hella-slow-writer · 5 years
Announcement No. 666
If you see me follows you and want to follow me back please follow this blog instead since i won’t post here anymore.
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
I decided to made a new blog. That means i won't post things here anymore, so follow that one! (Reminder that it's a multifandom blog)
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
hey! its okay to stop posting! we love and support you!
Thank you for the support. I love writing (and hate it at the same time) but this situation i have made things worse. Hopefully i can figure out the alternative besides me dumping this blog.
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
I'm alive...
Uh... hello? Is anyone still following this shitty ass blog? Okay. First of all, i owe an explanation why i have been offline for like, months. I'm busy with college and stuff, that's why i haven't paid too much attention to Tumblr lately. Second, i'm regret to inform you i... probably WILL NOT publish my fanfics to public (like tumblr or ao3) again. There's a lot, lot reason for this that i can't explain here but yeah. Actually, i haven't decided to never post my BBS fanfics again, or just all my writings in general. Besides my low-self esteem about my writing issues, Tumblr becomes things that make me hurt and sad because 'things'. I am so sorry. I still don't know if this will last forever or just for the time being... hopefully the latter, but... yeah. Hopefully y'all will respect my decision. It's even hard for me to type all this in... i love Tumblr and fandoms but sometimes it's just... ugh. I do have short nsfw bits (bbs, bottom nogla) that i MIGHT upload as 'last ones' though... but yeah, i don't know. Again. I am so, so sorry. Hopefully, i will see you guys again in the future...
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
*Shane flirting with Nate*
*Jeffree flirting with Andrew*
*Jeffree flirting with Garrett*
Andrew: wtf
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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The fact that Garrett loved this comment makes me feel a lot of feelings
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
Date night
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
Reblog if you ship Garrett and Andrew so we can cry together
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
Fic update
Okay, i finally have time and motivation to continue working on 3 of my most important fics. It’s too gay to be fucked 3, Garrett/Andrew PWP (yes pwp cuz im nasty), and a big multi-chapter YT FGO AU that no one cares about lmao.
It’s gonna get fucked 3 is 70% done, still fixing some last part of the chapter before i send it back to my friends to be beta-ed. 
Garrett/Andrew PWP is sadly still 20% WIP, mainly because lack of... motivation. Hopefully Shane’s new series contains more Garrett/Andrew interactions to boost my motivation to continue it lmao.
YT FGO AU still... 10%. I still haven’t decided if i want to make it some slice-of-life genre where its about the YT Servants interacting with each other or more serious story with heavy plot (kinda like a fusion between FGO’s Lostbelt+Singularity arcs). Although i already have a long list of Youtubers who i will use in the fics (all bbs boys will be featured ofc). More talk about this AU under Read More.
Okay, now yall know. I just want to give a little bit of update since i keep gaining more and more followers and i dont want to give an impression of this blog being abandoned. Wish me luck and thanks for still sticking around waiting for my not-so-good writings lol.
Oh, hey! If you read this, oh god do you actually care or show interest in this AU???? Hit me up boi and lemme know so i wouldnt be so depressed thinking no one would read this shitty AU lmao.
Current list of Servants who would appear in the first arc/chapter is: Vanoss, Laurenzside, and Moo Snuckel. I think maybe those three will be like FGO’s Mashu, who will stick around until the end of time lmao. Other than those three, there’s Ohmwrecker, Gloomgames, Kubz Scouts, Cartoonz, and Garrett Watts who also played major part in the first arc/chapter. I will also possibly adding Andrew Siwicki and Jacksepticeye, although i still haven’t deciding what their role going to be.
Oh yeah, Daithi de Nogla and Mini Ladd will also appear. Although they are not Servants like the other, their role is going to be a normal human who manages Chaldea (kinda like Romani Archaman and Da Vinci lmao).
Below is kinda like in-game stats of the 8 servants featured first. I do this so i will remember what skill and class they have, and also because creating a stats of them is really fun lmao. I wont show what their NP gonna be though, because it’s a secret winkwink
Vanoss aka Bat Owl, Evan Rarity: SSR Saber Cost: 16 ATK: 1.841/11,755 HP: 1,695/11,554 Grail ATK: 13,112 Grail HP: 12,768 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Linear Star Absorption: 86 Star Generation: 10 % NP Charge ATK: 0.82% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 19.4% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QQABB (Quick: 2 Hits, Arts: 2 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 4 Hits) Skills:  - Charisma C Increase party's ATK for 3 turns. - Disengage A Remove own debuffs. Recovers own HP. - Superhero Strength A Charges NP gauge. Increases own NP strength. Noble Phantasm: ??? 
Moo aka Moo Snuckel, Brock, Early Bird Rarity: SR Rider Cost: 12 ATK: 1,259/8,084 HP: 1,573/11,160 Grail ATK: 10,325 Grail HP: 13,882 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 195 Star Generation: 8% NP Charge ATK: 1.4% NP Charge DEF: 5% Death Rate: 26.90% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QQABB (Quick: 2 Hits. Arts: 1 Hit, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 3 Hits) Skills: - Feather Illusion C+ Chance to stun one enemy. Reduces NP strength.   - Sharpening A+ Increases own Buster and Quick performances for 3 turns. - Superhero Strength B Charges own NP gauge. Increases own NP strength. Noble Phantasm:  ???
Lauren aka Laurenzside, Protector of Universe, Cosmic Deity Rarity: R Caster Cost: 7 ATK: 1,128/7,215 HP: 1,236/8,600 Grail ATK: 8,657 Grail HP: 11,055 Attribute: Sky Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 84 Star Generation: 11% NP Charge ATK: 1.80% NP Charge DEF: 5% Death Rate: 38.7% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Female Commands Cards: QAAAB (Quick: 3 Hits, Arts: 2 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 3 Hits) Skills: - Cosmic Blessing A Grants one ally's invicibility for 1 turn. Charges their NP gauge. - Clairvoyance (Demi-God) Increases own Critical star drop rate. - Lunar Light B Recovers party's HP. Remove own Debuffs. Noble Phantasm: ???
