hnkna-imagine · 1 year
God I missed you and your imagines! They were so good!
aeidefhdsoilhfslo thank you! <3
I've been getting so many nice anons thank you for sticking with this blog after all this time. I've been playing around with the idea of starting doing this again for a while now but I've always thought "man its been such a long time im scared to go back" lol. I'll probably go thru my inbox and see what i left there years ago and see which ones will be the most fun
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hnkna-imagine · 1 year
Out of all the games (or mangas) which dress/outfit do you like the most?
i'm so partial to Alice's OG dress i love it so much i actually cosplayed it yearssss ago. I actually don't really like her updated dress for Spade
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hnkna-imagine · 1 year
Is there a difference between anniversary no kuni and heart no kuni?
Anniversary is the (1st) remake of Heart and it redoes the art, brings the original 300 turn game down to 200 turns, and adds new endings/events. In the OG heart there was only 1 ending for each character, Anniversary adds a non-stay route for the characters (you originally couldn't romance them if you weren't staying in a character's territory).
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hnkna-imagine · 1 year
You’re alive!!
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hnkna-imagine · 1 year
(Shinsoban) Heart No Kuni No Alice for the vita
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A while back i was able to find the vita files for Shinsoban, which is highly sought after do to Quinrose going under and it no longer being up on the PSN store so I wanted to share it here. You will need a modded vita to play it, there are tons of youtube tutorials online and its a very easy process. Anyway, hope ya’ll enjoy and let me know if you have any issues
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
Also, how would be the HCs of Vivaldi dating a rather intellectual and book-lover S/O (if it isn’t too specific)? Thank you again!
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Books aren’t really her thing. That’s more Blood’s thing. But she’s happy to listen to you talk about books.
Shopping dates now consist of going to every bookstore in town and buying whatever catches your eye. You’ll never run out of books to read.
You’ll have to ask/beg her to stop buying you books cause now you have a never-ending backlog.
If she finds out that you’ve gone over to the Hatter’s to either borrow books from Blood or chat with him about books she’ll be furious. “Are we not good enough S/O!?”
If you recommend a book to her she’ll read it, but she’ll be highly critical of it. Especially romance novels (even though she likes romance books).
Even though she doesn’t read a lot, she does read quickly.
She’ll ask you to read to her. She won’t pay a lot of attention to the story, but she likes the sound of your voice.
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
If you don’t mind doing completely crack ships, could you do (suggestive or nsfw) headcanons for Boris and Blood?
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Ya’ll idk how this is gonna turn out but ok
Boris sneaks into the Hatter Mansion all the time. Blood, being a territory leader has allowed it and has given special permission for Boris to enter into his room at anytime.
Boris has also connected a door for Blood to come visit anytime as well.
Their favorite “date” is teasing Gowland. It’s probably how they first started bonding.
It’s not they’re really hiding their relationship from anyone, it’s just they don’t really see the point in telling anyone. Even if they go out somewhere together and people ask what they’re doing, they don’t believe them when they say they say they’re on a date.
Boris also has access to Blood’s rose garden, and Vilvadi almost shot him on the spot when she first saw him she was so freaked out.
You asked for sugggestive/nsfw so here I go???
Boris uses the doors to his advantage when Blood is sleeping. He likes to see how much he can do to Blood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) before he wakes up.
Low-key into BDSM. They like to get a little kinky.
Blood likes to pull on Boris’s collar saying “Here kitty kitty, come get your milk…”
Blood has learned that scratching behind Boris’s ears while he’s blowing him it will make Boris purr. Blood very much enjoys these vibrations.
If Boris comes over and Blood is working at his desk, Boris will get under there and blow him.
I guess Boris really likes giving blowjobs? I don’t know.
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
I was wondering if you could do platonic imagines with either Peter or Blood? Or maybe even Alice? I love pure platonic relationships and I love your blog!
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I tried looking through my artbooks to see if Peter had any likes or hobbies but they only said “Alice” soooo yeah…. Sorry if Peter’s is short…
Alice is delighted to have a friend she can talk with without worrying about being hit on.
You two talk about how crazy the role-holders are over coffee or tea, whatever you two are in the mood for at the time.
Alice recommends you books all the time, it’s up to you whether you read them or not.
She’s always asking you for recommendations too.
After a while, Alice will start opening up to you about some of her insecurities.
She truly does appreciate your friendship and is happy to have someone to rely on. She also encourages you to come to her when things get tough.
She’s perfectly happy chatting with you or just spending time together in silence.
Blood has very few friends. Really, the only person he can actually call a friend is Elliot.
It’s not that he that high of standards, it’s just few people want to get friendly with him without wanting something in return.
