hoe4dameron · 4 years
The last time I felt alive was when my cousin and I were leaving a venue at 12:00am and he drive 20mph over the speed limit and blasted Kanye
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
I shall deliver my children
So I’m thinking about making my mandalorian imagines a full on fanfiction on Wattpad...one like and I’ll do it
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
So I’m thinking about making my mandalorian imagines a full on fanfiction on Wattpad...one like and I’ll do it
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Update: I’m going to fucking kms because this same boy looked at me like I was a cockroach today lol
I want to fucking die™️
But also
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Okay in hindsight, this was made at 4:52 am and I am not that ready to die because a cute boy said hi to me today
I want to fucking die™️
But also
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
I want to fucking die™️
But also
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
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Not to be overdramatic,
But this is the most attractive picture I have ever seen
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Mandalorian x Reader Imagines
Okay so I’m in love with the strong and silent vibes that mando gives off and I’ve gotta let off some steam so here are some imagines about him that may or may not be NSFW and fluffy.
Length: idk homie I don’t got exact numbers but it’s gonna be pretty long it’s almost like a basic fanfic that just divided up into points
Warnings: NSFW, 18+
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He saved you from being a slave to one of the bounties that he had and offered to take you someplace safe
You couldn’t think of anywhere that you felt truly at home (you had never had one because you were born into slavery) so you told him that you had no home
He offered you a job on his ship instead and you gladly took it
At first you didn’t understand that you could use the money that he payed you with and that you could own your own things so initially you saved almost all of it
He notices and asks you what you plan to do with your savings, thinking that maybe you’re trying to buy something massive that you don’t need to
“Mmm I’m not sure. Maybe a nice new outfit? Do you think this would be enough?”
“Er-*ahem*-I think you have more than enough y/n”
Mando slowly starts to fall for you and is having a hard time not showing it
You two have a lot of alone time being the only two humans on the ship, besides baby yoda
He gets turned on when you dress in very flowy and showy dresses, you never got to before so you wear them almost all the time now
Sometimes your butt is too much for him
One time, during summer on tattooine he was tracking down a bounty and you and his child were waiting in the ship for him, but it just got too hot in there so you decided to strip down to the bare minimum and walked around in just a tshirt and panties (his shirt)
He got back sooner than you thought he would and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you, but he wasn’t the only one, his child was also standing in the doorway watching both of you
“Okay I’m gonna need you two to get out”
“You tw-? HEY NO get out of here she’s not for you to stare at-!”
“Mando, you need to take your own advice!”
He has a hard time being around you since that, and you have a hard time being around him
“Hey y/n, sorry if you felt uncomfortable I shouldn’t of-“
“No mando... you’re completely fine. It was my fault. Don’t blame yourself for anything.”
You wanted to tell him that really you loved that he wanted to see you but you had only known him for a couple months
Soon enough he caught the bounty and he was on the hunt for another job. This one was on hoth
So now you were just plain cold
He felt bad that you and the baby were both so cold all the time and insisted that all three of you sleep in the same room to hopefully heat each other up
“Okay fine, I can just sleep on the floor next to your child and-“
“absolutely not. You’re sleeping in a bed.”
“But mando I don’t want to-“
“This is the way”
He pulled that shit on you all the time
You tucked in for the night but both you and his baby must’ve been on the same page because him sleeping on the ground just didn’t feel right. He was the one who did all the work to keep you two safe and happy. He should be in a comfortable bed.
“Pst- mando, come get in bed with me”
“You heard me, come get comfy instead of being on that cold floor.”
He tries to keep his distance from you when he’s laying next to you but you’re doing your best to get closer and closer to him, plus it is warmer when he’s next to you
He eventually succumbs to your efforts and allows you to lay right next to him
As you two are sleeping, you somehow get tangled up together
He wakes up with his arms wrapped around you and you’re laying on his chest
He doesn’t move though
He’s never been this comfortable in all his life, so he’s staying like this as long as you’ll allow it
And you definitely allow it
This continues for the next few nights, but during the day you two have a hard time acting on your feelings still
But you’ve become impatient, you’ve lived all your life without a boyfriend up to this point and you deserve love and comfort dammit
So you make the first move
Baby yoda seems to sense this as decides he wants in on your plan and you know this because he won’t leave you to your own unless you tell him what you’re gonna do with mando
“Listen, I’m just gonna flirt with him a little! I’m not gonna break his heart or steal his money or his ship I promise baby, I promise”
Baby yoda trusts you, so that means mando does too
The next time he returns he has the bounty with him and this one is nasty
“OoooHhoooo mando is that your bitch? She sure is a hot one! ...Hey baby, what’s your pussy like huh? Is it deep? HAHHHAAA”
Mando beats the shit out of him to the point where’s he’s barely holding onto consciousness
Baby yoda and you run up to the cockpit to get away from the situation. You hold him in your arms and kiss his forehead to comfort him while you tell him it will be okay. Neither one of you have seen him this emotionally mad before. Usually he’s very steely with his emotions.
