Two: Whoooo-hooo-hooo! Looks like you're gettin' 'claimed' by good 'ole Sodie! I always knew you two was bangin'!
Steve: Fuck off man, that's fuckin' nasty. Soda's my boy.
Steve: It's too damn early for your antics brother. The fuck is up?
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Well, at least you’re upfront about not caring for peoples expectations of you. You’re gonna as Two Bit about me? Can’t say I’m not gonna be super curious about that answer. Well..I don’t like boring and the last thing Two Bit is is boring. He might be…chaotic but I like that. Besides, he seems to approve of my mini-skirt collection which gets him a few points. So. Yeah. I hope he does show me.  You can trust me if Two Bit likes me? That’s quite the bar to jump.  No. Only he’s a rat, everyone else is people and-…You know what? I’m gonna have to show you some Disney films sometime. Otherwise I’m gonna die explaining this. I will. Yeah. I’m not exactly a fan of doing it, I prefer my pain giving to be, you know, fun sexy times but yeah. I will. Kinda on thin ice with the whole dominant thing right now. 
That’s a lot of maybes without a clear answer. Maybe you gotta have a think about why you got all your shit in one bag and get back to me.  You’re aware I only said those things because you asked what made me interesting right? Not like I was dangingly them in front of you to make myself sparklier.  Fine. You want this shit? What scares me? My father. For a lot of fucking reasons. What I hate? Boring as dinner parties and the inability to speak my mind when I want to scream.  Who I’d die for? Beau. My brother. So there. 
I guess. Enjoy. 
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Yeah, at least I am. Fuck yeah I’m gonna ask him about you. AIn’t no secrets between none of us. Ain’t never been. Chaotic is one way to put it. He ain’t always like that, though. I’ll leave that to him to speak about, though. Ain’t my place. Yeah, if anyone would, it’d be Two that’s for sure. Yeah. You earn his respect, his trust, you’ll have mine. Period. My boy ain’t no dumbass. He trusts you, you gotta be cool. Disney films? You spend a lotta time watchin’ that? Huh. Interestin’. I’m kinda intrigued. Yeah? Why’s that? 
Maybe that’s the point. I don’t gotta think about the obvious, thanks. I got all my shit in one bag because I ain’t never had enough shit to need two. Real simple. Like I said, everybody ain’t from your side of the tracks. I said I meant were you up to anything interestin’ for the night. But, my point stands. Is that not the stuff you tell anyone who asks you to give them a run-down of who you are? Yeah, that is what I wanted. That’s exactly what I wanted. 
It ain’t about enjoyin’ or not, but go on and think that if that’s where your mind is at. It’s about not havin’ time for bullshit. 
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Well, nothing wrong with being upfront about who you are. And as for Two bit…well, I enjoy his whole vibe as much as I’m teasing about it. He’s very cool.  You know? The Disney movie with that rat that can talk and cook? Anyway, nevermind. I guess it’s a dumb point.  You’re aware you’re still gonna have to call me, Sir. Right? Just for the record. 
I suppose having no stuff also makes you feel like you’re not putting roots down anywhere. Which doesn't’ seem all that great to me.  I’m sure Soda will be thrilled to see you as will Darry and Two. Wow, you really cut down what I thought I was special and interesting for. Ouch. 
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Nah. I find it’s best if people don’t have...What’s the word? Expectations. Simplifies things a whole hell of a lot. Huh. I’ll have to ask about you. Least you realize he is. A whole lotta people overlook him, cause they can’t get past the crazy. There’s a lot more to it, though. We’ll see if he shows you. That’ll be how I know I can trust you. I ain’t never heard of nothin’ like that. Why would a rat be talkin’ and cookin’? Is everyone in the movie a rat? I didn’t say it was dumb, just that I don’t get it. Or what, you’re gonna punish me? 
Yeah, well, maybe I don’t wanna ‘put roots down’. Or maybe all I got fits into one bag, maybe that one bag is my roots. The world may never know, I guess. They’d better be, who wouldn’t miss this fuckin’ face? No need to get offended, it’s just what I do. Think of it as evening the playin’ field. Besides, I ain’t generally one to give two shits about the basic bullshit people spew when they first meet ya. Everyone wants to be the best, make the better first impression. So, you break out the shit that’ll make you look the best. ‘Sparkle-ier’ than the rest. Fuck that. Anyone can make themselves look like anything, sayin’ that shit. If someone’s gonna tell me somethin’ about themselves, I want it to be real. What scares you, what you hate, what and who you’d die for. Life’s too fuckin’ short for smalltalk. 
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Yeah, I’m getting that feeling. On trust me, I tease him quite a number of ways. Even if he seems like he might vibrate though the fabric of the universe sometime. Thanks, I suppose. Most people think of that Disney rat, so somehow being a hotel is an upgrade.  Very fancy. Heh. All right, I’ll keep that in mind. 
Guess that saves on time then. Oh yeah? Gonna go reconnect with your gang? Interesting?? I mean..Art? Sex? Defying gender norms?  
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Good, I don’t like to allow people to hold any illusions about who I am, or how I operate. Interestin’. If I know Two- which, lets be real, I do- you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Disney rat? The fuck? It’ll go better for all involved if you do. Keep it in mind, I mean. 
