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This is the fate of poor Berry Punch.
Being forced to forget and remember the worst moments of her life for all of eternity.
Is there a worst fate for any pony?
((Thanks for reading))
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Louie: Hmmm...
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((Sorry if the art is a bit sub par in this installment, for those who don’t know... I’m currently going through some emotional stuff right now.  So focusing on art wasn’t particularly easy.))
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Oh... no...
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Louie: Watch out for glass bagpipes, they may sound like a fun idea, but it will mean your doom.
I usually prefer to not give you mortals a hint on your fate... but I’m not sure hell is ready for you yet.
((Thanks, Tai.  I never would’ve expected a Louie cameo))
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Everypony just seems very sad down here… I thought I’d redecorate to encourage them, but the boss didn’t like it~
I might get another try at this job, though; the boss said he figures I’ll see him again soon enough~
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It... can’t be...
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Why... why are you doing this to me?
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I... I’m sorry, Berry.
((Here Comes Berry Punch X Berry Punch Replies Crossover Side Story P1))
((This crossover is a sorta’ side story that happens between the last two updates, this one will be done separate from the regular scheduled updates and will update randomly whenever we can both update the story.  Think of it as some extra Berry fun.  With twice the Berries.  The fun has been doubled!))
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((For those who haven’t seen the old Berry Punch blog @justaskberrypunch, the other Berry Punch Berry is referring to is @berrypunchreplies))
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What have I done?!
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((For those who haven’t seen the old Berry Punch blog @justaskberrypunch, the other Berry Punch Berry is referring to is @berrypunchreplies))
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It was like I lost my daughter all over again.
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How could I... I’m... the worst pony... ever...
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Well, it’s HEADed in the right direction.
((Sorry I didn’t see this sooner, @bleedrein.))
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Sorry @bleedrein
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Changed a bit on how the tiers work and some bonus goodies for people joining my Patreon.
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