homemadeandvegan · 10 months
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He makes himself lighter as he mounts Hob, letting his legs rest on either side of him, barely sitting on Hob's slightly propped-up legs. From here, he enjoys the view, taking his sweet time studying Hob's face.
On AO3: Haunt Me in My Sleep (tumblr) by @staroftheendless
Uncropped Version Here 🔞
cw: consensual somno
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homemadeandvegan · 10 months
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THE SANDMAN - 1.02 “Imperfect Hosts”
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homemadeandvegan · 10 months
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homemadeandvegan · 1 year
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homemadeandvegan · 1 year
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homemadeandvegan · 1 year
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
Tofu Veggie Rice
I think this is a good recipe to throw in any veggies that have been sitting in the fridge/freezer for a while. I can't imagine any veggies that wouldn't be good in this.
1 block of extra firm tofu
1 cup of rice of choice (I used brown jasmine rice)
1 tbs of oil
2-3 cups of cubed/coursely chopped fresh/frozen veggies (use more if you want a higher veggie to rice & tofu ratio) (I used broccoli, and red bell pepper)
1 yellow onion
1 jalepeno
black pepper (many shakes)
liquid aminos (many squeezes)
cayenne (shakes to taste)
paprika (many shakes)
garlic powder (a few shakes, more if your garlic powder is older) (fresh garlic would be yum! I just didn't have any)
cumin (medium shakes)
salt (minimum to make It taste good)
Avocado (to top)
Fresh spinach (to your preference)
Cube the tofu without pressing it.
In a large bowl, combine tofu with oil, black pepper, cayenne, paprika, and salt.
Air fry or bake your tofu for 15-18 minutes at 350 degrees, turning half way through. (If you want to fry it in oil, I recommend pressing it to reduce splatter)
While your tofu is air frying, cook your rice according to the package's instructions and start prepping your veggies.
When chopping your veggies, I think it's the most fun if they're a similar size to your tofu cubes!
Warm a high sided non-stick pan on medium heat. if you have any big frozen veggies (broccoli florets, cauliflower florets, etc) I recommend steaming them with a tbs of water. Cover the pan for 1-3 minutes while the veggies warm up. They should be mostly half defrosted.
Uncover veggies and let them steam with the pan open to boil off the water. you will probably need to add water to the pan a few times, but less water means that the veggies can make more contact with the hot pan and brown which makes them super delicious.
once the water has mostly boiled off, add the rest of your non-frozen veggies. The goal is not to cook them to softness, but to cook them to that midway-still crunchy texture. allow the veggies to sit and make contact with the pan for 30 seconds to a minute, stir, shake the pan so the veggies evenly coat the bottom, and repeat. if veggies start to stick, add more water to the pan.
add seasoning to the pan whenever you happen to remember (I would recommend putting them in with the fresh veggies). Feel free to mix it up a bit and add other spices to taste.
end result should be veggies cooked to your personal preference of doneness, well browned.
your rice and tofu are probably done by the time you've got this taken care of, so dump all ingredients into 1 bowl and voila!
when serving, add fresh spinach, liquid aminos, and avocado to taste. I also recommend a wedge of line fresh squeezed on top! It goes a long way :)
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
Food Diary - Day 5
Breakfast - tofu and rice
Lunch -more tofu and rice with avocado
Dinner - whole wheat pasta and tomato basil sauce (canned)
Snacks - cantelope, 3 vegan ice cream sandwiches, and twizzlers throughout the day
I feel some guilt about the non-balanced meals that I have been eating, and the excessive food that I've been eating, but I'm a little bit stressed about having to go back to work soon and really not wanting to go back, so I am self soothing with food a bit. that's okay. self soothing is self soothing for a reason. I am just trying to make sure I continue to put nutrients in my body along with the soothing foods.
