howavcry-blog · 5 years
"Look at this face, this is the face of an angel. How dare you accuse me of something like that?" Avery sighed, pretending as if he was really offended. He shook his head, "I'd be the last person to do something like that, okay? I am waay to civilized for that to even cross my mind." He fought back a smirk as he kept on with his dramatics.
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
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Avery sucked in a breath when he saw how bad the marks looked, "Yeah, they look like shit." He chuckled, "If you're going to be pulling some Tony Hawk shit like that, you should wear longer pants." He walked over to his skateboard that had stopped a few feet away. He gathered it and walked back over to Xavier, "You need to take care of that dude before it gets infected and it looks worse than that." He raised a brow and glanced at his injuries and then at Xav's face, his eyes lit up, "Alright, let's head to my place that isn't that far from here. You should thank me, I'm saving you a hospital visit." He laughed at his own joke, pulling his hat further down on his head.
avery !
Avery was on his own skateboard, it was raggedy as hell, but he loved the board after 3 years of having it. He was out for the late night and coming from the skate park, something he did every night. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the other person coming towards him, wondering if he was going to go around him last minute. When he didn’t, Avery jumped off his board, the board still rolling off. He tried to balance himself as he slowed down himself from jumping off at a fast speed, but he fell face forwards but luckily his hands were out to catch himself. He let out a genuine laugh after recovering from the fall, his hands were a little bit scraped, but he dusted them off on his ripped skinny jeans, “Yeah, I’m fine man.” He paused and looked up at him, eyebrow raised, “Are you alright bruh?” He gestured to the marks with a nod.
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xavier let out a sigh of relief after he saw that the other was not too badly injured and found himself letting out a small chuckle at the current situation. “ that’s GOOD. ” the curly haired boy flashed him a toothy smile. as avery brought up his own injuries, xav took the time to glance at his palms and knees, cringing at the sight of blood. “ it’s not too awful. ” he shrugged, tight-lipped. “ it stings so fucking bad though. ”
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
Avery was on his own skateboard, it was raggedy as hell, but he loved the board after 3 years of having it. He was out for the late night and coming from the skate park, something he did every night. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the other person coming towards him, wondering if he was going to go around him last minute. When he didn't, Avery jumped off his board, the board still rolling off. He tried to balance himself as he slowed down himself from jumping off at a fast speed, but he fell face forwards but luckily his hands were out to catch himself. He let out a genuine laugh after recovering from the fall, his hands were a little bit scraped, but he dusted them off on his ripped skinny jeans, "Yeah, I'm fine man." He paused and looked up at him, eyebrow raised, "Are you alright bruh?" He gestured to the marks with a nod.
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xavier skated down the road with his round sunglasses perched on his nose while singing along to post malone. the boy was going to pick up a pizza he had ordered half an hour ago. as he turned around the corner of the street, he ALMOST knocked someone over but had swerved just in time. that caused him to lose his balance and, ungracefully, fall off his board. xav immediately picked himself up, ignoring the bloody scratches on his hands and knees, and went to check up on the other person. “ hey, hey, sorry ‘bout that. i’ve been a bit distracted —- you’re fine RIGHT ? ”
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
there are people that have yet to love you, and they will find you someday.
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
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From We Heart It.
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
imagine if you loved yourself in the same way you loved another person; not caring about the flaws in the body or inside the mind, seeing the virtues even bigger, supporting, taking care. that would be a new level of self-esteem and another way to be  indestructible
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
I’ll be honest…I don’t want a career. I don’t want to work. I want to be LEFT ALONE and paid for it. 
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
i was going thru my camera roll & found this ……… watch it, you won’t regret it
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
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and at this moment, caleb zion kuwonu had me fucked up.
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howavcry-blog · 5 years
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Wow, so like, WASSAAAAH !! BREEZE here, I'm EIGHTEEN, in the CST. AVERY HOWARDS is a major - gigantic, long-legged, and much more - dork. I’m so excited to plot, and am here for it all !! lol let me stfu and get to this.
∿° la’s favorite SOCIAL MEDIA STAR has made his appearance at the party. it’s insane how similar he looks to zion kuwonu. according to celebslam, AVERY HOWARDS has been given a reputation of being - IMMATURE , but also + CARING. the NINETEEN year old has been living in the city of dreams for FOUR YEARS,  i wonder how much longer they’ll last.
Avery is from Canada, he's nineteen, pansexual, and a hopeless romantic .. lowkey. His home was pretty stable, but in a way it seemed like that to him because his parents weren’t involved with him, ya know?
Yeah, his parents would feed him, clothe him, take him here and there, educate him, etc., but they were more of “here, have this and leave us alone” when the three of them were behind closed doors, ya get it?
He kept himself involved in a lot of sports, swimming, hockey, football, basketball...just about every sport. He was overweight, but he doesn’t like to talk about this because that period was a hard time for him, traumatizing really.
He didn’t particularly make friends easily in a physical social setting, so he was more keen on doing so by social media. When he was young and naive, he would call them his “friends”, but he just calls them his “supporters”.
He gained so much popularity that he ended up making money for his fame through the web and he moved out by the age of seventeen because he was tired of just being “there” with his parents, he lives with an aunt.
Lol, Avery comes off as an intimidating, D I C K, but he really isn’t if you talk to him for more than five minutes. That dorkiness and goofiness show slowly and once you get the full 100% of Avery Howards, you’re like...wow, okay...this is a lot.
Avery WILL tell you what is on his mind, what the thinks, and WILL confront you.
He’s throwing a party every night, of course, he’s drinking and smoking, he’s the hypeman too. So you gotta have him dancing and hitting the woah on tables and shit, ready to dance battle / form a hype circle at any given second.
When you get to REALLY really know him, he’s super sweet, gentle, and caring, and just wOW so soft. 
But, sometimes he literally is his age and can be petty, like you don’t want to give him what he wants? Instant pouting, tantrums, passive aggressiveness, a gigantic baby.
Lol, Avery is as lazy as a human being can get. So he's up until the sun's rising and then he's asleep until the sunsets.
Cousin(s) ??
Squad / "Acquaintences"
Ride or Die / "Best friend"
FWB (But him being the emotional person he is, he can't help but slowly get attached to them ??)
Party buddy
+ more you can think of or that you need fulfilled
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