hophlyte · 9 years
     “You just... lopped it off without even considering seeing a stylist?”
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     “Geez, why doesn’t that surprise me?”
Laughing, he reached forward to give her head a pat, smoothing over the shortened raven locks a few times. After he’d had enough of fussing with her new style, Roy shot her a grin and a wink.
     “Woman’s intuition! Or uh, I think that’s what it’s called. Not that I, the manliest of men, would know. Okay, okay! I lied -- I took a wild guess that it was you from the back. Yes, I had to consider your butt for a bit to verify, but I was right in the end, so isn’t that what matters?”
Or maybe Roy Ophlyte was a psychic. Spooky.
     “So what’ve you been up to lately, huh? Still headhunting in Esthar for a living?”
He hadn’t been guessing? That was somewhat surprising, though given that he had never seen the shortened hair before this point, guessing was probably going to be the only way that he could have found her, but he’d done it like it had been the easiest thing in the world. She supposed it was because of a different skill set, but seriously it couldn’t have possibly been that easily. Demi wrapped arms around him for a moment, squeezing a hug before backing up.
So he’d found a way home, to help in rebuilding and protecting the land he’d grown up in. Not exactly a vacation, but given that he’d been trying to figure out Esthar for a good amount of time, anything could certainly be considered one.
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          ❝ Not quite. I needed a major change, and I didn’t really want to get any more               tattoos. So I hacked it off. Had to go to a salon to get it touched up, but I               pretty much just took my sword to it. ❞
Wait a second.
          ❝ If you knew it was me, why did you have to say that you were right? ❞
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hophlyte · 9 years
a continuation from here!
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     “Oh, I was right!”
Palms clapped together, releasing a small discharge of electricity as the blond beamed at his old friend. “I’ll have you know that I was taking a wild guess there. If we didn’t have that mental connection with each other, I never would’ve known that short-haired beauty was you, Demi!”
A beat, followed by a bright, energized laugh as he closed the distance and gave the woman a tight hug. “Just kidding. I knew it was you from the start. I mean, I’m not against calling out every good-looking woman on any given day, but I figured you’d be at the top of my list.”
More chuckles as he let go, placing his hands on his hips. “What vacation? I’ve been hard at work in Luxendarc, thank you very much! Villages don’t just rebuild themselves, so I’ve been doing a lot of home building, with just a little bit of giant monster slaying on the side.” There was a lot more to his story than that, but it could wait.
     “What about you, Demi? Did your luscious long locks attract so many suitors that you had to snip it all off? I wouldn’t be surprised!”
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hophlyte · 9 years
“Well, since our efforts have turned towards protecting the Vestal and alliancing with Crystalists, we’ve had more time to develop technologies that aren’t quite so …destructive. It’s a breath of fresh air that all of Luxendarc’s needed, you know?” She smiled and set her gaze on the horizon ahead.
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“It’s…really nice, this era of peace. Nothing’s perfect, but I’m happy with how things turned out in the end.”
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     “The only way it could be nicer would be if you had a few barrels of ale on board! Hahaha!” Flashing a grin, Roy took a step back from the helm and admired the high-flying view. He could get used to this really fast.
     “Well it was either peace or world destruction, so I’d much rather have the former! No offense to the apocalypse conspiracy theorists.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I hope that this new era will last long enough to see the next generation. Actually, I’d be happy enough if I lasted long enough to see the next generation! With all the monsters I had to fight off during Norende’s reconstruction, I thought I’d have been a goner for sure. And boy, was that octopus with the giant head ugly!”
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hophlyte · 9 years
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     “Would you be inclined to believe me if I said I was practicing my abduction skills?”
     Roy gave enough of a pause to almost appear to be serious before continuing on. “That was a joke. Just a joke. And for the record, I‘ve only kidnapped twelve women in my previous career!”
     Another pause settled in, this time long enough to convey his seriousness. “But seriously, I’m just taking you out somewhere nice for lunch. Someplace that doesn’t particularly care about their customers walking in with rifles and tridents strapped to their backs. Sound fair?”
“Do I have to have a reason to take someone as pretty as you?” ((This will end well, I am sure))
Capture Bonding/Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome Starters
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        ❝ I’d certainly hope so. Kidnapping women is not one of the better past times you           you could possibly have. There is a such thing as asking pretty women on dates           instead of taking them against their will. Now can you please give me a straight           answer? ❞
Admittedly, she wasn’t struggling, he hadn’t really given her a reason to. Aside from when he had grabbed her initially, she’d not been put in any serious danger that she couldn’t have gotten out of. Mostly she was confused, because why would someone take a person that was regularly seen with a massive rifle strapped to their back. 
