RP partner submit sheet
This is just out of courtesy, but as one of your RP partners there are a few things I want to know about you!
Time Zone:
Name of Mun
NSFW allowed: 
Thread vs Ask:
Type of relationship you want between our muses:
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Random sweet anon here! Just letting you know you are awesome! /throws flowers everywhere
"Oh- uh." Akiri caught one of the flowers and smiled sweetly. "Thank you!" ((*hugs the anon and spins them before setting them down* Arisu, thank you sweet random anon! I appreciate it. I'll try to stay awesome- if possible.)) 
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❧ - They receive a bouquet of flowers, how do they react?
Akiri looked from the beautiful armful of roses and lilies she had been given to the anon in front of her. At first her brows furrowed together warily, but then her soft lips creased into a smile. "I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but thank you."  She sniffed them- favoring the lilies particularly, "Between you and me, uh.. I'll try to find a spot to keep them from withering- do you think they'd do nicely in sun or partial shade?"
You can replant cut flowers, right? Riiiight?
♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy?
Akiri flicked a thumb towards a chart of songs. "It tends to depend on my mood. When I feel like dancing with some flare? Shakira and other songs with a sort of Spanish influence. When I want to relax? Soft lullabies like 'Lullaby for a Stormy night' and Music box tunes. Anger? Have to go with songs by folks like Paramore, Halestorm, and Skrillex. I'm not so much into classical, but I'll listen to it... Oh and I like using Skrillex for training too."
♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general)
"Ugh... My face scars... Sometimes people don't see that side of my face when talking to me, and when I look at them.. Eh... It gets awkward seeing people cringe or scream or stare at them. It's easier to deal with as a guy, but... It still gets me really flustered when people ask who did my "Tattoo"." Akiri ran a hand through her faux-hawk before rolling her eyes.
♕ - Do they trust easily?
((Absolutely. Although there's a difference between trusting and easily being spooked. Think of Akiri like a horse, if you're kind of unpredictable she'll have a tough time of getting used to you at first, but she likes to see the good in people. If you're rude to her, she'll still trust you and just take it as you having a defense mechanism....
But of course that's all under the male Masquerade.
Once you break through that? She doesn't trust easily. Akiri tends to bolt once her masquerade is blown, so when it /does/ happen.... She is quite nervous, jumpy, and will rely more on her own guts and reasoning in order to protect herself. 
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Let's see. Random fact about the Mun... Mmmmmm. Hmm....
Sometimes, I have trouble communicating with people. If I have questions about clarifying something, I'll freeze up and become so worried about not understanding what's going on- I'll be too afraid to ask the other Mun to explain things. 
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To be honest. I really don't know what to say... Other than you're just one person.... and... You can't speak for everyone... Your words sting, and I'm sorry if I've wronged you in some way. I don't know who you are, but I might want to suggest that you uh... Take a chillpill. Hug a stuffed animal. And again, I'm sorry.
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Please Send Me...
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them? 
♠ - What are they afraid of?
♦ - What is one thing about them that they are most proud of?
♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general)
❧ - They receive a bouquet of flowers, how do they react?
★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why?
☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep?
☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy.
☁ - If they’re caught out in the rain how do they react?
♪ - Are they musically inclined? 
♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy?
✓ - How do they react to praise?
✕ - How do they handle rejection?
☺ - Do they prefer sour or sweet treats?
❄ -  Favourite season and why?
☯ - Do they sleep with the lights on or off?
☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to?
❤ - Do they have a love interest?
✖ - Who is someone they just cannot stand?
♔ - Do they value loyalty?
♕ - Do they trust easily?
☠ - How do they react to death?
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Let's try something different for munday. Send me a '✫' and I'll give you a random fact about myself
Be it something about my family, an item from my room, what my wardrobe looks like, one of my insecurities or anything you ask
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opinions and judgement
Send me a ♠ for what my character thinks of yours in three words
Send me a ♤ for what I think of YOU in three words
Send me a ❖ for my character’s personal thoughts about yours
Send me a ♣ for my characters thoughts during any general conversation between your and my character
Send me a ♧ for my character’s reaction if your character were to express romantic interest in my character
Send me a ♙ for what my character originally thought your character’s name was before learning their actual name, and why
Send me a ♖ for a hastily written ‘good-bye’ letter from my character to yours
Send me a ♔ for a word that I think sums up our character’s relationship
Send me a ⊗ for my thoughts OOC on your character
Send me a ▲ if you’ve ever wanted to talk to me, but have been too nervous to do so. (Now’s a good a time as any!)
(credit goes to niquetamereencore)
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yeah I’ve been seeing a lot of those “reblog and you’ll get a doodle based on your blog" and I’m kind of bored so why not? I probably will stop after like 15 but I doubt it will get that many notes lmao. So. Reblog and I’ll make a doodle based off your blog :3
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Reblog this if you want (1) long message that will make your night.
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I need people to follow. Reblog if you're OC friendly.
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Send me a song and I'll write a drabble that revolves around it!
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"Mu-Mun! K- KATE don't you dare I don't - GIT!" Ryan shouted at his companion- trying desperately to push her out the door of the Asking Room. 
To no success of course; Kate was not budging. 
"Please do- I would love to throw some cute tips out there to break this little shield of yours." The girl responded with a small grin. "Ask things or send hearts soon, please!!!!!!!!!!" 
Ryan nervously looked at the screen and shook his head. "DON'T! I'm NOT CUTE- OR INTO CUTE THINGS!!"
For every " <3" I get I'll give tip on how to win my muse's heart.
Because no one knows my muse better than I do.
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Reblog this if you are not against transgendered males or females. So I can write down everybodys username and give it to my nonsupportive parents the day I leave for college.
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