I fully agree with you, but here’s skepticalpigeon’s last reply to you as far as I can tell so you can at least read it
The term used in Exodus can be used for a dead child, and I believe Jewish tradition, from which Exodus is sourced, does not acknowledge fetal personhood. Furthermore, the "eye for an eye" may be more of a harsh deterrent for interference with another's family.
Do you have any idea how utterly disrespectful it is to compare abortion to genocide?
I believe the same God that heals the sick would understand such an interruption of his work if it is to spare the mind and body of a person who is desperate.
The fetus must only be fully detached once to be a person - as after that point it becomes unrecognisable as a part of the source.
The conjoined twins are formed at the same time so one is not the source of the other. If they cannot be detached, and at least one is still breathing, that is a person. Both must be cared for because if they cannot be separated, the death of one means the death of the other.
God likes acknowledgement from all things, including that which is partially formed.
Not all women are "victims" of pregnancy, but some are and do not want to be so harmed.
No one is forced to do yoga or be an athlete.
Bodily design is an appeal to nature fallacy.
There's no need to kill someone or something that can be merely removed. First trimester abortion involves either stopping the fetus from taking further resources and ejecting it, or surgically taking the fetus out, whole. Neither could be called murder even if the fetus was a person.
If the child's actions were causing routine sickness, like nausea, I wouldn't blame them for say, abandoning the child. If the child latches on harmfully, causing damage, and refuses to let go, I would not blame them for causing injury to escape.
Forcing women through bodily distress seems more sinister than offering treatment - maybe that's just me tho :)
Pregnancy stretches the body irreversibly, inhibits movement for months, and makes a woman more likely to be murdered. If someone was going to cripple someone else for months, even accidentally, unless the first person harmed them seriously, I would not blame them for harming them.
Your biblical evidence can easily be taken apart with a bit of complex thought, and your conclusions harm the sick, the needy, the destitute etc. by further reducing their options.
I will not further debate someone who believes their contemporary view of the Bible is the only correct answer. Oh, and about that point on slavery, the first abortion law in the United States was set in 1821, when slavery was still wildly popular, even in the state where the restriction was made. Even going back to early Christianity, the texts explicitly condemning abortions that were made by early clergy and scholars were not accepted into the Biblical Canon, though likely for other reasons, and these condemnations were made by later scholars, not Jesus or the Apostles.
You cannot be a Christian and support abortion.
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homelessnerdtheology · 3 months
✨Repeat after me ✨
If you don’t affirm the Trinity 👏🏽 you 👏🏽 are 👏🏽 not 👏🏽 Christian
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homelessnerdtheology · 3 months
Of course! I am happy I helped
Ok, im a little pissed.
I’m gonna go on a rant here.
Tw for religious topics, homosexuality, homophobia.
People always tell me to love who you want, homosexuality is normal. It’s in nature.
But from what I can gather, the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is not alright. It is a sin. And you are no longer with god.
But like, why tho?
Why can’t the Bible be more obvious about what’s it’s trying to tell? Instead of leaving me scared and confused for my identity gay.
I like women, I always have. There was always something about my attraction to males that confused me. Why can’t two men date?
The Bible says that it’s a sin, and shouldn’t be normalized or practiced. But I don’t see anything wrong with it.
People say that you can’t control your sexuality. You are simply born with it, you are created with it in your spirit.
The Bible states that we are sinful by nature. And we always will be.
Something about the Bible always confused me. Like, in what way, should women be forced to accept men as the higher individual?
I want to date who I want. Love who I want. But apparently that’s giving in to the bad.
I know trying to repent from your sins is hard. But why is it this hard? Why is being attracted to the same gender a problem. It’s not fair. I wish it was more straightforward. I wish we had a clearer understanding and message to what we are supposed to complete in life.
