honeybeehuman · 1 month
Jheselbraum doesn’t have UNO
i love them so much
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honeybeehuman · 4 months
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Decided to draw some more fanart for @dreammeiser 's DAWM!
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honeybeehuman · 4 months
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The Eyes of Notre Dame
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honeybeehuman · 5 months
*cries in inconsistent art style*
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honeybeehuman · 6 months
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They bombed a hospital. No one intervened. So they bombed the rest.
They killed civilians and hostages waving white flags. No one intervened. So they did it on live TV.
They murdered starving people at an aid convoy. No one intervened. So they've attacked at least 3 more.
Israel is currently attacking the Al Shifa hospital in northern Gaza (March 18) with tanks and heavy gunfire, resulting in an increasing number of casualties and abductions including journalists who were reportedly severely beaten and taken to an unknown location.
Israel is literally relishing in its impunity. All we have been hearing from those in power is "concerns" and pathetic words of condemnation while Israel continues to boast about its atrocities, six months on.
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honeybeehuman · 6 months
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honeybeehuman · 6 months
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An apple a day but death will get you anyway.
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honeybeehuman · 6 months
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"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch
"De mi cuerpo podrido crecerán flores y yo estoy en ellas y eso es la eternidad." - Edvard Munch
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honeybeehuman · 6 months
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"If you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stuff you will learn." -Dr. Suess
Trying my hand at photoshop and photo editing :)
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honeybeehuman · 6 months
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Some small fanart I made for @dreammeiser 's Dream Along With Me!
The line art is a bit janky since I'm still not used to photoshop :p
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honeybeehuman · 7 months
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Some fanart for one of my favorite visual novels!
You made a great game @melancholy-marionette!
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honeybeehuman · 8 months
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honeybeehuman · 8 months
Those cookies look scrumpdidillyutious
Kid Lloyd and Zane baking cookies
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honeybeehuman · 8 months
Sometimes I wonder if I am only a concept. An idea that was formed into flesh.
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honeybeehuman · 11 months
You got some tasty art there bestie
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My favorite boy, Zane
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honeybeehuman · 1 year
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And full pageee
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honeybeehuman · 1 year
Jamaine: What am I supposed to do?
Mr.LifeCrisiz: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Jamaine: I’m an atheist.
Mr.LifeCrisiz: Then just get ready to die I guess.
Jamaine didn't last that long. ( ._.)
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