hollypixel · 7 years
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Mama Seuss - particles added!
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hollypixel · 10 years
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Well I'm having a very cheery Thursday resulting in one of the CUTEST characters being added into #SALT ^_^ 
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hollypixel · 10 years
These are amazing!
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These beautiful deer sculptures were created by local Washington state sculptor, Beth Cavener Stichter. These pieces are titled Obaryion and The White Hind, respectively.
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hollypixel · 10 years
Read both the article and what Felicia has to say about reaching fans via FB
I like everything. Or at least I did, for 48 hours. Literally everything Facebook sent my way, I liked—-even if I hated it.
It’s so funny that I stumbled upon this article this morning, because I woke up irrationally livid at Facebook anyway. Why? Because for a while now, I feel like FB has been closing me in a box, and unless I play by their rules, I am losing access to the people who want to be reached by me.  
I have almost a million followers on FB. But I reach a very small percentage of people with every post on average. And this isn’t by my fans’ choice. Not a day goes by when I don’t see comments like, ‘Hey why am I not getting your updates anymore?” I’m helpless to explain exactly why, but I have a good inkling.
In order to scale with the number of people we collect on our accounts, FB has had to implement technology to filter our feeds. Because they’ve learned that “social” media is just that, and we can’t just dump people when we get bored with them or want to move on in life. So the FB algorithm filters my content based on how many likes people make on the things I share. (Because closing people into interest pockets makes it easier to make money on them, I get it.)
So how do I, as an individual, fight this type of “downgrading” of certain types of content I share? Well, I could cater to the algorithm more. I could do this by sharing things I know will be popular!
Easiest way to do that? Share pictures of my face, my body and things based on my appearance. 
This sucks.
Yes, I guess this is human nature to give feedback on our appearances, that’s why we’re swimming in a world of selfies. But because our new virtual statuses are built on this type of feedback, it is training us to output things that will be popular, and that, in turn, tells women that achieving high statuses online means sharing things about their looks. To the detriment of anything else. Or else get buried and excised from the people around you. In a sense, we’re hostage to the algorithm.
Who thinks this is a good thing?!
And I think this is more than just about my own online engagement, it’s about FB specifically. I see way less of this on other platforms, this filtering of “everything but the most reinforced” content. FB is training people to feed the algorithmic machine with things that will please the most mainstream. Reinforcing the median taste level. I think this methodology is marginalizing people who think out of the box, closing them in enclaves of people who only like exactly what they like. Trapping us in our own echo chambers of reinforcement, where we’re not influencing or being influenced by opposing thoughts. And in addition, we’re being tricked into believing that our small worlds are much bigger than they really are in the grand scheme of things.
Neither of these things is helping anyone’s reality.
I don’t think it’s healthy. Or good for us as a society. I think the internet is an amazing place, where you can connect with people who are like you, and be accepted when you don’t feel accepted in real life, but the drive to make money and clean up the platform to scale properly is not helping us, it’s taking the good things about what the internet can do to the opposite extreme. 
Don’t look for my account to share more selfies than usual, or pictures of me in cute outfits. That’s not my style. Look for me to share the exact same stuff I always do.
Unfortunately, you might have to go way out of your way to look at all. 
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hollypixel · 10 years
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Entering the ring is Lucy Wu!
Working on my style for avatars in #SALT
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hollypixel · 10 years
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Yup... I'm making a game where the first profile you see on Mugshot features girls wanting to talk about porn =P #SALT
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hollypixel · 10 years
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So work on SALT is well under way! Getting main story stuff in right now and so far it's going pretty well! Luckily enough John @flappyfingers Ribbins was nice enough to put together a prototype build for me to get an idea how the Mugshot network will come together. Which has in turn made the writing process a whole lot easier! So, before you ask, the art will be in the same nostalgic low-res style for the final product. But it just made sense to get SOMETHING resembling it so I can more design stuff done and get the general feel down. Also yes... That is Alan Zucconi's face in there as place holder (thanks Alan) ^___^
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hollypixel · 10 years
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I always think high heels look awesome, even if I tend to struggle in them personally =P #sketchin'
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hollypixel · 10 years
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hollypixel · 10 years
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hollypixel · 10 years
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WIP from SALT game work today.
Yay for dodgy pixel art experiments =P
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hollypixel · 11 years
Bit of insight into artist brain =)
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Something a little more personal.
Since my move to California, there had been a lot of self-doubt about my level of talent and whether or not I should have made the choices I’ve made leading up to this point. As I’ve said in this, even when it seems as though everything’s not going well, life has a way of turning things around when you work hard enough to make that happen.
Even though what I’m saying is pretty much general knowledge, I made this more for myself than anyone else…but it’s something I hope someone could look at now and later. To remind themselves of their potential, whether they believe they have it or not. I myself still have a ways to go, but I continue creating art and remaining more hopeful than ever.
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hollypixel · 11 years
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Project SALT is underway - I've missed you pixel art!
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hollypixel · 11 years
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I think this is the first environment painting I've ever done beyond sketches, inspired by the Assassins Creed 4 "Tattoo" trailer - a print is going to be given away as a prize at the AC4 launch party in Birmingham.
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hollypixel · 11 years
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Quick half hour sketch while I was on Skype. My drawing skills are super rusty >_<
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hollypixel · 11 years
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I was expecting worse since I haven't touched my Wacom in 3 months >_< #SketchySketching
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hollypixel · 11 years
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Anna and I are about to board our flight to Singapore then on to New Zealand - the quest begins!!
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