homestuck-writing · 10 months
I love this blog if you ever try to revive it ill be ur first request!!
That's so sweet 😭 I might come back when act 3 drops because I really like the hiveswap characters but it depends tbh
I don't mind talking about characters though if you ever wanna send me an ask about sharing your thoughts I wouldn't mind!
-Mod Damara
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homestuck-writing · 3 years
hi i found your blog and i love it
Aww thank you :)
It's funny I got this ask while thinking of just maybe reviving this blog lol, the fandom is dead as shit but the alien fucker in me keeps coming back </3
-Mod Damara
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homestuck-writing · 3 years
can you do something with tyzias? like with a chaotic artist reader if that’s okay? she doesn’t get enough love imo. thanks!! i love you writing btw!!
💙 This woman both loves and hates your enthusiasm, part of her is too tired and just wants to finnaly sleep, the other part of her loves to see you creating chaos.
💌 She's not very artistic but she will support you, as long as you don't put yourself in danger because of art, she might be busy often, but she won't stan to see you overworking yourself.
🎨 Tyzias is not super good at expressing her enthusiasm, but if you make something for her, she will appreciate it, if it's something digital she'll make it her background, if not, she'll put it on her desk.
💙 She enjoys spending some time in silence just watching you create something, she thinks it's relaxing, she tries really hard to compliment it and not just say "it looks good", tries to make some remark about the colors or the shading.
💌 While she tries to be responsible, she's also a rebel, so she'll let you cause havoc for a while, until she thinks you had enough, or think you might be in danger
🎨 As a teal, she's not immune to gossip, if anything she might even use your chaotic side to make the workplace more "interesting", finds it especially funny if you make Tagora worked up.
💙 If you ever try to use your art to help on her cause, she'll have very conflicting feelings about it, she likes that you're trying to help Alternia be a better place, but at the same time, she really doesn't want to see you in any danger, she won't stop you, but she will limit your actions.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
I just finished act 2...I dont know how to feel
-Mod Damara
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
konyyl x chubby but shorter than her troll enby reader with adhd please?? 👉👈 sorry this is so specific !! thank you in advance ^-^
💚 Konyyl's work can sometimes really exhaust her, no matter how strong she is, even bad bitches get tired, she likes to hug you like you're a teddy bear to rest, or she makes you lay on top of her (she finds the weight conforting) she let's you put on a movie or something you like and just chill, sometimes sneaks you some smooches.
💌 She has a soft side, which she mostly shows behind closed doors, she calls you pet names in private, like "muffin" or "boo", sometimes "Pipsqueak" if she wants to tease you a little bit, she can't take you seriously when you're angry because she thinks you're too adorable, but she'll won't tease you too much.
❤ She's not rich by any means, but she does make quite some money with her work, so if she's ever see something that reminds her of you while she's out, she'll give it to you as a present! She might go out of her way to get it on her blood color just to make it more special.
💚 She's quite chubby herself, but she's also muscular so she's not very soft, you on the other hand? squishy, great for kissing, she also really likes holding you, especially because she gets to show off her strength and her cute matesprite.
💌 If someone ever disrespects your pronouns, they are getting decked, simple like that, this women dosen't take anyone's shit, that or she's gonna threaten them, depends on her mood, doesn't matter if you're a lowblood or a highblood she's ride or die.
❤ On the adhd stuff, she's a great listener, so she will listen to you talking about your interest for hours, or listen to you when you're having a depressive episode, or just being overwhelmed by your emotions.
💚 She's not the brightest, but she gets worried about your impulse control, especially since Alternia is a dangerous place, luckily you have a strong olive blood girlfriend to take care of you when you get in trouble.
💌 if you ever start to get too hyperfocused in something and forget to take care of yourself, she's going to lift you on her arms and make you eat a meal and take a shower, do not test her, this girl is strong.
❤ Trolls purr and you can't change my mind, into that, Konyyl has really deep purrs, if you want to hear her purr the best ways is to mess with her hair or just make her relax in some way, of course she wants to hear your purring back.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
hey idk if you got my last ask, so i just wanted to resend this. its the ardata <> human anon, i meant rsd and trans[masculine]!!
Oh yeah I did! I just forgot to answer lmao
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
this is the ardata <> human anon, i forgot to specify stuff about the human bb. theyre neurodivergent, trand have very strong rsd, and love to draw!!!
Hey anon! I just wanted to know if rsd refers to Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, or Rejection Sensitivity Disorder, I guess it's probably the second one but I just want to be sure!!
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
I'm gonna be opening requests for hiveswap character to celebrate the new trailer, and close launch date!
