helpneedypeople · 7 months
The Power of Purpose: Cause Marketing Partnerships
In the world of business, success isn't solely measured by profits anymore. Companies are recognizing the value of aligning with a higher purpose, and this shift has given rise to a powerful concept known as cause marketing partnerships. These partnerships are transforming the way businesses operate by combining their objectives with a commitment to social and environmental change. 
The Essence of Cause Marketing
Cause marketing is a strategic alliance between a for-profit business and a non-profit organization or social cause. Its primary objective is to promote a social or environmental mission while simultaneously generating financial benefits for both parties. This approach goes beyond traditional corporate philanthropy by integrating social responsibility into a company's core operations and marketing strategies.
Fulfilling a Greater Purpose: Cause marketing allows companies to connect with a purpose that transcends profit margins. It empowers organizations to tackle pressing global issues such as poverty, climate change, education, healthcare, and more.
Positive Brand Image: Companies that engage in cause marketing are viewed as socially responsible and caring. This positive image not only attracts customers but also appeals to employees and investors who want to be part of something meaningful.
Business Growth: Cause marketing can boost sales and customer loyalty. Consumers are increasingly inclined to support businesses that align with their values. Partnering with a cause can distinguish a company in a crowded marketplace.
Employee Engagement: Employees who are proud of their organization's commitment to a cause tend to be more engaged, motivated, and loyal. Cause marketing initiatives often result in a motivated and productive workforce.
Real Impact: Cause marketing is not just about symbolic gestures. It drives real change by directing resources and attention toward critical issues. This impact benefits not only the cause but also the company's reputation.
Inspiring Examples of Cause Marketing Partnerships
Vistara: On the 90th anniversary of JRD Tata’s maiden flight, we helped children from Smile Foundation take off on their #RunwayToDreams and enjoy the ‘new feeling’ on their first-ever flight from Delhi to Amritsar. This was followed by an airport familiarisation tour at Amritsar airport and a visit to Taj Amritsar.
Happydent India: Happydent teamed up with Smile Foundation to help underserved children. For every smiling selfie shared with Happydent Rs.5 was donated to Smile Foundation for the education of children through its Mission Education initiative– a national-level program of Smile Foundation committed to providing basic education and healthcare to underserved children.
Quaker: Quaker joined hands with Smile Foundation to provide nutritious meals to children studying in Mission Education centers. For each pack of Quaker bought, Quaker gifted a meal to the children of Smile Foundation. 
Cause-marketing partnerships have emerged as a force for good in the corporate world. They showcase the tremendous potential of businesses to drive positive change in society while achieving their financial objectives. By embracing a higher purpose, companies can differentiate themselves, engage customers, inspire employees, and address the world's most pressing challenges. Cause marketing is not merely a trend; it's a transformation in the way businesses operate, demonstrating that the power of purpose goes hand in hand with the pursuit of profit. As more companies join this movement, we can look forward to a world where business success is not just measured in dollars but in the positive impact, it makes on our planet and its people. Cause marketing in charity and cause-related marketing is a powerful tool that can transform the landscape of business and social change, creating a brighter and more sustainable future. Learn about Smile Foundation’s Cause-related partnerships here and enter into a partnership of real change, real work.
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helpneedypeople · 9 months
Child for Child - A Program to Help Poor Children
In a world brimming with opportunities, countless children still live on the margins of society, yearning for a chance at a better future. In response to this pressing need, Smile Foundation initiated the "Child for Child" program, a heartwarming endeavor that empowers children to become changemakers in the lives of their less fortunate peers. This program embodies the spirit of empathy, compassion, and collective responsibility, aiming to help poor children find their path to a brighter tomorrow.
Child to Child Programme: Building Bridges of Hope
The "Child for Child" program is not just a philanthropic effort; it's a profound educational and social experience. It engages children from privileged backgrounds in a unique way, encouraging them to empathize with their less fortunate counterparts and make a tangible impact on their lives. This child-to-child approach fosters a sense of shared humanity and instills the values of kindness and solidarity from a young age.
Understanding the Essence
At its core, the "Child for Child" program emphasizes the significance of empowering children to be active contributors to society. It provides them with a platform to comprehend the challenges faced by their less privileged peers and take meaningful steps to address them. This experiential learning journey is a testament to the transformative power of education in nurturing compassionate citizens.
