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@sxvxgeprincess submitted:
“Lyn, you’re staring.”
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“No I’m not...” but you were... “Sorry I must’ve caught you at a bad time!” She said with a slight blush. “I didn’t know you were... changing? I’ll be sure to knock next time.”
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Send “(❤◡❤)” if you think my muse is adorable.
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💍 A meme I can send without prior character interaction as it isn't specified towards my character. Lyndis is just perf.
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“Thank you for the compliment.” 
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Please feel free to throw someone at her. I’m sure we can figure something.
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💍 -innocent whistles-
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“Are you sure? I mean, I’m honored you think so but I figured you’d go for someone tougher than me.” 
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“It’s alright.” He sighed. The people’s bluntness where the least of his issues. The possibility of being killed or worse was more the issue here. He walked down the hallway and into the armory. “Look through here, if your sword is still around and hasn’t been used elsewhere this is where it would be” he explained.
She nodded as she followed him as soon as they got to the armory she searched high and low for both of her swords. The larger of the two Sol Katti was fairly easy to find, but Mani Katti was tucked away in the corner and took her a bit to find to the point where she almost panicked. 
“That’s both of them, phwew... I was worried there for a second.” she sighed. “Alright, now that I’ve got my stuff back, where are we going to?” she asked, situating both swords as she exited the armory. “I’m assuming in my first day free of binds I’ll likely be sent on some mission with you, correct?”
Lord to Retainer //Lyndis and Xander
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Send me 💍 if you think my muse is spouse material.
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Send in sexy pictures of your Muse to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts..
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She gave a slight pout, she wasn’t sure how but she upset him with her words, was she really this bad with etiquette that she could insult someone without even knowing it? “S-sorry...” she murmured awkwardly. “You know my background... I didn’t mean to say anything that might upset you.” she was almost like a child who got yelled at. 
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“I just... Don’t want you or anyone else getting overextended trying to protect me...” she said before grabbing his arm. “Don’t blame Mark... He couldn’t have known reinforcements would come in right there. If he did I’m sure he would’ve told me to go elsewhere.” she said before tugging Kent back towards her. “Let’s sit and have a breather after that fight.” she insisted, hoping she hadn’t seriously upset Kent, though she had no idea what she did or why he was upset in the first place.
Of Knights and Lords // Lyn and Kent
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Lord to Retainer //Lyndis and Xander
@whistyrose asked: Xander walks into Lyn's cell. "Things went as planned. As of now you are under my service." the prince stated as he unlatched the door.
“Not what I’d call great news, but definitely the best in this situation, and better than I expected.” she said before covering her mouth. “Forgive my bluntness... Thank you Xander, I’m glad we managed to work things out without any loss of life.” she stated.
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“Am I to assume I’ll be getting my weapons back as well?”
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わいわい by うさ仔
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“Quite a beautiful city… I never did feel comfortable with all these walls around.” she admitted before glancing over at him. “It’s fine if he’s not here right now. I could probably use some rest… I appeared in that forest about sundown and overnight got into a scrape with some strange looking brigands.” she explained.
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“I wouldn’t mind getting a rest in all honesty.” she admitted before stretching a bit before he pointed out the headquarters. “Not a bad place to shack up.” she remarked. “Hopefully the people there are as nice as you are.” she said. “Where I’m from, us nomads and tribals are treated very poorly by nobles despite our honest and honorable nature.” she explained.
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“Well that doesn’t sound like the nobles here in Ylisse and Chrom really likes someone honest and honorable.” He felt like he was talking about Chrom as much as Frederick would, but didn’t really know what else to talk about. He would rather talk up their prince then bore the poor woman with food or something– of course she might have been hungry.
“How about I give you some money to stay at an inn and rest, in the meantime I will grab some food and ask Chrom to stop by.” He suggested as he reached for some gold, giving enough to Lyn for a comfortable stay. Maybe he should stick close so she didn’t get lost. Luckily, nearby there was a small restaurant to eat at.
She waved her hand and shook her head. “No thank you, I think I’ll be suited just fine resting in your hedquarters or taking a nap out in the grasslands.” she said. “Maybe I can rest in the stables?” she asked. She knew it wasn’t something she should do as a noble but here she was just another warrior.
