#the household geckos
rigatonigecko · 11 months
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Cup kid afraid to leave his cup
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daftpatience · 2 days
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went 2 a reptile show and 2 new thingys have joined the daftpatience household. meet washer and dryer the mourning geckos. tank pics coming soon
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snippychicke · 11 months
So kuro IDEAS..
How do you feel about like...enemies to lovers? Like so if Kuro has like a weird relationship with one of the staff of the mansion? Kind of one upping each other to care for Kaya.
Heh, I was working on this… and then my beta reader/friend pointed out it was more hate!sex vibes than enemies to lovers. So while I will be posting that in the future… It also meant I ended up restarting this, which is why it took so long. 
You and Klahadore were rivals, though not in the common sense. 
You had been taking care of Miss Kaya since she was just learning to walk. First as more of a babysitter/playmate when you were a young teen, and then as her personal maid as you both grew.
So when Klahadore had somehow assumed command of the household staff and was obviously trying to garner the new lady of the house’s favor, you were less than thrilled. 
Kaya was your charge. You didn’t care for the rest of the manor, or anything like that. But he was not about to usurp your position. 
So your rivalry was for taking care of the teen after the death of her parents. Though Klahadore was more the strict parental figure that had a soft spot whenever Kaya gave him a pleading look (Such as when he discovered Usopp visiting). Whereas you were more the big sister, happily conspiring with her in various plans. 
If she wanted some fish instead of the ‘medicinal soup’ that seemed to become the mainstay of her diet, you’d sneak down to the village and buy something freshly fried and bring it to her. If she wanted to travel into the village--which Klahadore was very much against due to the unseen dangers-- you and Usopp would find a way to keep the butler distracted for at least a few hours. 
Well, you kept Klahadore busy while Usopp escorted her into town. And keeping him distracted but not suspicious was a trial in itself. At first it was difficult, and Klahadore caught on more than a few times--whether it was for when the two teens were sneaking out, or if Usopp was merely visiting-- and was never happy. His protective streak fueled his irritation, and more often than not it ended up with you  
But then you started to actually learn about Klahadore, and then your ‘mission’ became easier…and also more enjoyable. A very weak question of ‘what’s your favorite animal’ revealed he was fond of cats, which had been the crack in the mystery of Klahadore. 
Because you loved cats. And convincing Kaya to request a few cats to ‘keep the vermin away’ was an easy task, meaning soon there were a few felines wandering the manor and the sprawling estate. You even caught Shem and Buchi playing a few times with the new ‘recruits’, making you smile. 
Discussions about the latest antics of the manor’s newest residents led to talking about other things with the butler. You found out he did enjoy a glass of wine once in a while but despised drunkards, he had been to several different islands around the East Blue before washing up on the shore of the Gecko Islands. He insisted he was neutral when it came to the Marines and the World Government, but you didn’t miss the slight sneer of disgust when news of them were splayed in the newspaper.  
Then there were the things you learned without really talking. He was constantly on high alert. There was no  chance of trying to sneak up on this man. He was also rather suspicious, verging on paranoid. There had been a lot of odd looks when you had first begun…and hence how often he figured out you were trying to distract him purposefully. Add the fact Klahadore was rather sharp-minded, and you had a feeling he was well aware what you were up to, but was instead amusing you along with Kaya. Maybe because he was as soft on the girl as you suspected… 
Or maybe he enjoyed spending time with you, just as you were. 
The realization hit you when he sought you out for once. You had been ironing some of Kaya’s favorite outfits when you felt a faint tap on your shoulder, making you jump. There was a sly smile on Klahadore’s face when you turned around, causing you to narrow your eyes and wave the iron threateningly towards him. “Are you trying to get burnt?”
His smile never wavered as he gently took the iron from your hand and set it down. “I’m finding that risk isn’t as great as I once thought,” he answered, which made little sense to you, but that was pushed out of your mind when he took your arm in his and pulled you away from the ironing board. “I found something I believe you should enjoy.” 
You were really confused as he led you down to the cellars, where the vast amount of Kaya’s parent’s wine collection sat (mostly) untouched. Back in the darker corner, you heard soft little mews before Klahadore pulled back one of the heavy curtains that hid the open window in the stone wall. Laying in a nest of scraps of fabrics you recall had gone missing over the last few weeks was one of cats with a litter of multicolored kittens. 
“Oh my god!” you whispered as you pressed closer to Klahadore (completely as a way to keep you from picking up the newborns. No other reason.) “Babies! I thought she was looking like she was about ready to pop.” 
“I stumbled upon them just this morning,” he explained softly, kneeling down and pulling you down with him. “I assume she gave birth sometime through the night.”
“We should set out some fresh water down here for her, and food. Oh! And I’m sure there’s some old towels that would keep them warmer than those scraps. I wonder…” you trailed off, happening to glance at the man beside you. Those dark eyes were focused on you again, full of warmth and amusement as he smiled softly. Something about his expression made your heart flutter and your face warm in contrast to the cool air of the wine cellar. “What?” 
