hitotohri · 4 years
Tohri, how do you feel about being Uzune’s sugar daddy?
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bro... <3
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hitotohri · 4 years
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hitotohri · 4 years
What do you think of Anghel’s takes on y’all?
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hitotohri · 4 years
Tohri, give me fashion advice
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Tohri: “And that is that...”
Tohri: “Fashion is subjective!”
Tohri: “Of course, beside the fundamental rules of art such as color theory, it depends on what species you are, what your best physical traits are, and you should strive to enhance those! But most importantly...”
Tohri: “Art is about self-expression! And well, no objective advice can be given to that, right~? Decorating yourself should be a perfect mixture of what you are—and what you love.”
Tohri: “Hence why, as I am proud of my roots and culture, I flawlessy incorporate traditional fashion gimmicks with what I love equally as much; the innovative, the modern, technology!”
Tohri: “But of course, all of my traits are perfect the way they are, and the same applies to every bird (and, human, I suppose...) So fashion should be used as a form of self-love, rather than to conform to what beauty industry insists is ideal. We live in a society with over at least a hundred of distinct bird species, of varying colors, sizes, shapes, and characters. Humans are a bit less diverse, but nonetheless I think this applies to every sentient creature!
...But don’t forget about color theory and contrasting shapes, alright~?”
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hitotohri · 4 years
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hitotohri · 4 years
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Hitori and Tohri have recently found out that they share a very specific taste in music.
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hitotohri · 4 years
Fellas is it gay to dream about kissing your homie goodnight and waking up in his arms next morning?
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hitotohri · 4 years
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hitotohri · 4 years
Hitori, you said you regretted telling Tohri that you owed him one after he carried you to the infirmary. What did he end up asking of you??
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Hitori: “The problem is that... He wasn’t wrong. I completely agree that Iwamine is arrogant, and doesn’t seem like he cares about anyone unless it directly interrupts his little personal bubble. While I can’t exactly compare my experiences with him to... Nishikikouji’s, Iwamine hurt me too. I don’t want him to suffer for what he did, but I definitely would like him to change his ways.
So I gave Nishikikouji one piece of advice I’ve gotten to know about Iwamine and his weaknesses...
...I revealed to him that Shuu Iwamine is scared of fire.
It’s something that I found out directly about Iwamine a long time ago. I regret it now, but in the heat of our conversation with Nishikikouji, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to give him a little bit of what he begs of me.
...I guess I didn’t know that Iwamine’s relation to fire is a bit less of a fear, and a bit more of a phobia, or even something much more...intense.
It was a while ago, but... I still feel very guilty for that ‘trap’ Nishikikouji set up for him...”
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hitotohri · 4 years
Both of you: What is one thing you respect about each other?
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they’re frens. they r good buds.
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hitotohri · 4 years
( ♕ ) 𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓 ::
Tohri has always been a little short-tempered, but as a lil boy he was very cute. He stuttered while correcting other people to not mirpronounce his name, and didn’t exactly have the whole “fashion” thing figured out yet... But he has always been a genius when it came to machinery and physics! He’s been making sparkly devices since he could hold a screwdriver, apparently.
If you find pictures of him as a baby he will burn you. And the pictures. But really. It’s so cute. He had a lisp too. Can you believe it. A little tooth gap. Unbelievable.
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hitotohri · 4 years
So what's your favorite activity to do with eachother?
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Both: Gossiping, definitely.
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hitotohri · 4 years
Did Tohri and Hitori start dating? ovo
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i-i guess that’s a no
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hitotohri · 4 years
Hey, Tohri, I know you make laser guns, but how good of a marksman are you?
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fisherman hitori hc never dies
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hitotohri · 4 years
How did you two start hanging out together? ovo
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He was and still is just a part-time teacher. His main occupation is being the Editor-in-chief of a manga publishing company. He comes on Mondays and Fridays, sometimes during other days in the week too. He teaches art to all kinds of age-ranging students and holds the Workshop Club nowadays. Back then I didn’t know him though.
One day...
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I don’t remember anything, of course. But when I woke up in the infirmary, Iwamine said that it’s a golden pheasant whose name he forgot that brought me in, and left before I woke up.
The next time I saw Nishikikouji, I thanked him for helping Kazuaki and me, and unfortunately I suggested that I owe him one, so he can ask me for help any time...
...Very foolishly...suggested that...
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hitotohri · 4 years
Hitori, you’re beautiful and you and Nageki deserve the world. Just knowing you’re out there improves my quail-ity of life. Just keep doing your thing being a wonderful teacher, mathematician, brother, and friend.
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Hitori: ...wait, did you say “quail-ity”? haha. that’s a bit funny.
(the compliments he receives are usually about his handsome face and pleasing teaching methods. please forgive how flustered this made him!)
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hitotohri · 4 years
What inspired you two to team up like this?
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