hellspawn101 · 2 years
I keep noticing how People can portray a certain role for attention.
It boggles my mind that they are even a thought in my brain, but yet here they are.
I think it’s because I look for the Real and the honest.
In the grand scale, they are lying to themselves and eventually it will catch-up.
Relationships are hard, the person you thought you knew and the strength you thought you saw can sometimes be blinded by the truth that you were incorrect…as bitter as that is to swallow, and as upsetting as the potential you thought you saw was misguided…..Move on.
Help those that Require your words. The ones that matter to you.
The ones that know what true pain and struggle is the ones that don’t put falsehoods out into the world. Those are who I wish to associate myself with.
Everyday people change from who they were yesterday…..Myself included. There’s no Ill-will attached to others that live this lifestyle. Who am I to intervene, who am I to Judge.
It is just simply how things go sometimes…..Simply put….People change.
You don’t have to necessarily like who they become, just don’t waste your energy in trying to change them and don’t waste your thoughts thinking bout them. There Path is there own. Walk your own with the Real and Honest not the False.
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hellspawn101 · 2 years
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nothing is as tender as annotating your favourite books. it’s like leaving a piece of your heart on the pages for somebody else to find.
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hellspawn101 · 2 years
There'll be a moment when you realise you're 27 when yesterday you were just 17; and you wouldn't be able to tell how a decade passed away and your life got divided into before and afters. The fury of youth will subdue and nothing will really change but everything will feel different when you look at old photographs and blurry videos taken on cheap mobile phones. Scents will remind you of childhood and certain friends you don't talk to anymore, hangouts will become reunions and mom's burnt pie will become the best food you ever had. And I know on some days you won't be able to show anything of those 10 years but I hope you remember to breathe, and let go of the knot in your chest. I hope you go out in the sun and live a little, because tomorrow is 37.
Edit- I added the visualizer for this piece on my YT, check it out here
-Ritika Jyala, excerpt from The Flesh I Burned
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hellspawn101 · 2 years
It is constant, it is what we do on the regular, weather it good or bad it is a circle of tragedy or Sucess. Fear or hope.
Whichever we tell ourselves it goes around all the time, months weeks or some times even years of success, then boom months weeks or years of failure. If you can visualise this you can direct were you want your individual circle to go.
It is not necessarily a depressing discovery even if that is were your mind naturally goes initially.
Just think about it for a second……..the old saying’s “this to shall pass” or
“be patient your time will come” or
“this is just a rough patch”
The list goes on, a CIRCLE! ⭕️
So simple but yet it contains so much. We change we develop we become wiser and more in-tune with ourselves that lasts for awhile and we feel on top of the world, then an unforeseen obstacle and the struggle begins again. a CIRCLE! ⭕️
Think about all the things you could accomplish when you are prepared for the worst possible outcome and know that you are destined to overcome it. It’s a knowledge of endless possibilities that can guide you in any direction you so desire. Even this analogy is just a view I have for my own particular life. Your Circle may be completely different. I may appear in it I may not. I don’t know until it presents itself. ⭕️
Life can surprise you with the unknown so embrace what is to come.
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hellspawn101 · 3 years
In order to grow we must look forward at who we are and who we are becoming, we must see ourselves in a new light, one we can observe and be proud of what we are witnessing. Staring at the internal self is difficult but also necessary to get to the next stages of development. I feel it, and I know it. I know what I have given up and sometimes it saddens me, but I also know the hard choices are necessary to heal relationships that were thought long forgotten. The hardest talks will always be the ones you have with yourself. The internal dialogue is more painful and more relaxing than anything you can gain from any individual. It’s easy to deceive yourself from right and wrong, but also easy in believing in yourself to make the right calls, that belief will take you to new heights in life, it will take you to new relationships and it will take you all over the world. People will heal because of your voice and people will be the best version of themselves because of your message. However there is always going to be the ones you hurt along the way, never intentionally, the ones we wish we had more time with the ones we wish we could have one more conversation with, the best we can do is never forget, never forget the impact they had at a specific time in our lives. There’s so much hurt in the world, so much!…sometimes to much to bear, So if you can make a single difference to an individual’s life you should always hold on to that moment, Relish in it knowing that you made a difference. Be clear and precise when talking to yourself, please don’t put yourself down. Be kind to yourself. The difference you make in peoples lives is bigger than you, it’s universal it leaves an impact……always remember that.
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hellspawn101 · 3 years
This is the role and responsibility I am charged with through the gift of self-awareness. As observer, I can float above our reality and view the totality of who I am in life and the details of how I am acting and reacting in the very moment. It is not a detachment from myself or the moment, but rather access to my highest self that carefully observes it. Having mastered this role I can make a decision and almost simultaneously evaluate whether or not it is the right decision. I can sense myself doing, feeling, and thinking things, and know if those things are authentic. I can notice when I am making poor decisions, being rude to others or forgetting something important. I am always simply vitally aware of myself. I can sense a conflict brewing and feel the anger lifting yet choose not to act on the anger......sometimes it’s not so easy. It is as though I have an internal dialogue: “Oh, here I go again getting aggravated about this trivial situation. Why am I reacting this way right now? Will getting mad serve me in this moment? If I were responding as my highest self, what would I say and do right now?
The beautiful thing is we can all learn to master this role by practicing self-examination. Several times through the day, we can all ask ourselves, “If I stopped and hovered above my life, what do I see myself doing, and why do I think I am doing that? Why am I feeling what I am feeling right now? What results will transpire from my current actions and intentions in this very moment? When we can grasp this idea of sensing ourselves, we become more connected to ourselves and the direction of our lives. This must be our goal if we want to transcend and become the observer.
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hellspawn101 · 3 years
God Helps God.