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“However I wouldn’t mind a few bandages for my scrapes.” she said, she had a few cuts on her legs and one arm that would hinder anyone who wasn’t used to combat but she didn’t so much as give a limp. The cuts weren’t deep but they likely hurt. “I hope I’m not being a bother.”
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 “royal-botanist “swordsofthevoid “New pulls!” O.o...”
I will give you Minerva cause GOSH DANG
When it comes to blue and green  I just keep pulling Donnel and Nino. xD
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She approached him once more. “I trust you Xander… I can’t put my finger on it, but for some reason you remind me of someone very dear to me.” she said “The man who’s kindness made me stop hating Nobles in general.” she explained.
“I feel that you wouldn’t be doing all this just to hurt me.” she smiled before letting out a soft sigh. “Just don’t push your luck, I wouldn’t want you to get hurt over some nobody from a different world.” she said before shying away from the man. If he were to be hurt over her pleas for freedom she would not be able to live with herself.
Xander gave a curt nod. “I’ll be careful. Don’t worry abut me, I know how to work around my father.” he sighed. At least with the plain’s woman she knew how to fight properly. He wouldn’t need to teach her or ensure she was learning about life outside, it was a relief. He turned to leave the cell. “Should this work out, it’ won’t be easy. Keep that in mind. My father’s tactics are, rather ruthless. To keep an easy conscience won’t likely be possible.” He warned.
 He felt guilty having to drag this woman into his own battles and doubts but it was the only way to free her from imprisonment that he could see. He wasn’t his brother, nor his sister. He didn’t have the way to free her an other way. 
“forgive me”
Lyn nodded and found herself sitting in the farthest corner from the cell door to stay out of spear’s reach, just in case. She closed her eyes and hugged her knees to her chest. “I’m counting on you, Prince Xander.” she said before resting her chin on her knees and sighing. 
“Gods willing it’ll be one more nights rest in this box...” she murmured. “I long for the plains... The gentle wind blowing through my hair...” she continued as she slowly began to drift off to sleep, huddled in the corner.
Bound Blade // Lyndis and Xander
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“Mmmm...” she murmured as she thought about it. “There are usually boars in the plains and there might be some bears in the woods nearby.” she stated. “I suppose finding an animal that will fight back eliminates the need for a bow.” she agreed.
She looked around a bit. “I heard there was a bear a ways south that mauled an armed soldier, that should be fight enough for you.” she said. “It was on a road that neared the edge of the woods, it supposedly got away with only a few minor wounds from the other two soldiers traveling with the poor man. I know not if he survived the encounter.” she said. 
“Sounds to me this lunch of yours made itself a nuisance and can get you a full stomach and a bit of positive reputation around here.”
“I’m not the best equipped for hunting due to the fact I’m primarily versed in the sword, but sure, we can go hunting.” she said “It’d be a short trip so we should probably eat before we head out.”
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“Sure I can tell you a bit about my tribe as well!” she said before scratching the back of her head. “I mean there’s not much to it considering it’s been destroyed but I still remember a lot about them.” The subject seemed to draw away from her smile, but she was still smiling somewhat.
“Let’s focus on food first.”
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“Of course, food is important right now.” She certainly hopped Lyn couldn’t hear her gurgling stomach.
“What wild game roams these lands? Bears? Boars? As long as it’s big and puts up a fight.” Rinkah inquired as she walked along, lugging her club and pack behind her.”The bigger the animal, the better the fight, the better the kill, and the tastier the meat.”
She was a rather simple girl in the end.
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 “swordsofthevoid “New pulls!” O.o you… you.. -tries...”
What type of voodoo magic
Don’t even start with me. There are 5 characters I don’t have and those are Minerva (the only green), Azura, Abel, Effie and Linde. I’ve been trying to pull Linde and Hinoka since day one.
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@ all my mutuals who are struggling right now!
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 “New pulls!”
O.o you... you.. -tries to sap some of your luck-
I don’t have a screen cap cause I was at work but I pulled Hinoka, Hector, Eldigan and Sanaki  (and a 3 star Donnel) in the next pull.
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