horrorchops · 3 months
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I am sorry that I have been gone.
It’s been a little bit of a world-wind with my personal life. I will be coming up with an update schedule and I will be posting it this weekend sometime.
I have not forgotten I just have not had time to sit down and plan my next move. I will have time. I will either have a schedule Saturday or Tuesday of next week. I am shooting for Saturday!
That’s all for now. I thought I would be back by now but stuff happens in life.
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 4 months
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Quick Update:
I unfortunately won’t be able to post anything beside this until June 1st.
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Unfortunately some unforeseen circumstances in my personal life have made it extremely hard to post. I am take the rest of May off to deal with said matter. I will be back June 1st.
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Thanks for understanding. Please leave suggestions for things you want to see when I get back.
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 4 months
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Horror Film Fact:
Did you know: Freddy Krueger was named after Cravens childhood Bully
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More information: Those newspaper articles led Craven to ask: What if someone in the man's dream had killed him? And the answer led to Freddy Krueger. Craven pieced together the iconic killer from his own life. Freddy Krueger took his first name from a bully who would beat up Craven in elementary school. (New York post)
See you on the other side friend
~Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Horror film Rating: 1 - 10
Film: The Omen
Year: 1976
Plot Summary: Mysterious deaths surround an American ambassador. Could the child that he is raising actually be the Antichrist? The Devil's own son?
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I would rate this film 7 out of 10.
I give it that rating because it was a good movie. It’s nothing fancy but it still made its point.
The kills were interesting enough. To be different from other films I have seen.
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If you want to watch a classic horror film this is a good one for that. I enjoy it. The first time I watched it. It scared me then I watch it again a few years later and I was not scared.
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I recommend this movie. There was a modern one made recently. I have watched it. I may do a discussion on it at some point. This is a good classic horror film if you want to do a classic marathon of horror films.
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What are your thoughts and rating?
Leave them below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Horror Film discussion:
Film: The Exorcist
Year: 1973
Plot summary: When a young girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two Catholic priests to save her life.
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Like many horror movies I watched this during a time when I was not a fan yet. So this scared me. Yes the effects are not that great given its time period when It was made. Then again I was a child. This scared me then but not now I quit enjoying it.
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This is definitely for people who like religious horror. This was the first movie that I learned this was even a genre of horror.
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The lines in this movie can be funny at times and I think I enjoy that they’re not intentionally trying to be funny, but they are really funny.
This is a classic horror. Movie doesn’t matter how scary or not scary it is. It’s one of those that you throw on when you’re having a horror movie film night.
It has a lot of shocking moments and details that I would have not expected but it works to this films advantage. Definitely an older style of filmmaking but it’s still good for what it was. 
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What are your thoughts? Leave them down below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
P.S. The schedule for next week looks like this:
Tuesday 5/7: Band that’s horror themed
Thursday 5/9: Horror Film Rating
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Current Watch:
Film: Eyes Without a Face
Year: 1960
Plot Summary: Dr. Génessier (Pierre Brasseur) is riddled with guilt after an accident that he caused disfigures the face of his daughter, the once beautiful Christiane (Edith Scob), who outsiders believe is dead. Dr. Génessier, along with accomplice and laboratory assistant Louise (Alida Valli), kidnaps young women and brings them to the Génessier mansion. After rendering his victims unconscious, Dr. Génessier removes their faces and attempts to graft them on to Christiane's.
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I have seen this film before. This is a rewatch but who does rewatch anything.
This is an older horror film. If you looking for high end kills or fancy horror tricks. Then you won’t find it here but this is a horror film made it the 60s. It has it own charm and is still suspenseful.
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There is just something unsettling about an average looking woman who is wearing a prosthetic face knowing that something is going to happen.
I recommend this film. If you’re looking for an older horror film that is black and white this is a choice to consider.
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This film is not something you pick to scare the hell out of someone but it’s still a good watch.
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Let me know if you seen it and what your thoughts are below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Band that has horror vibes:
Band: The Cramps
Year: 1976
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Some history:
The Cramps were an American punk rock band, formed in 1976 and active until 2009. The band split after the death of lead singer Lux Interior. Their line-up rotated much over their existence. Occasional bass guitarist Poison Ivy the only permanent members.