I love gay couples. They make me so, so happy. But apparently that’s sin. Apparently I’m not supposed to be happy. Apparently I’m supposed to follow rules. We are all supposed to follow rules. And we do. Is god trying to keep us safe? Even if we are bored, it’s better to be safe. Is hell really bad? The Bible explains it as eternal fire, where you are tortured for your sins with no end. No second chance. Just pain. Nothing else. All you can do is burn and think about the life you had before. And wish you listened and regret everything you have ever done. But what if it’s not like that? What if we can be ourselves there? Nobody knows! Am I supposed to sit around and play along? Listen to everything the Bible has stated? Just going straight into my life having no control over it whatsoever? Or do I wanna be free? Be happy? Do what I want! Even if it has a consequence! Do I wanna risk it all? Do I wanna spend my life the way I want? Just to be burned for it? Why couldn’t you give us a more clear answer? So we really know what we are getting into!
Rules keep us safe, even if it isn’t fun! Is that what god ist trying to do? Keep us safe? For the better? But we have no way to know!
If he is, then why does it have to be so hard? Why can he help us to the right path? Why are there no answers? And so many opportunities to do bad?! Is this some kind of game to him?! Does he find joy watching us argue. The Bible says he cares. But why doesn’t it feel like that?
Is it like how we are to our pets? Do we obey them and when we don’t, we get yelled at and punished. We just want what’s best for our pets! And that’s what god wants for us! But it’s so hard! I should not sound so self centered!
Ots clear what god what’s from us! It’s clear that he’s trying to keep us safe! But why is it so hard to listen! Why is it so hard to obey! Why isn’t it easier? If homosexuality is sin, then so many people I love are doomed! And possibly myself! I would want to burn with the people instead of be alone
It’s not fair! I want to be myself! But is that really me? I feel like anything I could do could ruin me! I feel unsafe writing this as if god can strike me down for just stating this.
Im low key gonna cry myself to sleep tonight.
Im terrified of what I am to become. I just don’t get it and I’m too scared to live In the moment. I can’t help that I do this. I can’t stop overthinking. I just want to be alright. Why isnt it easier.
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homelessnerdtheology · 3 months
Ah! Thank you, it was about 2 hours past my bedtime when I wrote it so my wording was absolutely wrong. Good correction!
Ok, im a little pissed.
I’m gonna go on a rant here.
Tw for religious topics, homosexuality, homophobia.
People always tell me to love who you want, homosexuality is normal. It’s in nature.
But from what I can gather, the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is not alright. It is a sin. And you are no longer with god.
But like, why tho?
Why can’t the Bible be more obvious about what’s it’s trying to tell? Instead of leaving me scared and confused for my identity gay.
I like women, I always have. There was always something about my attraction to males that confused me. Why can’t two men date?
The Bible says that it’s a sin, and shouldn’t be normalized or practiced. But I don’t see anything wrong with it.
People say that you can’t control your sexuality. You are simply born with it, you are created with it in your spirit.
The Bible states that we are sinful by nature. And we always will be.
Something about the Bible always confused me. Like, in what way, should women be forced to accept men as the higher individual?
I want to date who I want. Love who I want. But apparently that’s giving in to the bad.
I know trying to repent from your sins is hard. But why is it this hard? Why is being attracted to the same gender a problem. It’s not fair. I wish it was more straightforward. I wish we had a clearer understanding and message to what we are supposed to complete in life.
I love gay couples. They make me so, so happy. But apparently that’s sin. Apparently I’m not supposed to be happy. Apparently I’m supposed to follow rules. We are all supposed to follow rules. And we do. Is god trying to keep us safe? Even if we are bored, it’s better to be safe. Is hell really bad? The Bible explains it as eternal fire, where you are tortured for your sins with no end. No second chance. Just pain. Nothing else. All you can do is burn and think about the life you had before. And wish you listened and regret everything you have ever done. But what if it’s not like that? What if we can be ourselves there? Nobody knows! Am I supposed to sit around and play along? Listen to everything the Bible has stated? Just going straight into my life having no control over it whatsoever? Or do I wanna be free? Be happy? Do what I want! Even if it has a consequence! Do I wanna risk it all? Do I wanna spend my life the way I want? Just to be burned for it? Why couldn’t you give us a more clear answer? So we really know what we are getting into!