When he’s calmed down, he finds you with little tears in your eyes, but baby yoda is sound asleep in your lap as you continue to stroke his little head
Mando takes him from you and places him in his bed to sleep, then he sits down across from you and suddenly decides to take his helmet off
“Wait-wait if you do that you can’t undo it”
“I know what I’m doing”
He takes it fully off and you can’t believe what you’re seeing. He’s so handsome, but the look in his eyes right now is still reflecting what just happened. He quickly sees how scared you are if that right now and calms himself down even more. He softens his expression to match what he’s feeling right in his heart.
“Y/n, I love you. I have never trusted someone or wanted to be with someone more than you.”
This completely overwhelms you. You know that everything he says is 100% honesty
“I love you to and I will never want anything more than this life with you.”
You move over to his chair and sit in his lap. He moves his arms to hold you where you sit as both of you lock lips
Baby yoda has awoken and he is thrilled by what he sees
*happy baby sounds*
“Go back to sleep” mando says, but you’re laughing and smiling right back at his baby
“He’s your baby, of course he’s glad to see you happy!” You laugh
When baby yoda does fall asleep (and stays asleep) you two decide to try a little more than kissing
“Hey, can I just say, you are so handsome it’s almost a crime that that face was hidden from the world all these years.”
“It’s a crime that you, all of you, was hidden all those years.”
He slowly takes your dress off and starts immediately on your boobs
They’re so nice and he’s never experienced anything like this before so he’s a little nervous, but he’ll figure it out. You guide his hands and mouth to where it feels best.
And ohhhh does he figure it out
After a couple more nights of this, he’s become an expert almost and he can’t seem to keep his hands off
“Mmmm baby you’re getting handsy”
“Sorry, trying to make up for lost time”
He has quite the package, which you aren’t surprised by for some reason.
He likes best when you deepthroat and bounce on him. You do usually do this because it’s not so much work for him after a long day.
One day baby yoda caught you two and mando had to explain that he was - just trying to- erm- help you look for something
Baby yoda just shrugs it off and forgets what he saw as soon as he sees his favorite little knob again
Mando doesn’t want to cum in you, he doesn’t have any condoms and neither do you, but sometimes he can’t help what his body decides to do when
So eventually you do get pregnant
But you don’t start to really notice that somethings up until a couple months in, about three
You catch him alone in the cockpit one day
“Baby I need to talk to you”
“...I think I’m pregnant”
He’s not sure how to feel, but you don’t blame him, neither are you.
You never thought you’d be a mommy, at least not to your own baby
You both go straight to get you tested and your health checked and it turns out you are pregnant, but it gets even better, it’s twins.
Mando gives a look for the ages and you can’t help but laugh to relieve some nerves
It’s gonna be crazy when the ship goes from having three people on it to five
Mando is rethinking living on the ship with you and baby yoda, and now babies, but how else is he supposed to keep baby yoda safe?
You tell him that you’re okay with living in the ship with the babies as long as you can get all the supplies and space you need
He immediately gets to work on fixing up the ship and making more room and getting more money by selling and taking on more bounties
He doesn’t like leaving you alone anymore and insists that you carry a weapon at all times
Also, the only droids allowed are nurse droids
You’re more than excited to welcome yours and mando’s babies into the world
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Poe Dameron (sexual) preferences pt. 3/???
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Hola again, I’m back with more porn with plot imagines that are basically a whole story, so really I’m sorry that I don’t know what to call this, but thanks for reading all the same lol anyways as always, this is NSFW AND 18+ ONLY also make sure you check out pt 1 and pt 2 (I’ll link it soon, remind me if I dont lol) Enjoy!!
