horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
Might actually ditch our main tumblr, this one, & the other side blogs.
The system tumblr bullshit is actually harming us.
As a protector, it might be a good move for me to ditch these accounts and make a new account with no ties to system stuff..
Posting this, in case we do just. Disappear.
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
Calling endogenics + non traumagenics “delusional” isnt ableist, imo.
It’s NOT ableist to call someone out for something they’re genuinely experiencing - a delusion.
It’s reality checking. And they need it.
And thats where we stand on that. :)
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
There are MANY sources saying you NEED trauma
One link. Give me one link to support your claim that isn’t a Carrd. I’m begging you.
Here are three. :) I don’t use carrds as my sources, EVER.
“ The cause of DID is likely a psychological response to interpersonal and environmental stresses, particularly during early childhood years when emotional neglect or abuse may interfere with personality development. As many as 99% of people who develop dissociative disorders have recognized personal histories of recurring, overpowering, and often life-threatening disturbances or traumas at a sensitive developmental stage of childhood (usually before age 6).
Dissociation may also happen when there has been persistent neglect or emotional abuse, even when there's been no overt physical or sexual abuse. Findings show that in families where parents are frightening and unpredictable, the children may become dissociative. “
— https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder
“ DID is usually the result of sexual or physical abuse during childhood. Sometimes it develops in response to a natural disaster or other traumatic events like combat. The disorder is a way to distance or detach from the trauma. “
— https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9792-dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder
And this whole website is just worth the read ; https://www.healthyplace.com/blogs/dissociativeliving/2017/06/is-trauma-necessary-for-dissociative-identity-disorder#:~:text=Much%20like%20in%20posttraumatic%20stress,according%20to%20the%20DSM%2D5.
DID/OSDD needs trauma because trauma is the only way your brain even learns to dissociate to that level. It is protecting you from trauma or something related to that trauma. Without trauma, you cannot dissociate to that level, and without dissociating to that level - you cannot really “switch”. Now can you? As a proper, REAL system anyways.
Switches can be fast, yes. But they cannot happen if the brain isn’t fractured & traumatized to the level needed.
Here’s more info on dissociative disorders in general : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dissociative-disorders/symptoms-causes/syc-20355215
No matter what your twisted, delusional selves tell yourself or us real systems, we will NEVER support you. You are not real systems. You need actual psychological help. Leave my page and never come back <3
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
Wish these dumbass pro endos/non traumagenics would just block me instead of spewing their delusional bullshit 💀
This is a side blog, I cant block them on here if they’re not in the replies 💔💔 lmao
Leave my blog and block, i dont care for what you have to say
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
My source for needing trauma is literally the DSM. Actual, trustworthy psychologists. Professionals.
All of the pro endo sources are not trustworthy. 💀
Stop reblogging this with bullshit and block me, you delusional freaks.
Imagine thinking you DONT need sources for something to be factual.
These non traumagenics & their supporters are getting wild
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
Endos & pro endos reblogging our posts with bullshit is just making it easier to find them and block.
There are MANY sources saying you NEED trauma to be a fucking system.
Fucking delusional freaks.
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
endos / nontraumagenics: “stop spreading misinformation about us & our community !!”
traumagenic - aka REAL - systems:
like girl u aint getting respect from me, you’re disgusting and delusional. because that is a literal delusion you have and you NEED to be reality checked at this point.
OSDDID cannot form without extensive childhood trauma and it cannot form in your teens or adulthood LOL
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
The name Horrorwood is so cool hello???
HEHE >:3 thank you !
out of the few names we’ve had this one definitely has felt the most comfortable, so its not going anywhere anytime soon!
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
Whips out the essay 😋
DID is widely understood and accepted within the psychiatric community to result from severe, chronic trauma, usually in early childhood. The trauma model is supported by extensive research and clinical evidence. Endogenic systems lack this robust empirical support.
There is no clear, scientifically validated mechanism explaining how an endogenic system could form in the absence of trauma, making it difficult to integrate into existing psychological theories.
Acceptance of endogenic systems might dilute the understanding of DID as a serious trauma-related condition, potentially impacting the perception of the disorder and those who suffer from it.
The broader clinical consensus does not support the concept of endogenic systems. Most clinicians adhere to the trauma model of DID, which is backed by decades of research and clinical practice.
Anyway here's a photo of a gator -Flor (he/they)
Tumblr media
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
Imagine thinking you DONT need sources for something to be factual.
These non traumagenics & their supporters are getting wild
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
These pro endo post are starting to piss me off having dealt with an endogenic system literally using all of us bodily and mentally.
Its not fun. Its not a fucking trend. If you don’t have trauma you don’t have DID. If you hear voices and you see them then you have some sort of other illness. You do not have DID, stop fucking insisting you do.
DID is caused my consistent mental and physical trauma, REAL trauma, not “omg this really stressed me out” “omg my mom yelled at me.”
Someone has to say it and idc, i will. Shut the fuck up.
Just shut up. Please. You are, at this point, making fun of a real trauma disorder that people have to deal with every day. Going back to what my host said, he made a post saying that people who find this disorder quirky and fun will never understand the pros and cons of it, its hard. Its fucking… hard.
So before you sit there, the one who had a perfect happy fucking childhood, sit there and think about the people who actually have this disorder who went through the worst kind of shit in their early life, do I really have DID? Or do i have something else? Possibly serious enough to get help? Maybe I have trauma thats actually forgotten about and suppressed? And if you do then you might have DID or OCDD, but if you have NO trauma.. then please just get help. Idfk anymore.. just stop.
You people hurt people whether you do it intentionally or not. Then you people wonder “oh why is no one accepting us??? Thats so rude why are you harassing me???” Why the fuck are you ROLEPLAYING saying its an alter???
This was pure anger.. im tired of it. Im tired of seeing pro endo shit after being used by one of you guys. Fuck. Off.
- Don’t worry about who i am.
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horrorwoodcollective · 4 months
I genuinely hope we are getting added to the “violently anti endos” list because we are and always will be.
And if tumblr could stop showing us pro shit for it, that’d be nice 😭
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horrorwoodcollective · 5 months
nah. idgaf.
endos and other non traumagenic “systems” aren’t valid. theyre not a system.
they’re a sick freaks pretending to have a serious TRAUMA DISORDER.
you can def be groomed into believing you are an endo or dont have trauma, and in that case. i’ll support you. or if you don’t remember your trauma.
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horrorwoodcollective · 5 months
Shoutout to all the hosts who thought arguing with the guys in your head was a normal way of “thinking about things” 😭
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horrorwoodcollective · 5 months
no. you in fact do not know more than us when it comes to our special interests.
if we share a special interest, we know the same amount of stuff.
don’t pull that bullshit.
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horrorwoodcollective · 10 months
"Trauma builds character!"
Well unfortunately for me it actually managed to build several
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horrorwoodcollective · 10 months
Apologizing with ASPD and NPD is actually so fucked up, like I can’t express how difficult it is to explain to someone that I’m only apologizing after I was told what exactly hurt them not because the apology is fake, but because I have no comprehension of empathy and I do not feel emotions the way they do. 
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