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hophlyte · 9 years
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Oh yeah, guess who absolutely loved his parents and then watched them die to a certain chemist’s weapon...
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hophlyte · 9 years
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     “Damn, Edea.”
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hophlyte · 9 years
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“No ideals can be achieved by
                                           following the path of virtue alone.”
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hophlyte · 9 years
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“ROY!” Edea, too, was tossed off her feet, but she got up as quickly as he did after suffering only a minor panic attack. Once he had it control, she punched him in the arm, annoyed but not really angry as no harm was done.
“Be more careful, stupid, everyone on this ship’s lives are in your hands right now! Spinning the wheel like that is only acceptable if we’re caught in a tornado!”
Though she’d be lying if she said she had’t done the exact same thing to Alternis in her first lesson…
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     “Okay, okay! I’ve got a good hang of this now, really.” With confidence, the blond proceeded to steer the wheel with a bit more force, sending the ship in a figure eight path a few times before returning to the main course.
     “But geez, this ship really is nice. I remember stepping foot on an older Eternian battleship back in Eisen and... well, it didn’t have any of these fancy bells and whistles. You guys must have it great up in the mountains!”
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hophlyte · 9 years
Send me a url and I'll record my voice saying the url along with what I think of them.
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hophlyte · 9 years
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tfw you and your drinking buddy start a bar fight in the wrong neighborhood
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hophlyte · 9 years
Edea gave a delighted cry of excitement herself as they launched upwards – and then clung a little tighter as they headed back down. She’d been terrified the first time they’d done this – and unprepared! – but now it was almost refreshing.
Giggling, she wiggled her feet as she was set down and straightened her skirt, lightheaded from the rush.
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“I don’t know about a license, but once we’ve finished initial takeoff check-ups, I can definitely show you how to steer! You can even fly us partway to Florem if you want!” She gestured for him to follow and headed up the ramp.
~ * ~ * ~ 
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“– and that’s all there is to it! This ship’s the latest model, so we’ve upgraded navigation as well, so you can see how far along you are to your destination. Plus, this ship’s pretty small so it moves even faster than usual! We can get to Florem by tonight now!”
She made a few adjustments and flicked a few switches, causing the engines to kick it into high gear. She had come a long way from the initial pilot lesson she’d had with (a very panicky) Alternis Dim, and was clearly proud of it.
“Okay, Roy! All yours,” she gestured to the controls. “Just follow the compass and head north east once we hit desired altitude!”
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     “Aw, man! That dive was a fifty-nine out of ten! Don’t they give national accolades for these kinds of feats? A pilot’s license would be nothing in comparison!” Feigning a pout, Roy folded his arms over his chest and pretended to kick at some imaginary dust. The facade didn’t last very long, and he was beaming from ear to ear by the time Edea had promised he could fly partway along.
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     “...That’s all there is to it, huh?” Munch, crunch. Somewhere in the middle of the young Eternian’s lecture, he’d begun munching on some treats he had packed away. Realizing the floor was his again, he quickly scarfed the last biscuit down and put on a confident smile.
     “Alright, leave it to me! I’ll show you the abilities of the famed Pilotbearers of Eisen!” ...Absolute rubbish, of course, but nobody could pull off such a blatant lie the way Roy did. Rubbing his hands in anticipation, the blond marched over to the steering wheel, grasping two handles and spinning it harshly to the left.
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     ...Predictably, the slowly rising airship suddenly began spinning in place, throwing several crew members across the deck and flinging Roy off his feet. “Oh shi--!” So much for earning any style points! In a fluster, the man planted himself back on the floor before stabilizing the wheel. Vertigo caught up with him, and he began to wobble on his feet before righting himself.
     “Okay, so maybe that was a little reckless...” he mumbled, poking at a few buttons and slowly steering the ship in the right direction before taking off towards Florem. “But can you blame me? I didn’t know spinning the wheel that fast would cause the ship to start casting Tornado!”
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hophlyte · 9 years
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hophlyte · 9 years
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Oh hey it’s half past eight--
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Right, time for work. Be back in six hours.