Kassie aka Gloom Rarity: R Alter Ego Cost: 7 ATK: 1,177/7,113 HP: 1,650/9,421 Grail ATK: 9,818 Grail HP: 12,812 Attribute: Man Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 100 Star Generation: 10% NP Charge ATK: 0.43% NP Charge DEF: 4% Death Rate: 36.4% Alignments: True・Neutral Gender: Female Commands Cards: QQAAB (Quick: 2 Hits, Arts: 1 Hit, Buster: 2 Hits, Extra: 4 Hits)  Skills: - Samantha Increases own Buster performances for 3 turns. Chances to inflict Charm on [Male] enemy. Cancel other skill's effects.  - Hannah Increases own Quick performances for 3 turns. Gains critical stars generation every turn for 3 turns. Cancel other skill's effects. - Vera Increases own Arts performances for 3 turns. Recover own NP every turn for 3 turns. Cancel other skill's effects.  Noble Phantasm: ???
Jay aka Kubz Scouts Rarity: R Assassin Cost: 7 ATK: 1,288/7,062 HP: 1,571/8,662 Grail ATK: 9,633 Grail HP: 11,990 Attribute: Man  Growth Curve: Reverse S Star Absorption: 102 Star Generation: 20.4% NP Charge ATK: 0.24% NP Charge DEF: 4.12% Death Rate: 28.7% Alignments: Chaotic・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QQQAB (Quick: 4 Hits, Arts: 2 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 3 Hits) Skills: - Planning B+ Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns. - Threaten C+ Chance to reduce enemy's NP by 1 Reduces ATK for 3 turns. - Presence Detection C Chances to removes their Evasion buffs. Grants self Evasion for 1 turn.
Ohm aka Ryan, Ohmwrecker, The Red Demon Right-Hand Rarity: R Saber Cost: 7 ATK: 1,232/8,012 HP: 1,388/8,063 Grail ATK: 10,455 Grail HP: 12,550 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 90 Star Generation: 10.5% NP Charge ATK: 1.33% NP Charge DEF: 3.12 % Death Rate: 30.2% Alignments: Neutral・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QAABB (Quick: 3 Hits, Arts: 3 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 4 Hits) Skills: - Battle Continuation A Grants self Guts status for 1 time, 5 turns. - Proof of Friendship C Chance to reduces one enemy's NP gauge by 1. Chance to inflicts Stun for 1 turn. - Teamwork C Increases party's Arts performance for 1 turn. Increases party's NP Strength for 1 turn. Noble Phantasm: ???
Cartoonz aka Luke, The Red Demon Rarity: SR Rider Cost: 12 ATK:  1,612/9,447 HP: 1,673/11,076 Grail ATK:  11,018 Grail HP: 12,667 Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Semi S Star Absorption: 165 Star Generation: 10% NP Charge ATK: 1.18% NP Charge DEF: 2.77 % Death Rate: 30.2% Alignments: True・Neutral  Gender: Male Commands Cards: QAABB (Quick: 4 Hits, Arts: 1 Hits, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 6 Hits) Skills: - Pirate’s Honor B+ Increases own attack for 3 turns. Grants self Guts status for 1 time. (Revives with 1 HP.) Reduces own debuff resistance by 50% for 3 turns. [Demerit] - Voyager of the Storm A Increases party's NP damage for 1 turn. Increases party's attack for 1 turn. - Demon of the Sea EX Increases own Buster performances. Increases critical strength for 3 turns. Gains self-Invisibility for 1 attack. Reduces own defense [Demerit] Noble Phantasm: ???
Garrett aka Accused Wizard, Eternal Mage, King of Badger Rarity: R Caster Cost: 7 ATK: 1,312/7,556 HP: 1,752/8,272 Grail ATK: 10,126 Grail HP: 10,885 Attribute: Man Growth Curve: S Star Absorption: 48 Star Generation: 11.4% NP Charge ATK: 1.43% NP Charge DEF: 3% Death Rate: 36.2% Alignments: Chaotic・Good Gender: Male Commands Cards: QAAAB (Quick: 2 Hit, Arts: 3 Hit, Buster: 1 Hit, Extra: 5 Hits) Skills: - Jokester B+ Chance to reduce one enemy's NP gauge by 1. Charges own NP gauge. - Immortality (False) Gains self-Guts status for 1 time, 3 turns. - Spellcraft A+  Increases own Arts performance for 3 turns.  Noble Phantasm: ???
Okay, there you go. Some of the stats are from FGO’s servants lol and if it looks too OP for you fgo players, dont sweat it. The stats doesnt really matter in the story so lol.
Those are the characters that will appear on the first arc minus Nogla and Mini. Since i haven’t really decided to put Andrew and Jack, i won’t show their stats here but their class will be Lancer (or Caster, haven’t really decided it either) and Saber, respectively 
P.S: There will be ships, it won’t be the focus of the story if i use the heavy/more serious plot but there will be :P
Again, thank you for your attention and hopefully i can finish all this soon enough.
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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Andrew is helpful in every situation
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
the way he’s sitting is honestly how i sit what a mood he is can i marry him already
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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my mood atm. also i wanna be laying on top of him sjosnslsmsk
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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This took a while to finish, but I really like the outcome!!
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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low quality but so am i
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
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「 Lostbelt No.2: Timeless Frozen Flame Era, Götterdämmerung 」 PV
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hella-slow-writer · 6 years
If you look in the mirror and chant ‘Viva la France’ three times this man will show up in your Chaldea
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