hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
The tree spirits talked to me a lot
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by Kyle Bonallo (Instagram)
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
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Aware  By:  Denise Levertov                        When I found the door                        I found the vine leaves                        speaking among themselves in abundant                        whispers.                        My presence made them                        hush their green breath,                        embarrassed, the way                        humans stand up, buttoning their jackets,                        acting as if they were leaving anyway, as if                        the conversation had ended                        just before you arrived.                        I liked                        the glimpse I had, though,                        of their obscure                        gestures. I liked the sound                        of such private voices. Next time                        I'll move like cautious sunlight, open                        the door by fractions, eavesdrop                        peacefully
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
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Artist:  Sir David Willie
Reading The Bible Right by Brian Zahnd
It’s a STORY We’re telling news here Keeping alive an ancient epic The grand narrative of paradise lost and paradise regained The greatest “Once upon a time” tale ever told The beautiful story which moves relentlessly toward— “They lived happily ever after”
Never, never, NEVER forget that before its anything else it’s a story So let the Story live and breathe, enthrall and enchant Don’t rip out its guts and leave it lifeless on the dissecting table Don’t make it something it’s really not— A  catalog of wished-for promises An encyclopedia of God-facts A law journal of divine edicts A how-to manual for do-it-yourselfers Find the promises, learn the facts, heed the laws, live the lessons But don’t forget the Story Learn to read the Book for what it is— God’s great big wild and wonderful surprise ending love story Let there be wonder Let there be mystery Let there be tragedy Let there be heartbreak Let there be suspense Let there be surprise Let it be earthy and human Let it be celestial and divine
Let it be what it is and don’t try to make it perfect where it’s not This fantastic story of— Creation Alienation Devastation Incarnation Salvation Restoration With its cast of thousands, more Tolstoy novel than thousand page sermon
It’s a Story because we are not saved by ideas but by events! Here’s a plotline for you: Death, Burial, and Resurrection Yes, it’s a story — not a plan, not ology or ism, but a story
And it’s an amalgamated patchwork story told in mixed medium Narration, history, genealogy Prophecy, poetry, parable Psalm, song, sermon Dream and vision Memoir and letter
So understand the medium and don’t try so hard to miss the point Try to learn what matters and what doesn’t It’s not where and when Job lived But what Job learned In his painful odyssey and poetic theodicy
It’s not how many cubits of water you need to put Everest under a flood But why the world was so dirty that it needed such a big bath Trying to find Noah’s ark Instead of trying to rid the world of violence Really is an exercise in missing the point
Speaking of missing the point— It’s not did a snake talk? But what the freakin’ thing said! Because even though I’ve never met a talking snake I’ve sure had serpentine thoughts crawl through my head
Literalism is a kind of escapism By which you move out of the crosshairs of the probing question But parable and metaphor have a way of knocking us to the floor Prose flattened literalism makes the story small, time confined and irrelevant But poetry and allegory travel through time and space to get in our face Inert facts are easy enough to set on the shelf But the Story well told will haunt you
Ah, the Story well told That’s what is needed It’s time for the Story to bust out of the cage and take the stage And demand a hearing once again It’s a STORY, I tell you! And If you allow the Story to seep into your life So that THE STORY begins to weave into your story That’s when, at last, my friend, you’re reading the Bible right
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
About The Bathtub Is So Famous, But Why?
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Artist:  Pierre Bonnard
During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director: "How do you determine whether or not a patient should be institutionalized." "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub." "Oh, I understand," said the visitor "a normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup." "No." said the Director, "a normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
All You Need To Know About the Gorgeous Vase
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Artist:  Pierre Bonnard
The V-A-S-E by James Jeffrey Roche (1847–1908)
FROM the maddening crowd they stand apart, The maidens four and the Work of Art;   And none might tell from sight alone In which had culture ripest grown,—   The Gotham Millions fair to see, The Philadelphia Pedigree,   The Boston Mind of azure hue, Or the soulful Soul from Kalamazoo,—   For all loved Art in a seemly way, With an earnest soul and a capital A. Long they worshipped; but no one broke The sacred stillness, until up spoke   The Western one from the nameless place, Who blushingly said: “What a lovely vace!”   Over three faces a sad smile flew, And they edged away from Kalamazoo. But Gotham’s haughty soul was stirred To crush the stranger with one small word   Deftly hiding reproof in praise, She cries: “’T is, indeed, a lovely vaze!”   But brief her unworthy triumph when The lofty one from the home of Penn,   With the consciousness of two grand papas, Exclaims: “It is quite a lovely vahs!”   And glances round with an anxious thrill, Awaiting the word of Beacon Hill.   But the Boston maid smiles courteouslee, And gently murmurs: “Oh pardon me!   “I did not catch your remark, because I was so entranced with that charming vaws!”
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
along the path the poppy spirit talked to me
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by  Tomo M
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
Yes, I never bought into the idea that a human or pack of humans could effect such a change, a change that would end the world
Climate Change:  Did you know, that historical climate data extracted from Ice cores taken in Greenland and Antarctica, show global temperature data dating back hundreds of thousands of years?  The data shows temperature fluctuations that repeat in a cycle of warming and cooling over a period of about 130,000 years.  That data shows not only that we are approaching the ‘high’ point of the 130,000 year cycle, but also that the previous ‘high’ point, 130,000 years ago was 6 to 8 degrees centigrade warmer than we are now.
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Liberal activists once celebrated these findings because it appears to show a direct correlation between average global temperature and atmospheric green house gas concentration, one of which (CO2) shown here in red.  But since then, they have moved to discredit this data, because it actually contradicts a staple claim of the climate alarmist movement.  That is, that we must stop the earth from warming another 2 degrees Celsius.  But what the graph clearly shows, that about 130,000 years ago, the earth warmed to temperatures about 2 degrees Celsius warmer than today, all on its own.  In other words, without industrialized carbon emissions.  So is reducing greenhouse gas emissions really going to stop the earth from doing something that its been doing on its own for likely millions of years?
Professors and researchers at the University of Copenhagen, working on the Greenland Ice core project (not the one graphed above, which is from Antarctica) estimated an even warmer historical temperature of 6 to 8 degrees warmer than present during the last global ‘high’ peak, with an estimated sea level 4 to 8 meters higher than today.  That presents another major blow to the liberal talking point, that we must stop sea level rise by reducing green house emissions.  While it is certain, that millions of humans around the globe, who have built homes and even cities within the historical coastal flood zone will be negatively impacted by rising sea levels, it is unlikely that we can stop that from happening, simply by reducing green house gas emissions.  Remember, that if their historical estimations are accurate, or even close to accurate, the earth will experience significant sea level rise, even without human activity.
Please do not mistake my discussion here, as an insensitivity to the problems we face as a society, surrounding climate change, sea level rise, or even the broader issue of pollution.  Humans may very well be contributing to the natural phenomenon of global climate change by emitting green house gasses.  And we should work to reduce or eliminate that.  And we can all work harder to reduce pollution as individuals, communities and nations.  But the idea that we can stop the earth from warming, and stop the sea level from rising, is an uninformed position, taken by lobbyists, pundits, activists, and is now being taught in schools to children around the globe.  People are literally panicked by this, and all their expensive proposals to ‘stop’ it, almost certainly will not. 
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
The path revealed so much life - yes, the toads talked to me
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Toad Love
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
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Harrisburg Telegraph, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1922
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hellolynngomez-blog · 6 years
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Listen!  The spirits are talking.  The water is all jibber jabber, but the path spirit is so quiet and calm
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