honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ tommy shepherd ❜ ┊ reacted for a starter. ⌋
luna got tired of feeling out of place at xaviers. she wanted to know more about this world, though she didn’t want to deal with all of the emotions around her without anything to ground her. deciding to get a change of scenery luna ventured to the avengers mansion. the empath hadn’t expected to run into anyone she really knew - only to find one of her cousins, happiness starting to radiated out from her. ❛ tommy? tommy! ❜
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ trinity romanoff-barnes​ ❜ ┊ reacted for a starter. ⌋
kitt needed to do something. she couldn’t just sit around doing nothing anymore - but she also didn’t want to do something by herself. so she decided to turn to her new roomie. ❛ trinityyy, oh lovely roomie of mine. ❜ a mischievous grin had settled on her face as she called out to the other brunette. 
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ peter quill: ❜ ⌋
as if on cue, quill immediately and physically deflated when the girl responded to him. her mannerisms were similar to his - he could at least tell that - but it still made him blink a few times when she admitted her name and her relation. “so you’re my not-daughter-daughter?” he asked slowly as he tried to calculate the math.
“so yeah, i’m your dad but not in this world, the other world - which you know, still makes me your dad.“ he concluded before standing up straight and with a deepening of his voice, he gestured towards her, “eat your veggies, no dating unless rocket can come along,” his voice broke there as he began to laugh, before giving her a widened smile, “and please tell me your taste in music is as amazing as mine.“
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❛ i’d consider that second one if i hadn’t already had that happen to me. though to be fair, he also helped me sneak away for it. ❜ the moment she knew he wasn’t going to completely push her and the situation away she relaxed. her shoulders untensing as laughter bubbled up. 
❛ i’m also not sixteen, so that would be a bit awkward for rocket. ❜ more laughter bubbled out of her at the thought of the grouchy raccoon having to follow her on a date. ❛ i like to think my music taste is better than yours. at least i listened to modern music too. ❜
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ vera johnson-campbell‌: ❜ ⌋
“I feel like my brain will explode if I don’t get some mindless entertainment soon.” Vera said to her companion. “I’m thinking a movie night or game night, just as long as it’s not monopoly Or the S.A.W movies. do they have those movies in this universe?” She questioned suddenly unsure.
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❛ uh, i’m not sure what saw is? ❜ an awkward smile rested on luna’s face. she hadn’t really gotten a chance to delve into all of the movies she missed when growing up - though she wasn’t sure she’ll get that chance in this new world.  ❛ i wouldn’t mind watching some movies though. ❜
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ vizi: ❜ ⌋
Vizi’s face lit up as soon as she head the familiar voice. “Kitt! Gosh it’s nice to see a familiar face around here!” Things were sure to feel less lonely now that someone she actually knew well was here. “’Course I’m okay! I may not look it, but I’m tough as heck!” She declared with confidence before erupting into laughter. “What about you though? Are you okay?” On the surface level, she appeared to be fine, but Vizi wanted to be sure.
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❛ i mean, okay as i can be? ❜ shrugging, kitt’s smile dropped slightly. ❛ y’know with our world and everyone we know probably dead. oh wow. that was such a depressing sentence. ❜ kitt’s filter seemed to be non-existent at the moment. which was understandable. her whole life had been uprooted, even if she wasn’t the only one it happened to.
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
cop: can you describe the guy who stabbed you
me: yeah he was not very friendly
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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she’s been writing for minutes now :/
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
peter quill:
look, there was a lot of things that peter was good at. dancing, singing, being really good at flirting, being charming, and probably decent at cooking. oh, and definitely a good babysitter. mostly because of the guardians, but primarily groot. there was, however, one thing he was so sure he’d suck at and that was being a dad.
he was heading back to his ship when suddenly a rock came flying out of seemingly nowhere and nailed him in the back of the head. jumping, he reached up to feel where it impacted and then turned to glare at whoever threw it. “what the hell man!?” he yelled before pausing and staring with what could only be described as a sad comedic mix of surprise and fear. “did you just call me daddy? oh god, am i like… your dad here here or like other earth here? because it’s all a little confusing and the only things i had to eat today were some brownies i had on the ship and then a pot of coffee.” he paused and pointed at her, “so i’m gonna need more detail than that.”
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kitt stayed silent as he rambled, her eyes still wide. god. he felt so familiar - but it wasn’t him. this wasn’t the man that raised her. shaking herself out of her shock kitt tuned back into what he was saying right as he pointed at her. ❛ i’m gonna be totally honest, i totally blanked out almost the entire time you were talking. ❜ an awkward grin settled on her face as she scratched at the back of her head. ❛ but i can probably guess most of what you were saying! ❜ her smile faded slightly, though still remained, as she held out her hand to him.
❛ the name’s kitt, well actually it’s olivia. but i prefer to go by kitt. i’m technically your daughter? at least i was in my world. ❜
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ james barnes ii​ ❜ ┊ reacted for a starter. ⌋
kitt didn’t actually know that many people in the mansion. having spent most of her time with the guardians or at xavier’s left her feeling out of place. it didn’t help that the mansion seemed pretty empty. but she was determined to change at least one of those factors. plan in mind, kitt took off to find someone to talk to. and to possibly rope into a scheme to make this place more lived in. 
it didn’t exactly take her long to find someone. a grin settling on her face as she made her way over. ❛ hey, you’re from my world right? wanna help me with something? ❜
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
⌈ ❛ peter quill ❜ ┊ reacted for a starter. ⌋
kitt was determined to find one of her parents, well this universes’ version of her parents at least. secretly she hoped to find her dad. it wasn’t like she didn’t want to see her mom - kitt had always just been closer to her dad. she also knew she was more likely to find him around here as her mother could probably just be found at xavier’s. 
❛ god i miss space. so much more fun. ❜ she grumbled to herself as she wandered outside of the mansion, having had no luck searching inside of it. sighing, kitt wrapped her arms around herself. kicking at rocks while walking kitt did not expect one of the rocks to go flying, hitting someone in the back of the head.  ❛ oh my god! i’m so sorr- ❜ her sentence cut off the moment she realized who she hit, eyes going wide as she mumbled to herself. ❛ daddy? ❜
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honeyedstrs · 4 years
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*touches things*
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