hjslovbot · 5 years
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gifs of seungmin 013-021/∞
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hjslovbot · 5 years
alright but hyunjin cried so hard during this show, this is a boy who was told that if he’ll debut it would be only because of his looks and now!!!! the stadium was filled with people who love him for his talent!!!!! or bang chan? he literally waited for 7 years for this one moment and seeing him cry so much from happiness made me cry too because oh my god? this is what he was waiting for, this is what he trained for and now he’s getting all of it and it’s just the start. no one touch me im-
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hjslovbot · 5 years
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hjslovbot · 5 years
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silver angel. ❤️
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hjslovbot · 5 years
Let’s all appreciate his vocals 💗 he has improved so much and honestly Jeongin’s vocals need more appreciation
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hjslovbot · 6 years
ignore this 
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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Is he cute or is he cute?
Bonus: They think he’s cute
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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just chan lookin’ bf af
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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극과 극 (N/S) ♡ BEST MOMENTS.
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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what a look
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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2-5/∞ gifs of Kim Seungmin ♡
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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woojin ✬ i am you dance practice (close up)
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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Fluffy Woobear~🐻🎈
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hjslovbot · 6 years
RB to join Han Jisung Protection Squad
We must defend our amazing rapper boyo
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hjslovbot · 6 years
tutor au | debate tutor seungmin
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you and kim seungmin were complete opposites
actually he couldn’t stand you like.. at all.
kim seungmin was famously known around your school for being.. well loud.
he voiced his opinions on literally everything that made him mad (which was a lot)
like for example!
the school cafeteria didn’t serve anything with egg in it since some kids had egg allergies
but that didn’t sit right with mr. kim seungmin, ohhhh no.
eggs happened to be his favorite food
so naturally he argued with the principal until he got what he wanted and the next morning there were egg and cheese sandwiches at breakfast.
you, on the other hand, had always decided to let things go with the flow
if something didn’t sit right with you, you stayed quiet about it
or ranted about it on your tumblr
but you never verbally voiced your thoughts on matters that actually mattered
because you figured there was no point and you hated to argue
seungmin didn’t like you because you were in his fifth period debate class and you literally just sat there
he was always ready to argue over Literally Anything
and when someone presented you with a topic, you shrugged it off and took the points off for not participating
it was like you weren’t passionate about ANY topic
well, your grade started slipping because participation was half of your grade in this certain class
so your teacher was like “OOH SEUNGMIN! tutor y/n.” and he’s like “WHWHHWHWHWHWHWH- Them?”
and the teacher is like “yes, be nice!!”
you weren’t exactly stoked about needing a tutor but maybe he’d be nice!!! :DDDD
seungmin was Not nice at all.
you met him after school in a cafe near the school
when you sat in front of him he Squinted his eyes at you
and ur like Why…?
the first words that seungmin spoke to you were
“i don’t like you”
which sort of threw you off because?? you hardly knew the kid
so why did he dislike you?
anyway! he tried to lay out the topics of the debates for the following weeks
but of course, you weren’t interested in arguing over a bunch of dead guys who made dumb decisions.
“why is it even relevant?”
he wanted to scream!!!!
after an hour of trying, he slammed his hands onto the table of the cafe and groaned.
“you’re a lost cause.”
and then he took his things and made a dramatic exit and you didn’t try to argue???
that alone pissed him off more
but it was your grade failing, not his.
before he knew it, he realized he liked a challenge
so seungmin started watching you
yes, he felt creepy but he wanted to learn your passions
actually he even caught a glance of your tumblr user on your phone
so later that night, he typed it in and VOILA! he knew basically everything about you.
he read your rant about him and smiled to himself
because you didn’t sound half bad
and the rants only got better the deeper he got into your tumblr.
turns out you really liked orca whales and michael jackson the most
like the most reoccuring theme on your tumblr was “save the whales”
and seungmin could work w that
so on your second study session, he sat in front of you and smirked
“i think i’d like to take a trip to seaworld, the whales look so graceful there.”
something in you kind of… perhaps.. SNAPPED!
“excuse me?”
“like they must take really good care of their whales <3___<3”
“actually so many things are wrong with that statement though… like there’s so many proven things that make your statement false, seungmin. i don’t get how you can be that fucking ignorant.”
seungmin: 1
you: 0
when you finished your little rant about how whales die way faster in captivity versus in the wild and how small the pools are compared to the oceans, you knew by the look on his face that he had won.
“or.. or whatever, i don’t know.”
“obviously you do.”
seungmin wasn’t going to lie, it was really cute when you got passionate about things
which sucked because you were always so blank :/
anyway he hated to watch such potential be wasted
so he talked to the teacher and the next topic? orca whales in captivity.
you had no idea that he was prepping you whenever he came to study
you just thought he was annoying you about your actual favorite animal
but!!! he knew you needed all the help you could get and-
seungmin was starting to grow on you, actually
and the study sessions weren’t as bad
“hey ugly”
“ok suck a dick”
“that’s No way to talk to ur fucking tutor, asshat.”
“asshat! wow i love that for u.”
“ok anyway. fuck orca lives.”
but no. it’s fine.
the day of the class debate, your name was called
you went in front of the class and didn’t expect to see the topic
and you were like O____O SHIT
and seungmin was looking at u from his seat like ;)
“go get em, CHAMP.”
“seungmin.. class.. let’s not talk while a student is up here.”
at first, you were muttering your thoughts on the matter and looking down at your feet
but when you looked up, seungmin was like <3____<3 u can do it!!!
so sometime halfway through the debate, you got really into it and by the time you finished it, the whole class was like SHOOK
they were like “ok sis snapped”
your whole rant took up the whole class time and the bell rang
but when you stepped to get out of class, your arm was being tugged and next thing you know???
seungmin was pulling you close, maybe for a hug?
but you Kissed him because you were so Happy!!!!
seungmin, of course, kissed back
because you definitely grew on him and he liked your passion for important things
and you liked how he didn’t give up on you.
you didn’t realize when exactly when you guys became You and Seungmin.. but
every day after your class together, he’d kiss you and promise to see you later
so… so you went with it
because you really liked him
and he really liked you
so why not be happy?
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hjslovbot · 6 years
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han ☆ i am you [181102]
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