Update: havent dreamt since, started writing again and nothing happened. I only vaguely remember the dream now, and I dont really want to reread my original post. I remember the figures better now though They were extremely skinny and boney, with sickly white skin. The eyes were a dull red. It had no hair, no nostrils or eyebrows. The mouth seemed more skull like, with a smooth fade between skin and bone. Idk what it is, but it isnt a skin walker. I live in australia, not america.
Aight so i had a nightmare the 2 days ago and it was fuckin terrifying It started off in one of those weird trampoline places, except with only a backyard trampolines and then a pit filled with those spongey cubes plus some cake for some reason?? That part of the dream was a blur so ill skip to the action I get the suddern urge to go to the bathroom there so i open the door but its an elevator? I mustve really needed to go coz it looked sketchy af, yet i stepped in Almost immediately the elevator starts swinging and going straight doen really fast, and it doesnt have any walls so i see every floor going past A corner of it gets caught on a floor i immediately reckognise as a gift shop, despite it not technically existing/i cant technically see. Being the dumb bitch that i am, i dont jump off onto the floor. Instead the elevator dislodges and falls almost immediately into what looks like a cave. I couldnt see the walls very well, and the path seemed to be glowing, or made of lights. It was just rocks, and nothing else there. No bathrooms just.. rocks. So im walking on the path thinking ‘so im just gonna take a shit down here, huh?’ Then i turn a corner and see a humanoid-ish figure. I immediately sprint back to the elevator and gtfo of there. Once at the trampoline floor again, two people i know, one who likes writing (important), dont believe me and go down. I look down the elevator, and the walls confining the elevator vanish so i can view the two idiots with a birds eye view. And i can see them walking slowly along the path. Once near the corner, tall figures started slowly and silently creeping behind them. My stomach dropped, seeing as i had reached that part. They walk a bit further and then something happens. I hear a deep, echoing voice outside of my dreamscape. It says “This is what happens when you write,” Then i woke up. The weirdest part is i havent been able to write anything for two days. Every time I try, i either have to go do something or find something else to do. I have ideas i want to write but i cant. This has been the first thing ive been able to write since, and its midnight nearly three days later. I also dont often dream, let alone remember them vividly for days after. What does this mean? Am i possesed? Help??
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Aight so i had a nightmare the 2 days ago and it was fuckin terrifying It started off in one of those weird trampoline places, except with only a backyard trampolines and then a pit filled with those spongey cubes plus some cake for some reason?? That part of the dream was a blur so ill skip to the action I get the suddern urge to go to the bathroom there so i open the door but its an elevator? I mustve really needed to go coz it looked sketchy af, yet i stepped in Almost immediately the elevator starts swinging and going straight doen really fast, and it doesnt have any walls so i see every floor going past A corner of it gets caught on a floor i immediately reckognise as a gift shop, despite it not technically existing/i cant technically see. Being the dumb bitch that i am, i dont jump off onto the floor. Instead the elevator dislodges and falls almost immediately into what looks like a cave. I couldnt see the walls very well, and the path seemed to be glowing, or made of lights. It was just rocks, and nothing else there. No bathrooms just.. rocks. So im walking on the path thinking 'so im just gonna take a shit down here, huh?' Then i turn a corner and see a humanoid-ish figure. I immediately sprint back to the elevator and gtfo of there. Once at the trampoline floor again, two people i know, one who likes writing (important), dont believe me and go down. I look down the elevator, and the walls confining the elevator vanish so i can view the two idiots with a birds eye view. And i can see them walking slowly along the path. Once near the corner, tall figures started slowly and silently creeping behind them. My stomach dropped, seeing as i had reached that part. They walk a bit further and then something happens. I hear a deep, echoing voice outside of my dreamscape. It says "This is what happens when you write," Then i woke up. The weirdest part is i havent been able to write anything for two days. Every time I try, i either have to go do something or find something else to do. I have ideas i want to write but i cant. This has been the first thing ive been able to write since, and its midnight nearly three days later. I also dont often dream, let alone remember them vividly for days after. What does this mean? Am i possesed? Help??
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