hoarmoon · 6 years
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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Planets & Astrology
in the Kabbalah, Tree of Life
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hoarmoon · 6 years
Full Moon got me like...
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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For more posts like these, go to @mypsychology​
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hoarmoon · 6 years
“so you’re a witch now?” she asked.
“yeah,” i said.
“so what do you do?”
i stopped and thought for a moment. 
“mostly,” i said honestly, “i just hope really hard.”
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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The crescent moon of bunnies and hay🐇🌙
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hoarmoon · 6 years
What final lessons should I learn/remember for 2018?
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I think this is all of us, Querent. Somehow, somehow, amidst all the chaos, and anxiety, we are still seeking, and still learning about ourselves. 
That somehow may seem incredible to us, but it’s also simply the most human thing imaginable. Our species has grappled with a lot of somehow over the ages, but we are still here, still looking up at the same stars, and then channeling that perspective into history-shaping decisions, both large and small, as we go through the trance-like motions of our small, transient lives. 
We live and die without ever knowing certain answers – even those of us living today, who know more facts about existence, both macro- and microcosmic, than any beings who ever walked the planet. We learn to accept this as part of our dance, the not-knowing. Some of us choke on the despair that comes with it. For others, embracing the not-knowing is part of a lifelong seduction. 
I’d say most of us end up having it both ways. 
The cards here paint a picture of an individual who is increasingly isolated by earthly concerns that cast menacing shadows over circumstances that might have once promised to afford us security or even pleasure. Given the cards on either side, I’d say the Star figure’s focus on the contents of her star-seeded chalice seems especially poignant. One might feel tempted to see her as avoidant, living in abject denial of the situation unfolding around her – and truly, there is that risk for all of us seekers. 
But this is The Star we’re talking about: one of the only light sources that’s worthy of constant attention. This is the inner truth that remains accessible to us even after all else has been wiped away. Our pilot light, if you will. It contains all the potential of everything we might do, even if we never do it. It exists within us, but leads us ever further outside of ourselves. 
So, looking back at 2018, please remember that you are much, much more than just the story of what happened. And regardless of whatever Fortune brings in 2019, you are more than that as well. You will feel the changes of time in your body and brain, you will see evidence of them unfolding in the world all around you, and on an essential level, you will be neither improved or diminished by them.  
That’s why it’s so important to recognize the experience of those in the world who have it way worse than we do. They share in this same experience, though trauma has the power to reduce any of us to a state where the Star’s light is all but invisible to us. At other times, these dire events actually allow people to become more attuned to their Star-selves than most of us can begin to comprehend. 
So what’s the message of this reading? Looking backward, as well as ahead, it’s important for you to find your light. While we’d love to attain a certain continuity in The Star’s reassuring presence, experience teaches us that we’ll have to keep seeking it, moving toward it, and during the periods when we feel cast into darkness, we’ll have to keep reminding ourselves of its existence.
I’ve found one of the best ways to do that for myself is to give that gift to others; this blog is one of the ways I do that. Answering questions for you, I also end up answering them for myself – whether or not I was aware of asking anything. 
Ultimately, the human story will be that of beings seeking a common understanding of the mystery of their own existence. Billions and billions of us over time, each carrying the same spark, igniting ourselves and each other with it, and reaching vastly different conclusions about what it all means.
In the final weeks of the year, spend some quiet time working that out for yourself. The winter nights are so still, sometimes we can hear the stars even when we can’t see them. 
What is yours singing to you? You are welcome to share with the rest of the class. 
Have a tarot reading request or tarot-related question for Arcanalogue? Ask here. Tips accepted (but not required) via Venmo, @arcanalogue. Or support my Patreon? I’d love that.
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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hoarmoon · 6 years
The Divine Feminine can be silly too 
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Dancing Goddesses
These are AWESOME.
(Source: Nina Paley)
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hoarmoon · 6 years
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Tarot-The High Priestess Card
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hoarmoon · 6 years
I love the idea behind getting out of bed, chugging two glasses of water and then plopping right down to do a spread. It helps to set an intention for the day as well as to do a little inner inventory before you do anything else. I feel like I tend to rush into my day kind of chaotically. I’ve been pretty good about making a to-do list before I tackle any work, which helps organize my thoughts. But I’d love to add this to my morning ‘ritual’ along with some gentle morning yoga. 
To wake up the inner mind and the outer body every morning- seems like a great way to prepare for what life has in store for me that day. 
 Here, Jessi offers a 5 card spread to do as a morning ritual and self-check-in.
I’m definitely going to try this out! 
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hoarmoon · 6 years
Mind is the master power that molds and makes And man is Mind and evermore he takes The Tool of Thought and, shaping what he wills Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills. He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking glass.
James Allen
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hoarmoon · 6 years
After the Love Storm
I don’t know about you, but my venus retrograde was pretty damn eventful. My phone buzzed with messages. Exes were looking to reconnect, old flames ignited once again...but certain events transpired that made me realize that they were better left in the past. They weren’t in my life anymore for a reason. 
