and break all the more. For such times...were not to last.
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"I...I...I just wish...I could freeze time...To stay like this...forever." She leans more into his hold, her desperation clear to see as her body shakes. "To not have to wake up and go back to a life I didn't choose for myself...To go back to putting on a show for everyone... To go back to smiling through the pain...To go back to where...you and I can't...can't be like this...Can't just...be ourselves."
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heartsacrosstime · 11 months
@infintasmal (Ja'far <;3)
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"I'm finally home...Little Brother." The queen smiles as she approaches the vizier she hasn't seen for quite some time, moving to wrap her arms around his torso in a loving but gentle embrace.
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heartsacrosstime · 2 months
@infintasmal Sent: A In Case You Didn't Know Prompt (Accepting!)
❝ i don't like most people, but you're an exception. ❞ (to kagome from jfar)
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"Why I think it would be good for you to get along with more people, I'm happy I am someone you do like to be around, Ja'far." The queen smiles at him, a smile as warm and bright as the sun. It wasn't too often he said such sentimental things, but she appreciates it when he does. His smile, whenever it is seen, was a soft and warm one, like an open fire on a cold night.
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"And while I do get along with most people, you're always going to be special to me, as both my comrade and my other little brother." Kagome then waves her bow, conjuring up a flower for him that she places in his hair. "No matter what may happen in the future, never forget that, okay?"
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heartsacrosstime · 11 months
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kaigashi · 4 years
* in the purest heart; the sun has never left / okami verse.
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because @wcka​ sent kagome an ask that has her eyebrows rising into her bangs now i am wanting to think of an okami verse. okay it’s made but. (i hope you don’t mind if i @ ‘d you! )
i know kagome is a young priestess. probably one of many who still believe purely in the gods and continue to offer praise to amaterasu, who while it isn’t ideal to have favorites, her favorite is amaterasu-omikami. her mother always thought the sun suited kagome best, and that she always liked to think sunny days were a gift from her, like everything else in nippon and the world.
 i know she can sense gods and likely otherworldly beings but with permission so if your muse is that in this verse hmu in case kagome can’t because....being rather powerful / spiritually gifted, it’s more than likely but i want your comfort! but she has what some of her mentors and those she’s mentored ‘a seeing heart’.
 i know she’s desperately fighting a losing battle trying to convince people that the gods haven’t forsaken them. i know she’s probably a bit older in this verse, with a well fortified skill in archery and purifies oni daily around the field. she’s small but lethal, and she works tirelessly meaning the girl doesn’t sleep much. being busy is best.
kagome may have been born in the capital or she may be an aide to kaede, an older priestess who helps their priestess / shaman queen, queen himiko, or she may literally have been born in kamiki village. naturally she has not seen her fellow priestesses save acolytes and those in training, if so. a commoner wouldn’t just get an audience unless she was given a mission of import in place of kaede, who is getting on in years and i like to think would be a great advisor. so either the capital or kamiki. kagome is still constantly training herself, so she’s always very encouraging of those with pure faith, because pure souls are very easy for her to sense.
kagome knows her abilities aren’t natural for a priestess. she knows she feels, does, and can see things most priestesses cannot. especially at such a young age. it makes her feel alienated and alone which makes her worship and cleaning of shrines and statues even more fervent to share her loneliness, her love, her compassion and faith with the gods. especially ammy because she’s always felt even if it was just her imagination, like the sun was always smiling at her, or so her parents say. since i associate kagome with the sun most, this fits in really well for me.
if possible kagome can be a tiny companion. very useful in fights long-range and actually will choke up if she meets amaterasu. of course will bow and prostrate her head. if not she’ll keep traveling the country side helping those in need and protecting them from demons she purifies. trying to control her power so it isn’t too much because she’s had people be afraid of it before if they are spiritually in-tune. 
kagome is much more formal in this verse but still has a fiery nature and will not tolerate any unkindness towards her or anyone else. due to endgame canon becoming a master archer  she’s roughly 16-17.
kagome prays every day for amaterasu’s return. her heart always gives her a very hopeful feeling since the day she awoke from her past incarnation as shiranui, and it keeps her feet moving. amaterasu is very special to the higurashi family. and in times of grief, like losing family, she only clung tighter and believed more fiercely. but it isn’t enough for her to believe, kagome wants to spread, serve, heal and protect. and you know, stand her ground if you’re rude.
unless discussing with an amaterasu, i will not infer that kagome’s limitless spiritual power like it was in canon, was actually in this verse, a blessing from the sun goddess. that is something i would rather be established with permission or simply implied that ‘priestess kagome is loved by the gods’ so as not to place something forced on an ammy! 
if kagome does meet the brush gods / other shinto gods they will naturally earn the same warm affections and gentleness. if you’re rude then..insert the lady whacking someone with something yelling ‘don’t be rude’ minus kagome as an established miko from birth is way more proper in this setting! still herself though.
end-game kagome sends up her own prayers to amaterasu and an encouraging, heartfelt worship of her, along with whatever spiritual strength she can lend against yami who is blocking everyone from doing anything. she visits the various places damaged from the cold with supplies. she continues her pilgrimage, and inevitably becomes in whatever area she lives, one of the head priestesses or the one in training, fully able to finally tame her massive but benevolent spiritual powers, as she is learning to do post-canon of inuyasha. this gives kagome a massive sense of peace.
thing of note: kagome fervently will spread issun’s art of amaterasu, much like an earnest daughter sharing her mother’s portrait, encouraging children at an early age to pray to the ‘great god and divine mother amaterasu’. as history and myths depict her, she becomes 'the great priestess’ who ‘loved and protected nippon and spoke for the gods’. since mikos / priestesses are conduits of the gods in ancient times! not so much modern. if i’m wrong hmu because i wanna be respectful.
fun note. kagome first tripped in her original kagura dance! so she’s definitely someone who is as always, beautifully wonderful but imperfect like everyone else. she still remembers it with embarrassment, though kaede never teases her. her friends who aren’t priestesses and think kagome should just marry never let her live it down.
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