Empathy in Action
The program involves various activities that enable children to empathize with their counterparts. They are encouraged to create awareness campaigns, engage in fundraising efforts, and even contribute their pocket money to support underprivileged children's education, healthcare, and overall well-being. This hands-on approach teaches children the value of giving and sharing.
Nurturing Young Leaders
"Child for Child" doesn't just stop at instilling empathy; it nurtures leadership skills in the young participants. Children take on responsibilities, organize events, and champion the cause of underprivileged children in their schools and communities. This experiential learning empowers them to become advocates for social change.
Measuring Impact, One Smile at a Time
The impact of the "Child for Child" program goes beyond numbers. It's about brightening the future of children who would otherwise remain in the shadows. By fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy, the program creates a ripple effect of kindness and hope, transforming not only the lives of underprivileged children but also the values and perspectives of those who participate.
Joining Hands for a Brighter Tomorrow
Smile Foundation's "Child for Child" program stands as a shining example of how education can be a catalyst for change. It teaches children that they can be the difference-makers in the world, no matter how young they are. It reinforces the idea that every child deserves an opportunity to dream, learn, and grow, regardless of their circumstances.
A Movement of Hope
The "Child for Child" program is not just a program; it's a movement of hope, kindness, and collective responsibility. It is a testament to the power of education to transform lives, both for those who receive it and those who champion it. It reminds us that we can all play a part in illuminating the lives of underprivileged children, one smile at a time.
In conclusion, Smile Foundation's "Child for Child" program is a heartwarming testament to the potential of children to bring about positive change in the lives of their peers. It shows us that compassion, empathy, and collective responsibility can light the way to a brighter future for all children, regardless of their circumstances. This program is not just about helping poor children; it's about nurturing a generation of compassionate and socially responsible young leaders who will shape a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone.
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helpneedypeople · 1 year
What are the 12 Rights of a Child?
Children are the most precious gift of nature and the future of any nation. As such, it is our responsibility to ensure that children rights are not violated and that they are given the protection and care they deserve. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was adopted in 1989 to protect the rights of children. This convention outlines 12 fundamental rights that children must enjoy regardless of their background, race, religion, or any other factors. 
The first right of a child is the right to life, survival, and development. This means that every child has the right to be born and to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. This right also includes access to food, clean water, adequate healthcare, and education. 
The second right of a child is the right to protection. This means that children need to be protected from all forms of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Furthermore, children have the right to be protected from any form of discrimination, and their privacy should be respected. 
The third right of a child is the right to participation. This includes the right to express their opinion, be heard, and be taken seriously. Children should be involved in decisions that affect their lives and should be able to participate in activities that are suitable for their age.
The fourth right of a child is the right to a name and nationality. Every child has the right to have a legal identity and to acquire a nationality. This includes the right to have their birth registered and to have access to all forms of documentation. 
The fifth right of a child is the right to education. This means that all children have the right to free, compulsory, and quality education. Furthermore, children should not be discriminated against in the educational system and should be taught in an environment that is free of any form of exploitation. 
The sixth right of a child is the right to leisure, play, and culture. This right includes the right to engage in activities that are appropriate for their age and to participate in cultural life. 
The seventh right of a child is the right to the highest attainable standard of health. This includes the right to access health services, information, and preventive health care. 
The eighth right of a child is the right to an adequate standard of living. This includes the right to adequate food, clothing, housing, and other necessary resources. 
The ninth right of a child is the right to protection from economic exploitation. This includes the right to be protected from any form of exploitation, such as child labor. 
The tenth right of a child is the right to protection from any form of cruel or degrading treatment. This includes the right to be protected from all forms of violence, such as physical, mental, and sexual abuse. 
The eleventh right of a child is the right to free expression. This includes the right to express their opinions and to access information, art, and media. 
The twelfth right of a child is the right to access social security. This includes the right to access social services, such as health care, education, and social security benefits.  It is essential that we as adults uphold the 12 rights of children in India and ensure that these rights are respected and protected. We must take action to ensure that all children have access to these rights and live in a safe and healthy environment. Smile Foundation, one of the most trusted nonprofits in India is doing great work in the fields of child education, livelihood and women empowerment.