Theres still some request but other mods are already doing them so I can't interfere, also theres a song fic request that I have no idea how to start with so I'll live it to some other mod srry 😔
-Mod Damara
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
Alright so I have a zero idea if this will be successful but I’m going to request a Caliborn x Reader if that’s alright? You can legitimately do this from any point in the timeline that tickles your fancy, and the only specifics is that the reader is smaller than him? Thanks for reading mod team and hope y’all have a great day! ☺️
❤ He will give you shit for being smaller than him, because he's an asshole, he's so happy to be taller than someone, it makes him feel manly, secretly he thinks you're disgustingly adorable but good luck ever making him admit that, (He attempts to carry you and you two fall).
⛎ He shares his drawings with you! He wants to impress you with his awesome art skills, it's basically his way of wooing you at first, now he just wants to share his interests with you.
💀 I feel like fights with him are bound to happen unless you're really patient, he doesn't actually apologize, but after he's done throwing a tantrum, he commands you to talk to him, he might even draw something for you as a apology, it's the best you will get from him.
❤ He will bitch to you about his sister, or anything else that's bothering him, he tells you about his awesome plans of world domination, or some silly nonsense he's into, he's secretly happy if you actually listen to him.
⛎ No one else really wants to hang out with him, so he basically always clinging to you, even before you two started dating, now he considers you his, and he's gonna be annoying you all the time.
💀 He likes to play all kinds of game with you, mostly he makes the games up himself, but if you manage to make him interest into some earth game, he will ask you to teach him some more, you now his official game buddy.
❤ Gets super flustered at any type of affection, you're gonna have to start things slowly with him, he actually thinks hand holding is lewd, when he's feeling especially brave he might give actually hold you hand! And immediately blush like a school girl after, and call you a pervert for liking that.
⛎ Don't even get me started on things like dates, or kissing, his ideia of a date is either destroying stuff, or playing another one of his games, he probably reads something about dates on his mangas, and proceds to try and recreate it in real life, it doesn't go as well as planned but at least he's trying.
💀 He doesn't even have lips, he will end up biting you as an attempt to kiss, his way of kissing is just nuzzling his mouth into your face, it's actually kinda cute when he's not doing it aggressively but don't tell him that.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
Can I have general headcanons for a flushed relationship with Terezi? Thanks!
💙 She will drag you to roleplay with her eventually, I hope you like muder mysteries, she's really good at keeping things interesting though, so don't expect to get bored, most of those start with her playfully arresting you for some 'crime' you committed.
♎ She's not exactly a soft individual, but she has her moments, of course she likes you lick you while you aren't paying attention because she likes your reaction, but when she's feeling down she really likes to just hold your hand, and have you give her some head pats you know?
❤ Not used to genuine compliments, so if you started to get all mushy on her she's going to be flustered, doesn't know to react so she will just tease you about being a dork, she loves it tought.
💙 If you ever wear something red she's gonna be all over you, she also likes when you wear something on her blood color because it's basically telling the others you have a Teal quadramate, she will wear something of your color in exchange.
♎ She's really messy, so don't expect things to be clean when you go visit her, all her stuffed scalamates make for great a great cuddle pile tought, she likes to cuddle you in it while smelling some shown she's currently vibing with, or just talking about random stuff.
❤ She probably won't ever call you by your name again after you two start dating, she either calls you by a silly nickname she gave you, or a pet name, her favorites pet names are "babe" or "hot stuff" if she's feeling playful.
💙 Her kisses can be a little sloppy, but she's still a good kisser, but she has the habit to bite you a lot, not hard enough to hurt of course, but hard enough to tease you, also she likes eskimo kisses.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
New hs writer here 👉🏽👈🏽
I’d appreciate any shoutouts or even just reblogging this post so I can get some asks!! Thanks a billion ❤️
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
Hey uh 👉👈 can we have some head cannons with Damara, Mituna, or Kurloz, (or anyone of your choice) with a S/o who is part of a fairly edgy, (and probably on the verge of screamo-) band and has to go on vocal rest? Plus the reader leaving for their tour with the band? I need that angst please give it to me- I'm sorry if this is weird but yeah 👉👈 have a good day!!
❤ Loves your band and listen to all of the songs, she likes to listen to some rock to relax sometimes as weird as that sounds.
♈ Doesn't really mind you going on a vocal rest, she's happy just having you around even if you can't talk to her! Of course she misses your voice but she'll get trought it, you guys can just watch anime and hold hands while you're resting your voice.
🚬 When you first tell her you're going for a tour she gets visibly upset, she gets a lot quieter and asks if it will take too long, depending on your answer she might argue with you a little and ask you to be back earlier.
