heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Yeah. It has been a short while again. My bad. It’s no excuse but I broke my foot and was in this sort of, pit of frustration for about 9 weeks.
Anyway, so I had starting taking vitamin B6 every day and I had three periods more or less on time. AMAZING. I know this doesn’t solve the issue of if I am ovulating properly or anything, but it’s a start.
BUT, in the world of women’s bits. Nothing every goes quite right, does it? I have just come on after being a hefty 5 weeks late, so 9 weeks since my last visit from Mother Nature.
I feel vile.
I don’t really know why that happened after such a good run. I suppose I expect everything to be magically back to “normal”. I guess I had just gotten so used to being on time and not in as much pain. I hadn’t stopped the B6, this has been pretty much consistent.
But this pain is excruciating. Also, I am not going to lie; I have been an utter bitch. My moods are horrid.
Sudden light bulb moment – maybe the stress from breaking my foot? I dunno. I get married this year, and after that we are going to try starting for a family so any advice for additional vitamins etc, would be muchos appreciated.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Just. Wow.
This week the lovely man left for America, so in a frankly pitiful attempt to take my mind/heart/soul off of him I went back to Tinder, which kind of felt like taking a job in Sports Direct when you used to manage a football club. 
So my first foray back in to dating and it lasts a total of 32 minutes and ends with the most alarming text message I’ve ever received. 
We meet at the tube station after he declined my suggestion to meet at a pub, and he asks if we can go for a coffee as he’s not drinking. 
“Sure” I say, “there’s a lovely independent coffee place over the road.”
“Nah, there’s a Costa just here. Saves crossing” he replied. 
Like seriously? I put on eyeliner for this and now I’m in a Costa bloody Coffee.
 After 25 minutes of ‘normal’ conversation we have the following exchange:
 Him: “Have you had dinner yet?" 
Me: "No I came straight from work." 
Him: "What would you say if I offered to cook you dinner?" 
Me: "Ermmm…right now? 
Him: "I only ask because I’ve got an Ocado delivery coming tonight." 
Me: "I’d have to say no. I couldn’t possibly go back to the home of someone I’ve literally just met, sorry." 
Him (talking over me): "lots of nice fresh vegetables and good fish." 
Him: "OK well I’d better go. Need to be home for the delivery." 
The birth of #OcadoAndChill
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So we walk back to the station, say our goodbye’s, then this happens:
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Yes you do decide yourself what to do with your money, and last night you decided to spend it on a coffee. I don’t come with a money back guarantee. Dates aren’t commodities. 
I actually felt angry, because as you’ll know if you read this blog often, I am a massively big believer in women always offering to pay for dates.
His response is just beyond me!
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
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Keep it going, ladies. Sending love to anyone who needs it right now.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Wake up early tomorrow. Eat a good breakfast. Do your hair and makeup and put on a kick-ass outfit. Buy your cup of coffee and enjoy every sip of it. Go to work, make that money, and learn something new in the process. Nourish. Grow. Inspire. Self-destruction is not an option. And let every choice you make be a brick in the foundation of rebuilding yourself.
advice to myself in tonight’s journal entry (via rebuildingmandz)
Great life advice.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
I have mentioned this book before, but I think it such a GOD SEND that I need to re post it and spread the word. It has a section for you other half to read so they can try and understand too. Which, let’s face it, men need all the help they can get on this matter.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Monday Morning Ponderings
Sat on the tram en route to work, I was thinking about my #PCOS journey.
One thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the way I was told; now I know all our nurses and doctors do an amazing job, but I feel there is too much of a “one in one out” vibe when visiting the surgery. When I had my scan and it was confirmed I was blessed with extra cysts all over my ovaries (please not sarcasm when using the word “blessed”), it was kind of “there you go, diagnosis and on your way”.
I didn’t have any support, literature or anything for that matter. It was all down to me. Maybe they just don’t have the information to give to us? They need the support to be able to support us.
Further appointments down the line, the doctor did print some stuff off - they were male doctors and I just think they’re too scared to talk to women, because through no fault of their own, there is literally no way they can empathise.
I wonder if your experiences were similar?
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Thanks to The PCOS Nutrition Center for sharing this on Facebook. More media coverage for PCOS! Angela Grassi appears in the video with both books, The PCOS Workbook, and The PCOS Nutrition Center Cookbook.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Aaaand, YEP.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Trying to make progress with a chronic illness
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[Gif of a calico kitten trying to run up a slide and making no progress whatsoever.]
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
I feel like a blob this morning. I am a week overdue (I know, which is nothing really in the grand scheme of things, Cysters) but this month I am feeling really, really BLOBBISH. Do you ever just want to scream at your ovaries, “WORK, DAMMIT”.
Sometimes, I am not really phased by the lateness, but there are some months (more frequently, than I would care for) I just feel BLARGH.
In operation “Prepare For Baby” though, I have started taking vitamin B6 - apparently this is a great vitamin to help get your body ready, especially us Cysters. I know, baby planning is just over a year away (A YEAR), but I want to get my body is the best form it can, ready and waiting.
Did I mention I feel blobby today?
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
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Edgar, German Wirehaired Pointer (4 y/o), West 4th & Bank St., New York, NY • “He doesn’t know that he’s a dog – that’s his problem.”
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Oh, I am FEELING this!
Cramps that Take Your Breath Away, and Leave You with No Energy
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
I’d really love to have some more posts on my dash from fellow cysters (haha pardon the pun). Although I’ve lost 20 pounds while not really paying attention to my PCOS, I think it’s time that I get my nutrition in line with how I should be eating with this syndrome. And I’d love to follow more people with PCOS to have some more inspiration/information (bc I’m totally lost when it comes to PCOS tbh) on my dash !
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Be the person you needed when you were younger.
Anonymous (the best advice you could ever give someone)
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Eurgh. So, today is one of those days - or rather, it has been one of those weeks. My body is telling me I *should* be on, but I am just all bloated and blargh until D Day arrives. I have been known to be in this state for fourteen weeks. Yes. FOURTEEN WEEKS.
If anyone has any advice on what they do to subside these dull aches and uncomfortable-ness, you will be my hero.
Keep going, Cysters.
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heycystersoulcyster · 9 years
Did you know that September is PCOS Awareness Month? Spread the word and educate others.
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