“Your compassion never ceases to surprise me,” he admitted, which did little to help your blush. “It’s… endearing.” 
“I recall someone not too long ago called me a bleeding hearted fool for assisting Kaya to sneak down to the fireworks festival.” 
Something shifted in his dark eyes as he looked back to the kittens. “I admit, I am prone to being overprotective of the girl. And I don’t take others sneaking around my back very well. But in hindsight, I’m aware you only have Miss Kaya’s wellbeing in mind when you allow such things to occur.”  
You bit your lip before sighing. “I’m sorry, Klahadore. I really don’t like it either, but I just can’t seem to say no to her. But, on the plus side, I got to know you better. And I’ve really enjoyed that.” 
His free hand reached up to touch your hand that was still wrapped around his arm.  “I have as well. Which is why I was wondering if perhaps you had any plans this weekend. I overheard that Miss Kaya and Usopp have plans in town, and was hoping maybe we could have an evening to ourselves.” 
Your blush returned in full force and your heart traveled to your throat. Was it your imagination running away? Or was he intending to have that sound rather romantic? Especially with his fingers still gently caressing your knuckles. “I-I think I could clear my schedule. For you.” God, why did you have to say it like that?!
The internal-criticism fell silent as he looked back to you, his smile widening. “Then it’s a date.”
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lemon-koii · 1 year
❛ ،其 ::Twisted wonderland family hcs
My headcanons and thoughts on what the twst cast's family is like
Pt 2(Savanahclaw), Pt 3(Octavinelle & Scarabia), Pt 4(Pomefiore & Ignihyde), Pt 5(Diasomnia)
𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
His parents are divorced sa thats why they dont get along well. His mother got full custody of him while his dad only got 2 hour visits every saturday
He has an little sister named who is a year younger than him. He doesnt know that he has a younger sister since his parents never told him and they got divorced after his sister was born a few months. Plus she lives with their father. She doesnt know about it too
His mother had him when she was 25 years old and his father was 27 years old
When he was a child he had mixed feelings about his father visiting him every once a week. His father is a "good" man. He's much more calm, less controlling and always have a pleasant smile on his face. But whenever he visits, it doesnt go Riddle's way of spending time with his father but, his mother and father arguing and screaming for 2 hours straight. Sometimes, his father only stays for 45 minutes or an hour
Now that his older, there's still a tiny hope in him to talk to his father. But he's scared since he was never close to him and if he tells his mother about the call
He once saw a picture of a baby with pure white hair in his mothers drawer and she got really mad and screamed at him so he never bought up the topic ever again. Although, he still wonders about it
𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑦 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟
He has 3 younger brothers a 1 younger sister. The first 2 are twins who are 4 years younger than him, the 3rd brother is 5 years younger and his sister is 7 years younger
Trey and his sister are the only ones in the family with magic. He got his UM at 12 years old and his sister got hers at 10 years old
His parents got married when they were 20 and meet eachother in their teens. Had Trey at the age of 28
His father is quite a care free and easy going but strict when needed type of dad.
After when Riddles mom went to their bakery shop to confront the parents, Trey's dad didnt got mad at him but told him to always stay in line and never stand out so that no trouble would get in his way again
The bakery have been past down frim the mothers side from Trey's great-grandmother, reasoning its popularity
The last name "Clover" came from his mother since she never changed her last name when she got married since she wanted to keep her family name
In general, the Clovers are a pretty normal family(except for Trey im sorry) so there not much to say about them
𝐶𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑
(We already know that he has two sisters and his father is a banker. As far as i know, he hasn't mentioned anything about his mother)
His mother used to be a model before she gave birth to his older sister. Now that she's jobless and finacially dependant on her husband. Which is spending them on clothes, products, alcohols, make up, designers and other things
Both his sisters go to a rich ass private school(NRC is better than theirs) that focuses more on sports
His sisters are slightly jealous that Cater has magic. Although they never really did anything about it except dumping their chores on him and telling him to use his UM to complete it all
His sisters always calls him, asking him how school is then proceds to ask about Vil. So does his mother
His father is a cold, patient, no-nonsence and well mannered type of person, although he's rarely home. If he is, he's either working on his office or sleeping. So Cater rarely spends time with him
There are 6 animals in their household since each of them have their own pets
Cater has 2 ferrets, named Cizy and Yena
His mother has a pomeranian, both his sisters have a British shorthair cat and his fathers has a Gecko
𝐷𝑒𝑢𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑒
Since he was raised by his mom alone, im taking it that she gave birth to him when she was 18 years old from a night with her boyfriend(Deuces dad)
Both his parents used to be in gangs. His father was well respected and known in the delinquent community while his mother wasnt that much known but was still respected
They quited when they found out that they will be having a child(Deuce)
His father died before Deuce was born due to old delinquent enemies wanting revenge as they thought that he had gotten weak from his new domestic life
His fathers death affected his mother so much that Deuce's grandmother was the one who took care of Deuce when he was only 4 months old
Even after this, his mom stayed strong for Deuce and doesnt want gim to follow her's or his fathers footsteps. Which failed(ifykyk)
His mom was always busy when he was a child to provide for the both of them, so she would always hire a babysitter and occationaly, call Deuce's grandmother. Even so, she would still try as much as she can to spend time with him
But due to Duece growing up not being always spending time with his moma and his absent father, it led him to his delinquent life
𝐴𝑐𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑎
His family is suprisingly normal???
