hughrlgrosvenor11 · 3 months
I sincerely congratulate all the winners of my #art #giveaways for winning free NFTs from the #BonusCollection! 🥳🥳🥳✨🎊🎉🎉🎉(Don't worry - gradually after 4 months -even if noone buys anything from main collection- I will start sending NFTs from giveaways to you all on a first come, first serve basis. Please be patient and respectful) 😁😊🥰🤩🙂💟
I hope that the #possession of these NFTs will bring brightness, harmony, health, success, reliability and warmth into your life! 🙂🌝🌞🌍🌏🌎🎨🖼🐖🐽🐷🐌🧠🫀💳💸🌃🌌🛸🚀 May the God of Fate helps each of you to be in the right place at the right time! 😇🙏🥰
On this #artnote, I am finishing this #SOUL #ART #CHANNEL! I thank you all (my subscribers and secret guests) for your interest in me as an artist (whose #nickname will never appear in this #artSPACE again) and in the MAN with whom I was in love for 3 years from the beginning of maintaining this art blog… Each of my posts was filled with a piece of my soul and #MYheart…
One of the artists once said that every painting is a window into the artist’s soul… Well, my NFT collection and this art blog is my Dubai Skyscraper of my soul…
… During the time of running this art channel, I realized that I am grateful to have each of you, because even in moments of your anger and misunderstanding me, you all were honest with me and said openly everything that was in your hearts.. With this you motivated me to analyze my behavior and improve myself for the better :) I saw that each of you has many hidden and obvious advantages, tact, manners and specific humor :)
I really like you all and I sincerely hope that each of you will have your dreams come true - and may your #HEART shows you the true direction to your dreams!
Dear subscribers and secret guests, PLEASE BE OPEN AND COURAGEOUS in the pursuit of “your dream” - after all, even if you receive “NO” as an answer, it will be a million times better for you than STAYING WITH THE PHRASE ALL YOUR LIFE: “WHAT IF” . WHICH WILL CONSTANTLY KNOCK IN YOUR HEAD AND ECHO ENDLESSLY IN YOUR HEART…. WHAT IF!?!… WHAT!?!… IF… WHAT IF….
PS. I dedicated this #SONG to all My Dear followers and Secret guests :) Guys, each of you all, are worthy for me and for this #WORLD! :) Have a nice day to you all and may God bless you all and your Families 🌞 Good bye :) Love you all :)
Link on NFT collection: https://rarible.com/hughrlgrosvenor11/sale
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 3 months
…There is an old wise saying in Asian countries: “#PEOPLE always come to people for one benefit or another (it could be #LOVE, #feelings, #affection, #prospects or #money) and only #ANGELS and #DEMONS come for the #SOUL…”…WHATisLOVE and how it could be measured - by #emotions, #words, #actions, #gestures, #looks or their absence - by the meaning of something special and significant or by its #absence???…
Having fallen in love 4 years ago, during all this time I could not find the right answer to this question… At least for myself…
…The Italians say that love is measured by the number of dishes prepared, but in #ARTsphere- LOVE is measured by the NUMBER OF PAINTED PORTRAITS ….
… But how can a “#MEREMORTAL” (not an artist) measures LOVE by looking at this or that PORTRAIT!?! By counting the number of brush strokes per square centimeter or by evaluating the combination of colors and the proper placement of light and shadows!?! …
… I don’t know how and why people fall in love, because at this moment the scream of the heart completely clouds the mind… I don’t know if it’s possible to measure love in any way!?!… But! … The UNIQUE SPECIFIC TIME that the artist spent on creating this or that painting can certainly be measured…
What's on SALE here? … THE MOST IMPORTANT thing that people have- TIME!… Time… My time that I spent creating NFT art… My wasted time… TIME IS THE MOST VALUABLE THING IN PEOPLE LIVES…
WHAT IS THIS NFT COLLECTION FILLED WITH? It consists entirely of #CRYPTOGUYS… They were: my meaning and its absence… - everything and nothing… - my love, my tears, my soul torn to shreds and thoughts swarming in silence… YOU WILL SEE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING HERE, AND AT THE SAME TIME, NOTHING… You will see here everything that was the meaning of my time… This collection is filled with my spiritual time and its absence… This NFT COLLECTION IS FILLED WITH TIME - THE MOST VALUABLE THING PEOPLE HAVE…
PS. This NFT art collection was created ENTIRELY FOR #CHARITABLE #PURPOSES!!!… Absolutely all money from the sale of any NFT art object in this collection (after paying all taxes and creation costs) will be transferred to the ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF #WILDLIFE #ANIMALS: #FOXES, #BIRDS AND OTHERS… (Because I really think it's two-faced: how some people first talk about #protectingForests, wildlife animals, birds and the #mentalhealth of children, and then they're going and killing foxes and birds for the sake of "contrived" FUN, and not because of #HUNGER!!!) PS2. —> GIRLS, please DO NOT FALL IN LOVE with men on my NFT ARTS, because THEY do not exist in reality!!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ THESE NFT CHARACTERS ARE COMPLETELY THE ARTIST'S FANTASY!!! ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ANY COINCIDENCES WITH ANY REAL PERSON ARE RANDOM AND UNINTENTIONAL!!! <—
Guys, each of you all, are worthy for me and for this #WORLD! :) Have a nice day to you all and may God bless you all and your Families 🌞 Good bye :) Love you all :)
Link on NFT collection: https://rarible.com/hughrlgrosvenor11/sale
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 4 months
...answering one of the questions from DMs here... 🎨🖼 (I don’t know what’s going on with my #instastories- anyway this video wanted to be reels-lol 😅😂😂😂😅) ... As before, you all can ask me questions in DMs here 👉 I will answer the most interesting, funny or strange questions in Instastories here... 😉😊🐖🐽🐷🐌🧠🎨🖼🚀👽🛸🌌
PS. All my #NFT #art #giveaways are still relevant and everyone can take part in its (for more detailed information, see the pinned instastories) 🎨🖼
PS2. Guys, have a good day wherever you all are right now 🌞
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 7 months
I wonder... if in the moments of our ups and downs, we look at the stars or the stars look at people!?!... Probably... three years ago, having fallen in love with him, I simply saw the light of a long-extinguished star...