Rules keep us safe, even if it isn’t fun! Is that what god ist trying to do? Keep us safe? For the better? But we have no way to know!
If he is, then why does it have to be so hard? Why can he help us to the right path? Why are there no answers? And so many opportunities to do bad?! Is this some kind of game to him?! Does he find joy watching us argue. The Bible says he cares. But why doesn’t it feel like that?
Is it like how we are to our pets? Do we obey them and when we don’t, we get yelled at and punished. We just want what’s best for our pets! And that’s what god wants for us! But it’s so hard! I should not sound so self centered!
Ots clear what god what’s from us! It’s clear that he’s trying to keep us safe! But why is it so hard to listen! Why is it so hard to obey! Why isn’t it easier? If homosexuality is sin, then so many people I love are doomed! And possibly myself! I would want to burn with the people instead of be alone
It’s not fair! I want to be myself! But is that really me? I feel like anything I could do could ruin me! I feel unsafe writing this as if god can strike me down for just stating this.
Im low key gonna cry myself to sleep tonight.
Im terrified of what I am to become. I just don’t get it and I’m too scared to live In the moment. I can’t help that I do this. I can’t stop overthinking. I just want to be alright. Why isnt it easier.
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homelessnerdtheology · 3 months
“I know I’ve told this story before, but my abusive ex refused to let me take birth control. I was on the pill until he found them in my purse. I went to the Student Health Center—they were completely unhelpful, choosing to lecture me about the importance of safe sex (recommending condoms) instead of actually listening to my problem. Then I went to Planned Parenthood. The Nurse Practitioner took one look at my fading bruises and stopped the exam. She called in the doctor. The doctor came in and simply asked me: “Are you ready to leave him?” When I denied that I was being abused, she didn’t argue with me. She just asked me what I needed. I said I need a birth control method that my boyfriend couldn’t detect. She recommended a few options and we decided on Depo. When I told her that my boyfriend read my emails and listened to my phone messages and was known to follow me, she suggested to do the Depo injections at off hours when the clinic was normally closed. She made a note in my chart and instructed the front desk never to leave messages for me—instead, she programmed her personal cell phone number into my phone under the name “Nora”. She told me she would call me to schedule my appointments; she wouldn’t leave a message, but I should call her back when I was able to. And that was it. No judgment. No lecture. She walked me to the door and told me to call her day or night if I needed anything. That she lived 5 blocks from campus and would come get me. That I wasn’t alone. That she just wanted me to be safe. I never called her to come to my rescue. But I have no doubt that she would have come if I had called. She kept me on Depo for a year, giving me those monthly injections in secret, helping me prevent a desperately unwanted pregnancy. I cannot thank Planned Parenthood enough for the work they do.”
Curious Georgiana (via grrrlstudies)
I know I’ve reblogged this before, but it bears re-reblogging (?).  This is how you respond to abuse, this is how you give people control over their bodies/uteruses, this is how you act as a generally non-judgmental and compassionate person.  I love this story so fucking much.
(via coffeewithants)
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homelessnerdtheology · 3 months
I may be able to provide some clarity on why the Bible says it’s wrong and what God is protecting us from.
Very clearly, God has a design for marriage. One woman and one man for life. As a married person, I can say that it is a very special bond that does indeed create a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church. As someone who struggled with some same sex attraction before I got married (if left to my own devices in the world I likely would have developed those feelings into being bisexual), it’s not the same feeling as marriage at all.
Friends can have my back through and through. A woman I, as a female, am attracted to who is also a very good friend would never be the same. I wouldn’t have the same type of teaching that I get from a husband, which leads to a very special growth.