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helpneedypeople · 2 years
Donate for Girl Child Education
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A girl— often a source of happiness, innocence, purity in many families is considered a curse in some others. Apart from the reason that in a patriarchal set-up, the birth of boys are preferred over girls because for the longest time, it was believed that since men are the breadwinners of the family; it is more desirable to have them than girls. Also, as the tradition goes, girls are married off into families and that also involves dowries; so parents see girl children as burdens that they have to get rid of. 
All these factors weakened the position of girl children in families with men controlling them and making decisions in their place. Things started changing when more and more girls were sent to schools. It was found that girls performed better than boys in academics. Now with many women receiving higher education and becoming a part of the workforce in leadership positions, the tide is turning in the favor of women.
However, girls from lower income families still struggle to receive a basic education with many of them utilized as a house help to take care of the younger siblings and help the mothers in household chores. Many NGOs related to education are trying to inculcate a behavioral change in the attitudes of the parents so that they themselves are eager to get their girl children enrolled in schools. 
Girls are steadily seen as persons with autonomy rather than those who are told what to do. Many girls are taking inspiration from successful women who are carving a path for themselves in every field possible— business, arts, science etc.
The NGO Foundation, Smile Foundation is one of the top NGOs in India who is trying to change the condition of girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. Visit their NGO website campaign page She Can Fly  to support the dreams of many young girls who want to fly and reach the sky. 
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helpneedypeople · 2 years
Best NGOs In India To Donate: Changing The Nation
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Studies have shown that there is an increased trust in NGOs among the citizens of various countries, ranking 2nd, after business in the Edelman Trust Barometer 2022. This finding indicates that the performance of NGOs in various nations, including India has been on an upward trend. The good news is that the new generation is looking for the best NGOs in India to donate.
Curated here is a list of the best NGOs in India to donate keeping in mind attributes like– social issue areas, number of beneficiaries, impact and sustainability factors.
Please take a look and decide which NGO suits best for your future donation choices.
1. Smile Foundation
Formed in 2002, Smile Foundation is an NGO for education in India with a strong vision to ensure education among the underprivileged children. Over the years, they have branched out into more developmental programmes involving the provision of primary healthcare, livelihood for the youth and women, women empowerment- all negatively affected by the lack of required resources in their lives. 
Their initiatives, innovatively named as Smile on wheels (SOW), Mission Education (ME), Swabhiman and Smile Twin e-learning Program (STEP) are changing the lives of the marginalised communities all across the nation. Smile is also one of the top 10 NGOs in Delhi.
2. Child Rights and You (CRY)
CRY  is one of the oldest NGOs in India working for the rights of disadvantaged children to build an equitable society to ensure justice and dignity for all irrespective of their economic standing.
The NGO gets involved with many individual and corporate partners to uplift the lives of many underprivileged children. Believing in making the journey sustainable for all, CRY is actively involved in advocacy, spreading awareness, direct/indirect action and research positively affecting policy changes. 
3. Help Age India
Set up more than 4 decades back, HelpAge India has been in the service of the country’s  poor, abandoned and isolated elderly communities providing them the much-needed support in various forms. They utilise their expertise to influence governmental policy changes for the elderly. Their main focus areas are emotional support and material aid to the poor and abandoned elderly.
Physiotherapy centers, sponsoring cataract operations and providing help lines for the elderly are all the intervention measures employed by Help Age to help them understand and fight for their rights. Interestingly, this NGO also represents its cause in the National Planning Commission of India. 
4. GiveIndia
Holding a unique position amongst all the Indian NGOs as instead of working directly with various grassroots organisations, this NGO acts as an online and offline donation platform for more than 200 Indian NGOs scrutinized by GiveIndia through applicable transparency and credibility parameters.
They will provide the donors with feedback reports detailing for what purpose and how the donation money has been utilised by the recipient organisation. 
5. Akshaya Patra
Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that strives to completely eliminate hunger faced by school children by implementing the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in government and government-aided schools. The NGO also aims to counter malnutrition and support the right to education of socio-economically underprivileged children.
