hero-of-nohr · 7 years
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the 4th route of fates is looking good
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
"The Norhian Way and I forgive you, Lord Xander."
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this should hav been serious but i–
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
Anyone Else Do This?
It’s snowing in real life, or it has been in recent weeks. And so when you’re responding to replies, your brain automatically assumes the weather is the same! I have to stop Arthur from trudging through non-existant snow on the reg.
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
"I haven't the slightest idea. Cats seem to like trees. So I looked for trees! And I found them. So everything's going pretty well so far." Arthur started to trudge deeper into the woods. "She's got black fur, so you'll need a sharp eye."
You are what you think (open)
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
Arthur was shocked.
“I... I...” He fell to his knees and started blubbering. “Oh, Corrin, it’s marvelous! Bwahahaha...” He sniffled and wiped his nose. “The jawline’s a little droopy, but that’s to be expected when you’re made of snow instead of heroism. I loooove it!”
@hero-of-nohr (continued from here)
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“Oh, Arthur…that’s so sweet of you to say! I’m glad we’re spending time together like this. No fighting, no wars…just the two of us.” Corrin smiled as he carefully moved Arthur’s hands away from the snowman. It was finally ready! He hoped that Arthur ends up liking it…
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“It’s finally ready! I’ll remove the scarf from your eyes for you, I hope you like the surprise~!” Corrin couldn’t hold in his giggling as he reached up and untied the scarf from Arthur’s eyes. “Ta-da! I made a snowman of justice! Do you like it?
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
“Wonderful! Guide my hands and sculpt the finishing touches. ...Yes, perfect. I think. Probably.” Whatever Arthur was touching, it was cold and bumpy. What a strange snowman!
“Times like these make the fighting all worthwhile, dear Corrin. Though the icy wind blows, my heart is bursting with warm fuzzy feelings!”
⛄ (It's been so long I'M SO SORRY)
(its fine omg!!!)
Send ⛄ for our muses to build a snowman together
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“Arthur, no matter how much you ask, I’m not letting you see my snowman–!” Corrin covered Arthur’s eyes with his hands. He wanted the snowman to be a surprise! He couldn’t work on it while Arthur was trying to see it, so he had to make due with semi-transforming and using his tail to cover Arthur’s vision.
Chances are, Arthur’s luck could make its move and Corrin could finish his snowman, but then he’d probably feel bad and show it to him anyways.
(Shh, don’t tell him, But it’s a snowman of justice. It looks like Arthur! Or as close as it can be to him!)
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
“I’m looking for a cat. It’s chilly out and a kindly old woman needed help finding her feline friend.” Arthur laughed. “Looking for a cat, and I found a dragon! Would you care to join me in the hunt?”
You are what you think (open)
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
“Hmph. Fine then. There’s only one thing to do!” Arthur removed his scarf and wrapped it around his eyes. “With this blindfold, I can aid you in your snowman construction while keeping the surprise!” He hobbled around a bit, his hands out so as to not run into anything. “The scholars say true justice is blind. I’ve always wanted to try something like this!”
⛄ (It's been so long I'M SO SORRY)
(its fine omg!!!)
Send ⛄ for our muses to build a snowman together
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“Arthur, no matter how much you ask, I’m not letting you see my snowman–!” Corrin covered Arthur’s eyes with his hands. He wanted the snowman to be a surprise! He couldn’t work on it while Arthur was trying to see it, so he had to make due with semi-transforming and using his tail to cover Arthur’s vision.
Chances are, Arthur’s luck could make its move and Corrin could finish his snowman, but then he’d probably feel bad and show it to him anyways.
(Shh, don’t tell him, But it’s a snowman of justice. It looks like Arthur! Or as close as it can be to him!)
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
“The call of justice leads me all over, Milady. Lady Elise has Effie to tend to her, and quite honestly, she does well on her own. Keeps out of trouble like a polite young lady... usually. ‘Tis equally unusual to see you by your lonesome!”
You are what you think (open)
Corryn knew that this whole war was a mistake. Having both sides of her family fighting just to have her join them. How can she do that? How could she turn on one for the other. How could they not notice that she loved them all and just wanted to get them to see eye to eye.
How secretly at night she fought with her own demons to try and get out of her head. To tell her that she was at fault for this war and that if it wasn’t for her there wouldn’t be a war. Some times she wonders how easy it would be to take the Yato and just run hoping to draw her siblings out and talk to them but that would never work. 
Taking the Yato she stares at the blade, Why had she been chosen by it? Of all the people who were more than worthy why her? For a moemnt she glares at the blade. With a sigh she halters it. 
“Whos there?” 
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hero-of-nohr · 7 years
"Ho there, Corryn! It's only me. You look troubled. Are you in need? Perhaps you could use a heroic shoulder to cry upon?"
You are what you think (open)
Corryn knew that this whole war was a mistake. Having both sides of her family fighting just to have her join them. How can she do that? How could she turn on one for the other. How could they not notice that she loved them all and just wanted to get them to see eye to eye.
How secretly at night she fought with her own demons to try and get out of her head. To tell her that she was at fault for this war and that if it wasn’t for her there wouldn’t be a war. Some times she wonders how easy it would be to take the Yato and just run hoping to draw her siblings out and talk to them but that would never work. 
