householdgeckos · 6 years
So the only all-bird rehab center in North Texas is about to shut down
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I can’t even put into words how upset I am about this. Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation has been open for almost twenty years, and is the only place in North Texas that takes in literally any type of bird if it’s been injured, orphaned, or otherwise incapacitated. They’re finally out of funds, and if they can’t come up with anything by April 2nd, they’re going to be forced to close their doors.
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They’ve never turned away birds. Not when it’s a surprise 200 baby cattle egrets that’ve been orphaned because city planners thought they could cut down their homes and no one would notice. Not when it’s raptors with one good eye and in need of seven different antibiotics. Not even when it’s ducks that irresponsible parents won’t let their kids keep after easter. This is where anyone let me first get up close to birds. I mean, I’ve known I wanted to work with birds and wildlife since I was seven- I’m twenty four now, and halfway through an environmental science master’s and it’s a big reason I kept going.
I’ve been going to this place on and off for ten years, I was THIRTEEN when I started volunteering and seeing all the terrible things that happen to the birds that come in. Not just…hit by trucks, or caught in a hailstorm but parrots that have been left in foreclosed houses for weeks, and roosters that have come out of cock fighting rings and would otherwise be put down because the SPCA and humane societies don’t think they’re salvageable. There’s an emu that was raised there as a baby because no one wanted her. Her name’s Riley and I can’t even begin to comprehend what shutting the doors to the center would mean?
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They don’t get government aid. They’ve been funded by the public donating and Kathy, the lady who owns the place, going through her retirement funds and savings and her social security to keep it running. She’s finally run out of money. Please,  just reblog? Even if you can’t donate anything- and I know it’s a lot to ask for poor teenage/college kids to donate money that they don’t have, or struggling artists I know but maybe someone who can spare something will see it eventually? They need $200,000 to keep open for a year to continue to help 4000 birds a year.  
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Just, thanks for reading, guys. Here’s the gofundme link: http://www.gofundme.com/l8aj7k
Their facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rogers-Wildlife-Rehabilitation-Center/398035120217303
Here’s their website: http://www.rogerswildlife.org/about.html
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householdgeckos · 6 years
Other Site Locations
Did not expect to come on today to find the whole place on fire.  But in case people here are planning to leave tumblr for good, here are a few other places we do or plan to share our geckos.  Just started at pillowfort and hoping that it will turn out to be a great site.  
It’s definitely overloaded today, so having gone through this before, have patience with the technical difficulties there.  I’m sure their hardware plans didn’t include something like this blowing up, and it will take time for the upgrades to stabilize the site to go through planning, funding and procurement.  I hope they’ve got what it takes, because I want a site back with nesting comment conversations. 
We’re not going to stop updating here.  Though our gecko pictures are obviously deeply lewd and have been flagged many times, we will continue on here for the time being.  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LunationGeckos/
Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.io/Lunationgeckos
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lunationgeckos
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householdgeckos · 6 years
With the Tumblr purge I shall also be taking my leave. Other places I can be found currently: MorphMarket - https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/kaitoucat/ FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/HouseholdGeckos Discord - https://discord.gg/D6uae8w DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/kaitoucat [Warning, I don’t post often here] Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/the_household_geckos/ [Became very inactive here but am going to try getting back into it] I may add more onto this list if I find anywhere else to go but currently I’m not sure where else to go except maybe Twitter.
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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Some snoodle testing as well.~
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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A couple of babus
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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Got a new lightbox and decided to bother the reptiles with some test photos. Quite pleased with the result but I still need a new camera.
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householdgeckos · 6 years
i love that we and cats share pareidolia (seeing patterns where they dont exist), but instead of seeing faces in everyday objects like us, they see snakes
that computer cord? snake. string? small snake. cucumber? short fat straight snake
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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• RedBubble  • Society6  • TeePublic
Reptiles can be up during the winter too, just need the right wear.
Drawing this made me realize hognoses have no necks. No. Necks. Shaky sausages with pig noses that have the acting skills of Tommy Wiseau. 
Suddenly it became clear why they’re so popular.
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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One of TWELVE Red Spotted Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens), I saw this day! It had just rained, and they seemed to be really enjoying it! This little guy in particular stole my heart. He was a feisty little feller! And adventurous too! There was this big mossy boulder, which was quite a mountain to him… I watched him climb it… then tumble down…. then climb it again… then tumble down again… and finally, he made it to the top and chilled there for awhile. Determination can go a long way… even if you’re a tiny little creature! <3
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householdgeckos · 6 years
I just found out that my gecko’s tail works on my phone's touch screen, so I'm gonna let her make a text post and let autocorrect interpret her words.
Funks go e y y man kill zucchini angst
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householdgeckos · 6 years
Is ground walnut shell a harmful substrate for leos?
Yes, walnut shells are unsafe as a substrate. 
Walnut shells are indigestible and can lead to impaction.
They are sharp-edged, which is particularly dangerous to sensitive mucous membranes, and can lead to mouth rot.
They can contain toxic amounts of tannins.
They are unsanitary, and will mold in the contact of liquids (including urates) and several of the predominant molds that grows on them produces mycotoxins, such as Penitrem A (tremortin).
Walnut shells are not a safe substrate for any animal.
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householdgeckos · 6 years
“In one study of cricket gut-loading diets, 3 of 4 diets did not improve the crickets’ calcium content because they were not calcium enriched. Feeder insects should be fed a gut-loading diet high in calcium. Calcium- fortified, high-moisture cricket wafers or high-moisture foods (eg, gel water cubes) are ineffective at increasing calcium or vitamin A content and are not recommended, even as a water source.”
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householdgeckos · 6 years
good job, guys, we’re killing the shitty pet food industry this time.  it can’t POSSIBLY be that we just recognized Gravy Train or Kibbles and Bits for being piss poor food choices; no, we’re just treating our pets too nicely. 
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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A few feeding day pictures, please excuse the gaudy flash, these were hastily taken with a cellphone. Added warning tags for those whom wish to have such content blacklisted. [Just know that they’re all fed F/T, not live]
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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I maaaay have done a bad.. But it feels so right. Everyone say hello the latest noodle member of the family! Now comes the harder part.. Thinking of the perfect name. [For those curious, he’s a male highway.]
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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householdgeckos · 6 years
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Pardon the silence, there hasn’t been much going on and I’ve been distracted with other things in life but enjoy an update on this years babies.~ Also as a heads up it’s gotten far enough into the cold season to where I will likely no longer be able to ship until it warms up again next spring. If anyone is interested in any of the available animals you’re still free to contact to see if/when shipping weather will be adequate but it may be unlikely as it nears closer to December.
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