Tag Thing
Wasn’t tagged but it looked like fun xx
1. Go to this website
2. Pick fifteen characters from any fandom or whatever you’re into.
3. Tag five or more people.
Your parent: 
Your sibling:
Your grandparent:
Haunts you:
Your datefriend:
Your ex:
Your best friend:
Proposed to you:
Your boss:
The random person you met at the bar:
Your rival:
Gave you your first kiss:
Drunk and singing karaoke with:
Played 7 minutes in heaven with:
Gave you your favourite dessert:
Your parent: David
Your sibling: Elle
Your grandparent: Dylan
Haunts you: Robyn
Your datefriend: Zoe
Your ex: Lofty 
Your best friend: Noel 
Proposed to you: Max
Your boss:Jack
The random person you met at the bar: Louise
Your rival: Connie
Gave you your first kiss: Cal
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Ethan
Played 7 minutes in heaven with: Rita
Gave you your favourite dessert: Alicia
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This was so long ago now but I still think it was so cute and so hard for him to admit that he needed her help x
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Still Miss Elliot, I remember not watching this episode and seeing goodbye’s to him on instagram, I legit thought they had killed him off so I’m so glad he just went to pakistan in the end xx
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Love Jac and Ollie xx 
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Is it really too late for Jollie? Reallly?
O “Do you really want to know?”
J “No, but I kinda feel like I have to ask.”
O “How very noble of you.”
J “Comes with being superior.”
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Read the picture before the caption and definatley read it as don’t kill anyone lol
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‘I am very fond of you, but don’t tell anyone’. Aw, Serena. 
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I just want to curl up into a ball and wish today never happened.
Oliver Valentine 18/23 (via holbycityquotes)
Me most days xx
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I love Dom and Arthurs friendship. The way they have gone from hating eachother to best friends is amazing. 
Ps. Anyone know which ep the high five is from??
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“He’s my closest friend. If truth be told, he’s a better friend to me than I am to him. But we’ve been through a lot together and we look out for each other.”
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This is so cute, I love it xx 
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Easter Ethan!
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A A D B B 
So a mixture or Ollie and Zosia
Which holby character are you? (darwin)
So here’s a personality quiz to see which Darwin character you are (I didn’t include Sir Dennis because he’s new and we don’t know him that well yet! And Adele because she moves around) 1) what are your main career aspirations A) i’m happy where i am at the minute but i may move up soon B) I’m still quite low in the ranks/studying but I want to be at the top one day C) I’m nearly there and want the top spot D) i’m at the top and doing quite well thanks very much
2) Which words would describe you best? A) sensetive , caring , doubting yourself B) ambitious , driven , funny , loyal C) lively , light hearted , driven D) feisty, sarcastic , clever
3) what are you like at a party? A) a few drinks , not really doing much else digby at a disco baisically B) i sometimes go a little crae crae… C) I’m the life of the party , an know hiw to have a good time D) the awkward standing in the corner or I don’t tend do go
4) what are you like with relationships? A) I don’t commit easily/have a few trust issues but I am commited when I let myself be in a relationship B) I sometimes don’t know where i’m going with things but I’m generally just be as caring and happy as i can C) who cares I’m in or out of a relationship it’s happiness and being true to yourself that matters D) don’t even go there! Me and someone in a lower career rank than myself never works!
5) which characters do you look up to or go to for help? A) Elliot/Penny B)Jac/Mo/Oliver C) Bernie/Elliot D)Jhonny/Oliver Mostly As =Oliver Mostly Bs = Zosia Mostly Cs = Mo Mostly Ds = Jac
Pls tag people to do this i tag @holbycityquotes @holbyposts and @connieandjac and anyone that wants to x
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This is so cute and It shows there amazing friendship xx So Sad Elliot has left :(
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Spring Trailer Arthur - Definatley think he has Cancer as all signs point to it and not suprisingly he is taking it badly. Hopefully they will be able to treat it and he will be fine. Dom - Not completely sure whats happening it seems like him and Ric are going to be on bad terms for a while and then Doms crying and Ric apologises for not helping him. I feel like Cara's going to move to Darwin and thats when Her and Ollie kiss (part of me thinks shes the one who is pregnant). I feel like Zosia drinking again will be the concern about her mental health but im still not sure who would have brought it up. Morven - With arthur not able to donate i think the ex boyfriend is going to back out and Morven is going to be forced to call her brothers at last.