Since 2000, Akshaya Patra has been concentrating all its efforts towards providing healthy and nutritious meals to children on every single school day around the year. They have an active partnership with the Government of India and various State Governments, along with various corporates, individual donors, and well-wishers that have helped them serve 2 million children. 
Today, the NGO, Akshaya Patra is the world’s largest Mid-Day Meal Programme serving wholesome food every school to over 2 million children of India.
6. Save The Children
Save the Children is one of the best Indian NGOs who believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future, making them fiercely committed to ensure the survival and thriving of underprivileged children. They would do whatever it takes to make this vision a reality.
They are the world’s leading expert on children, delivering sustainable results to millions of disadvantaged girls and boys. 
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helpneedypeople · 2 years
5 Best NGOs for Child Education in India
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There are many greats in the world who don’t believe in formal education. Their experiences have shaped their value systems slightly non-traditional. But education, for a good count, who are stuck in a cycle of inaccessibility and lesser means, is a definite way out of lived misery and a life full of lackings. 
Many first-generation learners from marginalised or disadvantaged communities have found respectable representation in areas like- governance, execution and administration, courtesy the great gift of education. They now have a distinct voice that was rendered voiceless due to the inequitable conditions earlier– perpetuated by the biased structure favouring the privileged. 
Individual efforts when combined with organisational capacities do wonders to the present and future of every nation. 
Here’s a list of 5 Best NGOs for Child Education in India:
1. CRY
Any organisation with a vision of “A happy, healthy and creative child whose rights are protected and honoured in a society that is built on respect for dignity, justice and equity for all.” has their heart in the right place. 
Born in 1979, CRY has ensured more than 4 decades of happier childhoods. Its founder, Rippan Kapur, along with 6 of her friends and only INR 50 as an initial fund dreamt big— they dreamt to ensure a childhood full of happiness and hope for all children.
CRY works with 102 local NGOs across 19 states in India and has positively impacted the lives of over 3 million children. A feat that is difficult to achieve without consistent and concerted efforts towards a better world.
2. Smile Foundation
Staying true to their name and logo that is bound to make one smile instantly, Smile Foundation directly benefits over 15 lac children and their families in a year. Founded in 2002 by a group of young, ambitious and compassionate corporate professionals, Smile Foundation works with grassroots initiatives to effect positive changes in the lives of the many marginalised groups.
Smile Foundation has an impressive number of 400 welfare projects on education, healthcare, women empowerment and livelihood spread across 2000 remote villages and urban slums in India.
What’s unique about their approach is their belief that only an empowered family, especially the mother, can ensure education for her child. They are investing all their efforts in social transformation in a multi-pronged manner– covering all the aspects of a healthy and successful life for an individual, and thus the family.
3. Save The Children
One of the leading child rights’ NGO in India, Save The Children began its journey in 2008 with the belief that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future. Working in 16 states across the country, the organisation has changed the lives of more than 14 million children in India.
They have a bold ambition to ensure that every single child not only survives, but thrives. They tirelessly and vigilantly work on the ground every single day to save as many children as possible.
Leveraging their hardly built wealth, expert-level information related to childcare, they launch initiatives that take into account the all-round development of children. Their work is commendable and truly world class in their area of expertise.
4. UNICEF India
One of the most reliable and dependable organisations in India, UNICEF India works across the country to save the lives of children, help them fulfil their full potential and defend their rights without any compromise whatsoever. With their standards set strictly against an international paradigm, UNICEF India does extensive research and reports on the status of children in India and what interventions are needed to change the lives of children for a better tomorrow.
Their campaigns related to health, education, nutrition, gender equality, climate change fight, and more– all are aligned keeping in mind to protect the children from natural and man-made issues across the world. UNICEF India believes in doing more than the bare minimum and wants children to turn into role models of the future– creating a fresh generation of changemakers and world leaders.
5. CARE India
A part of the CARE International Confederation, CARE India helps millions of people live a life of dignity with a presence in over 100 countries. It is an NGO with a capacity to build communities that are empowered, especially women and girls. They have 360 degree intervention in all areas related to a good and improved life– education, livelihood, health, disaster relief and resilience.
Having a strong faith in technology and its powers, they provide innovative solutions to deep-rooted development problems. They are backed up with a  robust integration of internal knowledge and a strong network of national/international partnerships to deliver results at a large scale to its long list of stakeholders. 