You have had a couple days here and there lately where you’ve been getting sick in the morning for no reason at all, and the worst thought makes a home in your mind
Maybe you are pregnant with Poe’s baby
You go immediately to the medical ward, hoping they can help you more than you’re assuming
They test you and it comes out...positive
Oh shit mode settles in and you can feel your hands shaking as you try to put the test back in a plastic baggy to hopefully show Poe latter
Poe...this would be so much easier if he were here, to enjoy this news with you and brag that he’s a daddy now
But luxuries are few and far between right now and you can’t get mad and the situation, it was your choice
You try to see if there’s a way of contacting him...he should be back in just about a week, but telling him sooner rather than later is most ideal...just in case the worst happens
You can’t get in contact with him and for the next few days you’re holding out on every single scrap of hope that you can get
general organa gets word of the news that you’re pregnant and congratulates you, already knowing who the father is
“He’ll make a wonderful father. He is very good with kids that we encounter on the battlefields and always keeps them safe, I’m sure he’ll do the same and more for you and the baby”
“Thank you so much for the kindness general, it is more than appreciated” you smile and warmly hug leia
The days, although slow, do go by and finally,
It’s the day, and you stand in wait for Poe to run up to you
But multiple pilots slowly walk by you in a depressed manner and it makes your stomach curl and heart drop...it can’t be..he can’t be one of the..the-
He’s not, he’s just too busy greeting BB-8 and giving him all the love before it’s your turn
He sees your face and immediately sprints to you but gently comes into a hug that encases you entirely
The kiss you two share almost makes up for all the lost time
But soon enough he seems to notice that either you’ve gained a little weight or...
“Honey is that?? are you?
You’re a daddy Poe” you say happily while nodding
He falls to his knees and holds your hands while letting out some tears of both relief and joy
“It was the night before I left right?”
“Yep. So you remember? Must’ve been good!” You say laughing
“I thought you were on-?”
“Yeah well those things don’t garuntee a 100% risk free experience” you’d explain the mishap, but that can be saved for a later time
You both laugh and enjoy the moment
He wants to tell everyone, and does so even though they already know, besides his fellow pilots
And all the pilots practically cry and smile like it’s their baby too
The resistance hasn’t seen a baby in a very long time. And for good reason too
This isn’t an ideal place to raise a young child or to have a child for that, but you’re determined to enjoy every single moment you have with Poe now and with the baby on the way
Now that he’s back home safe again, he can enjoy all of you and more
He’s very horny one night, but you’re just not feeling getting fucked because his baby is kicking your belly almost violently so you both decide to just lay and feel your stomach
“Hey little guy! Be nice to your mommy, she’s gonna hurt if you keep kicking her like that”
“I must be having a hot head boy just like you, Poe”
“You’re Welcome” he says childlishly
“Shit” you shake your head laughing
And it turns out you are having a boy
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Poe Dameron (Sexual) Preferences pt. 2/???
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(Yes I know the above gif isn’t Poe as a character exactly but I can’t imagine that he’s constantly in his pilot outfit so) Hello again!! I’m back with sinning™️ pt. 2 and as always this is practically porn and VERY NSFW 18+ only but anyways I hope you all enjoy this as much as the first, this ones gonna be a little longer with more “plot” behind it lol——
okay this ones actually pretty lengthy and has more of a story too it than I thought it would so ur welcome lol and honestly I don’t think I should call this preferences because this is more like a full story so sorry about that lol
Poe has cum inside you before with a condom on but never without one
But there’s always a first time for everything and he decides that the night before he deploys for his biggest mission yet is a prime opportunity
“Ugh y/n...baby I’m gonna-“
And it happens so quickly that you didn’t know it was happening until he had let everything out
But damn it was sexy feeling him fill you up and the little pulse of him inside you was amazing
You are upset but dont make it a point to let him know because what’s really the use?? You’re on the pill anyways
Or so you thought
You had been delivered the wrong package from the storage room and taken birth control pills that were scheduled to be sent back because they were expired and had been there for years
You laid with Poe for the rest of the night and enjoyed his presence as much as you could without dreading his departure the next morning
He didn’t sleep very well that night, despite being physically exhausted and mentally worn
He turned over to take in his sleeping beauty one more time, maybe be never would again...
He turns over to see that you’re awake too and he jolts up a little too quick and almost falls out of bed
“Poe oh my god I’m so sorry” you loudly whisper but also laughingly say, while he gives a disgruntled stare
“You’re supposed to be fast asleep with a beautiful little pout on your lips so that I can kiss you gently on your forehead before I attempt to sleep again the night before my mission” he stammers stubbornly
“Sorry baby, maybe we could do something better?”
“Mmm yeah and what would that be?”
“...I could jerk you off whil-”
“No, babygirl were just going to have to wait until I come back home again for that”
And this gets you going because what if he doesnt come home again, what if this is the last conversation you’ll have, what is this is the last smile you two will share in private?
