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“The kind of happiness that’s surreal, but so real. A kind of calm that makes you feel warm.”
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“Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.”
John O’Donohue
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Why Does My Spiritual Health Matter?
First things first, do you believe in God? Why?
This topic is very touchy because many people grew up in a community that preaches the gospel of the Lord, and so just as a baby would grow up learning the English language, some grew up learning about God being our life and salvation in this dying world. But someone has to talk about it. So, with that being said, what does God mean to you, personally, you? Who is He to you when no one else is telling you about Him? What is your relationship with Him like when no one is watching? Would you change your outlook on Him if someone who deems to follow Christ does something wrong/sins? Do you only talk to Him when you're in need? Do you even talk to Him without an audience? Or do you call His name unnecessarily in your regular conversations disrespecting His name? I hope not.
Holding the questions for a moment let’s talk about what your spirituality is.
One may define spirituality to be the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. It’s in the dictionary, go look. How does one know that they are spiritually healthy? To answer that, ask yourself this, how can you tell when you are physically healthy? Your body functions normally, which means you hardly get the flu or need to visit the doctor for an illness. How do you know when you are mentally healthy? You have overall wellness in how you think, express your feelings/emotions and behave. So back to the original question, how does one know that they are spiritually healthy? You can tell when you feel at peace with life and even through the hard times you can find hope and comfort. But where does one get this hope and comfort? I get mine from the one who made me and gave me all that I have. Psalm 71:5 ‘For thou art my hope, O Lord God: thou art my trust from my youth.’ Philippians 4:7 ‘And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ John 16:33 ‘I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations. But take heart; I have overcome the world.’
Your spirituality helps connect you with God and thus, connects you to yourself.
This hope, this peace, it keeps me going and it does for alot of people. What is the point of breathing if after all these wretched things in life, sin and its children: pain, deceit, hate, theft in all its forms, unfairness, prejudice, murder (and not just with knives and guns but with words), fear, suffering, loss, greed, anger, pride, abuse, neglect, wars, sadism...is death. In my opinion, there would be no point in living if there was no promise of deliverance from sin and its consequences after this life.
So then, what would happen if I was spiritually unhealthy? Without the peace and hope that I can only truly receive from God, I would be susceptible to many forms of mental illnesses like the most commonly known, depression and anxiety. It would probably affect my physical wellness because my health wouldn’t matter as much or at all. As well as your bodily functions can change from the malfunction of your mind. My behaviour would represent that of someone who is under pressure and cannot find a solution. Worrying and not knowing if I will ever not have a reason to. Wishing I was dead or never born to escape the agony of being alive in this world. Ignoring the things of light because the things of darkness seem to be all that encompasses me. Committing sins because nothing matters anyway. Committing sins to escape. Say I don’t care because I wish I didn’t, but I do, so I lie to myself and to you. Filling a hole in my chest with meaningless things because I can’t find and/or don't want to find the help that I need. Battle with myself over taking the things I want, or destroying them because I believe I don’t deserve them. Eating away my pain. Sleeping away my sadness. Crying away my despair. Cutting away my anguish. Starving myself of peace. Ridding myself of love. Casting myself to the devil’s way, letting him win every day.
Do you see why your spiritual health matters now?
You don’t have to experience all the above to deem your spirituality unhealthy. You could only have one of these things and your life crumbles. Remember that your physical body can die at any moment. You are not immortal, and if you are, you are not human. The only way to truly be at peace is to know that the one who made you can take you out of this mess we call the world, but only if you love him and keep his commandments. If you're having trouble with any of these then you can ask God to show you the way to finding him. Ask Him and believe he will help you before you ask someone. Di devil is a liah! He can lead you to someone who only confuses you or tears your faith apart.
God showed me the path to Him, and I thought I was nobody. It seems I was wrong.
Well, it’s the Sabbath, time to rest in God’s peace. There is of course alot more to talk about but that’s it for now, so I hope you’re tired of reading. Also, please share this to help someone else. Thank you. 
I’ll talk to you more next time hunees, but for now, that’s all I wrote. Byeee.
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Me and My Mental Health
What is this "mental health" you speak of Janine?
I'm glad you asked😊
Mental Health is a level of psychological well-being, this is somewhat different from emotional health which is having good control of your thoughts and feelings. So, your emotional health is pretty much 'a part of your mental health.'
But did you know that your metal health is actually probably a bit more important than your physical health? Now don't get me wrong, your physical health is just as important too, but think about it, a comatose is still alive and possibly physically well in some way, only their mind is in an unconscious state, making them almost, 'lifeless' so to speak. I am in no way saying they're dead, but without a healthy mind, were merely a vessel, a body without a host, a ship without a captain, a man without a woman....hehe jk, but you get the idea. Our mental health certainly is very important, and because of this, we need to do all we can to preserve it and keep it safe.