This is Track that is very special to my heart, this is the 4th version and I am somewhat happy with it, I will however in the foreseeable future make this something that will be heard by all, that is a promise. I have been hesitant to upload this alone as I am a perfectionist and in my mind it is still not what I want it to be. However I do believe it may resonate with some and I believe this is a safe platform without negative criticism. I cant wait to one day show you the final version and tell you the story behind it...…but until then try to feel what I feel if you so desire.
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hellspawn101 · 3 years
Time is still and all that remains is clarity.
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hellspawn101 · 3 years
2021 IS UPON US!
As I write this I do so with a heavy heart but also a calm collected brain. I have found myself once again not that I was lost just somewhat misdirected. 2020 was a tough year as I’m sure it was for so many of us. I found myself at a step forward in life only to be dragged back down. When I thought I had it figured out a strong wind came along and changed my course once again. It was difficult but I have faced harder things in life that have taught me the true meaning of persevering. If I have learned anything this past year however, it’s that sometimes the path you think your destined for will shift an redirect you to a more well suited one.
Looking ahead I’m uncertain of what this coming year is going to look like but I feel in my heart good things are just around the corner, I have faith in myself to bring my hopes and dreams to fruition and I have trust in my God form to make it happen. As for all my friends and family and distant loved ones I wish you all nothing but the best, and I pray that no matter what difficulties you are facing you all find a way to overcome, As for those that helped me through my despair this year I wish to say “Thank You” thanks for building me up when I couldn’t do so myself and thanks for showing me what you all see in me. I am extremely grateful to the ones that were there. As for the ones that weren’t I wish to say Sorry but not sorry. I have no time for justification an unnecessary apologies. If you weren’t there, there’s a reason for that. Just know there is no Ill-will whatsoever.
I genuinely think that in moments of turmoil we learn to see the clearest for we accept ourselves and our own shortcomings and we can see the realist of intentions of others. In doing so we have a good understanding of what we must do moving forward.
This year make goals and follow your ambition instead of carrying your past mistakes around with you, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones, simply put step-by-step,
This is the year that anything is possible, a year of infinite possibilities.
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
Winter is always a strange one for me, it makes me think more about those I love and care for but to the point where I want to contact them all at once an simply say thank you, Maybe it’s the sound of the rain coming down heavily that makes me grateful for shelter. But in those moments I process everything I never said or perhaps will never say one on one with the individual whom I choose to speak. Lately I am having a lot of good come my way and It is making me somewhat uneasy as I feel something is coming, good or bad I’m not sure. However that could just be my paranoia creeping in. The saying goes “everything in life is temporary, so if things are goin good, enjoy it for those moments won’t last forever, and if things are goin bad, don’t worry those moments won’t last forever either so learn to grow from them”
It’s always the little things that bring me the most joy “Rule-32” I guess it’s because those are the things that have a lasting impact. Love the little things and enjoy ur time hear and don’t take it for granted for Time is like a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that require us to make decisions. We can’t stop our movement down this river and we can’t avoid those encounters. We can only approach them in the best possible way by being our best possible self.
This is my best self this is what I bring to the table writing down my brain by listening to my heart. These next few years are going to bring with them much change and growth and I am excited to see who I become and the benefits that others will receive from me and what new insight I will gain from them. To anybody that took the time to read all of this, I wish you nothing but the best and hope you all are creating a future that hold true to who you are and what you love. 🙌🏼
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
I would like to start this by sending as much love and positivity as I possibly can to the world, it is amazing to see so many of us rallying together in this time of need to help beat this tragedy that has struck our world, Many are scared and many are oblivious and many are determined to persevere and overcome.
Who am I but one man?, Who are we?
Well.....we are human beings, we have experienced so much in our lifetime we have suffered and we have survived. Each and everyone of us is special in our own regard, and should be proud of what we have achieved.
I say how my life’s purpose is to help have an impact on human beings in a powerful way and yet with this virus goin around I feel powerless to do so.
I will try to voice what’s in my heart and hopefully I will touch a few heart-strings in the process.
When something like this dreadful COVID-19 hits we see the world band together but we also witness the fear for the human race.
We send our love to Italy, we send our love to Europe, We send our love to the America, we send our love to every country and every nation. For me I send my love to Australia for that is my home. Looking around at everything goin on, we can’t help but be somewhat afraid,
But what are we as human beings known for?....facing our fears and rising above them. We must take our emotions and conquer them. Take our Anger and put it to good use, turn it into hope. Take our willpower and battle on through any adversity. Take our love and direct it to one another. Cut off our greed and give to the less fortunate, the ones that don’t even have mobile devices to know what’s happening in the world, the ones without food or shelter the ones that are suffering the most. Let’s put our knowledge and intelligence together and formulate a strategy. Together the possibilities are endless of what we can overcome. Who am I but one man?...Who are We?
For some of us are young and some of us are old but we have all been given breath on this very planet. Some are taken to soon and some have lived to long, we should be grateful everyday in being able to walk and talk and take in the sunrise and the sunset of the world. It is a blessing beyond words. I like to think I can find a way to embrace peace in the world someday,
I know it’s a stretch but I want to use my messages in a strong factoring way. I truly cry for us sometimes , but I thank you all for saving me, through all of us experiencing the same pain there can be no hate.....we are all connected. Work hard and connect to others and formulate clarity and help share it with those around you.
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hellspawn101 · 4 years
Hey everyone hope you are all keeping well 🙌🏼, I made this the other day and I’m actually really happy with it, I thought I’d share with you all and hopefully you can get inspired in some way. My goal is to make a sound just like this that will fit perfectly for all my own stuff. But for now hopefully one of my biggest inspirations will do
#cani #nevergiveup #write #staytruetoyourself
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hellspawn101 · 5 years
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