huron-gossip · 11 years
Chawn Whitsitt: Grading Scandal
It's easy to see that an educators's capabilities are reflected through the grades of his/her students. Unless the grades are altered. Why would you change a student's grade? What good would that do? The answer is simple:
Mrs. Chawn Whitsitt cannot teach.
I say this as a former student of hers. Most of the time during her class, we did work out of the book, little instruction was giving by Whitsitt. When we're not doing book work, we were usually researching some redundant information, such as "Culture-Grams" or "Bubble.us". During her 200 question final, I could see that almost everyone in the classroom had frustrated, puzzled looks on their faces. At this point, Whitsitt said to the classroom:
"If anyone doesn't know the answer to a question, just ask me. I'll tell you"
I was shocked. An educator freely giving away answers to her students, On the final? The purpose of a final is to test what we've learned over the semester. However, Whitsitt tainted the meaning of her final, giving inaccurate, and sometimes flattering results.
But that's not all. I took that final, and I know that any other teacher would fail me to oblivion. However, when I checked my grades on Powerschool, I saw that for the final I received an 85%. An 85% I did not earn. I checked with other students in her class as well. They reported that their final grade was unusually high. The kicker is that all the final grades Whitsitt entered were in increments of 5.  80% 85% 75% and so on.
Some may argue that I'm complaining about receiving a good grade, and that I should just keep my mouth shut. I will not. I signed up for Whitsitt's class to learn something. Anything that would increase my knowledge of Spanish to a higher level. After sitting in that classroom everyday for a whole school year, and not learn a thing? It's ridiculous. 
Mrs. Whitsitt if you're reading this, please, for the sake and education of your students, resign as a teacher. The objective of school is to give children a quality education. If I had to grade you on your performance so far?
You'd fail.
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huron-gossip · 11 years
Jennifer Iverson: Worst teacher at Huron?
It's not difficult to see that in a school setting, many students speculate on who's the most incompetent teacher. However at Huron High, many agree that Mrs. Jennifer Iverson is by far the most unqualified for her job. 
On an average school day, one may find Iverson babbling on about topics irrelevant to the scheduled lesson plan, most of which having to do with her personal life. These could range from talking about her chinchillas, to her relationship with her husband, to stories about her friends. Her frequent deviations in topics have a very obvious effect on students, and she wonders why most of them do poorly on tests and quizzes.
When she's not talking about herself, she can be found actually teaching. Take that with a grain of salt, most of Iverson's students have reported that they've learned a minimal amount during their semester with her. Whether they retained what little they've learned is also open to question. 
Some students may argue that Iverson isn't such a bad educator because of her gentle attitude and can-do spirit. However, it's apparent that the kindness of others, such as Iverson, can grant an illusion of superior abilities, and in this case, her naturally sweet disposition towards students acts as a mask to hide her flawed teaching technique.
Many teachers succeed in providing their students with the education they deserve, Mrs. Iverson however, is not one of those teachers. I've personally met Iverson, I've been taught under her instruction, and I've often chatted with her. She's a magnificent person, but she is most certainly not cut out for teaching.
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