heartsofember · 3 years
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“Maybe, he thought, there aren’t any such things as good friends or bad friends- maybe there are just friends, people who stand by you when you’re hurt and who help you feel not so lonely. Maybe they’re always worth being scared for, and hoping for, and living for. Maybe even worth dying for, too, if that’s what has to be.”
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heartsofember · 3 years
wxlksxflxfx​  /  scorpius malfoy * !!
“Who would want that?” Scorpius commented, laughing once more. He wasn’t sure who the person in front of him was, but he was thankful for them. Even in the short conversation they had so far, it was starting to make him feel better about the day. Listening to them, the young wizard couldn’t help but tilt his head in thought before speaking. “Are you just some mysterious person who walks around town granting everyone with some grand wisdom?” He asked, letting out a smaller laugh this time. “But you’re right. Going around and learning more about the town might actually help me out.” 
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                    luna’s genuine grin only widened all the more, a meek shake of her head. “i wish i was that cool. && had all the knowledge of the world at my disposal.” if they did, they certainly would then understand the mysteries of this place, be reunited with their father && chosen family once again. “but i probably just people watch more than most. && i like to read. books have a lot of wisdom. even books of fiction can have valuable lessons in them.” expression turned sincere, “i hope you do find whatever it is you’re looking for. or it finds you, life tends to work out that way too. don’t worry, that’s the last bit of wisdom i have left.” luna jested with a slight, warm chuckle. “i’m luna lovegood. thanks you know, for talking with me.”
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heartsofember · 3 years
wxlksxflxfx​  /  bill denbrough * !!
“I’m blaming Richie. Sounds like a kind of fuck up he would do.” Bill replied, shrugging his shoulders at the thought. He loved his friends to pieces, but he was well aware of who was usually the fuck up and who wasn’t. Although, the answer to that question was all of them. “But see, is it as shitty as Derry? I mean, if you really think about it, how did people never notice the pattern? Hell, Ben found it in a few weeks of living there.” Bill sighed before his head moved back and forth. “He’s an alien of some sort. Mike was able to figure out the ritual and everything about it. But beating him was easy once we were able to figure out how to do it. It just took us a while to figure it out.” 
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                    bev sighed in frustration, at the situation, at knowing next to nothing, for once again bill made a great point. “true. && for him to know that means this place can’t be under a curse, not like derry’s at least. none of the adults knew what was going on.” mouth dried the more they spoke of It,  f e a r  just as It always wanted. but it was important to know, to push past those feelings in attempts at understanding. “alien ??” puzzled, but it made more sense than anything else she thought of. “then we just have to figure it out again.” a bleak smile, nonetheless eyes turned warm && comforting a second later. “don’t try to stress yourself out too much. i know, words don’t mean much, but i feel like we’ll get this. don’t know how, but we will cause we’re all here && together.”
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heartsofember · 3 years
xesotericconundrumx​  /  lulu * !!
lulu looked up and at the man and swallowed back her tears and tried to smile at the joke. it was a weak attempt and past her would have loved that pun. she nodded, “yeah better then spilled milk.” gathering up some things in her arms the blonde nodded vigorously. “i’m fine. really. you ever just have one of those days when you know it’s all going to be toppling down but you don’t know what gonna push it.” that was her every day life. “I really should just get reusable bags at this point. but my cart is broken so one thing at a time ya know.”
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                    a slight nod, he may not know exactly what the other was going through, but the feeling was familiar. frankly, he wouldn’t admit that to anyone who actually knew him. mike munroe was supposed to always be on top of the world. more often than not he felt like he was missing something, or that maybe he wasn’t doing what he should. “there’s always hope for a better tomorrow, that’s probably what i’m supposed to say. i’ll keep my fingers crossed that’s the case for you. but as for your cart i could take a look at it if you think it’s salvageable. i don’t know a lot about fixing things but i do like to try to figure shit out.”
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heartsofember · 3 years
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I’m not afraid of you!