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hophlyte · 9 years
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“Right. Seems we’re both unsuited to interacting with Caldisla nowadays,” Edea agrees, and soon, they’re standing just outside the city gates. “All right. See my ship in the distance, there?”
She pointed at the vehicle in the distance, which was just about a fist-sized blur on the horizon from this far away. 
“If you can make it there in a single leap, I’ll show you how to fly it! But you have to take me with you!” She certainly wasn’t going to walk the whole way there if he was taking a shortcut.
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     “Hohoho...” Places a hand to visor his eyes as he eyes the distant ship. “Miss Edea, have you forgotten that I’m the strongest Jumper in Caldisla?” The only one, too. “C’mon -- I’ll have us at the helm of your ship before you know it!”
     His smile breaks out into a childish grin and he reaches forward, sweeping the younger blonde into his arms. After a few squats to loosen up...
     Super Jump!
     There’s only a second to register the leap before they’ve broken past a layer of clouds, and Roy’s grin could not be wider. Beneath the milky white patches, the Caldis region and the surrounding ocean can be seen -- no larger than one’s hand from the height they currently float at.
     The moment is short lived, as they soon begin a breakneck plummet towards the ground -- colors begin to blur into each other as the verdant terrain rushes forward to meet them. At some point, the blond begins whooping in excitement, flipping over so that they’re careening towards the ground head first.
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     It’s over as quickly as it started, with the Hoplite smoothly landing on the deck of an unfamiliar airship, wind whipping around his feet as he stabilizes. Behind him, Caldisla is just a dot in the horizon... Roy looks down, flashes a victorious smirk at his passenger, then lets her down smoothly.
     “So... when do I get my Eternian pilot’s license?”
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hophlyte · 9 years
Broken a bone | Gotten stitches | Had a near-death experience | Killed someone | Tried and failed to kill someone | Invented something | Been hungover | Kissed someone | Slow danced | Been in a long-term relationship | Had sex | Had sex and regretted it | Had a one-night stand | Had a threesome | Experimented with their sexuality | Had a kid | Gotten married | Self-harmed | Traveled to another country | Been in a play | Received an inheritance | Been in a car wreck | Lost a loved one | Been dumped | Dumped someone | Smoked | Gotten high | Been slipped something in their food/drink | Won a contest | Won an election | Joined a sports team | Gone skydiving | Gone hunting | Been in a band | Had a job | Been fired | Been in a wedding party | Owned a pet | Seen a ghost | Skipped class/work | Learned an instrument | Gotten a noticeable scar | Sued someone | Been robbed  | Been mugged | Been kidnapped | Been sexually assaulted | Been brainwashed/hypnotized | Gone more than one day without eating | Had a recurring nightmare | Been bullied | Bullied someone | Seen someone die | Attempted suicide | Been tied/chained up | Shot someone | Stabbed someone | Saved someone’s life | Cheated on someone | Been cheated on | Had a stalker | Been betrayed | Been in a fight | Been arrested | Been to a funeral | Had surgery | Broken someone’s trust | Gotten a piercing | Gotten a tattoo | Used a fake name | Been tortured | Been abused | Been blackmailed | Had an attempt on their life | Gotten away with a crime | Gone on a road trip | Been in love
Bold everything your muse has done. (caution: contains multiple common triggers)
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hophlyte · 9 years
Send ✆ for a morning text
Send ♔ for an angry text
Send  ♠ for a drunk text
Send ☏ for a vague text
Send ⁇ for a worried text
Send ♣ for a text not meant for you
Send ✘ for a text that should never have been sent
Send ✺for a saucy text
Send √ for a long-winded confession text 
Send ☠ for a misguided advice text
Send ☢ for a desperate text
Send ☼ for a congratulatory text
send a symbol - get the following from my muse ;
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hophlyte · 9 years
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“Only fifth-highest? I’m disappointed! All those adult responsibilities are making you soft!” A gesture for him to follow, “Maybe some time hanging out with me will fix that. It’s this way, we landed a bit away from Caldisla so as not to upset anyone. Some people remain weary when they see an Eternian airship…”
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     Grins, dropping his hands in his pockets and following along at a leisurely pace. “Uh oh, now you’re asking for it! I bet I can Jump all the way from this spot to your airship -- think you can match that?!”
     “...Actually, we should probably get out of the city before I do that. I almost gave one of our elderly citizens a heart attack when he saw me leaping off city walls one day.”
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