His “standards” pretty much sum up to 1) You like tea  2) You like books  3)You’re not “boring”
Whatever that means….
But he finds you not boring, so you must be doing something right.
He likes teasing you, and he’d like it if you could play along a little bit. But he also finds it funny when you get embarrassed.
You guys talk about all sorts of things. Mostly tea and books, but Blood also loves to gossip, and he doesn’t have many people to gossip to but little stuff. Elliot is a bit loose-lipped if it’s not something serious, and the Twins are out of the question. You’ll get all the best gossip. 
You need a wingman? He’s your wingman. He’ll help you if you’re trying to get with someone. (Well maybe except Vivaldi and Ace. Vivaldi for obvious reasons and Ace because he has no idea what runs through that man’s mind)
He’s not really one for…. “friends”
Really, at the most he’ll tolerate you. You irritate him less than most people.
He doesn’t mind you being around as long as you don’t annoy him.
If you keep Ace away from him, you get brownie points.
If you can somehow trick bring Alice to him, you get extra brownie points (at the expense of pissing off Alice)
Peter has very few hobbies, so good luck trying to bond with him in some way.
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
What kind of clothing style would Blood have if he lived in our world?
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(If anyone wants to come kick my ass for not being as active as I should, I’ll be at Fanime this weekend.)
He’s classy, but not too classy.
His casual wear consists of a pair of nice dark skinny jeans and a sweater.
If he’s feeling a bit fancier, than a nice pair of slacks and a blazer. Also vests.
Not many men can pull off suspenders, but damn Blood can pull them off well.
He avoids the color orange like the plague.
No matter what he’s wearing, he always wears nice dress shoes. No sneakers for him.
He’d rather die than wear flip flops.
He mostly wears darker colors. It’s not that he doesn’t want to wear lighter colors, they just don’t go well with his complexion.
Has a small hat collection that is steadily growing bigger.
Likes fancy watches.
Vivaldi and him once went to a get together and found out they were wearing nearly identical outfits. They both left to go change only to come back in similar outfits again. A fight nearly broke out.
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
Any nsfw headcanons for Black Joker a small and usually innocent s/o trying to be sexy and puts on this cute black lacy underwear and his hat while awaiting him in his bed. Sorry if this is too specific lol
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This was both fun and embarrassing to write!
This is the last thing Black would expect.
He would be getting ready to take a nap and heading to his room when he sees you there; short black negligee with matching gartberlt and stockings, his extra hat placed delicately on your head. Upon closer inspection, a pair of handcuffs lay on the bed as well.
Black’s brain stops working temporarily. He freezes for a sold two minutes, unblinking.
He almost shuts the door and leaves out of shock.
It’s not that he dislikes it, it’s just so out of the ordinary for you.
After he slowly unfreezes his brain, he approaches you slowly with a smirk on his face.
“Well, well… look what we have here…” He takes a strand of your hair and presses it to his lips while you blush. Black licks his lips devilishly.
“What brought all this on?” You shrug in response, then look down and blush.
“Do you not like it?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite,” Black pushes you down onto the bed and leans down to kiss you. “I don’t think you’ll be walking too much tomorrow…”
Black got no sleep during during his break period, not that he’s complaining.
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
Not a request. I just want to take the time to thank you for being here and contributing your work to this fandom!! I get excited everytime you post!!
Awww Thank you so much! I’ve been pretty busy lately but I’m trying to get back into the swing of things! ^^
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
How would the fluffy boys Boris, Elliot, Peter, Pierce, and Sydney handle having a lover allergic to furr?#2
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A sad sad kitty
He’ll be sulking.
He’ll ditch his boba to try and help. Even though it’s made out of fake fur, he tries to make any changes he can within his power.
He’s a very touchy-feely boyfriend and is really into PDA, but he has to restrict himself so as to not trigger your allergies.
You tell Elliot that you’re allergic to rabbits. He says “Great! He’ll make sure to protect you from all the dirty rabbits, especially Peter, in Wonderland!”
You correct yourself and say you’re allergic to fur in general. Que Elliot’s ears going down in complete heartbreak.
Totally sulking, but he tries not to show it.
He’ll sometimes forgets it and hugs you anyway, only for you to have a sneezing attack and then he immediately backs off.
Completely and totally heartbroken.
What can he do to make it so he can hug you and kiss you and have you not be in pain of some sort?
Should he cut off his ears and tail? (please stop him because he will do it)
He quickly enlists the help of Nightmare so that he can meet you in dreams, where you won’t have allergic reactions to him. (Nightmare reluctantly agrees to help with this)
In the real world he’s having people look up ways to stop you’re allergic reactions.