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helpneedypeople · 2 years
Indian charities can pave the way for a more empathetic society
A country that refuses to take one language as its national one must be inherently open and accepting of the ideas of diversity and multiculturalism. India has historically been the land of good karmas and associated empathy. Charities in India are spread throughout the length and breadth of the nation covering both rural and urban spaces. Various remarkable NGOs in India do the heavy lifting of social development in our country.
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Empathy and charities in India– From epics to the institutional efforts of Indian values and traditions
Acts of random and contemplated kindness are more commonplace in our country than they are credited for. It’s not a surprise that many of the donors remain unidentified whose intuitive acts of kindness improve the lives of others. Following the Indian ethos of “Neki kar dariya mein daal” translating to be discreet in your kindness, many supported the aspirations of others without the need for labels.
The ongoing pandemic brought forth the ideals of sharing at the center stage with people generously helping their families, friends and strangers on a large scale. Surveys reported a 43% increase in philanthropy in the year 2020 indicating the nation’s willingness to urgently serve the people in crisis.
Recounting a memorable episode from Mahabharata named Yaksha Prashan wherein Yama in the guise of Yaksha asked Yudhishthira one of the 126 difficult questions– What is the basis of dharma? Yudishtra says that Generosity is the basis of dharma. The act of giving then is a natural extension of our shared values– branching out into areas of education, healthcare and livelihood measures.
Charities in India travel the long distance to make resources equitable for all
Many eager donors look up to avenues that make easy and reliable donations possible for them. Indian charities in India do the needful hand-holding in such individual and collective contributions. Concerned individuals and corporations have a plethora of options to choose from a network of robust NGOs in India to fully support the causes that they strongly believe in.
Every single act of charity whether monetary or volunteering is truly rewarding. Someone with a childhood of challenges with low or no access to the basic educational, healthcare or housing provisions would naturally want to alleviate the sufferings of those mirroring their experiences. They would make valuable efforts to dwindle the hardships faced by the underprivileged.
Everyone can make a difference
Compassionate individuals with full-time consuming jobs find themselves in a catch-22 situation. They are torn between fulfilling their professional duties diligently and pursuing purposes that make their lives meaningful. Charities in India build vital bridges for such action-centric game changers.
These effective platforms translate your empathy into meaningful actions. Think of the myriad ways that you can effect worthwhile changes in a person’s life by intimately partnering with competent NGOs in India. Imagine the felt impact of your collaborative efforts in their lives. Don’t all of us do a little or a lot better when shown real kindness?
The increased transparency and accountability offered by the charities in India in terms of funds’ distribution and spending, management of programmes and active involvement of all the stakeholders make palatable sounds. Sounds that are definite markers of reliability and trustworthiness. You can put your faith and hard-earned resources into charities in India knowing that they are in safe hands.
Also, understanding the needs of the changing demographics, charities in India are redefining themselves by creating legit spaces for dynamic causes. Relentless efforts are being made to transform society into an inclusive one.
The best NGOs in India related to children’s education, transgender rights, enabling the differently abled, aiding in improved lifestyles of acid-attack and domestic abuse survivors, and more are directing all their efforts into every perceivable cause that needs our immediate attention.
Future of NGOs in India
India is undergoing a tremendous shift in its growth story by climbing up every economic performance related chart in the world. As economic growth is directly related to one’s overall well-being, concrete civic support plays an important role in shaping the future of the nation and charities in India are expected to contribute wholesomely towards it.
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain
These inspiring lines from one of the most original poets of all time, Emily Dickinson, find resonance with the profound values of kindness and empathy.
Charities in India with their dogged pledge towards improving the lives of the marginalized have been positively changing the face of the nation for nearly 3 decades now. When thoughtful interventions are made to carve out success for every person in our nation, we will rightfully establish a dominant position in the list of world leaders.
When we achieve freedom for ourselves, it becomes our duty to help others in their hopeful journeys towards it. Let us do the bare minimum (and more) by making humble contributions to NGOs in India to support their efforts in paving a more empathetic society. When you are stuck with the thought– “How much can I change someone's lived experiences?” The answer is– always a bit more.
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