hezele 28 days
Astarion, the Techie
Astarion has a doll chip, and works at a dollhouse that looks expensive in a gothic way and is sorta sketchy. He works at a place that caters to specific customer kinks. Cazador, the owner of the place, decides what ware and body mods the dolls get. Astarion got exotic biosculpting, red eyes, and vampyre teeth (aesthetic, non lethal).
Astarion is well versed with tech though and made his own modification to his vamprye teeth so they're no longer just aesthetic. He's got the kind that contains a dose of sedative or poison in them that he can inject in an assailant by biting them. He figures it鈥檚 a good last resort, in a pinch. Given his line of work, if he gets in a fight it'll likely be in close quarters. Although when he鈥檚 working with his doll chip on he has them set to be automatically inert in case of an accident while he鈥檚 mentally not there.
Despite his stealth skills, and day job, he's actually a tech in terms of skill set. He's especially good at disarming security systems. He's also learned how to modify and create stealth weapons (throwing knives, silienced guns, etc.) In his personal time he likes to tinker and build random tech and he likes to tailor. Sometimes he builds a little tech into the clothes he makes too.
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hezele 1 month
I would I say I鈥檓 in the reasearch phase of my writting but it鈥檚 really more of a constant state that I never leave smh
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hezele 2 months
Bg3 Cyberpunk AU
6 people get hired by a mysterious but powerful group called the Absolutists to do a job. These 6 strangers are all down on their luck, desperate enough to take the job even if everything about it screams sketchy. The rewards they鈥檙e promised could be the key to turning their lives around.
The Team:
The Face: Wyll the rockerboy, protector and voice of the people. He can charm his way out of near anything. His one-man band is known for its uplifting energetic tunes and its messages that urge to stand up in the face of injustice. He does occasional merc gigs, some for people down on their luck, and some for a mysterious woman who stinks of the corps
The Runner: Gale has always been a talented netrunner from a young age. His ingenuity and grasp of coding are superb, beyond many peoples capabilities. He wound up in a relationship with the legendary Mystra, the woman who invented the current net system. Rumor has it there's been a falling out.
The Ninja/Techie: Astarion knows how to sneak around and take people out quietly. He also has the tech skills to take apart someones security system and modify his weapons for maximum efficiency. He used to work as a doll for many years but has recently quit, taking up this new gig.
The Driver/Killer: Lae'zel is a skilled no-nonsense fighter with the resources and teachings of her nomad clan to back her. Her clan is known to be ruthless but effective fighters. To say they are wary of outsiders is an understatement. But the clan needs money, and Lae'zel is willing to take a gig to pull some cash in.
The Medtech: Shadowheart might be ornery with questionable credentials but she鈥檚 a highly competent medic. She knows how to tend to wounds just as well as how to make them. She has a strange piece of tech whose function is unknown. She carries it with her everywhere but refuses to explain what it is.
The Muscle: Karlach is a solo skilled at a variety of melee fighting styles. She used to work as a hired corporate assassin but has since gone freelance. She has a prototype piece of cyberware tech installed thats extremely handy in a fight, but faulty and dangerous both for those around her, and herself.
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hezele 2 months
I鈥檓 working on a wyllstarion story where Astarion and Wyll meet as teens before becoming a vampire and warlock respectively. It鈥檚 inspired by The Picture of Dorian Gray and has Wyll make a pact with a fey (and also be a bard maybe? so violinist bardlock?).
I have a lot of thoughts on it but here are just a few:
I think that the characters, the book, and the whole concept of the feywild deal with similar ideas. What it means to be charming, and what the value of beauty is.
At first it鈥檚 a meet cute teen romance set in upper city baldurs gate. But then Astarion meets a bad influence and Wyll sees his friend turn into someone he doesn鈥檛 know anymore. Before he can get to the bottom of this, a threat befalls baldurs gate and only he can stop it. Desperate, he makes a pact with a fey; agree to serve time as a servant in the feywild and he will gain the power he needs to save the city.
Astarion is a mysterious young elf who hails from the Dalelands and claims to be a noble. He left home to explore the world and arrives in Baldurs Gate to study law. He is enamored with the glamor of upper city life; the balls, the fashion, the overall extravagance and decadence of it all. When he isn't studying, or going out to various soirees, he loves to sew. He makes anything from suits and gowns to embroidered handkerchiefs.
Wyll is a young noble studying to one day take the place of his father, the grand duke. He learns politics and diplomacy, he trains to be a strong knight and capable general. But he loves to get away from the trappings of noble life, sneaking down to the docks to fish, running around the lower city getting up to hijinks with his friends. Most of all he loves the arts in all its forms. He loves to play the violin, act out dramas with his friends, write poems about mermaids, and draw his favorite heroes in action.
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hezele 2 months
Hello! My plan is to attempt writing fan fiction on this side blog. Im new to creative writing so expect to see alot of bullet point notes and writing snippets until I figure out how to write a full story :) My main account is @loonyoz
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