htmlcoderexe · 1 month
I don't feel that it is that weird - maybe fireballs and magic in general require the kind of mental fortitude, attention to detail and organisation skills that come with dealing with chickens a lot. And it's not only mental disciplines, you train your strength and agility hauling feed, catching the ones that escape and so on.
And once you learn to cast the fireball, new exciting recipes open for you as well.
Just like in real life, training in one specific thing improves other, seemingly unrelated things.
The way RPGs use "experience" as an abstraction of the idea of getting better at things gets weird in games where you can get experience for non-combat things.
Like, this is a world where you can raise chickens so much that you learn to cast fireball.
Something about the experience (no pun intended) of raising chickens; feeding them, cleaning out their coop, collecting the eggs?
That somehow taught you important things about arcane evocation
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htmlcoderexe · 1 month
Someone gets it!
I think folks have really lost the plot when it comes to AI.
Imo, the issue we are faced with is not how to prevent ai from being utilized or advancing, frankly I think that ball is already rolling. The issue also isn’t designating sacred work that can’t be touched by AI (I’m sorry to say, art is not inherently better than manual labor). The issue we are really faced with is now that we are embarking on a world wherein AI is rising and gaining genuine ability to match or exceed humans, how will we ensure we are taking care of our people?
A lot of folks seem to be really concerned with protecting the idea of intellectual property, but at the same time don’t we believe in an egalitarian sharing of knowledge? Should we really be prizing exclusivity of access to media or materials? I don’t really think so, but the challenge we face is how to ensure that a society that will increasingly have less and less need for human labor (particularly in data analysis or data entry jobs that AI tends to be the best in) will still see its citizens financially secure.
I have no problem with AI making art, regardless of whether I think that art is “good” or whether someone a machine makes can even be defined as “artistic” to begin with. Frankly, I don’t care. I do care that many artists will be out of a job and we don’t have a mechanism for ensuring they’re taken care of.
And that is where the discourse is so often falling short in my eyes. Many leftists who claim to want to leave the idea of personal ownership behind become the most forceful advocates for protecting intellectual property. A development that should be spurring on the greatest advance in humankind’s ability to universally take care of everyone is instead demonized on the left for somehow being theft and largely ignored on the right as a pipe dream.
AI is growing more powerful exponentially. Our lifetimes will see a shift on the level of the invention of electricity or the internet (if not much much greater) and we need to be prepared for that. The outcry cannot be “You used AI tools and therefore your work is invalid” but rather it must be “How are we restructuring ourselves to better absorb this new change?”
Universal basic income has to become a default. Removing healthcare from being tied to a job is a necessity. Eventually moving past currency might even be a possibility.
You can’t stop the world from turning, you can’t stop this progress from happening. But we still have time to focus our efforts on taking this change and handling it well. History will watch what we say, what we do, and how we addressed this.
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htmlcoderexe · 8 months
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htmlcoderexe · 8 months
Went to a local "queer meet" today. It was like having the gay people in my phone come out of the phone. Someone actually said the phrase "blorbos from my shows" out loud. It was glorious.
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htmlcoderexe · 10 months
I used to draw crappy fan versions of pokemon silver tilesets and I kept them all in a folder that I gave this icon to
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Windows XP - irprops.cpl, icon 166
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htmlcoderexe · 10 months
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htmlcoderexe · 11 months
This is incredibly cursed
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I can almost imagine a Wikipedia editor carefully choosing the object to demonstrate the concept, and chuckling softly as they type out "The hole in the center of this donut could be called a donatussy". It even has a goddamn citation, because this is Wikipedia, after all .
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
Throwing in my additions, I love this meme
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Feminist Hacker Barbie is a gift. :)
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
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Anyone else organize their apps based on what the logo looks like?
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
Being bombarded with "happy birthday" messages on your social media or choice by everyone from family to near strangers and not knowing how to respond to everyone is the digital equivalent of sitting through the happy birthday song.
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
Neurodivergence is when someone offers you a piece of something or sets something aside specifically for you, and any joy from the food itself is completely overshadowed by the fact that now you have a new Task that Must Be Done, and now you have stress about it because the List of Things to Be Done Later (And That You Constantly Think About But Almost Never Can Do) has increased by one item.
And yet, you have to say thank you and put on a happy face because the person genuinely wants to do something nice for you.
You can't explain all of this to them; it's like trying to explain some obscure inside joke from a Discord server to an ambassador sent by the aliens for a cultural exchange.
The stress increases because this particular type of item on the List has a deadline since food eventually spoils.
Because of this, I also hate it when someone gives me tickets or something similar with expiration dates.
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
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You know those sarcastic AI assistants from older sci-fi series, where your space ship or smart house or car has an AI built in, often with a catchy acronymic name and an attitude? Looks like we have enough technology to build one now, this is perfect lol
@foone please get right on it I beg you
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
So I think an important bit of perspective to keep, as a trans person, is that you don't have requirements for being your gender, you have options.
And the distinction makes a big difference, because options are something you can pick, see if it works for you, and abandon it if not. And you don't feel incomplete/not trying hard enough/left out if you can't do some options, for whatever reason (money/disability/society/just don't wanna).
And when I say options, I mean everything from coming out to pronouns to hormones to clothes to makeup to surgery and much more. All these things are options you have. Not requirements to be your gender.
And similarly, because they're options, there's nothing wrong with you choosing more or less of them than your fellow trans peoples. You're not more or less trans than them.
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
This was in the Wikipedia article for BPA and it really looks like some shitpost about shipping molecules.
Look at them. Love exists at all sizes.
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
The lord giveth and the lord taketh it back now y’all. Two hops this time.
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
Stupid idea, use an actual hamburger emoji instead of the three lines as the hamburger menu icon
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htmlcoderexe · 1 year
I drew something today 😁
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