huffiepopsicles · 4 years
Me gets renicarnates as harry potter
I would probably get along with dudley ngl because i need someone to talk to
Pretty good at befriending people
Screw the dursley adults i'm being friends with dudley i know how to do stuff.
Aunt petunia and uncle vernon can try to lock my ash i can just knock it down and make noises so the neighbours can hear.
They gave up when I turned 5 became friends with dudley.
Me: ha ha i'm in the closet again eyy
Dudley: shhh i'm trying to get you out
Me: Sneak me some stuff
Dudley: fine
I'll totally pretend i don't know anything about magic.
Or in reality i won't remember a lot since i have terrible memory lololol
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
me: *gets reincarnated in harry potter*
me: oh cool wonder what i
*is harry potter*
Me: so ANWYAY give me a gun
aunt petunia who is seeing a 3 year old harry saying this: what in the world
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
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i dream about you.
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
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harry potter a-z — james potter
no, i think you’re like james, who would have regarded it as the height of dishonor to mistrust his friends.
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
I can't verbalise my frustration at how people perceive Fred and George to be the same person. They may be twins, and they may complement each other, but the fact that together they make a coin doesn't make it fair to ignore that there's two sides of it. Their personalities are fairly different from each other, and throughout the whole HP story we've seen how differently they can react to the same situation. It saddens me to know that they're being taken as a comedic duo all the time, and that we don't give credit to their individuality. The fact that their parents sometimes can't tell them apart???!!! It's so heartbreaking, and in this essay I will-
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
hufflepuffs passive-aggressively reminding the slytherins in their lives that badgers have been known to eat snakes
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
About Hufflepuff
I think what most people-including Hufflepuffs-actually miss about Hufflepuffs, is that they are the most diverse house. Every other house is defined by a few specific personality traits, but Hufflepuff is mainly defined by character traits: moral depth and dedication to truth. This means that personality wise they can be almost exactly like anyone in any other house. They could be bold, boisterous and outgoing, or obsessed with learning for the heck of it, or edgy, mysterious and no-nonsense. OR they could be entertainers, teachers, martial artists, philosophers, healers, writers, or anything else. Because at the end of the day, they aren’t defined by those kinds of traits. They’re defined by the desire to be true, good and honest in all things, and to do what’s right no matter what because doing the right thing is the most important thing. And anyone who values that the most can be literally anyone who does literally anything. Baking, cooking, drinking tea and reading books, acting stupidly fluffy, hiding your feelings, not talking about hard but necessary things just so no one gets angry, eating midnight snacks, and wearing fuzzy sweaters are NOT in any canon anywhere what defines a Hufflepuff. And forgive me for saying it, but spreading Hufflepuff in this way is EXACTLY why a lot of other houses still peg Hufflepuffs as stupid. Gryffindors go around saying they’re brave, Ravenclaws go around saying they’re smart, Slytherins go around saying they’re ambitious, but Hufflepuffs just wanna say they they’re foodies who like to drink tea, hug everyone and wear sweaters? They have the most precious and pure core values of any other house and yet I never hear any of them ever talk about it. Apparently tea and sweaters are more important. Interesting….
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
george: ron has a kid now
george: what does one buy for a small child
the ghost of fred: A KNIFE
george: GREAT IDEA!
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huffiepopsicles · 4 years
fred: rules are made to be broken.
percy: they were made to be followed. nothing is made to be broken.
fred: uh, piñatas.
george: glowsticks.
fred: karate boards.
george: spaghetti when you have a small pot.
fred: rules.
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
Waking me up from a nap can lead to murder
-all the houses
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
Hufflepuff: You had one job
Ravenclaw: It was Slytherins fault
Slytherin: In my defence, Ravenclaw kept on talking about the outcomes if you put a whole bottle of sugar in a random potion mix.
Gryffindor: I thought it was my job to do something like this-
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
I made a Hufflepuff Oc and made her because I love Scorpius and wanted him to have more friends and now her goal is showing everyone what memes are
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
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Lin Rui- Hufflypuff OC!
February 14 1959- still alive
Snape was one of her first friends
so like you could see her hating the marauders
she had a soft spot for lupin and peter tho
because book club
She is the definition of loyal
has tried to kill James and Sirius
but later calmed down and became friends
But still friends with snape
I’ll talk more about her
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
Ok like it's an unsaid rule that all muggleborns or students who are more familiar with the muggle world is to not tell Fred and George that their birthday is a muggle holiday where you can just prank anyone for a whole godamn day and with no excuses.
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
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huffiepopsicles · 5 years
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So I made Ocs and will post em soon
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