My husband and I are equal to each other. I am *honored* as the weaker vessel, not smashed to pieces. He makes me feel like I’m that expensive, delicate piece of decoration that gets the most honored spot in the house, except so much more because it’s not in the way that you would appreciate an object. He appreciates me as a human, my humanity, my emotional intelligence, just flat intelligence.
I do not accept my husband as the “higher” individual, but rather as the stronger. He is my equal, just stronger. He teaches and loves me more than I have the opportunity to teach and love him because he is stronger. I am not less important, if anything I am more valued than he is.
A good relationship will leave the man feeling as though he is doing a good work and that he is respected, and the woman feeling like she is valuable beyond comprehension and so incredibly loved. With a same sex relationship, what happens to that beauty? Where do those feelings go? It turns into lust and simple affection, something that *can* last for awhile but it’s not the same. You can get the benefits of a friendship and a dating relationship from a same sex marriage, but not the benefits of marriage. I can’t even put into words how deep the relationship between me and my husband is after only a year of being married, and it will only grow from here. And I know that it’s deeper than any other romantic relationship.
God made us the way we are for a reason. And when we take action to go against the way that he made us, we are not only missing out on one of the most beautiful things in life, but we also create guilt and conviction if the Holy Spirit is doing a work in the person that is affected by the temptations.
Notice I emphasize taking action. Actively fantasizing, making wrong relationships, going to sites that feed the temptation, things that take more than a single passing thought. Many people struggle with sexual sin and are straight, asking many of the same questions you ask here. It may be “I don’t see anything wrong with sex before marriage” or “why is it so hard to stop lusting/masturbating/etc” but it’s the same amount of difficulty. It is a battle that goes on for years.
With all this talk about proper marriage you may be thinking that I say you should get into a heterosexual relationship and marry. Absolutely not. That is not a wise decision while you are actively struggling with a temptation and thought processes that will likely lead to a lack of affection and even cheating on that partner.
So what do I think you should do? How do we handle any kind of sexual sin, straight or not? We get away from it. We remove the things that we lust after to the best of our ability. It is so hard to struggle with any sexual sin alone, and I do hope that you can get help for the struggle you are having between God and what you feel.
One of the biggest things I have learned in marriage is that sometimes, your feelings just don’t matter. Sometimes yes, you are feeling tired and cranky and depressed for a bit but that doesn’t matter, you have chores to do and you need to have the self discipline to do them so that when the baby is born you don’t have to see them choking on the paintbrush you left on the floor. (That one is an emotional thing I have had to go through, my baby isn’t born yet but that is a situation I’ve had to think about)
Sometimes yeah, you are really horny or even feeling butterflies for all the wrong reasons and you need to ignore it because yes it’s hard, but right was never promised to be easy. Right was promised to be hard. So it is very hard, you are right about that, but God can be with you every step of the way. We just need to be willing to let go of our pride and learn how to say “Not my will but yours be done Lord” for “ the heart is wicked above all things”
The only way we can be good is by being covered with the blood of Jesus. We will fall. Over and over again. But we can always have a Father in heaven who loves us as long as we genuinely want to change and follow Him above all else.
May you find peace on your journey and someone who will be honest rather than easy to listen to, and may God grant you the strength to follow Him well because none of us can do it without Him. And I do hope you understand that I do not see your homosexuality with judgment, but rather I see you with love and see the homosexuality as separate from you. No sin should be seen as the identity of a person, because that causes unnecessary blame and harsher words than are adequate. I sincerely hope this helps you with the things that you are struggling with and doesn’t cause harm
Ok, im a little pissed.
I’m gonna go on a rant here.
Tw for religious topics, homosexuality, homophobia.
People always tell me to love who you want, homosexuality is normal. It’s in nature.
But from what I can gather, the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is not alright. It is a sin. And you are no longer with god.
But like, why tho?
Why can’t the Bible be more obvious about what’s it’s trying to tell? Instead of leaving me scared and confused for my identity gay.