They were part of the early CBGB punk rock movement that had emerged in New York. The Cramps are noted as influencing a number of musical styles: not only were they one of the first garage punk bands, they are also widely recognized as one of the prime innovators of psychobilly. (Wiki, Contributors to Punk. “The Cramps.” Punk Wiki. Accessed April 25, 2024. https://punk.fandom.com/wiki/The_Cramps.)
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1972 - Lux Interior (born Erick Lee Purkhiser) and Poison Ivy (born Kristy Marlana Wallace) met in Sacramento, California in. In light of their common artistic interests and shared devotion to record collecting, they decided to form The Cramps.
1975 - They moved to Akron, Ohio, and then to New York. soon entering into CBGB's early punk scene with other emerging acts like the Ramones, Patti Smith, Television, and Mink DeVille. The lineup.
1978 - They gave a landmark free concert for patients at the California State Mental Hospital in Napa, recorded on a Sony Portapak video camera by the San Francisco collective Target Video and later released as Live at Napa State Mental Hospital.
1980 - The Cramps relocated to Los Angeles in and hired guitarist Kid Congo Powers of The Gun Club. While recording their second LP, Psychedelic Jungle, the band and Miles Copeland began to dispute royalties and creative rights.
1982 - The band appears in the film Urgh! A Music War.
1983 - When they recorded Smell of Female live at New York's Peppermint Lounge; Kid Congo Powers subsequently departed. Mike Metoff of The Pagans (cousin of Nick Knox) was the final second guitarist – albeit only live – of the Cramps' pre-bass era.
1985 - The Cramps recorded a one-off track for the horror movie The Return of the Living Dead called "Surfin' Dead", on which Ivy played bass as well as guitar.
1986 - With the release A Date With Elvis, the Cramps permanently added a bass guitar to the mix, but had trouble finding a suitable player, so Ivy temporarily filled in as the band's bassist.
1991 - Knox left the band. The Cramps hit the Top 40 in the UK for the first and only time with "Bikini Girls with Machine Guns"; Ivy posed as such both on the cover of the single and in the promotional video for the song.
1994 - The Cramps made their national US television debut on Late Night with Conan O'Brien performing "Ultra Twist".
1995 - The Cramps appeared on the TV-series Beverly Hills, 90210 in the Halloween episode "Gypsies, Cramps and Fleas." They played two songs in show: "Mean Machine" and "Strange Love." Lux Interior started the song by saying "Hey boys and ghouls, are you ready to raise the dead?".
2001 - On January 10 Bryan Gregory died at Anaheim Memorial Medical Center of complications following a heart attack. He was 46.
2002 - The Cramps released their final album, Fiends of Dope Island, on their own label, Vengeance Records.
2006 - They played their final shows in Europe in the summer and their very last live show was 4 November at the Marquee Theater in Tempe, Arizona.
2009 - On February 4 Lux Interior died at the Glendale Memorial Hospital after suffering an aortic dissection which, contrary to initial reports about a pre-existing condition, was "sudden, shocking and unexpected".
All this information comes from
What are your thoughts on the cramps? Let my knew below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
P.S. My other post with the purple moon gif explains what’s happening next week on Tuesday and Thursday.
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Horror film Rating 1-10:
Film: Lights Out
Year: 2016
Plot summary: Rebecca must unlock the terror behind her little brother's experiences that once tested her sanity, bringing her face to face with a supernatural spirit attached to their mother.
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I would rate lights out a 7 out of 10.
I give it a 7 out of 10 because I actually enjoy the concept of the movie. I also remember playing the lights out game as a child.
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I feel this is not an over used theme in horror at the time this was released. I don’t actually think there are many horror films based on turning the light on and off. I feel that it adds an extra layer of fear because nothing is happening til the lights go out.
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I can’t really complain about this film. I quite enjoy it. No it’s not the scariest thing that I have seen but it’s still a good watch. I feel not all films have to be perfect to be good.