Sure does, and that’s the whole point. I am, yeah. Soda’s my best friend, and I haven’t seen him in a month. That shit don’t fly. Haven’t seen Two in about the same amount of time, Darry too. So yeah, they’re the first place I’m headin’. I meant in terms of, like, tonight but that works too, so thanks for the info. Art don’t surprise me, you already said you’re fancy. Sex...Everyone’s a nympho these days, it ain’t special. Defying gender norms...Do you, be free, all that stuff. 
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My, Well, honestly. Well now I feel like the others just downplayed your history. I gotta tease Two-bit about this. Well welcome to the whole…craziness that is this place I suppose. Sweetcheeks? Cute. My full name is Remington but I don’t think that helps, so fair call. I am one of those Dalton peeps. Dominant mark and everything. Ha. Sorry. You have no idea how fancy my family is. So it’s kinda ironic. Stick with sir then. 
You settling in? 
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Honesty is my policy, so yeah. You? Tease Two? That I gotta see. I’ve probably seen crazier, so, bring it I guess. I said what I said. Nah, it don’t help none. Interesting name though. Sounds like some kinda hotel or somethin’. OoOohhH you are fancy. Probably don’t, like I said, fancy ain’t my jam. Fanciest place I ever stepped foot in was a McDonalds, before today. I’ll do my best, though that still ain’t much. 
Didn’t have shit to bring, so I didn’t have shit to settle. Guess that means I am. Just on my way over to Dalton now, matter of fact. You into anything interestin’?
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I’m sorry, a gang? Soda and two-bit just gave me the impression you grew up together. I wasn’t aware you guys used the term gang.  Steve Randle is almost disappointingly normal after Soda pop and two-bit. Remy Smythe, pleasure.  Though, if you’re looking to feel fancy, it’s sir or Monsieur. 
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You’re excused. A gang, yeah. I mean, we ain’t the 49′ers but they’re my boys. We did grow up together, we’ve done some shit together, survived some shit together. Pretty well defines a gang. Sounds to me like you are now, sweetcheeks. Remy Smythe is almost disappointingly weird, after Steve Randle. I’ll live, I’m sure you will too. Good thing fancy ain’t really my jam. So, you’re one of them Dalton peeps. Good to know. Seems like fancy is right up your alley. 
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…Two-bit and Soda? Oh good, another one of their little gang has arrived. Cute. This is should be fun. 
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...Yeah. Tends to be how gangs work. Like wolves, we travel in packs. Wouldn’t wanna leave one of my boys exposed to some shit I shoulda had their backs for. Name’s Steve Randle. And who am I...Addressing?
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And you are?
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The Queen of fuckin’ England. Can’t ya tell?
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You know it. I’m on my way, keep your panties on, man. I’ve got your back, you know that. PM: We gotta talk about a few things, and you gotta trust me. I’ll wait ‘til we’re face to face, though. How have ya been?
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That’s a tall order, Sody-Pop, when you’re so goddamn good looking. I’ll give it my best go, though. I know, I know. Shit don’t change. PM: Fuck, shit’s goin’ down without me? Good thing my head never leaves the game. I been alright, just tryin’ to get shit ready to come over here. It’s you I wanna hear from, though. How have you been?
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Yeah, it isn’t that bad. Guess you just got here? And you must be pretty cool too, if you’re looking for them. I’m Iago. They’re all at Dalton. Do you need routes from McKinley or just the suite number? 
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Sure the hell ain’t. I’ve slept in much, much worse. What gave it away, man? You’re damn sure right about that, I am. You know ‘em? Iago, huh? My name’s Steve. I grew up with those guys, Sodapop is my best friend. Yeah, I ain’t real sure how to get in the place, so...
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Fuckin’-A is goddamned right, brother! Man, it is good ta see your ugly mug! As far as where I’m at, turn that beefy neck ‘a yours across the courtyard, to that buildin’ that looks like the motherfuckin’ Ritz. That’s where you’ll find good ‘ole Two. Take yerself a walk, come on over bro. You might even find more than one’a us!
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Goddamn it is good to see you, brother. Hey now, you’d better watch it, Two, or my fist is gonna have to rearrange your face to look a little more like mine. LBVS, my man. Hell yeah, it does look like the fuckin’ Ritz over there. Movin’ on up in the world there. So I’ve heard- it’s no fair you guys get to live all high on the hog without me! It’s cool, though. I’m sure I’ll find my way over there for good, eventually. Anyway, I think Soda’ll put me under orders, so I’ll see ya soon.
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Steve. Where the hell are ya?
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Sodapop! There’s my guy, shit yeah! I guess I’m at McKinley. I hear one of you fucks is gonna have to put me “under orders” if I wanna get over there to see ya. So chop chop, Curtis. You of all people know I ain’t got the patience for this shit. 
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Fuckin’-A, this place is somethin’ else. Not half bad, not half bad at all. So, uh, if anyone wants to point me towards Sodapop Curtis, we’ll get this place rockin’. Alternately, I’d take the location of Two-Bit Mathews or Darry Curtis. Good lookin’ out, kids. 
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