hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧🤍
000 -  The universe is letting you know that new beginnings will help you elevate your vibration and connect with your full potential 
111 - You’re on the right path to abundance, alignment, and creating your dream reality. You’re manifesting things with ease. 
222 - Trust you are on the right path. Stay focused on the things you want in your life rather than what you don’t want. 
333 - The Universe is working with you on making your dreams a reality. Belive in yourself and trust your intuition.
444 - Your being guided and supported through whatever you’re focusing on at the moment. Don’t stop, continue and keep going.
555 - A quantum leap is ahead, Embrace yourself for massive shifts. Be open to new opportunities in all areas of your life. 
666 - You’re distracted and need refocusing on your goals. The Universe is telling you to wake up to your higher self
777 - You’re in the frequency of manifesting your dreams. Good things are coming your way, let it flow your way. 
888 - Financial abundance is on it’s way to you. The Universe is letting you know you’re successful.
999 - You’re being told to embrace change and step into alignment with your soul purpose and higher self 
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
✨ how to manifest ✨
hi babes, I’m back! wanted to make a quick post on my manifestation routine and some of the essential steps necessary for the law of attraction to be effective. for those of you who don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, the loa states that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions create our reality. there are various methods, of course, but this routine has worked beautifully for me! I’ve manifested an entire business, a dream job, $2k in 24hours, my soul family, & so much more! let’s jump into this shit! 
1. get in a high vibrational state of being! what does this mean? it means focus on eliciting positive emotions and feelings at the start of this process. when we raise our vibration, shift our mood, we’re more in alignment with what we desire. in a high vibrational state, you’ll feel bubbly, happy, and excited! do anything that you can to achieve a higher vibration! listen to music, watch some R.IP vine compilations on youtube, dance around your room, etc. do whatever the fuck you gotta do. struggling with depression or anxiety? it’s okay! this state only has to be maintained for a couple of minutes for it to be effective. 
2. set your intention! what are you trying to bring into your life? to set your intention, all you have to do is write it or speak it out loud. pro tip: instead of saying ‘I want to manifest xyz’, say ‘I am ready to receive xyz’. the word ‘want’ creates more lack and will keep you in a state of ‘wanting’. another ex: “I am manifesting my perfect partner” vs. “I am going to manifest my perfect partner. 
3. visualize your desire manifesting. this is the fun part! vividly imagine and feel what it would be like to hold the desired amount of cash in your hand. what emotions would you feel if you were given what you asked for? being able to truly envision having your desire is going to make it a reality in your mind and put you in alignment to receive it in the physical.
4. detach from the outcome. definitely the part that everyone fucking hates. it’s important to let go of any attachment and trust that the universe will deliver what it is that you’ve asked for. surrender and allow it to unfold. don’t stress about when, where, or how it will manifest. just trust that it will happen. this is the one area where most people get stuck!
5. act as if you already have what you desire. this is also a pretty fun part! how would you feel if you had everything that you wanted? probably pretty fucking fantastic. acting as if sends a message to the universe that you are ready. 
6. & finally, take action! sometimes the universe will just drop blessings right in front of us, yes, but not always. you’re probably not going to find the love of your life if you spend all day in your house. you’re not going to become a famous actress if you don’t get up and audition! the universe can do so much for us but we also need to work with it. don’t just wait around for something to happen. search and be open to receiving the opportunities that you ask for. 
THANKS, THAT’S ALL I GOT FOR YOU BBYS !! hit me up with any questions and reblog with your manifestation tips or stories! share the good vibes. 💖💖
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
one of my biggest insecurities is how small i am. im xs petite in clothes
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
🕊16 days of Shadow Work
✨ Here are the prompts as I promised! They are timeless, whenever they find you, feel free to use them.
I will be starting with the first prompt on 25th February - few days before the Virgo Full Moon, so I can finish it right before 13th March - New Moon in Pisces.
I might be updating you on my progress, so definitely feel free to follow this along with me and we can share our thoughts!
✧ Day 1 What do I need to stop running away from? Why am I always running away from this and what is going to happen if I face it head-on?
✧ Day 2 What is my definition of failure? What’s something that I have previously failed at and how did it make me feel? How can I deal with failure in a healthy way?
✧ Day 3 How do I lie to myself everyday? Why am I doing this and what am I trying to avoid?
✧ Day 4 If I could say one thing to the person who hurt me the most, what would it be and why? How would I feel afterwards? 
Keep reading
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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The perfect thing for anyone who suffers from panic attacks or just wants a cool new way to medicate.
The thc inhaler. Sprays an exact 2mg of thc every time. Very powerful stuff right here. 10-10 highly recommended.
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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Lemon Grass🍋💨
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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Lemon gelato sugar wax🍋💨
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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Smoke Sesh linked below 🍃🌬🌈🦋
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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Moon Healing Escalation 🌙 ✨
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
Follow me on instagram 🕉🍄🌈🤍
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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An oz of Hollywood Haze in one of my skull jars 💀 (different lighting)
* click for quality
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
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Follow hippie.herbalist420 on instagram for more
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hippie-herbalist420 · 4 years
she came to me and i connected with her on a full moon. when i looked at my phone i saw 333. i saw 3 is also associated with her as well. 🖤
The Great Goddess Hecate (Hekate)
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Who is Hecate? She is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, Ghosts, Magic, and, in some instances, the Night, Darkness, The Mist, and Moon. For some She is also the goddess of motherhood, protection, and the sea. She is a Hellenic deity, born of the Titans Asteria and Perses. There’s a few beliefs circling around Her being a crone goddess or a Triple Goddess, but those are modern and neopagan beliefs—which She predates. I also consider Her to be a part of the Chthonic deities.
Symbology: Black dogs, Wolves, Keys, Torches, Flames, Torches, Crossroads, Serpents, Daggers, Birds of Prey (crows, ravens, owls), the Moon, witchcraft tools (such as cauldrons, tarot, athames)
Offerings & Devotional Acts for Her:
Figurines of any of Her symbols
keys, skeleton keys, lockets
fire witchcraft and candles, flames, matchsticks
dedicating any lunar or symbolic jewelry to Her
black/dark crystals such as obsidian and onyx
nocturnal animal imagery
black/cool colored glitter
baneful/poisonous herbs and plants
pomegranates/berries (She seems to really like blackberries)
dark blend wines
honey, cinnamon, poppy seeds, chocolates (dark)
mugwort, lavender, roses, jasmine, dragon’s blood
bones and feathers from birds of prey (please check your local laws about obtaining these)
pinpricks of blood (please DO NOT attempt this if you struggle with self harm/etc, blood magic is particularly strong and isn’t for everyone. She will understand if you cannot offer that to her).
Taking midnight walks, setting up altars and rituals at crossroads, paying respects to the dead and practicing your craft in a cemetery 
Any playlists, poems, literature, whether it be your own or just a piece you associate with Her, also make wonderful offerings. 
Lunar Influences & Connections: Reaching out to Hecate tends to work best at night, and really any time the moon is at it’s peak. The Witching Hours, midnight to 3A.M., during strong lunar influences (blue moons, blood moons, eclipses, new moons, etc) all hold strong bonds with Hecate. Also, any time it is particularly foggy or your surroundings are covered in a mist is a good time to try to connect with Her.
Disclaimer: These are correspondences that have been gathered through my personal experiences working through my craft with Her. If you find She responds better to different offerings/during different times, by all means, stick to it! Your bond with Her is your own and should be cultivated in whichever way works best for you and Her. Thank You!
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