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
Food Diary - Day 4
Breakfast - tofu with rice, scone, cantelope
Lunch - takis and twizzlers
Dinner - tofu with rice
Snack - cucumber, cantelope
After dinner - more tofu and rice
cw for mentioned of disordered eating behaviors
Found myself comfort eating after a cat calling incident. kind of have the urge to jump on the treadmill and "work it off" but I think that would be more damaging than looking for another coping mechanism and trying to solidify my safety in the home.
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
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This Pesto Couscous and Chickpea Salad Is bursting with flavors! It’s made with fresh basil, spinach, and perfectly roasted chickpeas, great for lunch or dinner. Get the recipe here https://www.consciously-vegan.com/pesto-couscous-and-chickpea-salad/
#ConsciouslyVegan #chickpeasalad #chickpeasalad #vegansalad #pesto #veganpesto
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
Food Diary - Day 3
Food Diary - Day 3
Breakfast - Cantelope, Scone (yum!), and almonds
Lunch - Fries, soda from sonic, ice cream bar (Worth it! Joy foods!)
Dinner - tofu veggies and rice! very good and tasty! :) i will to a recipe for it in the next day or two. it turned out so good.
Snacks: cucumber, cantelope, pumpkin seeds throughout the day.
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
Interacting With Homemade and Vegan
Homemade and vegan respects all food journeys. Vegan, vegetarian, or animal product inclusive diets are right for specific people at specific times. Shaming of animal product inclusive diets is not acceptable and will result in a block.
This blog focuses on the intuitive eating journey of one individual who happens to be transitioning to veganism. In alignment with that journey, some behaviors that are not acceptable and will result in a block from this page:
Shaming of diets that include animal products
Shaming of processed foods
Endorsement of Calorie Counting (Can be triggering to people with history of ED)
Shaming of disordered eating behaviors
Glamorizing of disordered eating behaviors
Shaming of weight/body size, especially fat phobic comments
If you've found your way here, I hope you enjoy what you see.
#Food Diary (to chronicle the blog runner's food consumption. No calories will be mentioned)
#to make (recipes that the blog runner has found and wishes to try)
#Recipe Report (Chronicle of how a recipe from the "to make" tag turned out)
#Homemade and Vegan ("Recipes" created by Homemade and Vegan. Usually just one specific dish the blog runner made for themselves without a recipe and enjoyed enough to share.) (Tag Currently Empty)
#Submissions (Vegan recipes that have been submitted to the blog.) (Tag Currently Empty)
-Updated July 31, 2022
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
Food Diary - Day 2
Breakfast - lentil salad. (So glad I’m done with it!)
Lunch - Scones! (And Scone dough. Because it was sticky to the bowl and since it was vegan I could eat it raw without anything bad happening, so I did. No regrets. They were so good!)
Dinner - Black bean tacos. (Bell peppers, onions and beans. Eaten with some vegan smoked provolone that was actually too much so the last 2 (of the 5 i made) were made with without it.
I noticed I overate a shit ton at dinner. The lentil salad was not very filling, and the scones were so dense that I couldn't handle them all at once, but they didn't fill me up either. I forgot to add avocado to my tacos. I wonder if adding that might have helped with the satiety. I don't think I over ate, but I'm not 100% on the calories in the scones or the dough.
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homemadeandvegan · 2 years
New Recipe - Saturday Tryday
I tried a new recipe this morning! Scones! Vegan scones! I’ve made a vegan scone recipe before, but I can’t remember what recipe it was, so this is the recipe i found online. https://www.noracooks.com/vegan-blueberry-scones/
The scones were delicious even though i messed them up, which means it was an excellent recipe! :)
I accidentally forgot to add the blueberries into my scones, and they were still good! They were vanilla cinnamon scones instead of blueberry scones, but they were so good! I took them to my mom, and she thought they were good too!
They were very dense, so I think instead of 8ths, I might cut them a little smaller, maybe form the dough into a 3/4 inch round instead of a 1 inch round, or two 1 inch rounds might be good! So they can be small like the ones i can get at heb!
I didn't make the glaze that came with the recipe, but they were plenty sweet without it. I think i added a 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon to the recipe. I think these scones would bake well with a lot of fruits, maybe like a fruit medley.
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