...You know, creating these NFTs a year ago, I decided to do something cute and share with all of you information about various airdrops, trends and directions in NFT art and all the cool hype that was happening with new tokens and cryptocurrencies (esp. on #solanablockchain), but... Fate decreed otherwise...
A few days ago, looking again at all these and other art objects... TBH... I just "couldn’t raise my hand" to delete it all...
... Therefore, I also decided to do something good for all of you... Over these 4 years, I have realized that each of you is a unique person with many hidden and obvious advantages. I believe in you all and hope your dreams come true!...
... Therefore, I decided to release this #NFTcollection, which I hope will bring you all pleasure... (Although I am deeply not sure that any of you still need him)... However, I want to sell it all, pay taxes, deduct money for the creation of this collection, and give the remaining money to charity.... And at the same time, I wanted to do something nice for you all...
+ I remembered the words of my great-grandmother to my mother.... At one time, one of my great-grandmothers (during the revolution) was saved from execution by the poorest relatives, hiding her with them... During her life, she completely changed her name, surname and date of birth three times, but ... despite the difficulties, sorrows and trials (she experienced), she forever remained faithful to the traditions of her country and religion... People melted down several gold family jewelry (which she had saved) into more terrible ones, and she was gradually selling the removed precious stones and bought food and livestock for poor people during the famine... Once in childhood, my mother asked her a question: “why you didn’t keep one of the alexandrites for yourself? as a memory of our family?", and She replied: “The main thing is not what family you came from, but how people will remember you!!!”...
...IF... Any of you wants to become THE ART AGENT for this NFT collection, then... here are my conditions: (as an art agent you will receive) —>
-3% of the transaction of any NFT ART you sell (if NFT ART is sold within 2 year), -7% - if NFT ART is sold within 4 months (*from the date of your participation in it as an art agent), - 10% - if NFT ART is sold within 2 months, -15%- if NFT ART is sold within 2 weeks!
+ if in some incredible way this NFT collection is sold in its entirety within two years, then each of THE ART AGENTS (of this NFT collection) will receive an additional 1% of the entire cost of the NFT collection!!! (I can only take 5 ART AGENTS. I hope for your understanding, all the details you can get here in DMS)
... I will also think about all kinds of bonuses for my subscribers here and bonuses for buyers (a very special bonus for the first buyer, special bonuses for the first 100 wallets and, of course, a nice cashback) + a draw for free NFTs from the bonus collection....
PS. —> The first 5 people who guess the right number of NFTs (created specifically for this video) will receive 1 NFT-art from the bonus collection completely free!!! (3 months after the first few sales of NFT-arts from the main NFT collection) (write me your right answer in DMs here) The number of guessing attempts is 3!!! <—
Have a nice day to you all and may God bless you all and your Families. :)
PS3. Well, 🐽, your 🇬🇧 🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨 and other people are right that at least once in your life it will be useful for you to feel like 💼✈!?! https://www.instagram.com/p/C3bIfQdhx8M/
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 9 months
From time immemorial, in his fairy tales, Walt Disney highly recommended that any girl “hang out” more in the Forest to meet her own lucky Prince!... I don’t know whether then Natalya Phillips (the future Mrs. Gerald Grosvenor) believed in any fairy tales or "meaning of true Love" or not, but she definitely believed in "right words" of her wise grandmother... Her grandmother (Lady Anastasia Mikhailovna Wernher, Countess de Torby) really was very wise and very perspicacious, because she was the quickest one to figure out who exactly is the heir to the 5th Duke of Westminster and told Natalya (right before her being going to the ball) not to come back without inviting the future Duke of Westminster to her place for the lunch... 🌾🌞🦁 🌹🌾🌞🦁 ..in memory of Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster, (22 December 1951 – 9 August 2016) https://www.instagram.com/p/C1JokG6rEUJ/
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
As for "DeEL or DeAL"... Well... I sincerely wish her to have endless health (this is really what she will need), because before and after "the wedding day" any woman wants to be loved by the man she is going to marry on...