Now the next question is, how do we keep our minds safe? Well here are a few things you could do:
Yes, I'm talking to you Dom -_-
It is true what they say about procrastination being a thief. But some of you actually allow this thief to enter your minds... If you catch yourself procrastinating, find a way to stop. Be strong enough to walk away from that insensitive thief and make a change in your actions. Do your homework! If for some reason you're having a hard time focusing, listen to your thoughts. What is replaying in your mind so much that you can't focus? Is it important? Is it something that can wait until after you do your homework? If not, clear your conscience and do that thing now. You'll feel better later after accomplishing two things, when before you felt like you couldn’t even accomplish one.
 Learn to actually say no, when you don’t want to say yes
You don’t owe it to anyone to be perfect or a ‘people pleaser.’ If you want to say no, just say no. Would you rather sacrifice your mental health to be accepted by another person, especially one who probably disregards your mental health by trying to force you to do something you don't want to do? Now this doesn’t mean ‘be mean,’ it just means that with all generosity considered, if you feel as if saying yes will affect you negatively somehow, then don’t say yes. Be true to yourself, be strong for yourself, be thoughtful of yourself. It is not selfish to disagree with someone, it’s called individuality.
 Find a Passion and stick to it
Finding something that inspires and/ or drives you, can give you a sense of purpose, and as human beings having a purpose makes us feel like we are worth more than the dirt we were made from. I mean if dirt can give life then I gotta up my game. If you haven't found a passion yet, then you can try new things to see what interests you. Write a book, feed a cat, play an online game, write a song, cook a recipe, research endangered animals, tell someone a story, take pictures, share your experience with God, sew those pants up, sing a song to your friend, sing a song to a stranger, try yoga, dance, draw, make a YouTube channel, start a blog 😉 Whatever you do, just stay inside. Give yourself a challenge and stop sleeping around if you are. It will make you feel better. I promise.
 Physical Health
Eat healthy, get enough sleep, exercise or at least practice stretching. Your physical health can affect your mental health too.
Aside from keeping your body healthy, eating healthily also affects your mood and mental health. There is apparently some association between certain nutrients in food and our emotional well-being. These nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin D, magnesium, B vitamins, and tryptophan. Just eat ya’ fruits and veggies... and all the other foods from food groups that make up a balanced diet. Don’t believe me? Go see for yourself, click here.
Sleep is important for many brain functions, like how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other. Recent findings suggest that sleep plays a housekeeping role that removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are awake. Adequate sleep can prevent depression, aid in your social and emotional intelligence, and even help you to be more productive and concentrate. Want to know how? Here’s a link, go find out for yourself. Click here.
Exercise, this releases toxins from your body and bla bla bla you know the rest. Okay fine, for those of you who don’t know, “exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins. Anything that gets you moving can help, but you'll get a bigger benefit if you pay attention instead of zoning out.” Here’s the link... Click for link.
 Be kind
Being kind can elevate your mood and release endorphins (a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having many physiological functions, produced and stored in the pituitary gland, the gland of wellness).  I know I feel good after helping my annoying sister with her homework or assisting an old lady by reading something she can’t. Any of the fruits of the spirit really, can help with your overall well-being once you practice them. The Fruits of the spirit can be found in the Holy Bible; Galatians 5:22-23. Essentially, they are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All good things to practice for a sound mind and a better life.
 Love yourself
Still under the fruits of the spirit, this ‘fruit’ is actually the very first one and it’s no wonder why. Love is a very powerful thing. It was Jesus’ love for us that made him choose to die for our (undeserving) sake. This love is not to be kept to oneself but to be shared. Love is free and it’s for everyone. Even from you to yourself. I am not going to tell you why you ‘should’ love yourself, as you should have been told this plenty of times. But if for some silly reason you don’t, don’t allow yourself to deprive yourself of something so beautiful, the love of God. Discover the true you and try, just try and never stop trying to find a way to your own heart. It is so important that you do. Without love, life has no meaning. God is love. So, if you can’t find your love, find His.
 Pray and get closer to God/Spiritual Health
This one is the most obvious and yet the most neglected. You can’t do anything without God so why leave him out of anything, especially something as important as your health? This of course is another form of self-care that connects with your mental health. All aspects of your self-care are connected. This topic of course needs a blog of its own, so as briefly as possible, let me say this, The Lord is your health and your strength. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
 Surround yourself with positivity
Ya’ like Jazz? Then listen to some. Don’t hold yourself back from doing your favourite things just because you’re busy. Try to balance your work with your leisure. You could even try rewarding yourself after each task with something you like, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rest of your tasks or any other form of your self-care.
Another way you can surround yourself with positivity is by literally surrounding yourself with positivity. Put positive affirming messages on your walls, as your wallpaper, on your mirror, even on your clothes. Remember, you are what you eat, and this goes for what you allow your mind to consume also.
Anyhoo, it’s late, I’m tired, so I hope you’re tired of reading now. Also, please share this to help someone else. Thank you❤
I’ll talk to you more next time hunees, but for now, that’s all I wrote. Byeee.
 WAIT! Here are some positive wallpapers for your personal computers (pc). Let me know if you want me to make some for your phones too 😉.
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What is Self Care?
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We hear the topic alot and maybe even get intrigued, but do we really know what it is?
