// I legit forgot all the tags I used for this blog, holy shit. 
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Welp. It’s been a while since I was here.
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*Eats a handful of espresso beans*
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
PSA for this blog
Possibly on a partial hiatus?? I haven’t been on either way but I feel that some sort of notice is in order for those of you that actually pay attention to whether I’m actually on.
Wait that sounded kind of harsh…I didn’t mean it to. I just don’t feel right inside right now. Maybe it will pass, maybe it won’t, but I think it will.
I’m still here, a bit. Just on different sites. If you want to contact me, I guess send me a message to my personal blog lalondelocked. 
I’m just going to go now before this gets any worse. 
I apologize to those waiting for a reply. 
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
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Drops this here with zero context.
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
What could be likened to a cricket ran across Mikasa's stomach as she played, causing the tune she had found to upset only slightly. She picked the pace back up, hoping Eren had not noticed. But he seemed too lost in his own reverie. 
She nudged him playfully and kissed at his cheek wanting to lighten his mood, "I should probably figure out what to start buying the kids. Xiamen has been wanting a chemistry set for heaven knows what and the little bugger what tell me what he wants." 
He sighed deeply and closed his, with the sound of the music he could almost picture the Christmases at his house, with the house dimmed and smelling like his mothers cooking, his father playing random traditional tunes on the piano with his mother joining in, and him shaking the presents under the tree trying to figure what was in them. He never really said it, but he missed his family.
He nudged his head into the familiar warmth of the crook of Mikasas neck. But he loved the family he has built here, even if it was a bit unexpected. 
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
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Eren’s currently knitting a scarf
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
"Oh those songs were definitely fun," she said, making a face of mock disgust as she seated herself next to him, leaning on his shoulder, "I may take it up again." 
She trailed her fingers lightly across the keys, listening to the tune he played and picking up the accompaniment. 
Side-eyeing his wife as she spoke trying to keep the tune going and laughed, “It’s a shame that boy stopped singing, even his middle school chorus teacher admitted he had talent.” He scooted in his seat a little inviting her to join him. “Although I think Xiamen might enjoy it a little to much.” he had to give her credit for trying her best, but after a while even he had to ask her to tone it down.
He hit a roadblock in the song and forgot the rest of the song, but instead of stopping, after a quick pause he simply switched to a different song. “But I would honestly really enjoy hearing you sing again.” he said resting his head on her shoulder, “I don’t think you have really sung since Adam has been potty trained.”
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
The kids were out for the day so the house was cast in welcome but eery silence. That was, until the piano started to play. Mikasa made her way through the house and into the sitting room they rarely used by sound of the music. She leaned along the wall, arms crossed, and watched him with amused, tired eyes. 
She had not heard him play it in a long while, though she had only ever heard him actually play it a few times in their life together. Mikasa hummed lightly to the cheerful tune choosing not to bother him too much before making her presence known. 
"You know, we should have a sing along with the kids. I'm sure Friedan would love that." 
It was a partially sarcastic statement but she truly meant it. She missed simple family life and her mood had been up and down for a month and a half. Her waist had gotten considerably larger as well and though she knew why, she was determined to liken it to over eating until she was ready to come to terms with it. 
Wiping the thin layer of dust off the key cover of the old grand piano placed in the corner of the formal sitting room. After his father passed, his mother insisted o moving it into house. He learned how to play it before he left for boot camp but hasn’t really touched it since then.
He pushed back the dusty cover and pressed a single key.  Furrowing his brow as he tried to remember one of the Christmas songs his father taught him. Curling his knuckles in and popping the joints, he pressed down the keys of what he thought was the right chord. The version of the song he was playing wasn’t unrecognizable, but also slightly off.
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
"You do realize I could slit your throat just as easily as you just laughed, correct?" 
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-snorts- Your parents are dead
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
She followed close behind him.
"Fine, I need to check on Alfie, anyhow." 
"Well that’s too bad because I’m not showcasing my dirty laundry to you so I’ll see you later then."
And with that he continued on his way back to his bunk.
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
A likely story. 
Actually, a very likely story but I'm not buying it. 
"I'm not buying it." 
"It’s too cold out to wash clothes tonight so I’m just bringing them back to do tomorrow."
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
"Fine, but where are you taking dirty clothes? Shouldn't you be heading to the wash room?"
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"I’m not showing you my dirty laundry, thanks."
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
"What is so wrong about clothes? We all wear them, Armin."
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"I’m not showing you my dirty laundry, thanks."
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
"Let me see." 
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*Totally doesn’t have a bag full of candy he’s going to stash in his bunk. Nope*
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
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"What you got there, Armin?"
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*Totally doesn’t have a bag full of candy he’s going to stash in his bunk. Nope*
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his-only-savior-blog · 10 years
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Oh wait, one picture already exists!!!
Chapter 64 HELLA
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