Taking the Yato she stares at the blade, Why had she been chosen by it? Of all the people who were more than worthy why her? For a moemnt she glares at the blade. With a sigh she halters it. 
“Whos there?” 
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
The asshole was offended.
“Asugi! That’s no way to speak to your elders, young man, let alone a hero!” Arthur grabbed him by the ear and immediately started for the door. “You’re much too young to be making a fool of yourself like this. We’re going back to the castle.”
Ye Olde Designated Driver (Open)
Justice was not always a pretty thing. Sometimes it meant looking after the lowliest of souls as they drowned their sorrows. That’s why Arthur found himself seated inside The Tipsy Scales, a common meetingplace for such folk. All manner of buffoonery was going on, but Arthur vowed only to intervene if the call of justice demanded it.
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
Ye Olde Designated Driver (Open)
Justice was not always a pretty thing. Sometimes it meant looking after the lowliest of souls as they drowned their sorrows. That’s why Arthur found himself seated inside The Tipsy Scales, a common meetingplace for such folk. All manner of buffoonery was going on, but Arthur vowed only to intervene if the call of justice demanded it.
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
“There’s no time to lose!” Arthur stepped back and ran at Vaike, scooping him into a bridal carry. A moment later, he dramatically kicked open a door and laid Vaike down on the nearest bed. A few Shepherds were around, staring.
“Eheh. Fear not, good people! Your comrade is safe now, freed from the icy clutches of your cantankerous climate!”
In the entire kingdom of Ylisse seemed to be cloaked in some weird frost spell. The ground crunches under each step, frozen solid. Every tree was bare as if giants walked by to shake them of their leaves. Animals were silent, which would give most an uneasy feeling. Smoke could be seen from the chimneys in the town from the fires warming families. Yes, the world was coated in freezing frost… So why was it that The Vaike was outside in this mess? He never thought it would be this cold. Wearing a shirt would only belittle him and hide those beautiful pecks he worked so hard to sculpt. It was stupid, but the blond sure as Hell regrets volunteering for watch now. Maybe taking that blanket would have been a great idea. Walking didn’t help warm his body. For a man so large, one would think it wouldn’t be a problem for him to stay warm. If he wasn’t so tan, one could see the light blue tint appearing on his skin. However, being so cold could make him strong. Right? Totally.  He found perch on a rock. The rock where he once crushed his beetle buddy, the rock where he slipped and cracked his head open fleeing from a bird, and the same rock that has seen those butt cheeks more times than it should. It was too cold to really move now, and he wondered if he was going to freeze out here. A Vaike Popsicle did not sound too badass. 
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
Arthur was on his daily Justice Patrol, venturing across time and space in search of citizens in need. What he found was a cold shirtless man whose nipples could probably cut glass.
“Ho there, citizen! Today is no day for sunbathing! We’ve got to get you inside....” Arthur wished he had brought a cloak or something. His one-of-a-kind crime-fighting supersuit was thermally insulated, but that wouldn’t do Vaike much good.
In the entire kingdom of Ylisse seemed to be cloaked in some weird frost spell. The ground crunches under each step, frozen solid. Every tree was bare as if giants walked by to shake them of their leaves. Animals were silent, which would give most an uneasy feeling. Smoke could be seen from the chimneys in the town from the fires warming families. Yes, the world was coated in freezing frost… So why was it that The Vaike was outside in this mess? He never thought it would be this cold. Wearing a shirt would only belittle him and hide those beautiful pecks he worked so hard to sculpt. It was stupid, but the blond sure as Hell regrets volunteering for watch now. Maybe taking that blanket would have been a great idea. Walking didn’t help warm his body. For a man so large, one would think it wouldn’t be a problem for him to stay warm. If he wasn’t so tan, one could see the light blue tint appearing on his skin. However, being so cold could make him strong. Right? Totally.  He found perch on a rock. The rock where he once crushed his beetle buddy, the rock where he slipped and cracked his head open fleeing from a bird, and the same rock that has seen those butt cheeks more times than it should. It was too cold to really move now, and he wondered if he was going to freeze out here. A Vaike Popsicle did not sound too badass. 
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
Rally Spectrum
Rally Spectrum- What is your preferred stat?
Skill, no doubt. I love me some crits and skill activations. Both is even better. If it weren’t for crit quotes, my answer might be different, but… there ya go!
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
Misfortunate and Inspiring Song!
Misfortunate – Unluckiest moment in game?I have fallen victim to the legendary 1% crit. I play on casual, so it wasn’t a big deal, but it was a little annoying to have Percy down and out for that map. I guess on a different note, I failed to recruit Ignatius the first time around and didn’t notice until I had saved. Bleh.
Inspiring Song – Favorite song(s) from the series?Strike! from FE7 is my all-time favorite. I’m also a big fan of Together We Ride, Divine Decree (Ablaze), and Desire Below from the Fates DLC.
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hero-of-nohr · 8 years
aether, galeforce?
Aether- Favorite lord?Gotta be Hector. He’s kinda a riot and I love him. Just a big dork with a big axe.
Galeforce – What was your most broken unit?I haven’t gotten far enough in the GBA games for anyone to really get broken, but in Awakening, it would have to be my whole dang family (Robin, Nowi, Nah, and Morgan) and in Fates, my Birthright Avatar, Azama, and Niles. ^_^
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