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heartsofember · 3 years
                    after what feng && the others had gone though, she didn’t want to take anything for granted ever again, including public library wifi even if it was never the best. it felt a little more familiar than some of the other places, most like an internet cafe feng supposed. she enjoyed the sense of COMMUNITY places like this brought to a city. no matter how big there was always a few people sharing commonalities. while ivywood certainly wasn’t home it was better than the fog, than waiting around that damn campfire for whatever nightmare would occur in the next trial. FREE WILL — feng almost forgot what it truly felt like. at the other’s call feng jumped — as she did with all unexpected noises, always on edge before attempting to shrug it off. she followed an aisle that led to the other, nodding her head in greeting. “hi. do you work here ??”
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anneliese wasn’t sure what brought her here to ivywood, but she was sure her mother was worried sick about her, and so was julian. she just wanted to get home, but the problem was that she didn’t know how. so she made the most of it. she’d gotten a job at a local library, and she was working toward buying herself an apartment to live in until she could get back to her hometown. there were times when she wasn’t even sure she wanted to go back if given the chance, as she’d grown resentful of living in a palace and having the duties and responsibilities of a princess. but… she knew she’d miss her mother too much to just abandon her. she was currently nestled in the local library where she worked, reading a science book about charles darwin. her mother would’ve had a heart attack if she’d caught anneliese reading about evolution, but the princess found it, and science in general, captivating. she was at a specific part, really honed in, when, suddenly, she heard the familiar chime of the bell as someone presumably walked in and soon felt eyes on her. “…hello?” she called out, just in case there was actually someone there.
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heartsofember · 3 years
Jake: that’s a pretty rock, Dwight
Dwight: thanks! Feng gave it to me
Feng: I threw it at you
Dwight: She’s very sweet
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heartsofember · 3 years
fadedlustre​  /  luke skywalker * !!
at least it wasn’t just his mind playing tricks on him. or maybe it was the force guiding him to where he needed to be, even if he didn’t know it. luke gave the man, finn, a small smile and nodded. “uh, yeah, doesn’t mean a whole lot right now, i have to admit,” he agreed, but he could feel the man was telling the truth. he was starting to learn to trust the force his gut again. “i’m luke. or, i guess you already know that.” since the other man seemed to have his memories. so he knew his sister, and they were fighting… something. “wait, did you say a different time? what, are we from the future?” that might take a little explaining to do when it came to ezra. 
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                    the other’s smile was easily returned, meekly shrugging his shoulders. “to be fair, you didn’t look like you do now when i knew you. but i’m pretty sure i’d know you anywhere.” whether that be from the force or his own wishful thinking. “this system marks time differently than we did. but based on what little tech they have i’d say probably so. no ships, at least ones like ours, no droids. they’re all human too. which considering there aren’t any wookiees who always win at dejarik maybe it’s a good thing.” finn smiled, but it was slight, a bit bittersweet. he wouldn’t mind seeing chewie again, any of them. “but i haven’t seen any evidence of —” dark forces, “— of anything bad, besides the whole barrier thing of course. so whatever is going on, i think it’s something we haven’t faced before.”
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heartsofember · 3 years
fadedlustre​  /  mike hanlon * !!
“real actual silverware? damn, bev, you’re putting me to shame,” he teased back, shaking his head. he’d been here longer than some of the other losers, but he had to admit, he’d never fully settled in. he’d been waiting for something to happen, never knowing what. but now… maybe he could begin to settle down. he shrugged, looking down at his mug. “yeah, been here a little longer than the rest of you. it’s really not all that different to derry. quieter, somehow.” not as scary in other ways, like a lack of alien clowns, and significantly less odd looks when he walked around. “gotta have the good times while they’re here. maybe we can take actual swimming gear to the lake this time,” he laughed.
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                    “don’t feel shame. i will never be the prime example of an adult, ever.” usual grin remained at his words, even if the mere mention of derry always rose goosebumps along her arms. “you’re right as usual, hanlon. it’s weird ... after living anywhere besides derry it’s even easier to see how fucked it was. children going missing shouldn’t feel fucking NORMAL.” ginger brows furrowed, a slight shake of the head to rid herself of those thoughts, to focus on what positives could be found. “oh hell yeah. no we’re really talking. snorkels, goggles, all of it. maybe the water will actually be clear enough to see shit in.” dirty water, another lovely thing about derry. “i just hope they’re more good times ...” words trailing off, curiosity getting the best of her as it usually did. “—have you, i don’t know, remembered anything new ??”