His mom is an accountant and his dad is a sea-man
While his brother is a profecional basketball player
His brother is 21 years old
Him and his brother are half siblings since his mother already had his older brother before she remarried and then Ace was born
Even if their only half related, they still treat eachother like real brother. His older bro would beat up anyone commenting anything bad about their family
His mom is a Filipina and his dad is british so Ace his half and while his brother is full Filipino
His mom is a loving and up to date with trends type of mom while his dad is...moody.
As much as Ace loves his dad, he cant help but feel his guard up whenever he's in the same room as him.
Ace doesnt like if to much good things happen to much since i gets his hopes up of having a good day but he knows that sooner or later that day that something bad will happen
Like, when he was joking and talking about basketball with his father. At first it was light hearted and jokes, then it turned to him getting lectured. Them as a family having a movie night turning into a silent fight between his parents.
Empty promises and him remembering peoples footsteps
Ace has trust issues due to this but doesnt show it. And he's good at acting about it too since no one ever noticed this
Ace and his cousins from his moms side get along really well unlike with his cousins from his dads side
He had a jejemon phase because of his brother and cousins. He would fake puke every time they mention anything about it
His mother was 27 when she met Ace's father who was 29 and his brother was 2 years old
Lived in the Philippines until he was 9 years old and they moved to the queendom of roses
Apologies if there are any typos since english isnt my first language
(▪︎Pretend that Philippines is an existing country in Twst)
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rose-l-20 · 2 years
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Home sweet home ~ T.I.K
Blurb: After completing the mission, Iceman returns home to his Girlfriend (Y/N) Mitchell; the sister of Pete “Maverick” Mitchell. All her nerves evaporate as she looks into his blue eyes.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff.
[(Y/n) - Your name] [(y/h/c) - your hair colour] [(y/e/c) - your eye colour]
Tom “Iceman” Kazanksky x Fem!Reader. Will include Pete being Pete. Romantic and sibling interactions. She/her pronouns used. vague mention of a small age gap (6 years). Pet names “Angel” and “Babe” used. Short but sweet
Sitting in the living room, knees tucked under your chin, ‘Great balls of fire’ playing at a medium volume and staring absentmindedly out the window. The waves of the beach sparkled through your window, but it didn’t help your nerves. The blue water reminded you of your Boyfriend’s eyes, which you were scared that you would never get to see again. You knew that being the partner of a Navy Pilot came with its up and downs, but you always felt the same mix of hope and dread when your Boyfriend would go on missions. It also didn’t help that your older brother was also in the same profession. So not knowing if you would possibly loose either one, or both of them made your breathing shake and throat dry.
You got up with a sigh and went into your shared bedroom, getting one of his white dress shirts from the wardrobe and put it on like a cardigan. You brought a sleeve to your nose and inhaled the smell of his cologne, letting your mussels relax at last. “I need to take my mind off this for a while” you spoke your thoughts out loud while grabbing your bag and keys. So with the house locked, you made your way to your motorbike. Hopping on and the engine roaring to life.
You had no destination in mind, letting the bike lead the way. Your hair blowing in the wind, the cool breeze stroking your cheeks and the smell of the salty sea in the air brought you peace. Turning left, the bike led you up to a cliff on the nearest mountain. The gravel and soil crinkled and crunched unter the tires, finally getting to the cliff. Parking it in the shade, you walked to the edge. Sitting down with your feet dangling while taking in the view. You felt a tickle on your thigh and looked down in curiosity. Sitting on your thigh, was a green gecko which gazed its small eyes on you. You smiled, being fond of all animals leading you to stroke it’s back. The small reptile seemed content by the action, so it cutely rested its head and drifted off to sleep. Your smile grew, knowing that the little guy trusted you enough to sleep on you made you feel warm inside.
Letting time drift by as you took in the view while caring for the reptile, you realise that your Boyfriend and your brother could be home any minute. Carefully putting the creature onto the warm rock, you got up and rushed to your bike. You carefully but quickly made your way home, with your heart beating hard in your chest. You and your brother weren’t raised religious, but you were praying to God that they were both safe. As you approach the drive way, you don’t see either of their vehicles which made your nerves and adrenaline increase. You parked in your spot and got inside, as you wanted them to come home to a snack and a beer. You set out 2 large bags of Doritos and a six-pack of bottled beer.