You pull him closer to you and snuggle extremely close into him, he smells like his x-wing and the cologne that you bought him a year ago
He wraps his arms around you and lays his hands just above your ass but eventually one finds its way inside your pants and grabs at your ass
You don’t initiate anything though, he’s just doing that because it almost feels more natural than doing nothing
You both fall gently into sleep, but the sleep itself is restless and unforgiving
Poe wakes up with a gnawing pit in his stomach, not from the prospect of dying for the resistance or of this mission going haywire, but because of the way he knows you’ll look at him before he leaves
You get dressed in front of him so that he can take all of you in one last time— it almost like your final sexy goodbye, in case something does happen, you want him to go out with a good time
He grabs you while you’re in the middle of putting on the skimpy lacy bra that’s his favorite and pulls you onto his lap
“Listen to me baby..you know my dedication to the resistance and to the freedom of those oppressed by the empire, but I also need you to know that that cannot compare to the love and desperation I feel every time I leave you here alone.”
You start sobbing in his arms and he just holds you while you let out all your nagging thoughts from the last few days
“Baby you’re so amazing and brave and hot and loving and you’re so stupid and stubborn and boyish and you’re such a hot head sometimes but I still love you so much but now you’re taking off again and I just don’t want you to go but also I’m perfectly aware that you need to but the nights you’re gone are so hard and I don’t kn-know if youll be back in my arms again”
Now it’s his turn to cry
“I’ll always be your hotshot babygirl you know that”
he’s just trying to lighten the mood so that you’re not both drowned by the emotions of the moment
It’s only an hour before he leaves now and you’ve both managed to compose yourself enough to be seen by everyone else
The resistance is strong and will not be intimidated by the empires false strength
But goddamnit sometimes you wished you and Poe could just move to some remote, desolate planet and start a life all on your own
Poe is geared up and ready to go and some time and encouragement with his crew has energized him in just the right way
He pecks you on the lips before he leaves but before he fully walks away he leaves a note in your pocket
He flys off and leaves you feeling empty and abandoned
But luckily you find the note just when you get to your room and that’s a good thing because if you had found it earlier everyone would have to get you checked because you lost your mind crying at his little words
“To the light of my life, I love you more than my duties, more than my x-wing, and more than BB-8 (but don’t tell him that!) stay safe until I return. ❤️, Poe
About 2 weeks later, You find BB-8 waiting in the flight deck where Poe left and immediately comfort him, knowing that has such an innocent loyalty to Poe and the resistance
“Hey buddy what are you doing all alone here? Isn’t R2 around here somehwhere? Or maybe Finn or Rey, I know you love them!!”
But he just rolls his little round self right up to you and looks up at you with a lot of sass for a droid that has no facial expression
“God fucking damnit fine I’m sorry then, you’ll just have to wait until he gets back!”
You’re pissed now and all that sadness has manifested itself into anger...at everything and everyone
Finn attempts to get you to calm down over the next few weeks, but sleep deprivation, more work because Poe is gone, and the looming threat of him not coming back are tearing away at you...or at least that’s what you figured it was...
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Poe Dameron (Sexual) Preferences
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This is in every way practically porn so don’t get the wrong idea. Only read if you’re into it. NSFW, 18+ also if this is liked, then there will definitely be more to come, but really I just like to write these for myself so they’ll probably be here either way. Enjoy!!
He likes when you gag on his dick, and tears start to form in your eyes, but he always makes sure it’s not too much
LOVES when you moan (loudly) and start talking dirty
“Stop that, you’re being bad again”
“Whatever you say general”
He spanks either softly and then grabs your ass and rubs it or he spanks hard enough to leave a hand print
He has a big dick, and it’s thick too
You sometimes can handle this, sometimes cannot
“Baby omg BABY”
“Don’t run away from it babygirl I’m only getting started”
He likes to cum inside, which is unfortunate to say the least
So you have an overstock of birth-control and make sure to take it every morning
This doesn’t mean that you don’t imagine anything deeper than sex with him though, you want desperately to become his
When the war is over and you both get to finally settle down, then you’ll start a family
But as for right now....
You see how many times you can cum before he does ;)
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
I'm going to bed.
I'm going to bed.
I'm going to bed.
I'm going to bed.
I'm going to bed.
I'm reading fanfiction...
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
- tony stark
Am I the only one who thinks mcu Steve Rogers is like, the most annoying person ever? He wasn’t in the beginning, but after AOU it was just... all downhill. He’s a hypocrite, a criminal, and a man without enough goddamn sense to realize that hey, maybe going back in time and marrying the woman he kissed once whose niece he also claimed to love is not a good idea. He’s also just... kind of a shitty friend, to multiple people. And this whole Holier Than Thou act... has worn real thin. Comic Steve is great, AA Steve is great, but mcu Steve is the most annoying fucking character ever created. No I do not take constructive criticism.