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heartsofember · 3 years
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{ meng ziyi, cis woman, she/her } have you heard that ( feng min ) from ( dead by daylight ) appeared in town?  i know, i can’t believe it either.  she is ( twenty-one ) years old and is a ( professional gamer ).  I’ve heard that she has a tendency to be ( competitive & adaptable ) and ( fickle & calculating ), and they have ( all ) of their old memories.
name: feng min nicknames: shining lion, min, lone wolf age: 21 astrological sign: virgo hometown: beijing, china height: 5′ 2″ occupation: professional gamer gender  /  pronouns: cis woman  /   she/her orientation: raging lesbian
{ tw: horror themes ( pretty much everything is in dbd, so please be mindful <3 ), alcoholism, neglect }
feng found video games at a young age. she loved the fact that she could become anyone she wanted. hours turned into days spent online && eventually her parents attempted to put a stop to it. they wanted feng to focus on her studies, to do something productive with her time. feng however saw how technology was changing, how there was a future in video games. in turn feng spent most of her time in internet cafes, pushing herself to get better && in turn slowly gained a following through streaming && competitions. 
respect — something she never had from her parents but did in the gaming world. less time was spent at home, only seeing her family on the holidays && even then she wished the time away. as the shining lion, her nickname && gamer tag, she was invited into a prestigious e-gaming team called the laser bears. a chosen family, they traveled the world, filled up stadiums with fans together && separately. 
but feng soon became obsessed, aiming for nothing less than perfection. she barely slept, with that her performance suffered. it got to her more than she let on, losing. she felt like she was not only losing competitions, but the respect && love of her peers, fans, parents. instead of spending sleepless nights training she went out to bars ; apparently games weren’t the only places one could be whomever they want. more often than not feng woke up in strange places ... only one day it was somewhere she had never been. the fog.
a place controlled by an entity, a place of nightmares — filled with horror icons && some she had never heard of. at first feng was cold to the others, never the most altruistic ( still wasn’t up until she left. especially to newer survivors. they had something to prove, didn’t they ?? ). feng spent her time observing, calculating. while terrified of what this place was, she soon discovered in reality, it was almost like a new game for her. one that she was determined to win. for her, that meant getting herself out of each trial by any means necessary. it wasn’t until she learned that it was better to work as a team, as she slowly let herself open up to the others, that she started looking out for them too. like her e-sports team the others became a sort of family even in their current chaos. 
she hasn’t been here for very long, but already she feels rather bored — though she’d never admit it. of course it’s better than in the entity’s realm, but when not focused on surviving it’s easier to let her mind wander && all the more difficult to not go back to old habits. but she’s trying™. despite how hard of a time she gave some of the other survivors, she misses them, hopes they’re alright && somehow end up here too. until then she’s content to get back to video games, to see all that she’s missed && attempt to help meg learn how to play too. 
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heartsofember · 3 years
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{ scott eastwood, cis man, he/him } i’m sure you’ve seen ( ethan jackson ) around ivywood.  he is ( thirty-four ) years old and is a ( hiking guide ).  i’ve heard a rumor that he is a huge fan of ( nature documentaries, comedies, & 80s films ) and have a tendency to be ( compassionate & observant ) and ( apprehensive & malleable )
name: ethan jackson nicknames: tba age: 34 astrological sign: i’m still debating on which one he is but i’ll add that here when i do bless hometown: london, england height: 5′ 11″ occupation: hiking guide gender  /  pronouns: cis man  /   he/him orientation: bisexual
{ tw: abandonment, suicide, trauma, general family issues }
ethan, the fifth out of ten, literally && metaphorically knew what it was like to be in the middle, to be quite average. growing up he tended to just get by. he was one to do what he was told && wouldn’t make too much of a fuss ; anytime a group of children are around it’s always a bit loud, even when there were just five of them, let alone ten. ethan wanted to bring even the smallest bit of peace that he could. ethan was always more of one to speak up when asked, though whenever outside or when watching a comedy or movie with animals in it oddly enough one couldn’t ever get him to shut up. 
as expected when surrounded by music he grew up loving it, a fan of 70s && 80s rock. ethan also had a soft spot for the piano. when taking one-on-one lessons he was fine, but at his first piano recital he got up on stage && froze, massive stage fright. ethan ran off without playing a single note. despite how long ago it was he still holds shame for it ( a disappointment, not knowing what he was good at, if anything ) && truthfully it made him thankful to be in the shadows, only made him thrive in it a bit more. even now despite how close the siblings are he hardly ever plays && if so it’s only when a few are around.