I like women, I always have. There was always something about my attraction to males that confused me. Why can’t two men date?
The Bible says that it’s a sin, and shouldn’t be normalized or practiced. But I don’t see anything wrong with it.
People say that you can’t control your sexuality. You are simply born with it, you are created with it in your spirit.
The Bible states that we are sinful by nature. And we always will be.
Something about the Bible always confused me. Like, in what way, should women be forced to accept men as the higher individual?
I want to date who I want. Love who I want. But apparently that’s giving in to the bad.
I know trying to repent from your sins is hard. But why is it this hard? Why is being attracted to the same gender a problem. It’s not fair. I wish it was more straightforward. I wish we had a clearer understanding and message to what we are supposed to complete in life.
I love gay couples. They make me so, so happy. But apparently that’s sin. Apparently I’m not supposed to be happy. Apparently I’m supposed to follow rules. We are all supposed to follow rules. And we do. Is god trying to keep us safe? Even if we are bored, it’s better to be safe. Is hell really bad? The Bible explains it as eternal fire, where you are tortured for your sins with no end. No second chance. Just pain. Nothing else. All you can do is burn and think about the life you had before. And wish you listened and regret everything you have ever done. But what if it’s not like that? What if we can be ourselves there? Nobody knows! Am I supposed to sit around and play along? Listen to everything the Bible has stated? Just going straight into my life having no control over it whatsoever? Or do I wanna be free? Be happy? Do what I want! Even if it has a consequence! Do I wanna risk it all? Do I wanna spend my life the way I want? Just to be burned for it? Why couldn’t you give us a more clear answer? So we really know what we are getting into!
Rules keep us safe, even if it isn’t fun! Is that what god ist trying to do? Keep us safe? For the better? But we have no way to know!
If he is, then why does it have to be so hard? Why can he help us to the right path? Why are there no answers? And so many opportunities to do bad?! Is this some kind of game to him?! Does he find joy watching us argue. The Bible says he cares. But why doesn’t it feel like that?
Is it like how we are to our pets? Do we obey them and when we don’t, we get yelled at and punished. We just want what’s best for our pets! And that’s what god wants for us! But it’s so hard! I should not sound so self centered!
Ots clear what god what’s from us! It’s clear that he’s trying to keep us safe! But why is it so hard to listen! Why is it so hard to obey! Why isn’t it easier? If homosexuality is sin, then so many people I love are doomed! And possibly myself! I would want to burn with the people instead of be alone
It’s not fair! I want to be myself! But is that really me? I feel like anything I could do could ruin me! I feel unsafe writing this as if god can strike me down for just stating this.
Im low key gonna cry myself to sleep tonight.
Im terrified of what I am to become. I just don’t get it and I’m too scared to live In the moment. I can’t help that I do this. I can’t stop overthinking. I just want to be alright. Why isnt it easier.
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homelessnerdtheology · 4 months
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You’re probably wondering what an “activated waitress” is. The answer is found in yet another bizarre and unbiblical testimony from a deluded Bethelite. You’d expect this kind of nonsense from someone in the occult or new age, and sadly it’s what we have come to expect from Bethel. In this instance, a couple who attended Bethel’s School of The Prophets think that their mere presence in a diner gave their waitress the ability to know what they were going to order. Once again it’s all about self - not salvation or the gospel.
This is the “testimony” the false prophet Kris Vallotton includes in his latest blog post (Jul 05, 2022):
“After the last session, my wife and I felt filled with the Spirit. We went to dinner at a diner in the Hilltop neighborhood. A waitress seated us and gave us menus. When she came back to take our orders, she looked at my wife and said; “I know what you want, you want the fish and chips.” My wife said “That’s right.” The waitress got excited and then turned to me and said; “Well then, I’ll bet you want a Reuben.” I said; “That’s right.” She got really excited and started running around the whole restaurant telling everyone that she had guessed the whole order for two customers. We talked about this later and realized that this was an instance of someone being activated by the presence of Spirit-filled prophets. This was the same as King Saul being activated when he entered the company of prophets.”
