hero-x-villain · 3 years
It had been three days. Three painful and restless days during which villain hadn’t given them any sort of break, determined to get the information they needed.
"Wow little hero, I’m impressed! Really... Villain admitted. Spies generally don’t last this long". They somehow sounded admirative. Hero was exhausted and in pain, oh so much pain, needless to say "gentle" wasn’t part of Villain’s vocabulary. Hero had thought their enemy would be more creative but no, they had decided to stick to good old-fashioned cuts and punches. honestly, it was just as awful.
there was a moment of silence. the only disturbance happened to be hero’s struggling attempts to catch their breath despite their bruised ribs and bleeding nose.
villain approached their shivering captive and crouched before them, tilting their head up and caressing their cheek with their other hand. to hero’s surprise, this was the first (almost) kind touch they had received from their nemesis over these past days. however, there was something threatening about that touch. hero would have sworn it was worse than the hits.
"now… let’s be reasonable little one, hm? you’re gonna give me what I want" villain whispered. hero tensed.
"oh come on. you’re tough but you’re not that tough and a little birdie told me you would appreciate some sleep."
"n-not giving… you…anything", the poor thing bit out, quivering.
a somehow satisfied grin appeared on villain’s face, slowly revealing white and hungry and oh merciless teeth. "then i guess you won’t mind me…" they harshly pressed the knife into hero’s skin.
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hero-x-villain · 3 years
Hero felt a buzzing pain inside their head. they had been knocked out. They slowly opened their eyes to find themselves in a dark room, a fireplace in the back being the only source of light, a warm light, contrasting with the sharp coldness of the place. They were tightly tied to a chair and every muscle of their body tensed as the realization hit them : they were trapped and there was no way out this time.
"Look who’s back among us."
Shit. This voice. It was way too familiar for hero not to shiver in anticipation.
"I mean. I gotta say you’ve improved a lot since the last time we met. It simply wasn’t enough", villain alleged with a smile.
Hero flinched at villain’s cold hand on their shoulder, their mind racing. They couldn’t give up, not now, or else they would compromise the whole mission and oh boy that couldn’t happen.
"Look, Villain continued, I just have a few questions to ask you. If you give me what I want, there will be no need for me to hurt you." Their voice was horribly soft, almost convincing, but hero had been trained for this, trained to shut up and endure pain. They mumbled something, still not looking up.
"What was that? Villain enquired. Come on ! You know you gotta speak louder little hero. They slowly walked around the chair to face their scared prey, their gaze willing to pierce through the fragile shell that was left of the broken soldier.
"I can’t -I can’t talk." Hero whispered. They were shaking now.
"Maybe you just need a little help, villain purred, a smirk on their face.
Oh god. Villain had a knife in their hand, a sharp one. Hero yelped in terror as villain was getting closer to them, desperately yanking in their bounds, sweat beading on their forehead. Shit they didn’t want to die.
"Shhh, quit struggling darling, Villain murmured. You’re only making it worse for yourself, it’s not gonna help you." Hero stilled at those words and painfully took a breath, in between two strangled hiccups. They had to remain calm, they had to. Villain gently tilted hero’s head up with their blade, meeting their terrified eyes. Hero flinched.
"Now tell me love, who are you working for?"
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