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
My dear followers and secret guests, I sincerely thank you all for your interest and questions... I understand all your requests, but I can't forward anything to you (for ethical reasons)... But you can find everything by yourself... After all, there are many "Pandora's boxes" in the World...
By the way, I only recently realized that Arthur Conan Doyle was right when he once said: "You see, but you do not observe."...
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
My dear followers and secret guests, I sincerely thank you all for your support of me and for your worries about my #mentalhealth after some events...
Answering a common question in Dms: everything is fine with me ... It's just... Well... TBH... There were, are and will be only three rules in my "#LoveLife" : 1- do not fall in love with G * Y GUYS; 2- do not fall in love with TAKEN GUYS; 3- do not fall in love with MARRIED GUYS....
But three years ago, gradually falling in love with him, I sincerely did not know that I was breaking one of my TABOOS and that he had been already "deeply taken" ....
But the Duke made his choice... And, as it turns out, a long time ago...
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
"…Lavender's blue… Dilly, dilly…"
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
whether DeEL or DeAL???… … preparing for the Charles's coronation…
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
Today, many years ago, for the first time, Earthman flew into space and thereby opened the door to an endless search for improvements in existing technologies and space exploration... 🌠🌌🚀🌍🌎🌏🌝 Many of us have never even paid attention to the fact that many of the everyday "must have" things (such as Velcro, navigator, cellular communication, wireless tools and etc) were invented in Space or for Space... ... Using and having everything (taken for granted), without knowing words of Gratitude, we all ignore everyone and everything as long as it won't violate the comfort of our life being ... ... Even during the day we do not notice the stars, since the Sun hides them from us with its light ... But even during the day, the Constellations are still in the sky, surrounding our planet ... So it is in life, when you are in love, you only notice him, ignoring everything and everyone around... 🌞💓😻😻😻🌌🌠🌟 🙈😽😽😽 Probably, I will never be able to know one thing in my life: in the moments of our Rises and Falls, We are looking at the Stars or the Stars are looking at us!?!... PS. On this day, I wish you all in your lives to have such person who (by his inner light) would overshadow the shining of billions of stars for you :) 😊😊😊 🌌🌠🌟 🌾🌞🦁
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
One of you once asked me in Dms: "Why you prefer to post cropped pics only with Hugh but not the full?"… --> The answer is simple: "Every time I'm enjoying the stunning view" 😊😊😊 💓😻🌌🌠🌟 🙈😽😽😽 🌾🌞🦁
ps. Sorry, little cuddly hamster,- you're the odd one out here!
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 1 year
Congratulations to Hugh Westminster on winning the bronze medal in Shotgun Series :) I'm very proud of Him :) 🎉🎉🎉🏅🏆🥉 👍🏻😻😽😽😽😻😻😽😽👄 🔫👑💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🦆 🌾🌞🦁
Original post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq0zjmdtQj3/ Photo credit: @british_shooting , @nationalclayshootingcentre
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 2 years
Today is a really wonderful day for me 😊😊😊 On this day three years ago Instagram made Hugh's secret account shine brighter than the stars and highlighted him everywhere - thanks to Instagram I first knew about this magnificent Man with eyes like the constellation! 💓😻🌌🌠🌟 🙈😽😽😽 Today I wanna thank you all for your sincerity, for boundless trust in me, for your opinions and for stories from your lives about him... 😊❤And for sent "Pandora's boxes"... 😳💣💣💣🕳 If I could turn back time (knowing everything that I know about him now) and to think a lot- would I act differently!?! ... who knows !?!... Well... ➡ What was done (during this time) !?! ➡ I taught him to smile and, probably, to be a little more kinder ... 😊🙏😊 What remains to be done ? ➡ I truly deeply want to look at him through the eyes of the Woman as the true Man! 🙏 (But as the old saying goes: "Things are going worse than the slowest horse.") 😓 💎🐌
PS. Have a nice day, my followers 😊 🌾🌞🦁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpzyrQos4BK/
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 2 years
Happy International Women's Day! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Dear Ladies, if you are upset and you want to cheer yourself up, then you can just open this clip. 😊😊😊 From the first second this photo has always put me in good mood! 😊😊😊 Here it is- the power of real 🙌bromance🙌! 😊😊😊 🌾🌞🦁
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hughrlgrosvenor11 · 2 years
Good luck tomorrow, Hugh Westminster 🌾🌞🦁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpbBT5oLWPV/
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