htmltest024-blog · 7 years
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
ha h oops sorry i’m here
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
“Someone, hmn?” That seemed to pique the warlock’s interest and he leaned in towards the mumbling young man, taking a moment to fully assess. A warlock, Magnus noted, albeit a young one. 
“Why yes.” Magnus stage whispered, amusement flickering across his features as he arched an eyebrow. “I am a warlock.” He dropped his voice to a dramatically low level before resuming a normal tone. “It seems you have me at a disadvantage. You know my name, and yet I do not know yours. You would be?”
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the paranoia hits again, as per usual. is he being made fun of? more importantly, why does this magnus person want to know his name? he shifts his weight from foot to foot, gaze slipping away to somewhere on the floor. “ um-- ” does he give it or does he not? he’s running out of time; it’s already become awkward.
“ --adi, ” he says, the name tumbling practically unbidden from his mouth. it’s not something he wants to say, but he doesn’t think he has much of a choice here. “ adi. i’m adi. ” it’s a nickname for adrien and one he goes by; it’s not a lie by any means, though he supposes it’s also not the full truth. “ i-- i’m sorry. can you, um, help me? or not? i just-- i don’t know... what i’m doing. ” he’s been told he’s a warlock, been told he has magic, but he doesn’t know how to control it yet.
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
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“I’m just gonna stop saying murderous. That was the last time, I promise.” He nodded as if the gesture cemented his words. It amazed Simon how No more talk of murder could be a legitimate New Years resolution for him now. His thoughts were interrupted by a non-shadow world question, which instantly brought a smile to Simon’s lips. “You’re in luck because I know New York like the back of my hand. Where do you want to go? Maybe I can take you there? Wait, has the sun gone down yet?” The questions flew from the fledglings mouth in excitement.
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        “ the... sun? ” his confusion is immediate, and he casts a glance towards the wall as though he could see through it. “ wh-- ...oh. vampire. ” right. of course. that makes sense. ( not. ) “ i... i think it has. it’s after five, so... ” the sun is usually gone after five in the afternoon, he’s noticed, but it’s possible he’s wrong -- he’s prone to disorientation, both with his sense of time and location. “ i-- i really... don’t know. anywhere? i just-- i need to get home... eventually. at some point. ” though he’s not good at it, he needs to at least attempt to sleep.
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
honestly i couldn’t find the chrome user for this rp on my desktop amongst the 30 other icons / 18 other icons for rp and i was Very Worried
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
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The uncertain expression on the other’s face made Simon feel a little more comfortable. It was like this boy was one of him, the hopelessly confused and terrified people of the Shadow World. Of course talking about murderous urges probably would only scare him away. “I’ve tried, believe me. Only, like, 50% of it could apply to this situation. But you don’t even have to worry about that. Like I said, there are no murderous urges now, I swear.”
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        “ um-- okay. nothing... murderous. gotcha. i-- okay. ” all this talk of murder has him wondering if the stranger knows what he’s done -- but then again, does it really matter? the deaths of his grandparents weren’t purposeless; he considers them good deaths. “ sorry, uh... i’m kinda-- kinda lost? i don’t know new york well. ” his heavy russian accent most likely gives that away, but sometimes people don’t quite notice it -- or perhaps they assume he’s never lost it.
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
Pandemonium had become much like Magnus’ second home. A club- his club -where mundanes and the shadoworld alike knew better than to mess with him or his. The music pulsed, filling the air around him as he sank back comfortably into the couch in his area. His club, his scene, his home. 
The dark lights danced around, constantly throwing his features in and out of focus, elongating the shadows on his face before it rid it of them completely then plunged him back into dark when they danced away. Men and women alike sat around him, all chatting while he sipped slowly from a drink, dark eyes fixed on the room at large.
“If you want something, speak. If not, quit gawking and move along.” He called to the person lurking the shadows, one hand heavily ringed hand waving dismissively.
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and immediately, an apology. “ --i’m sorry, i... i just... ” too much hesitation, he tells himself, but it’s not exactly something he can help. it’s a struggle to find the english he needs for this conversation, but he tries his best. “ i was told-- s-someone said you could help me? ”
this isn’t something he’s used to -- both the environment and the conversation. how is he supposed to think in a place like this? it’s too loud, too crowded, too DARK, and it has him far more on edge than usual.
“ you-- you are magnus bane, yes? the... um... ” adrien pauses, casting a furtive glance around them before continuing, voice dropping volumes. “ ...warlock? ”
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
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        adrien finds himself squinting at the stranger's teeth, attempting to discern whether or not they're real. the existence of this shadow world has messed with his already fragile understanding of reality, and his ability to differentiate between truth and fiction is suffering because of it. “ can't you, uhm... google? can't you google how to... to control urges? i-- i think it'd be... almost the same. ”
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“Crap!” His voice rang out as a hand shot to his mouth to cover the sudden, sharp fangs that had appeared. “Sorry, I’m sort of still getting used to this. I mean, it’s not like I can google ‘how to control murderous vampire urges’. Not that I’m feeling murderous or anything, I promise…” Simon trailed off, the words spilling out with anxious speed as his tongue ran over the foreign teeth.
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
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hey everyone! i’m nik and this is adrien, my favourite son i mean, character. i’ve had him for about a year and a half now, and i’ve been playing him in the mortal instruments universe since last january. his background can be pretty triggering, with mentions of child abuse, sexual abuse, rape, incest, paedophilia, suicide, and death, so when i upload it, i’ll be sure to write those warnings! these topics won’t come up in general conversations, but if you’re triggered by any of them or need me to tag them a special way, please let me know. for now, my tagging system is trigger tw – for example, abuse tw.
he’s honestly a small scared bean that has no idea what he’s doin and doesn’t expect much from his life. he suffers from insomnia and symptoms from extended sleeplessness, including paranoia and hallucinations, and can rarely stand physical contact, but he’s really trying to take his medications and get his life on track.
last but not least – his mark, being a warlock, is usually hidden by high collars and long sleeves. he’s new to the whole magic and shadow world thing, so he doesn’t yet understand glamours and the like. !! i can’t wait to start rping with all of you, but for now i’m about to take the last leg of my flight back to school.
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htmltest024-blog · 8 years
Just gonna put this out here now -- I won’t be online until late tomorrow night because I’m flying back to school, but I’ll be online around 11pm EST!
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