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I love that these two show up together on my feed, One perfectly explains the other xx credit to @holbycityquotes
(Apart from the first ones Cara and the second is Jac)
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Thank you both so much xxx
I looked up Ric on wikipedia and it says his full name is 'Kobina Eric Griffin', Do you know if this has been mentioned at all in the show?
Hello :). Aww, that’sreally interesting. I actually didn’t know that. Anyway, I did a little bit ofsearching and it has apparently been mentioned at least once on the show before (and morethan likely has on other occasions as well). There is a scene at the end of the episode “Second Coming” (Series 13, Episode 24) where it is mentioned afterRic meets his grandson Jacob for the first time (who his daughter Jess gavebirth to whilst he was having an operation to have his liver cancer removed).Kobina is a Ghanaian name for boys meaning “Born on Tuesday.” After Jess hands Jacob to Ric he asks whatday it is and Jess tells him that it is Tuesday. Ric then replys “Tueday’s child. Thatmakes him Kobina. Kobina Jacob Griffin, I’m Kobina Eric Griffin. Very pleasedto meet you.” It’s actually a very sweet scene :) so I would definitely recommendthat you watch it.
Thank you for asking :). I hope that helps. Does anybody else know any other times where it has been mentioned?
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I was totally like ‘how could they all say yes’ and then she said No and i was so happy lol 
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I just had to comment on this lol 
James - ‘Bring it on, I could take them’
Chizzy - ‘I want to fight them, but i also want to burst out laughing’ (That Face she is pulling lol)
John - ‘I’m not sure what’s going on but I’m up for a fight’.
Rosie - ‘Darwin will always win’
Guy - ‘what the hells happening’ (It’s kind of like they have gone from serious photo to fight and he hasn’t realised).
Camilla - ‘I’m up for this bring it on’
Rob - ‘I’m glad i’m all the way back here’
David - ‘Not team darwin or AAU but hey it’s a fight’
Bob - ‘Well that escalated quickly’
Kaye - ‘Keller’s not in the war but we are going to fight for Keller anyway’
Hugh - ‘seriously your fighting over this’
Catherine - ‘yes this is serious and we are going to win’
Alex - ‘Your going down’
Jemma - ‘Crap, don’t hurt me I don’t know why I seem to bee Team AAU’
Niamh - ‘We’re going to win this fight’
Eleanor - ‘Team AAU all the way’
Joe - ‘I’m not sure how this started but we’re going to win’
(AAU - Alex, Catherine, Eleanor, Niamh and Joe definatley look scarier. Rosie and James look quiet scary but Chizzy looks like she is going to laugh, Camilla looks like she is smiling and John well I’m not sure whats happening lol)
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Get to Know Me
Tagged by @holbycityquotes, who's blog I love.
Rules: tag 10 followers you’d like to know better: Honestly I have no Idea, so I tag anyone that wants to do it lol
▪️Name: Sophie ▪️Nickname: Don't really have one. ▪️ Star Sign: Leo ▪️ Gender: Female ▪️ Height: 5'7" ▪️ Favourite Colours: Pink or blue ▪️ Time Right Now: 12:38 ▪️ Average Hours Of Sleep: 10 ▪️ Lucky Number: Never had one. ▪️ Last Thing Googled: The harvard refrencing system (Still don't understand it lol) ▪️ Number Of Blankets I Sleep With: Just my Duvet ▪️ Favourite Fictional Characters: Jac Naylor, Zoe Hanna, Max Walker (And like everyone else lol) ▪️ Favourite Books: All I Know Now ▪️ Favourite Bands/Musicians: Honestly I don't have a favrouite, I just listen to a bunch of random songs by random people ▪️ Dream Job: Nursery/Creche worker ▪️ What Am I Wearing Right Now: PJ's and a Onesie ▪️ When Did I Create My Blog: No Idea (Is there a way to find this out) ▪️ What Do You Post About: Mainly Holby and a little casualty and random stuff ▪️ Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Nope ▪️ Who Is Your Most Active Follower: No Idea, How do I find this out? ▪️ What Made You Decide To Get A Tumblr: I wanted to reblogg something ages ago but I started it back up after finding a few good blogs that I was looking up everyday. ▪️ Why Did You Choose Your URL: I wanted it to be similar to my Instagram and other accounts
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31 days of holby city I love @holbycityquotes and @holbycityconfessions for all things Holby and @etfleehome for Casualty xxx
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