httpsanii · 2 years
i’m always going to be sad about me teaching myself self love rather than learning it from people who claim to have raised me. raising myself isn’t something that i am proud of.
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httpsanii · 3 years
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Seeds For Tomorrow
Inspired by the brave Ukrainian woman who told the invading Russian soldier “Put sunflower seeds in your pocket so that sunflowers will grow when you die here.”
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httpsanii · 3 years
why don’t you read a poem about the sunrise written 5 centuries ago and contemplate the fact that we have been writing about the same sun for centuries upon centuries and then maybe you’ll calm down
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httpsanii · 3 years
i’m so sorry if someone made you think it’s hard to love you
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httpsanii · 3 years
No Noise November. everyone shut up
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httpsanii · 3 years
does anyone feel overwhelming emotions seeing pictures of their younger self? like that’s me but it isn’t... I love her I wish she knew... I hope she’s proud of me.... I miss her
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httpsanii · 4 years
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If you can’t reblog this, unfollow me now.
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httpsanii · 4 years
YA contemporary be like a quirky girl named ari (short for arithmetic) and her boyfriend peter (short for jupiter) have to help save their best friend abby (short for cabbage). They never swear but there will be one (1) HEAVILY implied sex scene and a single background character named Perso Nofcolor. It will sell 12 million copies.
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httpsanii · 4 years
It's wonderful how, with no warning and without even trying, we will randomly stumble across new favorite songs, new favorite artists, new favorite books, new favorite movies, new favorite games, new favorite shows, new favorite snacks, new passions, new hobbies, new interests, new favorite blogs and new favorite people. So when things are terrible, hold onto the fact that someday, possibly when you least expect it, you'll suddenly come across something wonderful!
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httpsanii · 4 years
bedrooms are like. ok this is where i will travel the universe every night and cry and laugh and live my most authentic life which no one else sees
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httpsanii · 4 years
i’m so sorry if someone made you think it’s hard to love you
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httpsanii · 4 years
my singing voice is good for showers and mornings in the kitchen and drunken nights and lullabies for babies who need sleep and im okay with this
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httpsanii · 4 years
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httpsanii · 4 years
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the nb spectrum!
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httpsanii · 4 years
Calling a canon bisexual woman a lesbian becuase she has a female love interest or is in a wlw relationship is bisexual erasure and biphobic!!!!
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httpsanii · 5 years
What 2020 is all about:
less: saying yes to people, things and events that are not good for your mental health, more: saying no, setting clear boundaries, walking away from toxic people, doing things and being with people that make your heart happy
less: working up to the point of a mental breakdown, neglecting yourself, more: taking time to recharge your batteries, taking breaks, investing in me-time and self-care
less: negative self talk, more: positive thoughts to remind yourself how amazing, beautiful and capable you are - remember that the way you talk to yourself matters
less: comparing yourself to the path of others, more: realising that you walk your own path, being proud of everything you are and everything you have achieved
less: doing things just because others say so, being afraid to show your true self, more: fully expressing yourself, choosing things because you - and no one else - want them
less: bottleing up your feelings, saying you are okay when you are not, hiding behind a mask, more: being open and honest about the way you feel, being vulnerable, knowing that is is okay not to be okay
less: being too hard on yourself when you have a bad day, more: letting yourself feel without judging every emotion, knowing that bad days are part of the process, being kinder to yourself
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httpsanii · 5 years
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