hexadecimal-sorcery · 2 months
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hexadecimal-sorcery · 2 months
bread is just yeast blowing bubbles in dough, and then hardening the dough so the bubbles don't escape, right?
Which is basically how you make memory foam, which uses a vacuum to blow bubbles in isocyanates.
Ergo, memory foam is a type of alternative bread.
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hexadecimal-sorcery · 3 months
Final Fantasy XIII is indefensibly ridiculous and I love it
Highlights include:
You don't unlock the core game mechanics for literally 2 hours. I'm not exaggerating. 2 entire hours.
Most of the game is spent walking down a corridor, until you get to the open world section. Which you think would be good, right? No. No it's just a bigger corridor which seems to have the sole purpose of artificially extending the length of the game with 10+ hours of grinding.
9 hours of fully voice acted cutscenes
Fake Australian (?) accents
12 year old on murder quest to avenge someone for being tangentially involved in his mother's death
Planet lore which I'm pretty sure was specifically designed to upset geophysicists
Protagonist is actual gender swapped Cloud Strife.
The Japanese stereotype of a black man who is simultaneously the cringe comic relief character and also has the most nuanced and complex character arc
One character's entire personality is Being A Hero and you know he's cool because his name is Snow
it is unironically one of my favourite games but I cannot in good conscience recommend it
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