Whenever I say Sunday is my self-care day, often times people think I mean time to put on a face mask and sip on some calming tea. And while those are things I do to contribute to my self-care, self-care is just sooo much more than that. It’s literally about taking care of yourself. Do you only comprise of skin, water, muscles, bones and bla bla bla? No. So why should self-care be about taking care of just that part of yourself? It shouldn’t.
This must mean that there are different types of Self-Care, right? Right.
You may ask, but what else is there. Good for you that I practice self-care alot….and that I have google. Heh heh...anyway.
Self-care is something we do intentionally to take care of our mental, spiritual and physical health. The thing is, these types of self-care can be broken down into subtypes. This whole taking care of yourself thing really does impact your entire life.
But wait…couldn’t this just be an excuse for laziness? I’m glad you asked.
Many people don’t actually see self-care as a necessity but more of a luxury/selfish act that sucks out your resources, aka ‘going to the spa is expensive.’
 Self-care is actually an act of doing something to protect, help and improve all aspects of your health. This means it would be unhealthy not to take care of yourself.  And taking care of yourself means recognizing what is needed from/for you and actually getting that diffuser to help clear your mind (if that’s what you’re into) or stretching ya body. I know some of you aren’t exercising like you should. Consider this a wake up call, GO EXERCISE LEE, you too Kathryn. But for those of you thinking of how broke you are: do you need money to get an appropriate amount of sleep, or to write your feelings on paper, or to do a crunch, or to go beside a tree and admire nature’s beauty, or to Call on Jesus? If you say yes and I know you, I will hit you later. But for those of you who had good reason to say yes and aside from the things that don’t need money, tell me, if you had a condition that required surgery for your life to be more efficient, and you had the money to either use it for the surgery or add it to capital for your business, would you risk that condition overthrowing your life or sacrifice some mullah for your health? It is not selfish to make sacrifices for your health. In ALL aspects.
What happens when I don’t take care of myself? I feel overwhelmed, I feel like a shirt, pressed out. Even anxiety and depression might become my new besties. For you, neglecting self-care may result in something like that…or even worse. Or maybe you don’t feel as bad when you sit in your mess. But I know you feel better after bathing, even if you didn’t feel like you needed that bath at first. This is all about getting better at being you right? And what better way to know what you like from what you don’t, or identifying what your limit is and if you need to work on a certain part of yourself to help you get better and in turn, grow.
Also, taking care of oneself cannot come with prejudism in any form. So males, if you think you are excluded from this, unless you lack a body, a mind or emotions, you're stuck being human with the rest of us. Which, in case you haven't picked it up, means you are as much 'eligible' for self care as I am. Mmk moving on.
Now with all that being said, you probably got tired of reading the words ‘self-care’ so I’m done now...well I’m done now. I am going to try my best to share the knowledge I’ve acquired for allll the years I’ve been alive, so we can help each other out. I’ll go more in-depth on different topics in future blogs. If you have things to share on what you do for your self-care, that would be very appreciated. We can all grow with each other by learning from each other, and, you might just find something that works for you. Wink.
 Anyway, I have my skin care to get to so I hope you’re tired of reading now.
I’ll talk to you more next time hunees, but for now, that’s all I wrote. Byeee.
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A Piece of My Mind
I’ve always wanted to share the things I’ve learned to as many people as I can, because why keep my growth to myself, when I could give you a piece of my mind and help you to grow with me.
My name is Janine and I am trying to stay alive and to live while I’m at it. This is just an introduction so please, don’t expect too much. I can tell you what I like though and then you can decide whether you want to listen/read from someone like me or not. If not, I hope to see you in heaven.
So, here are some things I thought of all by myself: I love drinking hot chocolate when it rains, cinnamon buns and the idea of traveling. My favourite colour is brown, I live in the Caribbean island Jamaica, I once had a cat named Chedda and writing all sorts of nonsense and ‘fullsense’ makes me happy. ALSO I believe in Jesus, I love him dearly and I love the way God made me including all the hairs on my head which I named, Meela. Buut you probably don’t care about that...
Here are some other things that may interest you: I’m learning how to take care of myself in all sorts of kinds of ways like how to eat right, and I don’t mean the etiquette of dinning; I don’t care what fork to use for a salad or what cup to drink water from as opposed to champagne. I mean eating healthy and what that means for Janine. I’m also learning about exercise in its various forms, what to eat for my mental health, what it means to be emotionally intelligent and why my spirituality is as important as my physical health, and even more so. I’m learning why it is important to take care of, and how to take care of Meela (who, in case you forgot, is my hair) and the importance of family and friends and the combination of the two. Taking care of the earth is always on my mind but it’s not always cheap to do so, despite this, I’m learning what I can do with what I have and the alternatives to certain items I normally buy that can help the earth, so I can as little as possible, contribute to the earth’s death.
I hope you’re tired of reading because that’s all that I could take from my head, I did say this was only a piece of my mind, I never said how big a piece.
I hope I didn’t bore you to exit (wink)...haha...okay I’m leaving.
I’ll talk to you more next time hunees, but for now, that’s all I wrote. Byeee.
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