hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
Straight friend with crush on Kai Pt.3
Please be sure to have read convo 1 and convo 2 first, otherwise this may be slightly confusing. I would also like to point out there was more conversation before this but it was personal to him about family so it is not included; but there was a bit where his aunt asked him who the “delicious piece of cake” was on his phone and he told her to “put her finger in her own koolaid and stay out of his”. Lots of profanity and use of racial slurs (from him, not me I promise), Under cut again for mobile users. Enjoy.
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hunyakki · 10 years
My straight guy friend...Is in love with Kai.
I’m always talking about Exo. To pretty much everyone. They tend to get sick of it. Well, instead of telling me to shut up, he just simply said that he didn’t know who was who so unless I pointed out exactly who was who he’d never be able to tell who i was talking about. So…me being me, I decided to give him a crash course in the members. 
It was going great, he was picking out features and stuff that he could use to “identify” them. It was seriously going super smooth.
Until we hit Kai. Conversation under cut for people on mobile.
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hunyakki · 10 years
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can we appreciate how Lay slightly hits D.O with his balloon but still ran for his life
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hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
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Sehun enjoys bullying Baekhyun hyung /o/
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hunyakki · 10 years
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emotional yixing and tao (happy camp preview)
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hunyakki · 10 years
ZHANG YIXING: If everyone is supporting him because of his dancing and singing instead, he will be even happier. I can really guarantee you on that~
I usually refrain myself from translating about his past, but this is posted on weibo and already has a lot of reposts… and I have already seen people translating this for their own selfish purpose — because it’s so long, they only translated the parts about his past, completely ignoring the original intention of the OP, which is to let people understand what he went through to get to where he is today.
This account is written by yixing’s good friend, the one who danced to Nobody with him back in 2008. I also translated bits and pieces of his past, you can get to know more about him through this c: but please, don’t forget about what the OP had in mind when he wrote this, my baby really deserves all the support and love TT
Me and Zhang Yixing went to the same school ever since Junior High. At that time, I wasn’t close with him. After we got to high school, we would play the basketball together. The start of our friendship was formed at the basketball court.
After that, he joined our Streetdance club. Slowly, we contacted each other more and more often. Afterall, we had more topics to talk about. At that time, he also focused on popping, just like me. Not long after we became close friends, he went to SM to become a trainee. He came back for a few times, and every time he does, I could feel the obvious change in him. He became more and more mature. The most memorable moment was when he came back for the last few times and insisted on reminding us, "You guys have to study hard, this path of mine is really too hard for me to walk on. It’s just that I have no choice, there’s no turning back for me anymore."
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hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
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hunyakki · 10 years
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A flying dragon…
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hunyakki · 10 years
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sehun giving jongdae some love
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hunyakki · 10 years
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exo/free!au → sehun as nanase haruka
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hunyakki · 10 years
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