hexaethylene · 6 years
I just spent way too long eyeing up the cloaked figure’s sleeves and comparing them to other images of Org members we’ve seen so far. Ah, the days when we learned to recognise individual Org members based solely off the design of their coat.
It’s not Lea because his sleeves are all wrong, likewise it’s not Demyx. Their coats are tighter at the forearms and flare nearer the wrists. I thought for a bit it might be Marluxia, but the sleeves are too long; his have some of his hands visible.
It might be Vexen. The body shape is wrong on the older design, but compare it to what we’ve seen of him in trailers already and it’s actually pretty close. The shoulders look about right and his sleeves do come down over his hands.
Or they could throw us a massive curveball and it’s Ienzo.
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me, thinking about this scene
hmm, maybe that’s roxas or xion? but the proportions look like an adult character model. who else could it be? it can’t be lea, because he’d have to be stupid and cocky enough to think he could endure a norting just to save saix
…god damn it, it’s lea
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hexaethylene · 6 years
his first time at the beach and………… 😭💦
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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hexaethylene · 6 years
Trying to jump into Kingdom Hearts 3 like
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hexaethylene · 6 years
Yes but GDPR regulations just mean they’ve had to tell you they’re doing this. They’ve been doing this the entire time, and just didn’t have to tell you before. If you read what FR actually collects and why, it’s all perfectly legitimate uses.
They’ve not actually changed anything about their own practices.
When it comes to the third parties, they’ve given you where you need to go to opt out of them collecting your data from FR. Those advertisers have always collected that information too, which is exactly why GDPR was instated, but their collecting of it looks like it isn’t in FR’s control.
See this:
“ We have a legitimate interest in enabling third party ads and data collection on our sites and apps to help provide a more customized ad experience for our users and site visitors. Our reputable partners provide opt outs and other measures to protect your privacy. “
FR isn’t selling your information directly, but the advertisers on their site are doing what all advertisers across the internet do, which is collect information on you to better target you in future.
There is nothing FR can do, on their end, to protect your data any better, except remove adverts entirely and move to a paid user only model.
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old privacy policy
And now look at the monster we have now
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hexaethylene · 6 years
Looks like the standard changes required by EU GDPR regulations, to be honest. I’m surprised it’s taken this long.
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old privacy policy
And now look at the monster we have now
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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hexaethylene · 6 years
It wasn’t until I read the tags on this post that I realised Vexen has pointy ears now.
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it’s like nomura was worried that i, specifically, wasn’t invested enough in kh3, so he personally came to my house and punched me in the crotch
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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I have been blessed by RNGesus.
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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We know y’all got that PSL: Pelagic Stingray Love! Three young pelagic stingrays have joined the rest of the Open Sea community. These open ocean pancakes are found around the world and are the only stingray that lives almost exclusively in the midwater, flap flapping after squid, crabs and jellies.
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hexaethylene · 6 years
25milT and 15kG in my vault, which is about where I like to stay. The most expensive single thing I’ve ever bought was probably the Light Sprite for a million treasure back in the first year of the game. A couple of years ago I did a lair overhaul and bought nearly every dragon I owned genes and breed changes which set me back about 30kG and 25milT at the time.
I bought five roundsey tickets last time, and five this time. I mostly make money reselling items when my flight has dominance, and bolster it with exalting.
so anyway with all this argument over “rich” vs. “poor” players, i’m honestly wondering what the standard is! like, what actual…let’s say treasure/gems on hand amount constitutes, effectively, the middle class of FR
i’m super curious, please tell me: how much treasure/gems do you usually have on hand? how much have you ever had all at once? how do you usually make your dragon cash? what’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought on-site? & of course: how many roundsey tickets did you buy? why that amount?
to start things off, i like to keep at least 1-2mil treasure on me at once, and gem amounts vary, but 1500g is always nice to have kicking around. currently i have 35kg in the vault and ~4.6kg on hand, plus 4.5mil treasure - it’s a little over the most i’ve ever truly saved up. i make my money mostly from art & a leveling service. currently saving for a cog frog, with a light sprite (paid ~42kg) being the most i’ve ever spent on a single item! i bought 100 roundsey tickets, purely for funsies. gotta enter the first raffle.
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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Being a nature photographer seems great, maybe I should try…
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hexaethylene · 6 years
Or in the case of Kingdom Hearts keyblades, makes an annoying noise every time you smack something with it.
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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hexaethylene · 6 years
I’d have bought some of these except I already own their relatives.
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AH SPOTLIGHT: Eyeburner Edition. Specifically the ask was “rave dragons? funky pymorphs like rad?” so I tried to do a bit of both. Enjoy!
1 (400g) | 2 (550g) 3 (20g) | 4 (50kt) 5 (20kt) | 6 (50kt) 7 (250g) | 8 (450g) 9 (55g) | 10 (200g)
> missed a spotlight? check my older ones here!
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hexaethylene · 6 years
A dragon like this is proof that we need the flowerfalls to be offset so you can see multiple of them.
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please take a look at my new precious eyeburner
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hexaethylene · 6 years
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I don’t think I have words “right” enough to describe my feelings. Thanks to @crackedverbosity for commissioning me this artwork, for giving me free reign to do what I wanted and also for giving me some inner peace knowing that I’ve filled one of the holes that SE left.
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