hotrodpixkup · 1 year
We made a lot of banners for the 1.0 Overhaul releases, but personally, my favorites are the flat black background ones. So here you go, Bookclub, and congrats on finishing the manga!
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
This is an OC named Squeak not kuroneko from Trigun however these are very fun to look at and I would die for Squeak
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squeak is a little cat i used to draw weekly on twitter! she loves chaos and arson, has the ability to travel between dimensions (mostly so i can just draw her with whatever characters i want), and is very smelly
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
First your sketches are *chefs kiss* beautiful the knowledge behind your anatomy/figures and their perspective leaves me breathless - Ok Second I was wondering how you do your sketches/comics like the Trigun Reincarnation comic. Are they on paper or digital?
Aaaaah thank you so much dear anon!
I do my sketches on paper! For the Trigun comic, I mostly want to be quick, and I'm not so good at doing nice looking quick sketches digitally, so I use paper and a black polychromo, a coloured pencil.´(Harder to erase than normal lead pencil, but makes nice dark lines)
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And I normally write out the dialogues before and imagine in my head how I want the structure of the panels, so I just start directly with the drawing, instead of making a sketch before.
(my other bkdk comic looks a bit different, for this I made little thumbnail pages, which is normally recommended so you can have a look at the flow of your pages, of the panelling and all. I tried to be extra thoroughly and even made sketches with a light blue pencil, but as a negative effect, that process takes SO much longer. Since there are so many stages before the final drawing, there's the possibility that the drawing can turn out more stiff/rigid, and I actually like the style from my recent Trigun comic more because it's more dynamic and spontaneous...but well, sketches tend to be more dynamic)
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(Also, big plus if you do your sketches on paper: you can put them in a folder later and browse through them later whenever you feel like it!
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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i think that even if the plot of trigun never happened Vash and Wolfwood would still find a way to be insufferable together god bless <3
based on this + bonus doodle 
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
The gentlest of holds
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
So, if I'm to believe Twitter today Nightow apparently did mention Vash and potential love interests in an old interview and-
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(please forgive the shitty google translation but ya get the gist of it)
So, what I am getting from this is:
canonically, Vash avoids falling in love with humans (and from what we can see in the manga, any sexual interaction too) because their lives are far too short and he wouldn't be able to 'share a full future' with them.
Okay, okay. Mr Stampede what did you mean by this then?
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Everyday, Vashwood gets more canon in a way that hurts even more than the last and I can't stand it.
What do you mean Vash doesn't want to fall in love with people whose lives will inevitably end before his and he ends up falling for the one guy that was doomed from the start to die young.
Mr. Nightow we need to talk.
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
Me: Please, I’m begging, stop thinking so much about Trigun
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
Trigun fucking destroys me, okay.
It's about persisting through the most horrific obstacles imaginable, and never losing hope for yourself and others. It's about the fruit your efforts bear, but it doesn't ignore the ugliness of the suffering you endure. It doesn't sweep it under the rug to give you a happy ending.
As a jaded millennial, I get a bit tired of stories where everything turns out fine because the heroes tried hard. Most stories gloss over the repercussions of failure. They tell us it's all simply a means to an end, and that end is what matters. Overcoming your obstacle matters. Winning matters.
Trigun doesn't do this.
Vash gets hurt (gross understatement). He's ostracized, bullied, threatened, haunted, forced to see the darkest underbelly of humanity. He's subjected to the worst parts of life that are grotesquely ruthless, unforgiving, hopeless. He's forced to reconcile a lot of his goals (like never killing anyone), but not the core of his beliefs.
Not once does he falter in his trust that people are capable of good, that we all deserve that chance to be. He never has a revelation that shakes his faith in humanity, despite constantly being given every reason to. He's the irritatingly optimistic anime protagonist who looks at impossible odds and says "everything will be alright", the way no one can in real life because it never works out that way for us.
And it doesn't for him, either.
Vash does his best, believes in himself, and fails. over and over and over again. He loses everything--loved ones, memories, autonomy. He loses constantly. He's your unrealistically positive hero, being dealt realistically unfavorable hands.
And still, he persists. He never truly wins. Because we never truly win. Life has no happy ending like a story does.
He never truly wins, and yet, he can still find happiness. He meets friends, enjoys good food, watches people love fiercely in both blessing and hardship. He hits unbelievable lows that don't keep him from finding highs. Because he never stops trying to be the best of what he sees in humanity. Because every little bit counts. He never stops believing in humans--believing in you.
Trigun grabs you by the face and stares directly at you. It says "I see you, I see your pain, how much you struggle. I see how sometimes no matter how hard you try, things don't work out. Life isn't a fairy tale. I see how your kindness can come back to hurt you, hurt others. I see you, and I'm proud of you. Life is worth living with love in your heart not because we win, but because we try. We all try. Never stop trying to be kind."
Trigun shows you the cruel reality of life, and leaves you feeling good about it.
I don't know a single piece of media that's able to do that.
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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“I wanna be so gentle with you~”
VashWood sketch because they make me foam at the mouth (:
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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Oh to be cradled in your plant boyfriends angel wings
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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I love my boys however I was in anguish. Only 4 volumes to go :D
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
So I finished reading volume 10.
I knew it was coming but even in the end it was when he turned around and his back was no longer to him, that they were facing each other, that he was running towards him that the finishing blow was dealt and he couldn’t bare to hold him anymore because he knew he had to finish it. I am in extreme emotional anguish right now.
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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got to eat KFC last week with friends on a competition watch trip (The TransAgenda)
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This is more just a sketch to put something on here since I’ve been spending all my time on school and my original comic series, But I’ve got a lot of Trigun fanart Ideas especially with being over halfway through the manga (I am terrified and putting it off I don’t want to be emotionally devastated I’m depressed enough with depression as it is)
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
This. This is what I mean by “Add more useless belts that don’t do anything but look pretty”
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do you guys think he has enough belts yet
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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real friendship is using your ass to help your bro aim his ridiculous crucifix gun (i tried really hard to find the original image for this meme/pose but could not so yall get this with no context)
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hotrodpixkup · 1 year
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drew this is one sitting do not reccomend
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