hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[she picks up the hot pocket and takes a bite out of it] So did you ever tell me who your godly parent, or whatever it is, is?
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[smiles and puts the hot pocket into the microwave.  When it’s done then he puts it in front of her then makes his own]
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[she moved closer to him and moved to sit on his lap as his hands wrapped around her waist, and she kissed him more forcefully]
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[he couldn’t help but smirk against the kiss, he snakes his arms around her waist.]
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
Hero DuBois. It's nice to meet you. [looks around and avoids staring at her wheelchair] Demeter? She's nature and stuff, right?
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[She gives her a little smile.] Anna Rose Orchard, daughter of Demeter and cabin councelor. [She definitely stops her wheelchair] You can call me whatever you want.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[She quickly puts the photo under her legs and looks at the girl next to her.] No. Nothing. Who are you?
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[She settles quietly next to her, a small frown on her face] Something wrong ?
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[she sits under a tree, turning a picture around in her hands, looking at it sadly]
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
@thisis4losers: all i need is leonardo dicaprio feeding me grapes and my life will be complete
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
Well, thanks then. [she shakes his hand, a small smile creeping on her lips.] Hero DuBois. And I'm not gonna bite you, I promise.
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[nods like a bobble head]  I-I think so.  [holds out his hand]  Z-Zeke Montgomery.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
Sure doesn't seem like a good thing to me. [ She smirks lightly and shakes her head ] I've never even physically been inside, and I just hope I never have to. I walk past and I can just... feel myself changing into a Barbie. [ She rolls her eyes playfully at his remark about making jokes ] Oh believe me, I'm used to it by now. As long as they're creative, I think I can handle it. [ When she sits down, she just looks down at Ryan as he resurfaces quickly and laughs. She was about to make some snarky remark about why she did that when she felt herself being pulled into the water by her feet. Hero felt a sudden surge of energy when she fell into the cool water, and she stayed under for an unusually long amount of time, just looking around in the dark around her. She pushed off the bottom of the lake and shot to the surface, and she pushed her hair out of her face while treading water ] I probably deserved that.
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[ A chuckle escapes his lips as he arches a single eyebrow ] Yeah, yeah you are fresh meat.. but that’s a good thing. [ His smile grows a bit wider at her distastement for the Aphrodite cabin ] Not a real fan of all that stuff? I can see why, i’m in that cabin for 5 minutes sometimes and I can’t breathe from all the perfume. [ After shaking her hand he keeps his hand in hers about to pull it out with a light smirk ] Pleasure is all mine. Hero? I like it.. will you get mad if I make jokes about you being a hero? [ He’s about to continue when she pulls him off the dock and it catches him by surprise. With surprise he falls in the water and quickly resurfaces, using his hands to pull his hair off his forehead and out of his eyes. It spikes up a bit as he shakes his head at Hero ] What was that for? [ Before she can reply he swims up to her feet that hangs over the edge of the dock and he grabs her feet pulling her in with a grin ] I’m so sorry.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[looks up at him sadly] I don't care. Do whatever you want.
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[puts the edge of the sword against her cheek but doesn’t press] I’m not fuckin’ around.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
Believe me, if I want people to believe me, they will.
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Careful. That requires a lot of lying. If you don’t like being fake, then I suggest going a different route.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[she looks up at the sword, her eyes getting wide for a moment. But she just takes another grape from the vine still on the sword and puts it in her mouth with a smile.] Yum.
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[he rolls his eyes and stands up, holding onto the handle of the sword. he pulls it and then vine out of the ground like he’s going to leave, but he changes his mind and points the sword, still wrapped in the vine with grapes, down at the girl.] I think I can tell you what to do.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[Hero narrowed her eyes at the boy, taking her book from the floor near him and put it down next to where she was sitting.] Well, don't even look at it. I don't like people looking at my stuff.
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[he walks to the dock, hoping he would see Tessa there because he didn’t see her in the pier in the beach. When he sees that she isn’t, he sighs and then he wonders who’s the other girl there, so he walks closer and sees the sketchpad he looks at it and didn’t touch it.] Take it. It’s not like I’m holding it or anything.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
I've never really had the opportunity to.
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I'm sure they are. And probably vain and stuck up bitches. But hey, you know, everyone has their quirks. 
Really? Why not…never had girlfriends before? 
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Me either, but hey—being the child would be kind of cool…I bet they are gorgeous or something. 
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
Hey, if that doesn't count as a home cooked meal, then I've never had one.
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Fuck no.  I don’t even know how to.  I can heat ya up a Hot Pocket though.
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
[ She looked him up and down, nodding slightly ] It's alright, love. [ She smiled lightly and winked ] Yes, I'm the "fresh meat. [ She remarked with a small sigh. Hero snorted as he said she could be in Aphrodite's cabin, and shook her head. ] Uh uh, I would kill myself if was the child of love. No thank you. [ She shook his hand and smirked up at him] It's a pleasure Ryan. I'm Hero. Hero DuBois. [ Then without a second thought, she kept hold of his hand and pulled him over to the edge of the dock and into the water. ] Oops! Sorry! [ she remarked with a sly grin as she sat on the edge of the dock after he was in the water. ] 
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[ He studied the girl with a small smile, running a hand through his hair ] I would have asked, but you just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you. I’ll remember for next time. [ He shrugs his shoulders loosely ] No problem. [ Ryan nods his head slowly, no wonder he didn’t rememember her, she was new ] You’re new here.. no wonder I didn’t recognize you. Well, what I know of you so far I think you could fit in at Apollo.. or Aphrodite of course. [ He smirks and holds out his hand ] I’m Ryan, Ryan Porter. If you ever need to find me you can find me at the Ares cabin. And.. you are?
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
You'll be learning from the master. [ She sighed loudly ] I don't think I've ever been included in the phrase 'us girls'. 
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At least I know I'm not the child of 'love' or Aphrodite or whatever the hell is it.
I’ll make sure I pencil in some time to make it to those, since well—I’m fairly poor at being a stone cold bitch. [She giggled] Not at all, us new girls need to stick together. You know? 
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Eh, I’m not against love—since well there is a real life god, so… that statement is instantly false. Though I’m just not sure it’s made for me…
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hero-doesnt-care · 11 years
I don't think you can tell me what to do.
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I don’t give a shit. Leave.
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