You cleaned the non-existent dust off your hands and mumbled “Perfect” under your breath.
Ice and Maverick made their way off the boat, bags in hand. Their bodies in fresh, clean civilian clothes. They chatted to one another while they got to their vehicles. “When are you going to get a car Mav? God, you and (Y/n) are so alike it’s insane” Ice through his bag into his trunk. The brunette chuckled and answered like the smartass he is “when pigs fly!”, coaxing a laugh from the Pilot. Getting into/onto their vehicles, they drove to the Kazansky-Mitchell household. They both felt extremely excited to see you, as they had both expressed how much they missed you and hoped you were ok without them. Being gone for up to 6 months obviously would’ve had its ups and downs, so they didn’t want to waste another minute of letting you be without them.
They pull up into the driveway and park in their respective spots, getting out/off with haste to the front door. Ice got his keys out and unlocked the door, his key chain of an ice cube that you had gotten him for his birthday hitting the wood of the front door. Pushing the door open, the sound of fast paced walking was heard. All Ice saw was (y/h/c) and all he felt was arms going around his neck. He didn’t need processing time as his arms rushed to be around you, his head resting on your shoulder and a smile on his face. Light and muffled sobs were heard coming from you as you were officially not boyfriend-and-brother-less.
“Hey Angel, it’s ok. I’m here, I’m here” Ice ran his hands up and down your back to sooth you, which was muscle memory. “Babe, please look at me” he pushed you back a bit, wanting to look into your gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes. Your teary eyes looked up at his and everything you had been worrying about, evaporated. Your face lit up and you let out a sigh. As ice wiped any remaining tears from your face, the moment was interrupted by your brother feeling ‘left out’.
“Wow, this is a lovely wall! I’ve never seen anything like it! I just love how-” you both look at him as he stands with his hands on his hips, looking at the wall. You both laugh and roll your eyes, you went to Maverick’s side and slapped his shoulder. “-Ok, you can shut up now!” You silenced him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged you tightly, putting a hand on the back of your head. “You’re 6 years older than me and yet I question who really is the oldest here” you let go of him and it’s his turn to slap you, he chuckles. “I missed you too”
After you all settled down and you helped Ice bring in his bags. You all sat on the couch with the snacks and beer, making up for lost time. You laughed together, listened to each others stories of the past months and it felt like they never left.
“Alright guys, I’ll be back for dinner. I’ve just got a meeting with Viper about my Instructor position” Pete stood up and kissed the top of your head and shook Tom’s hand.
Once he was out the door Tom wasted no time in kissing you. His hand reached up and cupped your cheek, which you instantly melted into. Tom picked you up and placed you on his lap, hugging you close. He kissed your cheek, while his fingers played with your hair.
“Home sweet home” Tom’s lips stretched into a soft smile at the cheesy saying. You smiled back at him, mapping his face with your eyes. You still felt like you were dreaming, which is understandable given the length of time you were separated.
You placed your lips to his forehead and then to his lips, pecking them. “I love you Angel” Tom declared. Your smile grew and you didn’t hesitate to reply.
“I love you more Ice cube”
I hope you enjoyed my second imagine on Tumblr!
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scary-monsters · 2 months
i got tagged in two different posts by @phidont and @peapodsinspace (thank you both!!) so i decided to mash them together for ease LOL, i love doing these i just take forever to get to them :'))
Fav Color: burnt orange 🧡 been really loving avocado green lately as well, specifically if partnered with burnt orange
Last Song: "worry" by the wombats
Currently Craving: diego brando's delicious succulent-- ...nvm. a tattoo and a haircut, actually.
Coffee or Tea: tea, coffee makes my stomach very upset 😔
Fav song of all time: "star treatment" by arctic monkeys but "my own soul's warning" by the killers is a close second lately
Childhood pets: we had SO MANY oh my god.. i consistently grew up with a household of cats, my dad brought in an abandoned litter from work one winter (his job was at a steel warehouse) so i think at one point we had around 10 cats total 😳 most of the litter eventually found good homes elsewhere. but at various times we also had hamsters, a gecko, and a few dogs. all very well taken care of because both my parents are huge animal lovers, my dad was the biggest cat person i ever knew LOL.
Hobby: who has time for hobbies anymore..... no im kidding, UHH... obviously art but that's more of something i call a "passion" rather than a casual hobby. i consider writing my biggest one, probably? i don't game much anymore but i used to be into that stuff too.
Comfort show, movie, or book: HEATHERS... my fave movie ever, also napoleon dynamite. i'll also always have a soft spot for parks & rec, it got me through some rough times in the past.