❤ She doesn't really have any friends because of all the stuff that happened at her session, so she's going to be very lonely without you around, sends you quite a lot of texts, and always asks for updates to what you're up to, would stay up late at night talking to you.
♈ If she's having a particular bad day while you're away, being taunted with memories of her past, she's going to cry alone in her room, you're the only person that she's vulnerable with, and it really pains her not having you around.
🚬 One of the only ones who's honest about how much she misses you, she doesn't want you to cancel your tour or anything because of her, but she likes to have you comfort her a little, spends most of the time watching anime to cope, or looking at cute memes to send you.
💜 Just look at him and tell me he doesn't love edgy stuff, he loves your band and you style, the darker the better, if you have some cool merch he will wear it.
♑ If you don't know any sign language, he doesn't mind teaching you some for when you go into a vocal rest, if you already know some he loves to roast others in front of them with you, since nobody else but Meulin actually knows it, it's basically you're secret language.
💀 When you tell him you're going to he away from some time he doesn't show any emotion, but he is upset, he's just very good at hiding it.
💜 He will be a bit more clingy when you're about to travel, texting you more often than be normally does, and being a little more touchy, but unless you know him well you won't even notice the difference.
♑ Probably texts you really late at night when he can't sleep, most likely with a meme or some random tought he had, doesn't expect you to answer him, he's just waiting for you to wake up and see it.
💀 He probably still suffers from some nightmares, while he might not be the most emotionally vulnerable partner, he still finds your presence comforting when he wakes up because of them, he might lose some sleep because of it, he likes to look at selfies you sent him after he wakes up to relax.
💛 He thinks you're SO cool, you dress badass AND have a band? He's in love in that moment, has a playlist with your songs to listen while he games.
♊ Doesn't really mind having to make most of the conversation while you're on a vocal reset, but he might forget about it and get angry when you don't answer him, and them remember you need to rest your voice and feel bad about getting angry, is a vicious cycle.
🎮 Loudly complains about it when you tell him about the tour, he doesn't deal well with you being away for long, he'll try to distract himself but it doesn't work all the time.
💛 When he's not spending all day playing video games he's talking to you about things he wants to do when you get back, about this new cool game he found, or some new skateboard trick he wants to show you!
♊ I headcanon Mituna as having a little of separation anxiety, because of his past trauma he thinks something bad will happen and he won't be there to save you, Kurloz ends up having to comfort him trought it.
🎮 He doesn't want to make you worried during your tour, so he will only call you after he's calmed down, he's the one who bugs you the most about video chats, Mituna wants to see your face so he can calm down his anxiety, he always ask if everthing is alright and when you're going to be back, on a lighter note he makes silly faces in the call to make you laught.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
Hi! can you do cirava cerulean!male!reader whos super shy but opens up when you get to know him? sry if its too spacific . have a good day comrade!
💖 They are really amused by your initial shyness, especially because highbloods tend to be more confident, they will tease you a little bit at first, but it's all jokingly, even when you start to open up they will still tease you because they are a bastard, they just like you watching you get flustered.
💚 While they can't relate to your shyness since they are really chill, they still respect your boundaries, and make sure they don't accidentally make you uncomfortable, since sometimes they can be really touchy or just really straight forward, and if you don't want to order Mc Donald's because your anxious they will do it for you.
💙 Loves to dress up with you, they won't force you to take selfies if you don't want, but they would really like to take some pic to keep for themselves, they also really like your blood color and will add some more cerulean on their outfit.
💖 Really happy when you first start to open up to them, it shows that you trust them, they have some trust issues themselves so they get it's hard to open up about stuff, really enjoys watching you goof off with then instead of being shy.
💚 Really wants to make a couple tag video, won't force you to film it, but if can answer the questions alone with them without filling it, they enjoy it too, they just want to show off their boyfriend to their followers!
💙 Their types of dates is really just chilling in their hive while Lofi plays on the background, maybe get high depending if you don't mind it, you don't get anxious for being out and they don't have to leave their hive, it's a win-win.
💖 They can be really sassy, so if someone ever bothers you because of you shyness they are going to get roasted into second dimension, you have some good laughs trash talking that trolls outfit later, and you learn Cirava can hold grudges like none else.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
Could I request dirk strider dating headcanons?
🧡 This is boy knows nothing about romance, the only things he knows are in movies he watched, or he googled about it, so expect him to be very awkward at first, you will have to basically guide the relationship.
🔧 He's not used to human touch, but he craves it, please just give him a hug, he rarely initiates psychical contact but he loves it, he gets a little overwhelmed if you're someone who's really affectionate, so keep your loving in small doses.
