How I use the keyboard on my phone to create sigils.
Okay so I love making sigils it’s super fun and relaxing for me. I also live with my phone in my hand and I love makeup so I wanted to combine the three.
I carry my face powder in my bag and I thought I’d get a little witchy with it by adding a sigil for awesome skin.
Anyway here’s how I did the thing:
I have a screenshot of the keyboard on my phone:
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I open it in paint and just kinda doodle around playing with the letters that make a workable design:
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(For this sigil I used “My skin is beautiful”)
Once I have the shape I like I grab some paper and a pen  so I can finalize my design(I like working my final drafts on paper, but you can totally keep the digital thing going)
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I got some lines that I liked and flipped everything vertically, now it’s time to make it pretty!
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This is what I came up with in the end. I’m kinda in love with it. Looks a bit like a flower. Anyway all that is left to do now is draw it on my thing and charge it. I ended up charging this under the blue moon. I realized since I took the sponge thing out there’s actually room for a spell pouch or some crystals in there too! :)
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Done! Now I have a little boost of beauty every time I retouch.
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Banishing Transphobia Spell
• Black Salt [Protection/Banishing] • Chili Powder [Protection/Banishing from hate/anger] • Rosemary [Protection] • Pine [Protection] • Rose Petals (Yellow) [Happiness] • Ginger [Pride] • Paper • Pencil/Pen • Jar
1. Put black salt in the bottom of the jar, then chili powder, then rosemary, then pine.
2. Put ginger in, then a rose petal.
3. Write a banishing transphobia sigil on a piece of paper. Put it in, followed by another rose petal, ginger, pine, rosemary, chili powder and black salt.
4. Close the jar, and put your intent into it. Leave on the windowsill on a Sunday evening to soak up the protective moon energies.
5. Keep the jar on your desk and meditate on your intent around it every morning to renew the effect.
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Clarity on "Trash Witch"
I need to be more careful how I phrase my self celebration. Someone reached out to me privately about my last post sounding like I was shaming, either someone specific, or a group, or a kind of witchcraft. I want to be incredibly clear that I don't label anyone else a "trash witch". I certainly don't mean it in a derogatory way, even toward myself.
I use it to refer to the way I have an eclectic practice that has a very grunge vibe to it. Nothing I have or do is pretty. My sigils have rough edges and I like it. My way of making my casting space sacred is to just loudly say something like "Mine for now. Get out." I call the corners with a ska punk inspired "North, South, East, West, oi oi oi!" My book of shadows is a tumblr where I take photographs of the scraps of paper I write my magical thought on. My craft is dirty and I like it that way, but not dirty like someone who's had their hands in the garden all day, but in the way that whatever passes for my altar in a given moment probably has coffee stains, and honestly, probably some boogers on it.
My craft is about finding appreciation and beauty in the fact that I'm grungy and punky, in that I find identification in feral cats and dogs, in diseased city animals, in vermin.
I am a trash witch. I am beauty in filth. I am sacred in grime. I'm a scratched up Pearl Jam album that'll never play again.
I really didn't mean this to be a manifesto, but damned if it isn't.
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Please reblog if you post about:
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Anyway, you will need
A pound of Lemons
A big ol knob of Ginger
Cayenne or red chilli pepper
3 or 9 cloves, depending on your own fortitude for cloves
¼ cup of honey
3 cups of sugar
Black candle for banishing this god forsaken illness
Light the candle and establish the space as sacred and yours. I like a good ol “OI! THIS IS MINE! OUT NOW”. I stick my candle to my cutting board, but that’s probably less safe than it could be.
PEEL YOUR GINGER. It’ll be super bitter and no better for you if you don’t. Then slice it or chop it or dice it to your pleasure. Put in pot.
Slice your lemons whole. Lots of good oils in the peels. Seeds ain’t gonna hurt you. I cut the ends off, but that’s just habit, and makes em slightly easier to handle. Into the pot they go.
Spices and sugars, into the pot. I use a quarter teaspoon of chili pepper, but you can use as much as you feel comfortable. I just got people that ain’t me to think of.
Cook on low while intermittently stirring and chanting. I like singing to the tune of “rain reason go away”, something like “sinus pain, go away, come again the fuck never”.
Don’t let it get dark like mine. Again with the bitter. Just let it cook until goopy and the lemons are translucent. Anyway, if you let it caramelize it’s not too bad, just make sure to add a bit of water to it so it doesn’t turn into a solid mass.
To use, add a heaping tablespoon into a mug with hot water. You can chant again if it helps. Enjoy.
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“Poison”, a cold remedy so affectionately named by my partner who hates ginger
Everything is yellow becaause colour correspondences.
You will need:
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“Poison”, a cold remedy so affectionately named by my partner who hates ginger
Everything is yellow becaause colour correspondences.