On tumblr since: 2009.... 👵👵👵 i think i started out as a walking dead blog but i cleared my archive when i got into jojo
Fun fact about myself: i was IP banned from neopets twice ✌️ back in middle school 💀
open tagging, if you're reading this consider yourself tagged but also i'll just go ahead and tag a couple LONG time mutuals from literal years ago 🧡 no pressure at all though @crown-of-winterthorne @queen-eevee @semi-jpg @shortnsalt
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shutanictemple · 11 months
I humbly submit from the coffers of my household a tribute of geckos and a curly eared goat:
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Thank you for your generous donations, @randomfandom2387.
We have named the goat with the lovely long ears Rapunzel and she (gn) has been added to the @shutanictemple herd. The geckos are in our newly established reptile house, made and run by Jemimah.
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As a show of gratitude, please accept these useless useful address label stickers.
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As well as a black and white photo of a sad lizard to guilt encourage you to donate again.
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kim-the-miserable-rat · 4 months
GUUUUYS, I SHOWED THE 10th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT version OF "DRINK WITH ME" TO MY GECKO AND I SWEAR HE WAS REALLY INVESTED, like he was giving it his full attention and even tried to come closer to the screen -EXEPT SOME OF THE MARIUS PART, because in this household we hate Marius Pontmercy- LIKE REALLY, NOW HE'S INSPECTING ALL HIS TERRARIUM AS IF HE WAS SEARCHING FOR THE PRISONER 24601
(here's a photo of my homie on top of the skull of an unidentified victim of the bourgeoisie)
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terrah-lee · 4 months
So part of me wanted to wait to post this until I was willing to do more than the most basic of shading ever on Mikey and Donnie’s tails… but I wanna talk about my boys so fuck that lmao.
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The boys!! You can probably guess which ones are Mikey and Donnie, but for the other two: left is Leo, right is Raph.
I had so much fun trying to design these guys while trying to combine a couple of *very* heavily patterned animals. Raph in particular was difficult, because most Lionfish are red. You’d think that would be great since he’s the red guy, but every time I tried to think about going that route it just… didn’t look great. The current design does have red in it, but it’s not so in your face.
Now random facts Time!
he’s a 22 year old, 6’4” tank of a mutant who loses like 80% of his intimidation factor when he lets his brother cling to him like geckos
He has two partners: Sol and Mona; Mona is pretty self explanatory, but Sol is a male OC that was created by complete accident and wouldn’t leave
If not already obvious, the guy is bi
He tends to act as both an older brother and a bit of a parent to his younger siblings since he is not only seven years older than them, but was only found by Splinter when he was 17
Raph isn’t actually a ninja and does not have the usual color-coded bandana or his sais
He can do a bunch of knife tricks though
This also means he doesn’t patrol, but for certain reasons this… isn’t really a bad thing
He’s the second oldest at 15 and 5’6”; he’s probably hiding behind Raph anytime they’re in public
Yes, he does have a crush on a certain rabbit that he goes to school with
He has some pretty bad social anxiety, so while he’s great at planning and does “lead” on patrols it’s usually Donnie and Mikey doing most of the talking when necessary
Plays a lot of video games— he has every high score in that household
He also spends a lot of time taking care of plants with Raph and Splinter
14 years old and 5’4”; do not leave him and his twin Donnie unsupervised for too long or something *will* blow up
The fastest out of all of them even if only by a tiny margin over Donnie
Loves chemistry— yes, he and Donnie have made bombs
Very outgoing, but being nice and a menace are possible at the same time
Actually a very capable ninja and he’s most likely to split off on his own from the others
14 and 5’4” just like Mikey; probably the one you actually want to talk to if you like living
Quiet but confident; he might not approach you first but can and will talk your ears off if you get him going
Works with Mikey on a lot of his inventions, which leads to a lot of ah… hidden features
Has modified his bo partially out of necessity because while Raph is by far the strongest they all have a tendency to break normal weapons
Just do not piss this kid off he will hunt you and your family down for sport
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poll-boy · 6 months
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Can I ask or advice? I'm looking into possibly getting a turtle myself, but I've never had one before and have no clue how to even begin to prepare or where to start. My only experience with reptiles before was a leapard gecko I rescued pictured below
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Since I know you have turtles I was wondering if you had any advice on turtle care or where to start. I'm thinking either a box, slider, or a spotted turtle
Oh look at them! They're pretty! : )
And yeah, i don't mind!
also disclaimer i am not an expert. I only recently took over the care of George 7 or 8 months ago and i am simply doing my best lol.
Here's a little picture of my George as a bonus : )
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I would definitely do your research, particularly look into what type you can adopt. I know some states/countries can be pretty strict about the sale of turtles (there was a big thing in the 40's-60's with red eared sliders that is, at least in part, why sales can be restricted (as far as i'm aware.))
not only that, but each species will have a different set of needs. Some, like a box turtle, would be alright in something similar to what you have your gecko buddy in, while others, like a slider or like my dude, need something more akin to fish tank. some will need somethign in between.