⚔ It's basically canon that he's clingy so expect him to be around you 24/7, he will back off a little if you tell him you need space, but he just wants to hang around with you all the time, he has some werid ideias about dates but he's fine with more chill things like movies or haging around on his house.
🧡 He will gift you a robot eventually, it's inevitable, it works half ass your maid and half as a body guard, he makes it customized with your favorite animal and favorite color, you want a cool killer looking lion bot? Got it, a cute little cat butler? Got it, just say the word.
🔧 He sends you ironic memes, expect they are so complex and nonsense that you have no idea what the fuck them mean, if you ask him he'll send you a 3 page long paragraph about the irony of it, just answer with a "lmao" or a "haha dope" it's enough to make the nerd happy.
⚔ I hope you're into anime, because he's a weeb and will make you watch them with him, honestly he will watch any genre you like, he just wants to spend some time with you, will try to get you to cosplay with him, hold his hand at com so he doesn't get lost.
🧡 Akward boy dosen't know how to kiss, he had a habit of overthinking that can ruin the mood, also he gets nervous, so he gets used to kissing you on the forehead or on the cheek so that way he doesn't fry his brain trying to find the best way and situation to make out with you.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
dave with a reader who writes a huge pretentious essay on sbahj and its connections to nietzsche and psychoanalysis that somehow makes sense? love your work btw!
❤ Honestly if you like sbahj, you've already stolen his heart, he would love any content you made of it, be art, writing or something else, the fact that you're interested in something he makes is enough to keep him happy.
🕶 When you first mention about writing an essay about sbahj he's already over the moon, if you take too long to show him, he will pester you ever day, he's just really excited and curious.
💿 He tries not to show too much emotion but he reads the essay with a smile on his face, he thinks it's the most hilarious and awesome shit he's ever read, probably gets him to laugh a little, how did you even come up with this dude?
❤ He's gonna show it to all his friends (if you let it of course), he thinks it's fucking awesome, makes a comment about you pulling a Rose Lalonde on him, seriously he shows it to everyone, even some stranger just chilling on the streets.
🕶 Probably calls the analysis canon, and makes references about it on his future works, might even pull a "yeah actually I've always wrote sbahj on reference of Nietzsche, finnaly someone noticed it".
💿 if you ever make any other content, he will love it just as much, he's like a really excited dad that has recibed his first drawing from his kid and keeps it on the fridge so he can look at it ever day and be filled with Serotonin ever time, just make this dork happy and talk about sbahj with him.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
Can I request a damara x really affectionate kinda chubby s/o?
❤ Gets really flustered about it at first, it's not that she doesn't like the attention but she's been touch starved for a while, so it takes her some time to get used to it, she never makes any moves to stop you tought.
♈ Really likes all the affection! It makes her feel loved, she will rub it on people's face about how much her matesprite loves her, honestly she will just as affectionate in public as she is in private.
🚬 An absolute cuddle monster, if you two are alone at home don't expect her to ever leave your side, her favorite thing to do is put on some anime and spend the rest of the day cuddling with you.
❤ Loves the fact that you're a little chubby because it makes you even better for hugging, you're like her own personal body pillow, won't stand you feeling the siglest bit insecure about your weight.
♈ She's that one type of person that if you leave a lipstick mark or some other type of mark ;), she will just walk around with it like it's not big deal, she will only cover it up if people bother her too much about it.
🚬 Since she has bad past experiences with romance, I feel like sometimes she can get really insecure and maybe a little paranoid sometimes, but I feel like a affectionate s/o really helps to keep that type of toughts away from her mind, in the end she grows to be just as affectionate as you are.
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homestuck-writing · 4 years
hey um! matchup request for red feelings? I’m a 5’1 boy and im gay. I like playing video games, like rpgs! im really into punk, and glitchcore music! i like it when people taller than me because im touch starved and like being held. im really passionate about art and i draw a lot! i have kind of a timid personality but can be pretty fiery at times! i have very strong beliefs and i WILL stand up for them!
Originally I wasn't going to answer this bc it was only for the 300+ followers event but meh why not, it's very shitty tho, hope you dont mind -Mod Damara
Red- Sollux, honestly he was my first tought, captor just has the vibes of someone who would love glitchcore music, also? Gamer? Check, tall? Check (hes a tall lank boy and nobody has change this hc out of my hands), he really likes passionate people, and while he's not super energetic he will quietly cheer your up when you're standing up for your beliefs, *in the background* yeah babe kiick their a22e2
Pale- Mallek, originally I considered him for matesprite but I tought pale was a better option so I'm adding this here as a bonus
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