hollowtrails · 11 days
September 14, the anniversary of Hollow Trail, it's been a year since I uploaded for the first time, more things have happened this year than I thought would, im almost at 100 pages, Im in a really cool webcomic group and I have just entered University, thank you for the people who've been following the journey, and may we have many long and fun adventures in the future!
I want to make a special drawing for both the anniversary and reaching 100 pages, and I guess a sort of retrospective of making my previous webcomic, im not sure yet, but that will take time, im still managing my living situation as ive just moved in and I dont have my computer yet, thanks again, see ya!!
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hollowtrails · 20 days
Announcement and Update
Hello people, stuff has been pilling up so I haven't been able to update, but I do have somethings that I've been working on, first of all I'm excited to announce that:
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It's so cool! I'm in a collective! Me! I'm in a Hivemind! Like a little ant on a colony! There's a lot of cool people, with a lot of cool webcomics, like Tuppence for Stardust , Ash in the Wind , Brothers , The Chronicles of Oro , Feel free to check the Official SpideForest site here!
I have also been working on the Site for my webcomic, HTML has been hard but I'm happy with how it looks!
That will be all for now, I might not update in a while since I'm in the process of moving, but I'm glad I was able to finish the site before that, see ya!
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hollowtrails · 1 month
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hollowtrails · 2 months
Also, forgot to say, next update this weekend will be a single page, as a sorry here are some unused material of previous parts of the story. These images are some abandoned panels, the original scene where Rosario found the station, I scraped it because I felt it would be too sudden of a mood change, it would have not fit the pace of the story and It would've shown somethings Ive found would be more effective later on. Also a concept drawing of the original station, much more locked up and secure.
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Here is an unused banner for the web comic, might use it later on, there's a couple more stuff but I think it would be fun to show it all at the end of the first expedition, later!
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hollowtrails · 2 months
New pages of Hollow trails! The creatures finally see each other, it's so crazy seeing the cast see each other, specially after knowing them in my head for such a long time.
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I also though I'd show this speed-paint, because my god this panel was tiring, did a lot of back-and-forth with this one, a lot of head scratching, happy with how it turned out! :3
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Also here's a bag of whipped cream I was gifted, I ate it.
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hollowtrails · 3 months
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Finally finished the second chapter of HOLLOW TRAILS, YIPEEE YIPPEEE, and here is the cover for the next chapter (and some sketching i originally dud), I originally wanted it to be more sunny and nice, but I thought a more mysterious first introduction to this tower would've been pretty. 80 PAGES, that's how many pages I've done since last year this September, hopefully I can reach 100 before the year ends. Webcomics are good, I'm glad they exist. Art in general. YIPEE
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hollowtrails · 5 months
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finally after 2 weeks an update is on the way! i thought I would share a small sneak peek of the first panel, my god, man made structures are hard, in nature you don't have to worry too much about perspective, and more perspective is on the way!
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Its been some stressful 2 weeks, but all is good now! and I hope to go back to my regular upload schedule. The end of the 2nd chapter is close and I'm quite excited for the pages to come, lots of scenery, the next chapter cover is going to be so cool
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hollowtrails · 6 months
guy tries to toss a cigarette on the ground but the ground parries it and it flies back into his mouth and he solemnly continues to smoke it
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hollowtrails · 6 months
i took elvish in school and i fucking hated it. the teacher was like 700 years old and he'd like take us on field trips to sit on the banks of babbling brooks and watch the fall of sunlight through the leaves. my friends in spanish class were like conjugating verbs and shit and meanwhile i was in an old-growth forest being overcome with awe at the sight of a majestic stag. like uhh yeah mr autumnheart when are we gonna learn like any grammar "listen to the murmur of the wind in the treetops, and you shall find the grammar you seek" like fuck dude your pedagogy leaves much to be desired
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hollowtrails · 6 months
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hollowtrails · 6 months
What are your main inspirations for Hollow Trail? I just love the vibes and all the crystals/magic. Is it like a magic apocalypse? I really love where the story is going so far!
Oh my god oh my god I didn't see this, sorry for the late answer! I have two main inspirations for the story, that being Stand Still Stay Silent, A webcomic written by Minna Sundberg, and Pirates of the Caribbean(Will be more relevant later in the story) , this story is my attempt to combine those two. Visually SSSS is a big inspiration for the backgrounds and coloring, when it comes to the visuals for the magic it's Heather Penn, a long time ago I found her old webcomic called Proton Sea, I loved the art, another is She-Ra, I like the artstyle, specially for the characters, and last but not least an artist called Sleeprealms. Then there's some smaller but still significant inspirations, like Night In the Woods, White Noise, Legend of Korra, Oxenfree, each has altered my view on the story on some form. I'm not good at expressing myself with words, so I hope these inspirations become clearer visually. (Thanks for the question)
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hollowtrails · 3 years
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oooooo, Crowmen! People with cool outfits killing and selling the moneys to the red market, which is like the black market, but for hell! It's evil and shit! Here’s Monserrat, the body collector, more brain than brawl, which is hard to find in a world of demons, doesn’t like to get their hands dirty, that's what Crowmen are for.
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hollowtrails · 3 years
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Leonora training!
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hollowtrails · 3 years
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Taking a good ol’ stool
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hollowtrails · 3 years
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Clouds :]
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hollowtrails · 3 years
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I really like to make covers of my web comic, if only i’d update it...
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hollowtrails · 3 years
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A long ago drawing im still really proud of, cool mech king!
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