Although there was definite drama, I am grateful for the lessons learned (for the 2nd or third time in some cases,) and I had the revelation Friday night that I was ready to look only forward. The spell that had made me dwell on these people and wonder what went wrong there before had been broken. I didn’t need to logically understand, I just needed hitch a ride and let things flow onward. 
Actually, now that I come to think of it, my monetary scope also became in flux during the retrograde. I made the decision to quit my restaurant job and become a freelance writer full time. It all happened very quickly and all of a sudden it was Friday, my last day at work (also the day that Venus turned direct.) 
Love and Money are the two main themes of Venus symbology and the two areas in our lives that the planet’s retrograde can affect. 
And it definitely affected those aspects of my life. So, because I am still processing everything that transpired during the past month, I wanted to do a tarot spread to explore my mental state and help me to figure out where I stand with it all now. 
Here’s a link to the spread I used https://bit.ly/2DtHYBx 
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1. Where’s your heart at? (Center card)
The Lovers
My heart is in making my relationships deep, emotionally intimate, or at least connected experiences for everyone involved. I’m sick of settling for superficial acquaintances of happenstance. I want communication, understanding, a give and take of emotional labor. 
This card corresponds to the astrological sign Gemini. It is a card of partnerships, commerce, communication. It is a card of intellectual union and in this spread about holding all of my relationships up to this standard.
2. What are your subconscious values? (Bottom card)
Three of Swords
My values in love and money are shaped by the loss and heartbreak that had gone before. Although I might convince myself of holding the values that I do for different reasons, my negative experiences in those domains deeply impact how I relate to them going forward. Failures and losses are lessons, afterall– we learn from them, that is their use.
3. What do you no longer value? (Left card)
Ten of Rods
I no longer believe in carrying the burden of having to be the perfect lover or mate or person. Less ego-driven sex, relationships, money-making. More authenticity– owning my individuality: the good and the shadow. 
4. What do you *think* you value? (Top card)
The Hermit
I *think* that I value the pursuit of wisdom and truth, even if it means I must turn away from everything I was good at to start again at something else. I value eventual self-actualization. Also knowing myself the deepest way possible– seeking and leaning into solitude and silence. But that path of the hermit is not an easy one.
This card pertains to the earth sign Virgo. Another mercury ruled sign! Communication thought and the search for truth pertains to both the Hermit and the Lovers. But with one is the experience of self and other while the other is the solitary search for the inner voice, the self. 
The truth is that it is difficult for me to want solitude when I actually get it. I enjoy spending time and living with a companion. However, a compromise can be reached to where I can be part of a couple, but communicate when I’d like to be left alone to meditate, journal, and pull cards. Also going out alone is a great way to get in touch with how I  act, how I interact with people when it's just me. 
5. How can you reconnect with what you love and value most? (Right card)
Seven of Swords
This card invites me to think outside of the box with how I can reconnect to what I love, to get creative and roll with the ever-changing beat of life. It calls me to prioritize my needs by going my own way and listening to my inner voice. By matching my actions to my inner voice, I am aligning myself with my greatest good. I am choosing to love myself enough to really delve deep, trust in what I find and letting it lead me even if it into places unknown. 
Bonus Card! 
I accidentally pulled six cards instead of five, and this was the sixth. But I like to include hitchhikers along with the original spread. I believe it made its way in for a reason to add a little more complexity to the spread. 
Temperance stands for the middle ground– a compromise between the two extremes. It is a reminder to keep a balance through the reading through expansive thought (like a Sagittarius who corresponds to this card.) 
I really like this explanation of Temperance from the Luminous Tarot App 
“To find Temperance in the cards is an indication that you have learned to avoid extreme measures. When emotions are running high, it becomes easy to see things in black and white, but the angel of temperance asks us to bring calmness and tranquility, to give space for our immediate emotional reactions to surface and release. With the combination of both mind and heart, conscious and unconscious, we can learn to walk the middle path with wisdom and elegance.”
Perhaps Temperance is the moral of the story. I imagine the angel speaking to me:
‘Do not let your emotions run away with you. Have patience with yourself to sit with them a while, decide them and try to understand them before you do anything too rash. Reach for the middle ground.’
All in all, I crave true connection from a deep heart space and  I should trust in that deep desire and not settle for anything less. All while trying to be the best version of myself and show up the best I can for my friends, lovers, and family. I don’t have to be perfect, I just have to meet them in the middle and do my best. I also shouldn't stress too much, but trust myself to figure out what’s best for me and go my own way.
 Lastly, my Virgoan (my midheaven) need to search for my inner truth can still be a reality as long as I draw a compromise between my lofty goals and my reality. 
Venus definitely taught me some things this month, how was your Venus retrograde?
 Ready for Mercury retrograde?
 Hopefully, this post doesn’t get lost in transmission. 
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hoarmoon · 6 years
Remember, don't force yourself to feel the power. Trying harder won't accomplish anything. Relax and allow yourself to feel what's been there all the time.
Scott Cunningham
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hoarmoon · 6 years
"Vulnerability in creativity asks us to place more emphasis on process than product...It gives us the ability to pull from the depths of our souls, our own perfect (to us) perspective and share it with the world...Art is a means of connecting. Connecting is its most important function."
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