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homelessnerdtheology · 4 months
Do babies and young children go to Heaven?
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So, a statement like this begs the question, “Am I just wishing this to be true, or do I Biblically know this to be true?”
Meaning, is there support in Scripture that God welcomes babies (born and unborn), young children, and those with unique mental needs (meaning they may be older, but have the mind of a child) immediately into Heaven?
I absolutely believe the Bible answers this. Here are Biblical reasons why I know this to be true:
God’s Knowledge: The Lord knows every child at conception and values them. They are considered a person, known and loved by God, from the very beginning. (Psalm 139:13 - 16).
God’s Declaration: God refers to young children as “innocents”. Not that they were perfect or without a sin nature, but they were innocent of the ability to understand the need of repentance and forgiveness. (Jeremiah 19:4).
God’s Promise: In Deuteronomy, we find an unbelieving generation of Israelites being prevented from entering the Promised Land, but their children were exempt from that penalty and were able to enter (Deuteronomy 1:39).
God’s Possession: He considers all babies to be His. God condemns Israel in Ezekiel 16:21, of the wretched act of child sacrifice. “You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire.”
God’s Compassion: He has compassion on all little ones and infants, and is not willing that even one of them should perish (Matthew 18:14). His grace covers them, until they realize their need of a Savior.
God’s Illustration: He used a child to illustrate what one must become like to enter His Kingdom (Matthew 18:1 -5). If infants and children would end up in Hell if they died young, He most likely wouldn’t use them as an illustration of how to enter the Kingdom.
God’s Compliment: He said children were the greatest in His Kingdom (Matthew 18:4).
God’s Blessing: Jesus blessed the little children and said the Kingdom of God belongs to them (Mark 9:13 – 16). Jesus typically didn’t bless those destined to Hell or promise them the Kingdom, unless He meant it.
David’s Assurance: David knew that he would be in heaven forever after death (Ps 23:6). He also had the assurance that his baby (that had died) would be there as well, where they would be reunited. “… I will go to him, but he will not return to me (2 Samuel 12:22 – 23).”
God’s Presence: I do not believe in a “soul sleep”. When babies, young children, and those with unique needs die; they are with the Lord immediately (2 Corinthians 5:8, Luke 23:43).
God is not silent on this topic. Scripture speaks. Therefore, you can know with absolute confidence that you did not “lose” your baby, child, or loved one with unique needs. You didn’t lose them, because you know exactly where they are. They are perfectly and fully alive with Jesus.
copied and pasted from Reformed Faith Forum.
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homelessnerdtheology · 6 months
I think what was meant by modern Christianity is false teachers like Jesse DuPlantis, Kenneth Copeland, and Benny Hinn who have huge churches and influence around the world asking for money from the poor and give false promises. The ones that take money instead of only what they need and giving the rest. I do agree with the rest of your post though, every economy style is flawed in some way because we humans mess it up
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homelessnerdtheology · 6 months
I do not expect anyone that reads this to convert to Christianity. I do not mean to shove religion down your throat. This is only meant to be a peaceful explanation of what I know Christians to believe as I am one and don’t want a misrepresentation, just as I wouldn’t want someone to misrepresent the LGBTQ community. I do not support the LGBTQ community, but I don’t want them to be misrepresented because I have had many friends who are part of it and it’s more productive to have conversations on topics when we know what we’re talking about. Again. I am NOT trying to convert anyone, I just want to provide an explanation that is not boiled down to a few inflammatory statements.
We don’t have to praise him 10,000 times a day. We don’t have to follow every word of the law, if we did then Jesus’ death would mean nothing.
God created the world, and Adam and Eve were not born evil. They chose to sin against God. This brought sin into the world, and since Adam and Eve separated themselves from a relationship with God, they passed that down to their children.