And be prepared to have them for a long time. My family's had George for about 23-24 years (i was young when we got him so i'm not entirely sure lol). He is the oldest animal in my household, with the next oldest being my cat who's only 10. (and maybe my rabbit, but we don't have a clue how old he is lol) As long as you take good care of them, they are a long term buddy : )
I'm not sure what other advice i can offer. Maybe see about talking to some workers at your local pet store if that's an option and you feel comfortable doing so (if you know an exotic pet store, or reptile specific store, then even better.)
I hope this helps somewhat. if you have any more questions, feel free to ask! (if you're more comfortable asking via DMs, feel free. though be warned, i am incredibly more awkward dming than answering asks lol. social anxiety is weird.)
Thank You!
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mcalhenwrites · 1 year
Cal's original fiction writing list
Rascal Rascal With a stressful job as the breadwinner of the household, Hazel unwinds at home by surrendering control to his trustworthy partner, Ferdinand. The youngest "Raston Rascal" is under pressure to follow in his father's footsteps. It includes everything from his job to his hobbies to his lifestyle choices. But when there's a new airship being built, one that the Rastons have invested in, Hazel finds a growing interest in the vessel for all the wrong reasons. Rascal Short Stories: Ravish Him Hazel Raston might have been a little drunk when he first spotted Ferdinand Aletto standing by the nearest exit of the dormitory common room. So drunk, in fact, that he snagged Sinclair’s sleeve and hissed much too loudly in his ear, “Who is he? I want to ravish him.” Specifically, Hazel wanted to rip the stranger’s buttons off his shirt with his teeth and lick his chest down to his navel until he had his cock in his mouth. Ungrateful Little Princeling The first time Hazel is ever called an Ungrateful Little Princeling. The insult follows him into adulthood, as do the unpleasant memories. Eda, Darling After her lawyers contact Willie, Edith Anne goes home to face her future ex-husband. Woeful Spring Colds Ferdinand can always count on Hazel to take care of him when he has a cold. In turn, Hazel can count on Ferdinand to paint his ass red whenever they're no longer sick. A year spent together, as always Ferdinand and Hazel are content to spend a lifetime together - even other lifetimes, if permitted. A collection of monthly prompt oneshots from Year of the OTP. all to see you smile Hazel/Ferdinand consensual whipping boy AU. Seasons Seasons Howie Liddell and his siblings are born from wishes their father made during different seasons. But as the years pass, and Howie realizes no one in his family is aging, questions arise. It has been almost two centuries since Howie was born from the first fallen leaf of autumn. His fathers continue to raise Howie and his brothers as if they were small children. When a strange woman starts to appear, mysteries about their past begin coming to light. Seasons Short Stories: Summer in Snow The cruel words and treatment chase Shannon away from home, but the person who mistreats him is the one to bring him back when he runs. Stolen Summer Songs Human babies aren't usually born from cicada shells, but this child isn't human. There are no guides for how to parent a Season, and the fathers are left to wonder exactly how to keep their child alive. The Unfinished Gift We know about the rattan cane. We’ve seen it several times. He’s threatened us numerous times with it, fetching it on occasion to send it whooshing down through air. Something to give us a sense of the impact it would have on our hides were it to land. It is always returned to the umbrella stand afterward. I don’t think he plans to wag it around as a warning this time. Summer's Storm Despair sweeps through me like howling wind. My arms ache as if fighting against the gale, and only then do I realize it’s not an emotion but a physical sensation against my skin. My magic has responded to my grief. Above me, storm clouds brew. The village boys glance up, appalled by the sudden change in the weather. They yell at one another. I can’t make out their words. Only their sense of panic. How to Love When he's little, his parents mean the world to him.But he doesn't mean the world to them.
Geckos, Automata Short Stories: Dancing Bones A glimpse into Julian's growing relationship with necromancy in his youth. Don't Julian's pleas are always silent, but one day, a stranger speaks up for him and says the words he can't. Stand-alone Short Stories: Umbrella Spider A spider with umbrellas for legs helps the local humans stay dry in bad weather, but they aren't always so kind to him. Train Cats A city with a unique tourist attraction: giant cats roam freely, and the citizens accommodate them. The Sky Market A grandmother falls in love with the woman selling crafts. Sanctuary A group of werewolves takes in and raises an abused little girl. Mish's Dolls Every doll Mish crochets and adds a heart to comes alive. Bridge of Affinity Two young girls - one a monster and the other a human - bond over their shared love of stationary and cats. Audra Grief can be consuming, but it helps when you're visited by a cat who can heal people's hearts.
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fr-wiwiw · 1 month
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
3 random facts bout me hmmm - i used to be an active child with high energy, just healthy dose. i used to like physical activities. i play soccer, baseball, basketball, badminton, running, skipping rope, climbing furniture. but when puberty hits i become low energy and tired. i still think i'm high energy person but it transferred to mostly thinking and thinking and thinking -i love shoes and jackets! - my mom and i managed to make our common household some geckos to eat cooked rice from our finger lmao thanks for the fun tags!