Crying. Full on tears.
He’s already hated for being a mouse, and even though you have accepted him for that, he’s absolutely crushed that this is the obstacle between you two.
When he sees you he gets excited and tries to kiss you, but then you sneeze and then he remembers.
Sydney tries to shrug it off like it’s no big deal.
Inside, he’s crying though.
He tries to push you away to protect you
He puts up a strong front in front of everyone, but Crysta can see right through him.
She’ll secretly tell you behind his back about what’s bothering Sydney.
Sydney will deny it though
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
Hi! I love you blog💕 - it always brings a smile to my face.😊 Could you please do a HC of the S/O getting sick - and Ace, Grey, Boris, Blood and Elliot respectively taking care of them.
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Sorry this took so long! 
Is absolutely terrible at it
Ace never/rarely gets sick, so he doesn’t really know what to do when someone gets sick (Julius has been sick before and Ace went out to go get him medicine but he took so long that by the time he made it back to the Clock Tower Julius was already better)
The most he can really do is make you homemade soup that’s actually quite nutritious.
He’ll stay by your side until you get better. After all, he loves you most when you’re healthy and smiling. He wants you to get better soon so you can join him on his adventures.
He has faint memories of helping someone else while they were sick….
He’ll be picking out teas that are suitable for you. Tea is the answer for everything.
Blood will sit by your side while you sleep reading a book and absent-mindlessly petting your hair.
Of course, Blood is a very busy man. He’s a mafia boss after all. He’ll order the maids to look after you and make sure you’re the priority for all of them.
He’ll put of all the paperwork that he can to spend as much time with you as he can.
He’s gonna try his best to nurse you back to health. You’re always looking after him so it’s now his turn to look after you.
But honestly he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
He’ll watch over you while you sleep, probably falling asleep next to you.  He’ll want to cuddle with you but holds himself back.
Be constantly asking what he should be doing and what you need. It was cute at first, but now it’s a bit annoying.
He’ll be really happy when you’re back to %100 again
A very worried bunny dog
He wants to take care of you, the way you always take care of him, but he knows that he’ll be useless in the end.
He’ll be watching from the door as the maids take care of you.
Elliot’s a mess at work because he’s so worried for you. At first Blood found it mildly amusing (you are the one who brought the Mafia’s #2 to his knees), but it soon becomes annoying. Elliot’s basically useless to him in this state, so he orders Elliot to take time off until you’re better.
Elliot thanks Blood for his kindness, and then runs off to watch over you. You’re usually sleeping, but just being with you makes Elliot worry less.
When you get better Elliot is ecstatic. But Blood drags him back to work because of how much work has piled up. It’ll be a while before Elliot gets a break….
But he’s really looking forward to his next break to spend time with you!
The real freak-out here.
I mean he’s used to taking care of Nightmare, but this is YOU and you are different.
He’s 3x more obsessed with making you better than he is about Nightmare.
(Nightmare is silently rejoicing because Gray’s focus is off of him, though he’s worried for you too)
You try to protest to Gray that it’s only a minor cold but Gray is having none of it. No matter how big or small a cold, this is a very dire matter for him.
He’ll try to cook for you. Whatever you do, DO NOT EAT IT. Gray means well but you’ll just get sicker if you eat his food.
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
i've recently found your blog and I am really glad i did! i love the amount of planning and thought and love you put into your headcanons and i enjoy reading them a lot!
Thank you so much! ^^
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
I'm the one who sent that ask about the twins I was very embarrassed about it when I first sent it but now that I have read it I feel super soft and happy so thank you very much you the best
I’m glad you liked it! I don’t get too many asks about the Twins but they’re pretty fun to write. And don’t ever be embarrassed about sending any kind of ask in!
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hnkna-imagine · 5 years
I am sorry if I'm doing this wrong don't usually do this but what about the twins with a s/o who looks adult but it's actually younger than them
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They were really surprised when they found out that you were actually younger than them.
“You look so old though S/O!” “But not in a bad way!” “Yeah you just look super mature and stuff!”
They’ll teasingly call you lil sis/bro, but honestly, they got into the habit of calling you big sis/bro before you told them you were actually younger.
But if anyone tries to mess with you they instantly go into Big Brother Mode.
They present you to everyone as their “Little Sister!” to everyone’s confusion. But no one wants to question the Bloody Twins so they just kinda smile and nod.
If they really want to seem like your older brothers they’ll transform into adults.
You’ve been doting them all this time as their “Big sis” so now it’s their turn to dote on you since they’re the “Big Bros”.
They want to dote on you and be the Big Brothers, but they’re kids at heart and quickly fall back into being “Little Brothers”
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