You may be thinking, why would God make sin? Or why would he allow horrible things to happen? Well, think of sin like darkness or cold. You don’t need to create darkness, it just exists when there is an absence of light. You don’t need to create cold, it just happens when there is an absence of heat. Sin is an absence of God, and God did not have to create it for it to exist.
We were born without a relationship with God, but God doesn’t want to be far from his creation. So he sent the Son, Jesus, to pay the debt of our rebellion against the one that created us.
I do understand that many will want to pause here and ask what happens to stillborn babies or children that die before they can understand what wrong is. The general consensus I’ve heard across multiple denominations from many people that are very wise and have studied this for some time, is that there is an age of accountability. It’s not a set age, because there are people with brain damage who can’t think for themselves or people who develop more slowly, but once someone can understand and decide for themselves that is when they can be held accountable for sin. So young children go to heaven because they have not had a chance to sin yet.
Is everyone truly the scum of the earth, born wretched and dirty? Short answer, technically yes, but let me explain. Firstly, we need to under why sin is so bad. Of course we understand that lying, stealing, cheating (in relationships, on a test, in a career, or otherwise), murder, etc are wrong, but we don’t always understand why there is an eternal punishment. It’s very much like a court of law. The judge of a county is not going to give you the same punishment for say stealing as the federal court. If you are being judged by someone in less authority, you get a lesser punishment. But a punishment is still rightly demanded whether it’s the federal court or the smallest court you can find. So what is the punishment from an eternal God who cannot sin, therefore must exact justice, and cannot make a mistake in what crimes were committed? An eternal punishment for an eternal, just God. In short, the death penalty.
This is where we come back to Jesus, because it’s not good to just blindly balance the scales, we understand that mercy can be good. And God does not want us all to burn, he loves those that he created. So he did not spare himself. He came, lived a perfect life, put the death penalty on himself so that we don’t have to take it, and rose again from the dead because he is God and cannot be killed. The death of Jesus is God saying that someone has paid our fine, and we are free to go if we let them pay for it. That is why we as Christians are so grateful. We have looked at the fact that we are going to die, and the judge himself offered to pay the debt.
Once we are saved, we do not have to follow the law to continue being saved. The grace and mercy of God alone was enough. But we do follow the commandments to the best of our ability simply because they are good. Any who claim to be Christian and do not even try to follow after what is good are either misled or lying about their Christianity, the Bible is clear on that. James 1:26 “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do what I tell you?” 1 John 3:6 “No one who abides in Him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen Him or known Him.” I should clarify that the Old Testament laws are not all moral laws that apply today. Some are cultural laws for a different purpose. But anyway, I think it’s time to end this off.
I do hope this has been helpful, and if you have any further questions or comments, helpful, unhelpful, or even if you want to yell at me because I angered you I am open to DMs
Look, we joke a lot, but really, "you were born evil, wretched, worse than the scum of the earth, and it took killing a god to make you salvageable, so now you'd better be grateful to that god and thank him 10,000 times a day for it and fill your thoughts with him 24/7 and abide by the letter of his every word, lest you suffer unimaginable torture for all of eternity" is a truly horrendous thing to believe about yourself and other people
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homelessnerdtheology · 7 months
“Two criminals were crucified with Christ. One was saved – do not despair. One was not – do not presume.”
— St. Augustine (via twocrowns)
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homelessnerdtheology · 7 months
I’m making this blog even though I know this will get hate for certain issues because I want people to be able to see what the difference between real and fake Christianity is. I want people to know who God actually is and what the Bible actually says on hot button issues and why it says those things.
I'm not a scholar so I may take awhile to respond due to research, and I may be a little clumsy with my wording at times. But it's necessary to understand topics before we start going so far with our unwillingness to change that we start a war.
I don't want this to be a place where we yell at each other, Tumblr never has been a place for huge yelling arguments and I don't want to bring that in. I want this blog to be a place to help bring a little more understanding and a little less hate between the sides. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we have to hate each other
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