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sheikussims · 11 months
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I am finally putting up my Iwai (from Persona 5) sim for download. He's not perfect but I got him as close as possible while retaining a maxis-match style. Download links for the household + link for required CC will be found below the cut.
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I am including the following mods in the household .zip download as I was the one who made them: -gecko neck tattoo (found in the back hair category) -custom facial hair -full body outfit with blue jeans and dark coat -subtle male eye shadow for that tired eye look. -Luumia Fundercut hair retexture/edit.
I am also including the custom hat (originally made as a hair by @cryptiam) but I converted it into a necklace accessory. (Also check out their P5 hairs here and on their Tumblr.)
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You will need to download the Fauxhawk Undercut (fundercut) hair by @luumia as that mesh is required for the hair edit I made to work.
Download the Luumia hair here
Here is the list of the rest of the needed mods: Voidfeather - Bright eyes mod - Download
NataliS - unisex satin earrings - Download
@miikocc - eye shape overlay - Download
@faaeishccpreviews - skin details/light pores - Download
@pyxiidis - skin/face details - Download
@tamo-sim - eye bag detail mod - Download
@okruee - misc face details - Download The household files + included mods can be downloaded here
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retshirou · 9 months
omg i love macadee
got anymore lore info on her?
SURE here’s a few fun facts:
• despite not remembering who she was before getting to the circus, she has vague memory of things she enjoyed as that person. her fav genres of music (polka and black metal specifically), what kind of foods she liked (popcorn, cereal, mainly foods that come in large quantities), and her phobia of water (she never bathes)
• her room is a MESS, and looks like if a child had hid a bunch of random household objects and “treasures” inside the knothole of a tree. she takes fake naps on top of her pile of junk
• since her body is rubbery, things often get stuck to her skin. mainly bits of dirt and food, but some of Zooble’s spare body parts gets found in one of her rubber folds sometimes (Zooble has disinfectant on hand for this situation)
• a special “power” she has is being able to practically hypnotize anybody into a trance with what she calls her Macadee Dance. just imagine this gif of a dancing gecko but as Macadee
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• she’s become somewhat of a mischief causing sidekick to Jax, since she doesn’t take the consequences of her actions seriously due to her mental detachment from viewing the circus as her personal heaven. as a result, she’s the closest thing Jax has to a buddy there (though she’s not excluded from his pranks LMAO)
• she has IBS. but since no one needs to eat and (i’m assuming) shit in the digital circus, she is stricken with tummy aches often with no cure LMAO. she doesn’t remember that she has IBS so whenever she randomly doubles over in pain everyone just assumes she’s gonna die (the reactions vary)
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r-chaics · 4 months
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# 𝙸𝙼𝙿𝙾𝚁𝚃𝙰𝙽𝚃 𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂. dependency, separation anxiety, depictions of fire, financial stress
star sign: libra
libras are said to be diplomatic, just, and prioritize love and beauty. they are also known for being obsessed with symmetry and creating balance in their lives. libras are ruled by venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, so they are said to enjoy art, intellectualism, and beautiful objects. some say libras make great designers, decorators, art critics, and stylists. however, they may also struggle with indecisiveness, dependency, and laziness.
mythological creature: chi long — dragon of protection and auspiciousness
chi long was originally an animal from the sea; after years of magical cultivation, it became a type of dragon that looks like a gecko with no horns.  the marine origin made chi long a good fighter against fire. unlike other strong dragons, chi long is closer to people’s daily lives, which makes it the symbol of luck, happiness, romantic relationships, and a promising career. therefore, its image was widely used in people’s clothes, accessories, and decorations.
folktale: the butterfly lovers
it's the story of two lovers, liang shanbo 梁山伯 and zhu yingtai 祝英台, separated by fate and yet, not even death could separate them. death transforms them in two marvellous butterflies whose wings will beat together forever.
fairytale character (classical or modern): sosuke from ponyo
sōsuke is a five-year-old boy who lives with his mother, lisa, in a small house on a cliff by the sea. his father, kōichi, works as a captain on a ship, which means he's often away from home. sōsuke is kind, brave, and mature for his age, taking on responsibilities that are beyond his years. by the end of the film, sōsuke's pure-hearted love and commitment are instrumental in ponyo's transformation and in restoring harmony between the human and magical worlds.
