heavyhand-nblm · 3 years
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
i miss you and i hope i’ll see you soon
until then,
i’ll keep dreaming of you
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
hello my lovelies i’m back on the hell scape that is tumblr dot com with the announcement that i recently realized i’m masculinely aligned non-binary <3
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
im back from the garbage pile of average everyday life. hello tumblr dot com
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
I’m gonna say something really problematic that’s gonna make me hemorrhage followers, but I don’t care because I’m fucking angry.
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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There is magic in the woods….
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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Rugs by Alexandra Kehayoglou
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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NYC Pride, 1986
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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Photo by John Royle on Unsplash
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
thinking about how milk jugs are so perfectly designed; not a bit of wasted space. the handle is part of the container as well and you can clearly see how much of the liquid is left. genius. im thinking of eating the mushroom growing in my frontyard whole. if even one person is nice to me today i will kiss them on the lips
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
Stop convincing yourself you’re wasting your life away. The time you’ve spent resting and healing was and is necessary. You’re not a waste of a person if you find yourself struggling right now. Healing, recovering, sitting with your pain is foundational. It’s not a waste. You are still whole.
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
can we weaponize comfort already? 
a lot of places have a culture that valorizes never sleeping and not eating right and not taking breaks and stuff like that. 
fuck that. I want like
look at how comfortable and well rested I am. I am well-nourished, I take bubble baths, and I have a good work-life balance. 
self-care has made me strong. has running yourself into the ground made you strong?
I will destroy you. and then I will have a pleasant lunch.
can we weaponize that?
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heavyhand-nblm · 4 years
Allistic researchers really went out of their way to find out that autistic people are less likely to lie or be immoral for personal gain and said that’s somehow BAD and a sign of pathology from AUTISTIC people? You can’t make this shit up.
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Twitter thread by user @felixmooreactor (Felix Moore)
The pretzel you have to contort yourself into to frame ‘autistic people act more morally than neurotypical people’ as a bad thing is truly mind-boggling.
[Title of the linked article: “Autistic People Care Too Much, Research Says”, the picture attached is of a hot pink knitted stuffed rabbit with a tiny donations jar  and text next to it that reads “Breaking news: Autistic people are too generous”.]
This kind of thinking is only possible if you start from a mindset of ‘if autistic people do it, it must be wrong’, which somehow gets you to the absolutely galaxy-brain take that it is…bad…to make moral choices at the expense of your own interests?? #ActuallyAutistic
Screenshot on the 2nd tweet of the thread:
Pathologizing Positive Human Traits “Because Autism”
The authors pathologize autistic participants for refusing to support a bad cause, essentially for not being as selfish as the non-autistic group:
“Here, we show that ASD individuals are more inflexible when following a moral rule even though an immoral action can benefit themselves, and suffer an undue concern about their ill-gotten gains and the moral cost.
- Hu et al. 2020″
Truly a shame that I, an autistic, am so tragically morally inflexible, unlike whoever wrote this study, who possesses such remarkable moral flexibility that they have contorted themselves into ‘doing good things is bad, but only when the autistics do it’
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