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Tiny baby on the bus: 👀
Me: 👀
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
jakookoo pouinis
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
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hoe4dameron · 5 years
Arthur Fleck Imagines (pt. 1)
Hey back at it again tonight with the prelude to pt.2 (obviously lol) but this one may have a bit more “smut” in it and I put it in quotations because honestly it’s not like I’m going to be typing out a detailed scene so.. WARNING: very slight smut and cursing also this one will be long like pt.2
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Your fifth year of college was just about to start. Your field wasn’t too rigorous, but you still worked your ass off to pay bills and complete assignments
Life wasn’t bad right now, you had focused on your own well being the past several years and had gotten to a good understanding of what you wanted
And you found you wanted love, not only that, you needed love
But you wished for that kind of love that you see in movies, the kind of love that turns heads, the love that makes you want to stay buried in it forever. A kind of love where both people want it more than anything and have nothing else to wish for.
You were having a bad day, the negative thoughts of you never truly falling in love with someone had made a hole in you brain you couldn’t avoid, so you decided to visit a comedy club.
You didn’t want to sit in on raunchy sex jokes by some dudebro. Honesty was something that was overly important to you and just hearing someone try to be their honest self made you happy, even if that person wasn’t exactly the most popular
So you decided to listen to someone named Arthur Fleck. He seemed nice. His description was the exact opposite of one of Gotham’s local dudebros...you applauded for him as he walked out onto stage and...
Disaster. The funniest thing about the situation was that you thought it couldn’t possibly get worse. Just to be courteous, you clapped loudly at the end of his bit and smiled at him. Little did you know what this had done to Arthur.
You were going to just pack up and go home, taking this as a sign to just throw in the towel and watch the stupid Murray show later tonight at home, but Arthur hurriedly stopped you at the door.
“So, did you like the jokes?... Maybe some of them weren’t relatable to you..”
“Oh! Uh, no they were nice, some were a little dark though...but really overall the best thing about your act was that you obviously cared about it. Plus, you aren’t another dudebro” you laughed.
“I’m Arthur Fleck”
“Y/N L/N”
“Would you like to go out for a drink?”
And this is where the soft music stops and you process what he really just asked. Did you want to fall prey to your guilt that you may hurt his feelings by saying no? Did you so desperately want to experience any kind of intimacy that you would say yes without another thought?
“You know what, that sounds really nice Arthur.” You answered with a smile. He beamed at you.
While walking to a bar a block over with him, you looked closer at his features. His nose was ever so slightly turned down and his cheeks were a little hollowed in but his eyes were handsome and his smile was kind, but tired.
After only 2 drinks and casual chit-chat about what life was like for the two of you, you learned that Arthur’s wasn’t exactly appealing in any way...yours looked like heaven compared to his situation.
“But even after all of that shit, you’re still the most genuine, caring man I’ve ever met?”
Arthur melted. A compliment like this from someone so beautiful? Unparalleled
He hadn’t even shared the worst of it yet.
He walked you home that night and that was when you found out your dorm building was only 3 blocks away from his apartment. Visits weren’t impossible...
So they became a regular. You got closer to Arthur everyday. Finding out something new, taking him somewhere he had never been, helping him with stupid chores, falling asleep next to him on the couch on accident, staying the night and laying with him in bed. Your relationship had reached the six month mark when...
It was a stormy night. Arthur had a bad day at work with all the other guys teasing him and trying to pressure him into doing something. He came home hoping you would just hold him in your arms all night.
Arthur walked in and bam, you were there in just your underwear and an oversized T-shirt. He was on you in seconds.
He initially thought it would just be a heavy makeout session but you were horny that day and grabbed at him through his pants. He never knew he could get hard so fast. He moaned a bit as you went for more and more and eventually he had reached his limit.
You two were in bed all night long. You completely forgot about class the next morning only focusing on how big his dick ended up being. And how well he knew to use it with only minimal guidance.
Now he really was your dream guy.
You decided to move in with him, moving your expenses into his apartment and living areas so you could fix it up and maybe buy the two of you nicer furniture and household things.
But first, you both decided it would be best to send Penny to a nursing home (one outside of Gotham) where she could live independently but more importantly, Arthur could live independently
So it had been a year now and you two were settled into living together,but some concerns had taken you over.
Arthur never seemed quite right no matter how much you kissed him and told him how much you adored him and his features. You knew love couldn’t fix mental illness but you thought you’d try and at least lessen his pain.
So you payed more attention to him, we’re patient with him, and helped him practice good habits so he could feel better. Things weren’t always perfect, but more importantly, you knew you loved him and that he adored you.
So really, meeting this dysfunctional man desperate for love, had been the best thing that could have happened to you right now
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