while perhaps not fully unexpected it still hurt when their mother left. ethan tried to remain rather stoic about it, though there was always a part of him that held onto a bit of hope that things would work out in the end. he preferred to see the good in people, even when it may be difficult to find. on the bad nights he’d pitch up a tent && hope for comfort. after that though he tried to cut off his thoughts, his feelings from it all ; didn’t want to overthink it. he behaved similarly after their father committed suicide. but this time even the thin fabric felt suffocating. thankfully counting stars was easier than counting sheep, made it feel like the world was bigger than all their issues — or so he told himself. as usual, after the funeral he tried to not think about it for very long at any given time.
the family moved to the states to focus on their american label. it was then that he found his love for thru-hiking. when his legs ached after a 24 mile or more day it was near impossible to ponder over much else. after graduating high school he skipped college && focused on the long list of trails he wished to see. in between long hikes he worked random jobs, mostly construction. while the jackson’s were well off he felt guilty using their parents’ money, whether that’s simply because he’s stubborn or angry he’d rather not delve into figuring out.
ethan managed to see a lot of the world on his feet, though no matter what his family always brought him back home from one couch to another. april was coming up, && despite how much easier it’d be to stay out on the trails he decided to come back home to be with the family, especially during a difficult anniversary. thus he decided to take a bit of a break && give himself more roots in ivywood, settling into a quaint townhouse of his own near his siblings. though, more often than not you’ll find him somewhere in nature.
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heartsofember · 3 years
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Feng Min - Spark of Madness Trailer
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heartsofember · 3 years
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PHOTOSHOOT MEME scott eastwood
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heartsofember · 3 years
beverly 📲 ben👷🏻
ben: i don't even know if i have it anymore honestly
ben: brown shirt and khaki shorts on the other hand, maybe
ben: you should, it was a good look for you! not that your short hair was bad
beverly: if not i'll make you one, just let me know.
beverly: and of course a walkman. can't forget that.
beverly: thanks, ben. short was what i needed at the time. but now both are good. though i still can't style it for shit lol.
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heartsofember · 3 years
beverly 📲 ben👷🏻
ben: yep, that's exactly why i keep you around
ben: maybe i'll dig up that denim vest i wore the day we met
ben: that would be a throwback, huh?
beverly: only maybe?🥺
beverly: but do you have a brown shirt and khaki shorts?
beverly: my hair is long enough to wear in a side pony again. MAYBE i'll wear it that way again 😊
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heartsofember · 3 years
beverly 📲 ben👷🏻
ben: i... never thought about it like that
ben: we might as well dress up like we did back then too, make it a theme
ben: not that i'd wanna wear any of my old clothes haha
beverly: see that's why you gotta keep me around
beverly: so much denim was worn 😬 but i'm in lol
beverly: it's either replicas of our old clothes or we find those awful neon windbreakers to wear
beverly: so choose wisely, hanscom 😎
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heartsofember · 3 years
wxlksxflxfx​  /  scorpius malfoy * !!
Scorpius nodded his head, agreeing with what the other was saying. “Wouldn’t that make life easier?” He joked, letting out a laugh. Honestly, Scorpius was tired of thinking. Tired of trying to figure out what was going on because he felt like he was the only one searching. Listening to their suggestions, Scorpius let his head just kind of nod before he responded. “I think it’s all just a bit overwhelming. Being in this random town, and being stuck in it. Not knowing anything about it, I mean, it’s so odd…” 
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                    luna’s own laughter easily followed, nodding in agreement. “yeah, that’d probably make life too easy.” despite how they still did wish for such a thing, there was something about figuring life out — a big puzzle that one never had all the pieces to, never would either until the very end. a small, what they hoped to be comforting, grin etched along their lips. “it won’t answer everything, but maybe check out the tours of the town. every place, every person, is ODD until you get to know them. though yes this place is stranger than most. but one thing i’m sure of even though i don’t know all you’re dealing with ?? there are answers to all your questions even if you don’t have them figured out quite yet.” 
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