3 fictional tropes: golden retriever boyfriend, malewife, the power of love
golden retriever boyfriend - a "golden retriever boyfriend" is a male character who embodies the cheerful, loyal, and loving traits commonly associated with a golden retriever dog. he is the epitome of positivity and enthusiasm, always eager to please and deeply devoted to his partner. his affectionate nature is expressed through physical touches, kind words, and thoughtful actions that demonstrate his unwavering support. this character often brightens the mood with his playful and sometimes goofy demeanor, providing a sense of joy and comfort to those around him. he stands in contrast to more aloof or brooding characters, highlighting his warmth and approachability. in romantic comedies or dramas, the "golden retriever boyfriend" is the heart of the relationship, offering steadfast loyalty and an infectious zest for life that makes him an ideal partner. malewife - the "malewife" trope describes a male character who takes on traditional domestic roles typically associated with a housewife, challenging conventional gender norms. this character is nurturing and emotionally supportive, often excelling in household chores such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the home. he provides a loving and stable environment, acting as the caregiver within the family dynamic. the "malewife" supports a partner who may be the primary breadwinner or more career-focused, demonstrating that domestic labor is valuable and respectable regardless of gender. in sitcoms or dramas, the "malewife" is portrayed as competent and caring, emphasizing the importance of emotional labor and the strength it brings to family and relationships. the power of love - the "power of love" trope is a timeless theme in literature and media, depicting love as a transformative and redemptive force capable of overcoming great obstacles. love motivates characters to perform heroic acts, make significant sacrifices, and achieve personal growth. it serves as a healing force, helping characters recover from past traumas or emotional wounds. love unifies and brings harmony, often leading to reconciliation and happy endings. in romantic narratives, love triumphs over adversity, while in epic tales, it inspires protagonists to defeat evil and save the day. the enduring message of "the power of love" is that love's strength lies in its ability to transform lives and bring about positive change, making it a central theme in stories of all genres.
romantic or platonic trope: puppy love, defrosting ice queen, friends to lovers
puppy love - the intense, often naive affection and infatuation typically experienced during the early stages of a young romance. This relationship dynamic is characterized by its innocence, playfulness, and earnest emotions, mirroring the boundless energy and enthusiasm of a young puppy. Partners in a puppy love relationship are often deeply enamored with each other, displaying an idealistic and romanticized view of their bond. They revel in each other's company, engaging in affectionate gestures, constant communication, and a seemingly insatiable desire to spend time together. defrosting ice queen- she is the ice queen: cool, reserved, and giving nothing away. she may want love as ardently as anyone, but she masks her soft heart behind a wall of ice. it is up to someone else, typically her love interest, to soften her cold demeanor and win her love. friends to lovers - the "friends to lovers" relationship dynamic is a beloved trope in literature, film, and real life, characterized by the gradual evolution of a deep friendship into a romantic relationship. this dynamic begins with two individuals who share a strong, platonic bond built on mutual trust, understanding, and shared experiences. they are each other's confidants, offering unwavering support, laughter, and companionship. the beauty of this dynamic lies in its foundation; the couple has already established a significant emotional connection and a profound understanding of each other's personalities, quirks, and dreams. intimate healing - oftentimes, the only way to treat someone is to engage in some rather intimate activity. some of these techniques are derived from actual methods, but often they're played up. you know why. frequently done to a plot-induced illness. variants include the "mouth-to-mouth medicine dosing" or "medicine kiss", climbing into bed with the patient to keep them warm/cool them down (nakedness "for better skin contact" optional), and so forth. more explicit titles may have straight-up "healing through sex"
creepypasta story: the fire
it's right up against the city's edge now. it's no longer speaking. it's screaming. its hundred voices are shouting in that language. this all sounds crazy, even to me, and i'm living through it. the guys in white coats obviously failed at whatever they were trying to do with the fire. we saw an unmarked white helicopter fly overhead, with that same guy's voice blaring down. something about an evacuation. i couldn't hear him. the fire was screaming too loud. there are more of those crazy people, like the ones in the tents. maybe it's just the fire driving people insane. i'm surprised i'm not totally cracked, having to live next to a screaming fire. i suppose it's just a matter of time now.
greek god or goddess: apollo
greek mythology states that apollo had been mocking the god of love, eros (also known as cupid). in retaliation, eros fired two arrows: a gold arrow that struck apollo and made him fall in love with daphne, and a lead arrow that made daphne hate apollo. under the spell of the arrow, apollo continued to follow daphne, but she continued to reject him. apollo told daphne that he would love her forever.
time of day where they draw the most energy: 6 am
their achilles heel: kindness
medieval weapon of choice: fire ships
survival, starvation, or death by the undead in the apocalypse: survival
which of the seven sins represent them? horseman of the apocalypse?: lust, none
what their superpower would be: healing touch
could they pull excalibur from the stone?: yes
one aesthetic for each of the five senses (taste, hearing, sight, smell, touch):
taste - the salty taste of your best friend's blood while sucking on their papercut before bandaging it. hearing - side-splitting laughter over a bad joke ringing with pure delight sight - a harrowingly beautiful sunrise in a lurid colors of vibrant reds and oranges that remind you of fire smell - a rich and enticing smell of savory dishes simmering on the stove lulling you into satiation touch - a golden locket containing a picture of your loved one pressed against the heart
a bad habit that won’t go away: frivolous spending
a recurring nightmare: a house fire, separating him from his loved ones
an object they consider their lucky charm: a key to taka’s home worn around their neck instead of on a keychain
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