That’s my rating. Leave your below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Update to posting schedule:
Hello Horror Friends,
So my personal life and professional life are a little chaotic at the moment. So I have to reduce my posting.
I will only be posting one thing every Tuesday and Thursday like I have been. This will be easier for a bit for me.
Tuesday April 23: I will be posting a horror film rating.
Thursday April 25: I will be posting a horror band
Tuesday April 30th: will be a current watch.
Thursday May 2: will be a horror film discussion.
On Thursdays I will let you know what will be posted the coming week. At the bottom of the post.
Key for information:
The formate: The coming week’s posts: it will be in red and before my sign off.
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Have a good night 🌙
See you on the other side friend
- Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Current Watch:
Film: The Dead Don’t Die
Year: 2019
Plot summary: The peaceful town of Centerville finds itself battling a zombie horde as the dead start rising from their graves.
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To be transparent this is a rewatch current watch. I saw this when It can out but I rewatched it recently.
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This movie is not scary. It’s not supposed to be. It’s a horror comedy and sometime you need to laugh and be in suspense to what’s going to happen next.
Since I have watch it on to separate occasions I have to different versions of my reaction to this more.
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First time (2019):
When I first saw it I was with my friend who does not like horror movies but I know she like to laugh so I thought we would have a good time. We did.
I am a sucker for a zombie film. No matter if it’s a comedy, parody or actually horror movie about them.
Second time (2024):
I recently watch it again because I was want to watch a zombie movie but I was not in the mood to be “scared” I don’t necessarily get scared from horror. I have been watching it for a long time. (Just waiting for the next terrifying movie) 
I ended up watching this again and it was a great time. Definitely a movie night film.
If you like zombies and silly antics then this is the film for you.
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See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 5 months
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Horror Film Rating 1-10:
Film: Jason X
Year: 2001
Plot summary: Jason Voorhees is cryogenically frozen at the beginning of the 21st century, and is discovered in the 25th century and taken to space. He gets thawed, and begins stalking and killing the crew of the spaceship that's transporting him.
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My rating is a 4 out of 10
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I give this movie a 4 out of 10 because at this point it was being a cash cow this franchise.
Don’t get me wrong I like this franchise. I just feel that some of the concepts for films to follow was a little crazy.
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The kill in the gif above is pretty sick if you ask me. Some of the kills are interesting. Some are boring and the same as other times.
This film is still watch able but I feel like once you seen it once you don’t need to watch it again. Unless you’re doing a horror movie night!
That’s my two cents!
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What’s your rating? Leave it below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
P.S. I will be posting a current watch today some time around 3pm and then Thursday I will be doing another horror themed band and a discussion!
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 6 months
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Horror Film Fact:
Film: Creature of the Black Lagoon
Year: 1954
Plot summary: A strange prehistoric beast lurks in the depths of the Amazonian jungle. A group of scientists try to capture the animal and bring it back to civilization for study.
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Fact: The creature from the Black Lagoon was modeled after the Oscar statuette.
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Universal managed to snag an up-and-coming filmmaker with a prestigious resume to direct Creature from the Black Lagoon: Jack Arnold, whose documentary With These Hands had received an Academy Award nomination. Though he didn’t get the Oscar, Arnold kept the souvenir certificate that the Academy always mailed to its nominees. The little card would go on to become an unexpected source of inspiration behind the scenes of Creature from the Black Lagoon.
As Arnold told Cinefantastique magazine in 1975, “There was a picture of the Oscar statuette on it. I said, ‘If we put a gilled head on [the figurine], plus fins and scales, that would look pretty much like the kind of creature we’re trying to get.’ So they made a mold out of rubber, and gradually the costume took shape.” At first, the creature had what leading lady Julie Adams (credited as Julia Adams) described as an “eel-like” physique. Slick and streamlined, the outfit didn’t come with much in the way of fins, ridges, or body armor. These were later enhanced to give the monster a more menacing appearance. (Mentalfloss)
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See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 6 months
Hey horror friends,
Sorry I did not post today beside this. Some personal things come up last night. I need to take a day away from social media.
Thursday I wi be post 3 post to make up for my lack there of today!