You will need:
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These little cookies may not look like much, but they’re seriously some of the best ones I ever had. Improvised the recipe but here goes:
- 4,5 dl / 2 cups flour - 200 g dairyfree butter/margarine/other veggie fat - 0,5 dl / 0,25 cups white sugar - 0,5 dl / 0,25 cups unrefined sugar - Zest from organic lemon - Dried lavender - Dried rosemary - A little maple syrup
Mix all ingredients except the syrup in a food processor until it’s one big lump of dough.
Roll the dough to a cylinder shape (see pics), cover in plastic and let it rest in the fridge for half an hour.
Turn on the oven to 175 degrees C.
Cut the dough cylinder into 0,5 cm thick discs (well obv you can make them whatever shape you like). Spread them out evenly on a baking tray with some space in between.
Brush the cookies with a little syrup, sprinkle some rosemary on them, and bake in the middle of the oven for like… 8 minutes (keep an eye on them, it’ll differ depending on the oven etc).
Now you’ll never want to eat anything else ever again!
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Simple Self Love Spell
💜Take an item that represents love to you: it could be a rose petal, a stone, a paper heart, etc.
💜Place the item in your palm, and hold it close to your heart.  Try and recognize your love for yourself, think of everything that you like about yourself.
💜Visualize the item radiating love, feel the love flowing through you and the item, surrounding you.
💜Carry the item with you as often as you need it, and hold it every time you need to be reminded that you are loved and that you are good.
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Beautiful Books Of Shadows, and then there's mine
Like for real. I keep seeing all sorts of pictures of beautiful books of shadows and grimoires and magical diaries. Lots of gorgeous calligraphy. Lovely illuminations. Stunning illustrations. Detailed how-to's.
Then there's mine.
Scrawl on the back of receipts stuffed into whatever notebook happens to be nearby, sometimes hanging out at the bottom of my purse, and otherwise kinda stored on my Tumblr.
I'm such a trash witch and I love it. My animal guide is a possum.
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Sigil Powder
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Since I’ve been practicing magick, sigils have quickly become a large part of my craft. In my practice, I’ve created three go-to sigils that I use daily: a protection sigil, a manifestation sigil, and a banishing & transmutation sigil. I wanted to come up with a unique way to harness their energy so I could diversify their usage. 
Some examples of how I’ve used mine:
I sprinkle Protection powder in my children and finance’s shoes
I dust Banishing powder on window sills and entryways
I add a pinch of Manifestation powder to my wallet to increase wealth
I’ve used all 3 in spell jars
You will need:
Mortar & pestle or herb grinder
Sigil written on paper, carved into charcoal disc, or written on bay leaf
Fire source and heat proof container for safe activation 
Herbs corresponding to the intention of your sigil
Container for storing powder     
Step One        
Create your sigil using your preferred method. If you’re not sure how to go about doing this, @magic-for-the-masses​ has an extensive list of sigil resources that can be found here.                                                         
Step Two
Activate your sigil using your preferred method. I carved mine into a charcoal disc then ignited it. You can draw your sigil on a piece of paper and then light that on fire. If you’re sensitive to smoke, you can write your sigil on a bay leaf and grind it in your mortar & pestle to activate. 
Step Three
Take the ashes from your activated sigil and add them to your mortar & pestle or grinder. If you used the crushing bay leaf method, you’re one step ahead… Now add herbs that correspond to the intention of your sigil and grind away. Once you’ve reached a consistency that is to your liking, your powders are ready for use!
I’m excited to see the creative ways you decide to incorporate these! Please message me or send an ask if you have any questions :)
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“My online presence is free from negativity.”
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Reblog if you post/practice Techno Magick
Hey, I occasionally see mentions of techno magick in the footnotes of spell master posts, but I almost never see anything actually made for that flavor of practice. Searching in the tags just gets me emoji spells. Those are cool, but I’d like to see more than just that.
If you make techno magick posts, Reblog so we can find each other.
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Disclaimer: I am not an expert, don’t burn your house down please. 
I made this little guide to sigils a few months ago, and now I’m finally posting it. You can still buy the physical zine here if you’d like to toss a couple bucks my way.  
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I cast you here that the digital space may carry my intention far
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The 3 Rules I live by
1. Seek medical advice for health problems before you try holistic methods
2.  Look for mundane causes before you assume an odd occurrence is magickal
3. Wait 2-3 hours before doing a spell out of anger/hate/insecurity/toxic emotions
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Eyes Closed Sigil Method
The eyes closed sigil method is a method in which a practitioner will take a writing utensil, and a piece of paper close their eyes, and randomly strike at the paper until a Sigil is created. During this process the practitioner should envision their desire, or their statement of intent deeply in their head, so that it will imprint upon the sigil. Once you believe your sigil is complete you can then open your eyes, and take that sigil, and charge it, and activate it.
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