Hope your well and I will haunt you later
~Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 6 months
Band With a Horror Element
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This is the new segment that I am adding to my post. We will discuss bands that give off horror vibes or are horror movie-themed or inspired.
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The First Band: The Misfits are an American punk rock band often recognized as the pioneers of the horror punk subgenre, blending punk and other musical influences with horror film themes and imagery.
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Some History: The group was founded in 1977 by vocalist, songwriter, and keyboardist Glenn Danzig in Lodi, New Jersey.
The band's early lineup consisted of vocalist Glenn Danzig, bassist Jerry Only, guitarist Franché Coma, and drummer Mr. Jim.
1978: The Misfits released their debut single, "Cough/Cool," followed by their first album, "Static Age," which was recorded in 1978 but not officially released in its entirety until 1997.
1980: The Misfits released their second album, "Walk Among Us," which featured iconic tracks like "Astro Zombies" and "I Turned Into a Martian."
1983: Glenn Danzig disbanded the Misfits, citing creative differences and personal issues. Following the breakup, Danzig went on to form the band, Danzig, while Jerry Only and Doyle formed the band Kryst the Conqueror before eventually resurrecting the Misfits name with a new lineup.
1980s - 1990s: The Misfits went through various lineup changes and legal battles over ownership of the band's name and imagery.
1995: Glenn Danzig and Jerry Only reached a legal settlement that allowed Jerry Only and his brother Doyle to continue performing as the Misfits.
2000: Michale Graves and Dr. Chud left the band, and Jerry Only took over lead vocals, with Marky Ramone joining as the drummer.
2003: This lineup released the album "Project 1950" featuring covers of classic rock 'n' roll songs.
Since then, the Misfits have continued to tour and occasionally release new music with various lineup changes.
2016: the classic lineup of Glenn Danzig, Jerry Only, and Doyle reunited for a series of highly anticipated reunion shows, marking the first time they had performed together in over 30 years. (Wiki, Misfits)
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A little history on the Misfits Logo: The Crimson Ghost, also known as The Fiend, is the main antagonist of the 1946 serial of the same name. He is also the villainous mascot of the American punk-rock band The Misfits and is featured on their merchandise along with starring in their music videos and appearing on stage. (Wiki, The crimson ghost)
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 6 months
Horror Film Discussion:
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Film: Midsommar
Year: 2019
Plot summary: A couple travels to Northern Europe to visit a rural hometown's fabled Swedish mid-summer festival. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult.
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The Discussion Topic:
I don't have a problem with this movie. It did not feel like other cult-based horror films. I mean if you are not ready for violence this may not be the best option. My best friend (who is not a big horror fan) wanted to see this movie on her birthday. Miskates were made lol!
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This is one of those movies where you don't feel bad for the characters because they did this to themselves. were the film Lose Me is when weird things started happening nobody decided to try and leave before the murders and the blood were happening.
Yes, I know it's a film. It could have been more interesting to see not all of the characters being brainwashed immediately. I wish some people fought harder. It then got boring because this was the nod that everyone would be a member or dead. This is not a rating just my thoughts and opinions. I liked it and my friend my friend is traumatized.
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Discussion Questions:
What did you think of the movie?
Did you enjoy it?
Were you terrified?
Let me know down below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 6 months
Horror Film Rating 1 - 10:
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Movie: Feardotcom
Year: 2002
Plot summary: A New York City detective investigates mysterious deaths occurring 48 hours after users log onto a site named feardotcom.
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My Rating: my rating is 4 out of 10.
I rate this a 4 out of 10 because I can see where they were trying to go with this movie. I just feel that it was not executed the right way. I feel that there are better internet base horror films now. It is definitely a product of it's time. If you like dark web or redroom type horror films then this may be for you.
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I am not sure if this movie is bad because of how it was made or the content of the film. This is not for people who can't handle gore, body horror torture or mutilation.
As always this is my opinion but I like to know yours.
What is your rating? & Why?
Let me know below ⬇️
See you on the other side friend
-Horrorchops 🖤
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horrorchops · 6 months
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I had technical difficulties with my account yesterday so I was not able to post.
I will be posting 3 times tomorrow.
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